
Brontes vs. Big Mom

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"This is unbelievable!" Big Mom's eyes narrowed as she watched Brontes, her gaze filled with a serious intensity. In this moment, Brontes was a living incarnation of lightning itself.

"He looks so tasty." Zeus, the cloud hovering beneath Big Mom, said with a drool, eyeing Brontes hungrily.

"He's turned completely into a lightning bolt." Big Mom muttered to herself.

"What a refreshed feeling. Ready to go again?" Brontes said out loud, his voice tinged with the thrill of the fight.

Big Mom didn't respond verbally, but the fierce smile she wore while gripping her sword, Napoleon, said it all—she was more than ready for the next round.


The only thing Big Mom could hear was the crackling of thunder right next to her ear, and she was visibly taken aback, her eyes widening in surprise.

"Damn it!" She cursed, quickly turning her head to face the new threat.

"Rumble! Boom!!"

A gigantic fist of lightning collided with Big Mom's face, hitting her squarely and sending shockwaves through the air.


Big Mom couldn't help but scream as the lightning struck her directly on the head.


The members of the Big Mom Pirates couldn't hide their shock and concern as they saw their mother take a direct hit.

"You damn lightning bastard!" Big Mom, fueled by rage, got back on her feet and charged at Brontes, throwing a heavy punch towards his chest.

But Brontes, now fully transformed into his elemental lightning form, was nearly untouchable.

Big Mom's fist went straight through him as he turned into streaks of lightning and reappeared behind her.

"Got you!"

Brontes said with a sneer, placing his right hand on the back of Big Mom's head.

"Lightning Fill!" He shouted.


Lightning poured out from Brontes's hand, flooding into Big Mom's head.

"Ahhhh! Ahhhh!"

Big Mom screamed once more, black smoke rising from her as the electricity surged through her.

Despite this, her immense physical strength meant her natural defenses were incredibly tough; Brontes's lightning couldn't fully penetrate her defenses.

"Rumble! ZliZli!"

Zeus, still under Big Mom, struggled to absorb the excess lightning from her body, but it was overwhelming, causing him to expand uncontrollably.

"Mama, I can't hold all this lightning!" Zeus exclaimed, clearly in dangerous situation.

"Then release it!" Big Mom ordered through gritted teeth, still trying to fend off Brontes's relentless assault.

"Yes, Mama." Zeus's form crackled with intense energy.


"Die, you damn Marine!" With a loud roar, Zeus released the pent-up lightning, which transformed into a sharp, sword-like beam aimed straight at Brontes.

The lightning wrapped around Brontes, but it was as if he absorbed its power, his body swiftly regaining its elemental form.


Brontes chuckled lightly, the electricity dancing playfully around him.

"Haha! Interesting. Lightning can't hurt me because I am lightning. However, thanks for the boost." He said, his laughter light and mocking as he disappeared once more.

Brontes reappeared once again behind Big Mom, his fists moving in a blur as he launched a rapid assault.

Big Mom, despite her advanced Observation Haki, found herself unable to match Brontes's heightened speed, forced to endure the barrage of blows.

Among the future Four Emperors, Big Mom's defense was renowned, second only to Kaido's. Even Katakuri, formidable as he was, paled in comparison to her.

Her nickname, the human balloon, wasn't for show; from her youth, Big Mom was a force of nature, her physical prowess monstrous.

Withstanding Brontes's onslaught, she relied on her immense physical strength and Haki to endure.

"How is this possible? Mama can't counterattack!" Oven's voice trembled with disbelief, unable to fathom that his mighty mother was at a disadvantage against Brontes.

"We can't let this continue. While Mama is tied up with Admiral Ragnarok, we need to rescue Perospero and the others." Oven shouted, taking his men to confront the Marines.

Kaise, tasked with guarding Perospero and the other captured pirates, drew his sword to face them, and a fierce battle broke out, the Big Mom Pirates clashing with the Marines.

Big Mom, overwhelmed by Brontes's relentless speed, found herself on the defensive, unable to launch a counter.


She shielded her head with her arms, her voice deep and filled with anger: "Let's see how long you can keep this up."

"Hahaha! I've battled Kaido for three days and nights. How long do you think I can last?" Brontes mocked, then laughed and said.

"Damn it!" Big Mom cursed, her face turning a sickly shade of green.

She despised drawn-out battles and feared the loss of consciousness that came with exhaustion. If she grew too tired, her temper would flare, potentially triggering her eating disorder.


She called out, her patience worn thin after half an hour of relentless combat.


The fire from Prometheus, nestled in her hair, exploded into a massive inferno, spreading rapidly in an attempt to force Brontes back with the intense heat.

Yet, the flames did not deter Brontes's attacks.

The three days and nights he boasted about were spent in his Thor's Enhancement Mode, not the energy-intensive Thor: Speed Mode he currently used. His claim was a strategic bluff to unsettle Big Mom.

In battle, raw strength is crucial, but against an equally matched or stronger opponent, cunning can be key. Sometimes, the slightest deception can tip the scales of combat.


The battle raged on, the sound of their conflict echoing like thunder.

Engulfed in her own flames, Big Mom sent a wave of intense heat towards Brontes, hoping to trap him in a fiery prison. But the fire did nothing to stop him; he continued to evade her attacks, which only fueled her anger further.


Big Mom's scream echoed, not from pain but from sheer exasperation. She had been toyed by Brontes from the start, unable to land even a single hit on him.

Her fury reached its peak, and with a surge of power, she managed to send Brontes flying backward.

Seizing her chance, she swung Napoleon with all her might, aiming to slice Brontes in half.


If it were possible for Brontes to defeat Big Mom before the battle truly began, he would have taken the chance to eliminate the formidable pirate.

But even he, alongside legends like Garp and Sengoku, knew that capturing her was an impossible task.

It wasn't until Brontes rose to the rank of Admiral that he understood the pirates' existence served a purpose for the World Government.

There were dark schemes at play within the upper echelons of power, which became apparent when Sengoku questioned Brontes's unauthorized move against Big Mom.

The pirates in the New World were like parasites left intentionally by the World Government, a looming threat to keep allied nations in line.

They served as a common enemy, preventing these countries from considering rebellion against the World Nobles or the World Government's rule.

In a world without pirates, peace would prevail, but would the allied nations continue to pay the Heavenly Tribute without such a threat?

This tribute not only afforded the World Nobles their lavish lifestyles but also funded the operations of the World Government, including the maintenance of its major institutions like Marineford, Enies Lobby, and Impel Down, which supported millions of people.

The absence of pirates would lead to downsizing within the Marines, but the greedy World Nobles would never allow a reduction in their tribute.

With no need for protection from pirates, the nations might grow bold, seeking independence and control over their own countries.

Such a scenario could lead to conflict between the World Government and its allies, potentially igniting a global war with catastrophic consequences.

The World Government, aware of this, would never want to see such an outcome. Not all World Nobles were shortsighted; some were wise enough to understand the delicate balance maintained by the existence of pirates.

However, the onset of the Great Pirate Age had resulted in an overwhelming number of pirates, more than what was necessary for maintaining this balance.

The World Nobles, self-centered as they were, showed little concern for the common people, focusing solely on their own interests.
