
One Piece: Reborn as Eustass Kid Twin Brother

This is the story of a man from earth who dies and reborn in One Piece World as Eustass Kid twin brother. Follow the story of the two brothers as they sail the Grand Line and make a name for themselves. =-=-=-=-=-=-= The mc and Kid will be co-captains of the 'Eustass Pirates' (instead of Kid Pirates). Notes: -No system. -No cheats. -No harem. I don't own anything in regards to One Piece, and I don't plan to make any profit out of this.

Captain_Erebus · アニメ·コミックス
110 Chs

Kid's Awakened Performance

Back at Rocky Port…

"Damn it! Wang Zhi was defeated by Kai!" One of the pirates exclaimed.

"Are we gonna keep fighting a losing a battle?!"

"I don't know about you but I'm out of here!!"


"--Hoi!! Watch out!!" One of them warned as he looked ahead in horror.

Krieg stood a few meters away from the horde of pirates. With a swift motion, he lifted an entire building off the group and above his head before enlarging it a hundred times its original size while simultaneously increasing his own strength a hundred times.

"Kuhahaha! Man, I love this new ability that I've got!!" Krieg declared, before he hurled the building at the pirates, crushing them down beneath its weight.

BOOOM!! After witnessing that, some pirates decided to take their chance and attacked Krieg from behind trying to take him by surprise but not before Gin stopped them.

"Not on my watch!"

Gin swiftly struck the pirates' heads with his tonfa, delivering powerful blows that crushed their skulls

Near them, Heat's army of zombies wreaked havoc around the city. Heat leading them at the front, his body and twin swords surging with black energy.

"Dark Cloaked…" He proceeded to channel shadow energy into his swords and released them as two parallel slashes that flew at the opponents. The waves of shadow retained the same sharpness as his blades.

"…Avidya Slash!!"


Heat managed to cut through multiple enemies at once.

Close to Victoria Punk, Bonney confronted Mary Read, one of the formidable 'Four Pillars' of the Wang Zhi Pirates.

Until this point the fight between the two was pretty even. Mary is also a Devil Fruit user, and she consumed the Noro Noro no Mi a few years ago, a fruit that used to belong to Foxy before Kai killed him back in South Blue.

"Noro Noro Beam!!" Mary shot a beam of Noroma Photons at Bonney, attempting to slow her down for thirty seconds. However, Bonney was very familiar with the ability as she witnessed Kai and Foxy's fight during the Davy Back Fight that happened between the two.

"That's Foxy's fruit!" Bonney dodged Mary's beam with a swift sidestep, then lunged forward, raising her leg high for an Axe Kick. The force of her downward swing was so intense that Mary's attempt to block with a metal pipe resulted in a crack forming in the ground beneath them.

Clang! Bonney kept putting more force into her kick while Mary was trying to push her away, and after a few seconds of clashing the two backed away.

"Damn it! I can't feel Wang Zhi's life force! What the hell happened to him?!" Mary cursed loudly while keeping her eyes locked into her opponent.

"It's obvious…Kai won!!" Bonney declared before she quickly pulled out a pistol and fired a projectile against Mary.

"Shit! She's got a gun!" Mary exclaimed, caught off guard by Bonney's sudden display of a firearm. Her attention had wavered after the absence of Wang Zhi's life force.

"NDE!!" (Near Death Experience)

Mary tried to dodge the projectile fired by Bonney, but she was late and got hit by it. However, instead of getting injured, she rapidly aged until she turned into a skeleton before immediately reverting to her initial state, causing psychological trauma to her while giving Bonney a good chance to land a direct hit on her.

"Distortion Future!!...Nika-Like Future!!" After leaping into the air, Bonney aged herself up into a possible future version, gaining a physique she imagined like Nika, and being able to stretch and enlarge her arm similar to Nika's rubbery properties. She proceeded to utilize Nika's power to gain a muscular physique that allowed her to enlarge her arm and compress her fist before hardening it with Armament Haki and then punching away Mary.

BAAM!! Mary was struck hard, sending her tumbling to the ground, blood spilling from her mouth.

"What was that just now?!" She questioned, looking at Bonney in shock. The latter tried to approach and attack her once more, but Mary surprised her by using her iron pipe as a base to forms an extendable whip-like sword made of her Noroma photons.

"Noro Noro Beam Sword!!" With a rapid swing from her weapon, she managed to hit Bonney's arms and legs, binding them in shackles made from Noroma photons while also slowing the said body parts down, rending Bonney unable to move.

