

Rocketman rode the rails towards Enies Lobby extremely fast and Thirteen saw a train cart coming towards them on the rails, Sanji jumped from the cart with a masked man and landed on Rocketman. Thirteen created a huge shooting star and threw it at the train cart in front of them, blowing it off the rails, allowing Rocketman to pass with no problem. Sanji looked at Thirteen and said "You're free?" Thirteen ignored him and Sanji sighed as he passed by, going into the train cart with the masked man. Thirteen stared ahead and his arms caught fire and twinkled as he saw Enies Lobby in the distance.

Sanji got down and heard the story from Nami before saying "Oh boy." the rest nodded and saw Enies Lobby out the window, Nami said "We should make a plan." Luffy left.

Thirteen shot off the train when he was close enough and kicked the air, flying just like Kaku did. He didn't care, all he wanted was to kill. He landed on the island and was surrounded by Marines, he unraveled his chains and started his slaughter, he jumped on a marine and plunged his arm into his chest, ripping out his heart before whipping both his chains and wrapping them around two other marines' necks.

He jumped and pulled his arms back really fast, ripping their heads off. He spun around and slashed marines in half with his twinkled chains, he landed on the ground and jumped into a group of marines and ripped some of them in half. Dodging all their attacks, and killing them all in the most brutal way possible. He lifted his arm in the air and drew a giant tiger in the stars, the tiger growled in the sky as it loomed over the whole island, watching Thirteen slaughter every single marine. He finished with all the marines in the area and moved to another, before slaughtering again as a bloodthirsty grin slowly crept on his face and his eyes slowly turned blood red.

Inside the Tower of Justice

The CP9 agents, Robin, Franky, and a man with purplish hair. The snail started ringing and the man picked it up saying "What." the marine on the other line said extremely quickly "Chief Spandam! It's really bad out here! We need help!" Spandam said "Just a few pirates you can't even handle that?" the marine said "The 'God of Slaughter' is here! He's killing everyone before going somewhere else! He's not even moving forward! It's almost as if he wants to kill everyone on the island! Please send everyone! I can't-" the rest was a bloodcurdling screech. Spandam said "Hello?!" Thirteen's voice came through with a cackle and sounded raspy "Heheheheh You've reached hell, can I take a message?"

Spandam felt a chill go down his spine and he said "W-Who are you?!" Thirteen cackled and said "NIGHTMARE." he laughed like a psychopath before hanging up. The CP9 agents gulped and Spandam started to sweat and snapped at the agents "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Lucci said "Ask her." as he pointed to a pale Robin. Spandam said "Well?!" Franky turned to her and wondered what she did to have this monster unleashed, Robin said "It's personal." Spandam snapped and said "So is my death! What did you do?!" Robin closed her eyes and explained what happened, obviously leaving out some personal details.

Franky's eyes widened as he said "You're fucked." the CP9 agents were also stunned and Franky said "You're all fucked." before turning to Robin and saying "I really hope you have a good excuse." Robin snapped "They threatened to Buster Call the island!" Franky snapped and said "AND YOU KNOCKED HIM OUT AND CHAINED HIM TO A BED AFTER YOU SAID THAT YOU LOVED HIM?!" He sat back down and said "I would snap too. And i'm not the one who has never felt love before. Wow."

The snail rang again and Spandam answered it and said "Is he dead?!" the marine said "No, we're the last group left." Spandam paled and said "There were thousands!" the marine said "There's currently a river of blood flowing right beside me. There's only around 30 of us left. I would keep the rest inside the Tower of Justice or run. He's not a person anymore, It's a monster." everyone in the room heard a door break and a cackle, then they heard the marine say "Filthy slave! I bet you're enjoying this aren't you."

Thirteen said "Of course! After you i'm going to slaughter every one in that big building over there! Maybe you can all be together when you rot in hell!" the marine said "You're crazy! What about the families you're destroying!" Thirteen laughed right in his face and said "Families? Trash don't deserve families. You see this mark? Do you think I didn't have a family? Trust me you won't be lonely everyone on this island will follow you and after that the rest of the marines." he laughed like a demon and added "And after that? Every single living being on Mariejois." as he dug his twinkling hands into the marine's chest and said "Hope you like being ripped in half." he laughed as he tore the man in two.

