
One Piece Starting with Uchiha Itachi's Template

Akira crossed over to the world of One Piece! However, not only did Akira have reincarnated in this world, he got Uchiha Itachi's template fused with him at the beginning. ... Facing the Mangekyo Sharingan, Sakazuki Akainu said: "My magma that can burn even the flame itself, it is getting burned out by Akira!" Sengoku said: "Sengoku the Buddha?! Hmph... It turns out that you are the real Buddha!" Fujitora: "How could your meteor be bigger than mine?!" White Beard: "Akira's punch can destroy the world!" -------------------------------------------- Discord: https://discord.gg/UVKWf6WC ___________________________ Author: Limitless Pirates Translator: 1stX_Z ------------------------------------------- Working days: 5/7 ------------------------------------------- Hi, TripleX_HS here. If you are here it means we share similar interests and you want to support us and for that, you have our Gratitude!. These are the Patreon pages for our current and future writings, which you can find here. Currently, we are translating many Fics: 1- Naruto God Modifier System.-patreon.com/HaOlu 2- HP: The legendary Successor System.-patreon.com/Zainal_BL 3- Marvel: I am Thanos. 4- One piece: Starting with Uchiha Itachi's Template. Unfortunately, translating is time-consuming, believe us, we have to rewrite, edit, manage the publishing sites, etc... That is why we need your support to hopefully make this a full-time job and make more and better content for our dear supporters and fans. However, if you want to make our day and be generous enough to support us; you can enjoy 30 chapter updates ahead of the current releases on Webnovel. We also have bought the VIP chapters of these Fics until their 900+ chapters. THEREFORE, we want your support to keep translating until the very end of these Fics. Welcome and more importantly Enjoy!

theTripleX_HSA · アニメ·コミックス
169 Chs

Big Mom Attacking Dressrosa!

(T/N: If you want to see more chapters, go to my Patreon to see more chapters ahead.

You can see more than 30 chapters ahead of everyone in Webnovel on my patre@n:




"Smoothie, I heard your mom is looking for me?"

Akira waved Oni Toru a few times with his right hand and asked with a light smile.

Remembering the terrifying scene when Akira beat the shit out of her and Perospero, she didn't want something like that to happen again.

She quickly shook her head and said in a low voice:

"Mom has gone back to the New World."

Akira shook his head and said with a smile: "Well, that's unfortunate."

Then, he directly used the Flying Raijin Jutsu and appeared in front of Smoothie instantly.

He gently patted her head and left a Flying Raijin Seal under her hair.

He looked at the nervous Smoothie and said:

"I'll come to the Cake Island to see her soon."

Then he ignored Smoothie, looked at King, and said:

"My Sushui is in Kaido's hands."

"Yes, Sushui Sword is originally the national treasure of Wano Kingdom, so Lord Kaido has given it to Kurozumi Orochi."

King glanced at Akira cautiously and kept a considerable distance from him.

"Kurozumi Orochi?"

Akira chuckled lightly and said to King:

"Go back and tell Kaido, after dealing with Big Mom, I will come to the New World to find him."

"I will definitely bring your words to Kaido-sama." King said solemnly.

He ignored the pirates around him and started sensing the position of the Flying Raijin Kunai on the Sabaody Archipelago.

In the next second, he instantly disappeared from where he was standing on the island.

"Huh! That scary guy is finally gone!" Smoothie slumped on the ground, gasping for air.

"Hahaha, Smoothie, you're one of the Four Sweet Commanders of the Big Mom Pirates with a bounty of 800 million bellies. Why are you so afraid of Akira? " Vista asked with a mocking smile.

Smoothie looked at him, then sneered and said: "If you don't fight that guy head-on, you won't know what kind of terrifying monster is hiding under that gentle face!"


On the Sabaody Archipelago, behind Shakky's Rip-off Bar, the Akira teleported to this place. His Den Den Mushi rang suddenly.

Bru! Bru! Bru!

Akira frowned slightly, but he still answered the phone.

"Akira, Big Mom has come to Dressrosa!" There was a hint of anxiety inDoflamingo's voice.

"What?! Big Mom went to Dressrosa?"

"Yes, they are coming to Dressrosa for me!" Taking a deep breath, Doflamingo said.

"It seems that the news of our alliance has been leaked out."