"I-I can't move!"

"A bullet in the forehead is gonna be sufficient to end your life!" Mary exclaimed, pulling out her pistole and aiming it at Bonney's head.

Bonney's eyes widened as she grasped the gravity of the situation, if Mary pull the trigger, she will perish.

"Bonney!!" Kureha who was observing the fight from the Victoria Punk looked at her in panic as she quickly jumped off the ship and hurried to her rescue, but she was too slow to reach them in time.

As Mary poised to pull the trigger, Bonney's face shifted from shock and panic to a resolute determination, recalling the year and a half of training she had undergone "I can't die here! Not until I meet my father again!"

"Distortion Future!!..."

Bonney aged herself up into a possible future version, her body quickly grew in size, her skin turned brown, her hair changed to silver color, a pair of large, black colored wings appeared on her back as well as a plume of fire burning on her upper back. She temporarily gained the Lunarian vitality and resilience as well as the ability to "Ignite" fire from her body.

"…Lunarian-Like Future!!"


"What the--?!!"

Mary's bullet failed to penetrate Bonney's toughened skin. Undeterred, Bonney leaped into the air, soaring above Mary. With her right arm ablaze, she thrust her palm downward, unleashing a fiery blast in the form of a paw.


"Ursus Blast!!"


BOOOOM!! After being hit by the fire blast, Mary sustained severe burns and was overwhelmed by its force, causing her to collapse unconscious on the ground.


Somewhere in the city of Hachinosu,

Wyper and Grey's clash escalated, showcasing their remarkable marksmanship and mastery of Observation Haki, enabling them to fight effectively from afar. Sky People proved to be naturally talented when it comes to Observation Haki as Wyper managed to quickly learn it to the point of matching even Kai, Kid and Killer in a short amount of time.

Wyper is also good at close range combat where he could use his dials which gave him an advantage at this fight.

*Click* Wyper proceeded to aim his rifle which he was holding with both hands at Grey's forehead before pulling the trigger and firing a Haki imbued bullet at him.

PEW! Grey quickly dodged the bullet, tilting his head just in time as it grazed past, hitting the ground with a thud.

"Tsk, your aim ain't that bad…." Grey calmly gripped his rifle, aimed at Wyper, and fired several bullets in quick succession. Wyper dodged the first six with swift movements, but the last one threatened to hit his head. He reacted just in time, raising his Haki-coated arm to parry it.

"But it's weird, this is the first time I see someone with such small white wings in his back, you don't appear to be a Zoan user…I once heard about an island in the sky where people with white wings live, such children fantasy couldn't be true?" Grey questioned while gazing at Wyper with a serious look on his face.

"Who knows" Wyper, with a small cigar between his teeth grinned savagely as he quickly put away his rifle, grabbed his bazooka and leaped into the air and push himself off of it with superhumanly strong kicks, allowing him to travel through and remain in midair for an extended period of time.

<Sky Walk>

"He can fly?!" Grey proceeded to fire at Wyper from the ground. The latter calmly bolted to the side before performing a forward somersault, and while above Grey he aimed his bazooka at him which was equipped with a Breath Dial and fired a large blast of white-blue flames caused by the ignition of the bazooka and the gas released from the Dial within.

"Burn Bazooka!!!"

BOOOOM!!! Grey quickly leaped backward as the blast struck the ground ahead of him. Despite his evasion, the flames grazed his arms, leaving behind a scattering of minor burns.

"Ouch! That's hot!"

Using Soru and propelling himself forward using his Shooters, Wyper can increase his speed greatly, closing vast distances in a matter of seconds.

Wyper suddenly appeared in front of Grey, he put his bazooka away and jumped on him, wrapping his legs around his hips and placing his right hand on his chest while hardening his entire body with Armament Haki.

"?!!...Huh?!!" Grey's expression twisted into one of utter surprise as Wyper's grip tightened, rendering any escape futile. With a swift motion, Grey clenched his fists, aiming to retaliate, yet Wyper's attack struck before he could muster a response, leaving him no opportunity to counter.

Wyper took a puff from his cigarette and blew some smoke from his mouth before using the Reject Dial equipped on his hand to unleash a powerful blast at Grey, causing internal damage to him.


BOOOOM!!! Due to Wyper's training the past year and half and the use of Haki around his body, he is now able to use the Reject Dial more than a few dozen times a day with minimum side effects.

Wyper jumped away as Grey's eyes rolled back, and he took a few steps back almost falling on the ground before he punched himself, the pain helped him staying conscious as he looked at Wyper in hostility and aimed his rifle at him and fired a Haki imbued bullet.

*Gunshot* Wyper, with his arms hardened with Haki, absorbed the bullet's impact, feeling a sharp pain shoot through his limbs. Ignoring it, he swiftly grabbed his bazooka and unleashed another scorching blast of white-blue flames at Grey, causing severe burns.


"Burn up asshole!" Wyper swiftly put away his bazooka and pulled out his rifle again and proceeded to shoot Grey right between his eyes.



SPLASH!! As the bullet hit Grey, it caused him to flip back in the air before dropping dead, face down on the ground.

Close by, Saga and Afro Samurai clashed blades in a fierce duel. Both were adept swordsmen, wielding their weapons with precision. Their proficiency in Armament Haki added another layer to their combat prowess.

Clang! Clang! Saga and Afro clashed swords, exchanging blows. Both their blades were metallic black, suggesting that they're imbuing them with Armament Haki.

"Air Blade." While calmly holding his sword with two hands, Afro thrusted it forward at high speed, unleashing a compressed air projectile shaped like a sword edge that traveled forward.

Saga swiftly swung his katana at the approaching air projectile, redirecting it away from him. However, Afro didn't let up, immediately following up with a swift slash aimed at Saga's side. Saga, caught off guard by the speed and precision of Afro's attack, barely managed to block in time, the force of the impact causing him to stumble backward.

Gritting his teeth, Saga regained his footing, his eyes narrowed "Not bad" he grunted, acknowledging Afro's skill "But I'm not a push over!"

With a sudden burst of speed, Saga closed the distance between them in an instant, his katana slashing through the air with incredible precision. Afro deflected each blow with equal skill, their swords clashing with resounding clangs that echoed throughout the battlefield.

Saga leaped back, clenching his katana tightly before he closed his eyes and breathed slowly and steadily. Then he proceeded to slash the air around him in a circular manner, launching a compressed, crescent shape air projectile towards Afro.

"One Sword Style…Crescent Moon Slash!!"

VWOOOSH!! Afro stayed composed, raising his sword and standing firm. With a deft move, he countered the attack before leaping toward Saga. As he descended, his blade struck swiftly from various angles, creating a blur of motion that made it seem like Afro had multiple arms.

"Blade Rainfall."

Clang! Clang! Clang! Saga tried his hardest to fend off the relentless barrage, but despite his efforts, he still took a few cuts before he could create some space by backing away.

Holding his katana with two hands, he raised it above his head and slashed down the air in front of him, unleashing a powerful cutting wave slash that travel along the ground towards Afro.

"One Sword Style… Moon Splitting Wave!!"

BAAM! Afro held his sword steady, blocking the oncoming attack. It pushed him back a few meters before he halted its momentum and sent it skyward.

"Such a power in a projectile attack, you're a strong swordsman" Afro remarked, acknowledging his opponent's strength as well.

The intensity of their duel reached its peak as they continued to exchange blows, each fighter pushing themselves to their limits. Saga's movements were fluid and precise, his swordsmanship mastery evident in every strike. But Afro was no slouch either, his own swordsmanship honed through years of training and experience.

"Huff…Huff…His attacks are fierce!" Saga remarked, his entire body bloodied and full of injuries, Afro was in no better state.

The latter leaped into the air again and performed his "Blade Rainfall" attack, showering Saga with sword strikes from various angles, leaving an afterimage in its path.

"Give it up! Even if Wang Zhi is defeated, I will still take you down with me!" Afro exclaimed while trying to overwhelm Saga with constant attacks. However, the latter didn't falter as he spun around himself while swinging his sword horizontally, hitting Afro's blade and the force pushed him away.

"You're the one going down today, Afro Samurai!" Saga gave Afro a menacing look before raising his sword, positioning it between his eyes with the tip aimed upward.

"What is he doing?..."


"Mythical Aura One-Sword Style…Khonshu!" Through sheer will, Saga created an illusion of a radiant white light enveloping his katana, emanating a mesmerizing glow. At the same time, a humanoid silhouette with a falcon head appeared behind him as an extension of his spirit, resembling the Moon God Khonshu.

"What?!" Despite Afro's composed demeanor throughout the entire altercation, even in perilous situations, he couldn't maintain his cool after witnessing what Saga just did "He created such visions with sheer will!!"