Akira entered the bar, and in the sight of everyone in the bar, Akira comforted him:

"Don't worry, take out the kunai I gave you. I'll be there in a minute."


Inside the king hall in Dressrosa.

Diamante shouted in fear:

"Big Mom is coming! Young master, are we going to run away?"

"Don't worry." Doflamingo side with a creepy smile: "If our ally is reliable as I thought, we still have a chance to survive! "

"The Great Fire Sword Akira. Will he really come to save us? After all, it is Big Mom who are we talking about!"

Hearing these words, Pika, Trebol, and the others suddenly panicked.

In the face of any of the Four Emperors, their strength is nothing!

"Young master, what should we do then?" Pika's weird voice became even weirder.

"Furfur, the answer is, of course..." In the expectant gaze of his Family members, Doflamingo smiled calmly, "There is no way!"

"Fate isn't in the hands of the losers. Our fate in the end depends on whether Akira can stop Big Mom or… not!"

SuddenlyAkira's gentle voice came from his side:

"You are much calmer than I thought, Doflamingo!"

Looking at Akira, Doflamingo smiled and said:

"Facing the threat of the entire Big Mom Pirates, you still dare to come here?"

"Although she is one of the Four Emperors..." Chen Mu said calmly: "She doesn't have the qualification to make fear her!!"

After his fight with Kaido and Shiki, his strength improved by leaps and bounds. But because he was poisoned, he couldn't fight his opponents with all his strength.

After Kuma used his ability to heal his body, Akira was confident that he had the strength to suppress the Four Emperors!

Doflamingo looked at Akira with a complicated expression:

"Your strength has improved again?!"

"You guessed right. Big Mom just came at the right time. She should help me see how much my strength has improved."

Akira nodded to Doflamingo, then walked out of the hall and looked towards the sea:

"When I fight with Big Mom later. Katakuri and the others will be handed over to you. You just need to hold them back."

His voice was followed by a thunderous roar that came from the sky:

"Hahaha, the Great Fire Sword, Akira, I was finally caught you!"

Big Mom, who was standing on Zeus the thundercloud, appeared in everyone's sight.

Immediately after that, the members of Charlotte's Family appeared one after another.

In the next second, a pitch-black slash appeared in front of her!

"Nice slash. If Kaido that guy were here, maybe he would try to get you into his pirate group..."

Big Mom ignored Akira's attack and let it slash her body, but a violent aura rushed out of her body when the slash was about to hit her: "But, I'm different, I have many powerful children, so I don't need someone like you. And what I want is to take your soul out and make a delicious snack from!"

Big Mom's Conqueror's Haki rushed toward Akira!

Her terrifying Conqueror's Haki erupted like a volcanic eruption, and a purple-black thunder flashed around her body.

The heavy pressure was like a heavy mountain pressing on the hearts of everyone in the Donquixote Family, and they were so uncomfortable that they could barely breathe.

"Your opponent is me, Big Mom!" Akira snorted, and a terrifying aura filled with killing intent rushed toward Big Mom.

"You? Alone want to deal with me? What big words, Kid!"

A ball of yellow fire appeared in her hand, and then she threw it toward Akira at an extremely fast speed.

The fire was dancing wildly in her right hand, and the thunder in her left hand.

"If that all is all his strength, the news and intelligence about his strength is just a bunch of shit!" Cracker said disdainfully.

"You didn't see his battle against Kaido, so you don't know anything." Perospero shook his head.

"Akira isn't an idiot. He dares to rush up like this to fight mom's attacks head-on, which means he is very confident in his strength!"

Doflamingo looked at the standing figure in the sea of fire and thunder and sighed bitterly.

"How is that possible..." Big Mom's eyes widened.

She finally understood how much she underestimated Akira and his terrifying strength.

But Akira didn't give her any chance to react. His body turned into golden light and appeared behind Big Mom, and he kicked out her away.

"Laser Kick!"

"Mommy!" "Mommy!"

"How is that possible? Mom was kicked away by Akira?!"

The members of the Charlotte Family were shocked by the sudden change in the fight.

However, Perospero, who had seen Akira and Kaido fight, was surprised, shook his head, and said:

"That guy's strength is not inferior to Mom's!"

"Fire and thunder don't have an effect on him? No, no, it's Zeus' thunder and Prometheus's fire that doesn't work against him!" Katakuri whispered solemnly.