"You are really a formidable opponent!" Afro got into a defensive stance, ready to take on Saga attack.

SWOOOSH!! Saga charged at him with remarkable speed, executing a swift diagonal slash. His blade gleamed with a brilliant white light, powered by his strengthened Armament Haki. Overwhelming Afro's defenses, Saga shattered his opponent's weapon and cut open his chest in one fluid motion.


"Khonshu's Moonlight Sword!!!"


SPLASH!! Blood gushed from Afro's injury as he was sent crashing into a building defeated.

Meanwhile, on the battlefield between Killer and Mesagi, Killer seemed to hold a significant advantage. He outmatched his opponent in speed and Haki, and his Punishers, combined with the formidable power of the Goro Goro no Mi, made him a formidable adversary.

Mesagi was bruised and battered as he proceeded to spin his naginata above his head before swinging it diagonally towards Killer, sending a powerful Haki imbued slash attack.

Clang! With his Punishers spinning rapidly, Killer redirected the slash away without trouble before he channeled lightning into his blades and unleashed two powerful lightning beams that teared through the air with blinding speed.

"Astral Desolation!!"

KA-BOOOM!! The intense beams hit the ground where Mesagi stood, creating a huge sphere of lightning that burst out, shooting bolts in every direction.

"UWAAGH!!--" Mesagi was blasted into the air by the explosion's shockwave, jolted by lightning, then crashed back down to the ground "Huff…Huff…what a ridiculous ability he has!" Mesagi remarked as he slowly tried to get up on his feet, only for Killer to appear in front of him.

"Masked guy...?!!"

<Lightning Body>

By transforming his own body into electricity and turning himself into a lightning bolt, Killer increased his speed and attacking power many times.

"60 Million Volts Thunder Dragon!!"

By spinning the sickles in his Punishers while infused with lightning and then swinging them upwards at great force, Killer shaped a large serpentine dragon made of electricity that came out of them. This dragon flew at Mesagi, attempting to pass through and electrocute him with 60 million volts.

"Hasshoken Secret Art…Drill Dragon Knuckles!!"

Lightning! BAAAM! After hardening his body with Armament Haki, he threw a punch towards the lightning dragon's path, sending out a Hasshoken shockwave from his knuckles. This stopped the dragon's advance and scattered it, but the lightning still surged toward him, engulfing him in its electrifying force. Fortunately, his Armament Haki protected him from harm.

"Faffaffaffa! Good job stopping that" Killer commented before glancing to the center of the island, using Observation Haki across the entire island he knew exactly who has been defeated and who is still standing. He immediately found out that Wang Zhi's loss to Kai became apparent, prompting Killer to refocus on Mesagi with a serious demeanor "Let's see, I should end this now"

"Don't underestimate me you masked bastard!!!" Mesagi shouted in rage before rushing towards him.

"I'm not…I know my place, you should know yours" Killer calmly said, bending his knees slightly and concentrating to perform his next move.

Electricity surged through his body, casting bolts of lightning in all directions. Then, with a sudden surge, the lightning coalesced upwards and from it, Killer summoned a multi-armed lightning construct behind himself which took the form of a gigantic skeleton carrying scythes on the countless arms sprouting from its body, resembling a multi-armed grim reaper.


"100-Type...Kamazo the Manslayer!!"


Mesagi was looking at the giant lightning summon in disbelieve "What in the world is that?!!"

In a fluid motion, Killer crossed the sickles of his Punishers in an x shape before slashing on of them in a downward motion, prompting one of the arms on Kamazo to strike down upon Mesagi in conjunction with Killer's hand motion.


"First Scythe!!"


FWOOOSH! BOOOM!! With lightning speed, Kamazo swung the lightning scythe on one of its arms downwards, crushing down Mesagi and causing him spit blood before losing his consciousness right away.


"Sigh…All that boasting, and you went down this easily"


Back to Kid and Silver Axe fight,

Silver Axe emerged from the rubble, battered and bruised, cuts marking his skin. His corner bled as he wiped it with the back of his hand, fixing a stern glare on Kid.

"KID!!!!" Silver Axe looked incredibly pissed as never before. This was the first time in a long time that he suffered this kind of humiliation and beating, and from someone considered a rookie on top of that.

Kid clicked his tongue looking at his direction in annoyance "He's really tough, this bastard..." Kid moved his left leg back and rolled his fists, getting into a fighting stance "...I don't care if I have to keep punching you the entire day, I'm not stopping until your ugly ass is lying defeat under my foot!"

Silver Axe glanced at Kai and Wang Zhi's battlefield "Wang Zhi's life force is extremely low...don't tell he got defeated by that brat?"

"Worry about yourself!!" Kid charged towards Silver Axe, his whole body wrapped in a red-colored aura as he coated his entire body in Advanced Armament Haki before delivering a powerful punch without even touching him.

BAAAM!!! Silver Axe blocked the punch by crossing his arms. Standing firm, he seized Kid by the neck and released a silver liquid from his hand, enveloping Kid's body to ensnare him completely.

However Kid reacted quickly by attracting some metals around his right arm, creating a large metal arm before aiming it at Silver Axe and repelled it at high speed.


Silver Axe quickly withdrew his arm and hastily erected a silver wall to fend off the attack.

Kid acted swiftly, denying him the opportunity to strategize. He promptly utilized his power to create several small sized, spherical, electromagnetic bombs.

"Punk Grenades!!"

BOOOM!! The bombs exploded on impact, releasing strong bursts of electromagnetic energy that sent Silver Axe hurtling backwards.

"This brat..." Silver Axe glanced at Kid, the only thing he was thinking about is killing him and ending this battle as soon as he can.

Kid stood in his place, panting heavily from exhaustion "...Huff...Huff...Ugh--!!!" Suddenly, a searing pain surged through his body, making him scream in agony as he felt like his head is gonna split open.

Silver Axe looked confused at what was happening "The hell is wrong with him?" He questioned, but he saw this as his chance to strike down Kid.

He lunged forward, swinging his axe diagonally. Kid reacted swiftly, gritting his teeth through the pain as he fortified his body with Haki to shield himself.

Kid got pushed back a great distance, but he regained his composure swiftly. Standing calmly in his place, he felt his body becoming lighter as the pain was gone and he felt a surge of power inside of him. He inhaled and exhaled deeply and clenching and unclenching his fist, feeling invigorated.

"I see..." Kid muttered under his breath, subconsciously knowing what happened to him earlier. He looked at Silver Axe and smiled afterwards "...I think I've Awakened my Devil Fruit"

"Hahahaha!" Kid squeezed his hands tightly "Here I come"


SWOOOSH!! Kid dashed forward at a great speed closing the gap between him and Silver Axe.

His body crackling with magnetic energy, he lunged at Silver Axe while extending his right arm ahead, aiming his hand at Silver Axe which was surrounded with a small magnetic spherical bubble before he used his Awakened power to manifest magnetic properties on Silver Axe, greatly increasing his level of attraction and causing him to draw countless pieces of metal from large distances towards him "I'll make you a magnet!..."





"--What the hell?! Did I become a magnet?!!" Silver Axe was stunned as he tried to dodge the barrage of metal pieces heading his way, but his efforts were futile "If you can affect the surroundings with your ability...that means you have awakened your Devil Fruit!!--"

BAM! Clang! Clang! One after the other the metal pieces started sticking into his body, getting rid of them was completely useless as the force of attraction was greater than the force in wish Silver Axe threw them away.

"Whoa-whoa! That's not it yet!" Kid kept increasing Silver Axe's attraction, making hundreds of weapons, metal pieces and even steel beams that were part of the framework of the buildings of the city fly towards him.



"Punk Clash!!!"


BOOOM!!! Silver Axe was quickly buried underneath a mountain of steel.


A hush fell before Silver Axe emerged from the heap of steel, standing tall atop it. His right arm hung broken and twisted, his left ear gone and bleeding, bearing other serious injuries.

"KID!!!!" In on last desperate move, he summoned a large silver snake and sent it flying towards Kid who manages to blow it away with one punch before he jumped into the air and descended towards Silver Axe.

"I told you before, I will send all of my enemies to oblivion!"

After hardening his hand with Advanced Armament Haki, Kid grabbed Silver Axe by the face and slammed him downwards, shattering the entire ground around them while creating a large crater at its center.


"Oblivion Shatter!!"



After receiving too many deadly injuries from Kid, Silver Axe couldn't hold on anymore and his eyes rolled back, collapsing on the ground defeated.

[Former member of the Rocks Pirates and Captain of the Silver Axe Pirates 'Silver Axe' William VS Worst Generation Eustass 'Captain' Kid...]

[...the winner is...]

[Eustass 'Captain' Kid]

With Kid's victory, the war in Hachinosu led by the Eustass Pirates has finally reached a conclusion with the New Generation's victory.