Spandam threw up right on the floor and Thirteen's voice came through the phone again "Why do these ants always call for help?" he picked up the phone and said "Is this the same idiot I was talking to before?" Lucci answered the phone and said "It's me." Thirteen audibly licked his lips and said "I can't wait to rip every limb off your body... It leaves me shivering in excitement at the thought. Wait for me trash can, I'm coming!~" he almost sung the last part as he hung up.

Franky said "He's a psychopath!" he sighed and said "I hope he doesn't come after me too." Robin said "I hope he's okay..." Franky gave her a look and corrected her "I think you mean 'I hope he doesn't come after me.'" Robin frowned and said "I'm worried, he lost control." Franky said "What?" Robin explained "He has a problem, there's something inside him that he constantly keeps under control. Another Identity if you will, anyways it's extremely bloodthirsty and it tries to take over when he fights, I really hope he hasn't completely lost control.. or else.. or else.. my Thirteen is gone.." she teared up and cried silently. Franky sighed and leaned back, it was too late now, it seemed like he already lost it.

Thirteen was skipping around with a big smile on his face as he hummed to himself and said "See what we did? It's beautiful!" he suddenly frowned and said "You're crazy." he snapped at himself "Idiot this is what we want!" he shook his head and said "It's not. You want this, I do not. You are me but I am not you." he sneered as he walked towards the gatekeeper building and said "We are one. You are me and I am you. Go back inside, i'm in control now."

He walked towards the group humming to himself and saw the whole group Franky family and all talking to two giants. He stopped in front of them and said "I missed two?" the group turned to him and saw his limbs and chains covered in blood. Zoro frowned and said "Where's Thirteen?" Thirteen blinked his blood red eyes and said "Right here idiot. Are you blind?" as he pointed to himself, Zoro sneered and said "Right. The laughing and happily walking around psychopath is Thirteen."

Thirteen chuckled and said "I'm in control now. Thirteen's taking a break." One of his eyes turned blue and he suddenly had a straight face as he said "I lost control and it took over." he snapped and said "WE!" he deadpanned and said "There is no we. Anyways he calls himself Nightmare." Nightmare said "Idiot! Stay back! I can't slaughter with you around." Thirteen said "You won't be in control forever. I will put you back."

Zoro said "Just control yourself now." Thirteen said "I can't right now, and he is doing what I was going to do anyway, though maybe I would have been a lot cleaner." Nightmare sneered and said "Right. Leave!" both his eyes turned red and Nightmare said "Ahhh much better!" as he swung his chains around and smiled "Time to die~" his eyes turned blue and Thirteen said "If you touch any of them I will kill myself." Nightmare frowned and said "Fine. For now." as he tsk'd at the group and passed them saying "Move, trash." as he punched through the wall and left.

The group was stunned and Zoro said "It's not as bad as I thought." Nami snapped "What do you mean?! Look around you!" Zoro said "THEY are not US, understand what I'm trying to say?" Nami sighed and rubbed her forehead, Luffy said "I don't like that guy controlling Thirteen." Zoro said "Me neither but until Thirteen comes back we don't have a choice." Luffy nodded and the group ran in the building.

Nightmare was standing in front of three headless corpses and arranging their heads together, he clapped and said "Beautiful!" before jumping through the ceiling and landing on the roof. Blueno was waiting there and Nightmare said "We don't like you." as he charged forwards and threw a fist that was pitch black at Blueno, hitting him in the gut and sending him flying. Blueno coughed up blood and said "You know Haki?" Nightmare sneered and said "I do, the other can't use it." one eye turned blue and Thirteen said "How can you use it?" Nightmare said "I'm you. Every time you practice, you get better, I just stop you from using it. Now leave!" his eye flashed red as Thirteen struggled for control before turning red as Nightmare said "Damn slave.."

Blueno was confused why he was talking to himself but ignored it and said "No matter, I'll kill you here and send you back to Mariejois." Nightmare laughed and said "A free trip?! You're such a nice person!" as he flashed forwards and plunged his twinkling Haki-coated fist into Blueno's chest. Blueno's eyes widened and Nightmare cackled "Obviously you forgot what happened to every other marine on the island." he took back his arm and threw Blueno through the window at the top of the Tower of Justice.

Blueno's corpse smashed through the window and landed right in front of Spandam, who saw the gaping hole in his chest and threw up again. The rest ran to the balcony and saw Nightmare covered in blood waving at them with a sharp toothed grin. Luffy and the rest joined NIghtmare on the roof and Luffy said "Robin! We're here to save you!" Nightmare cackled and said "Dramatic!" as he sat down on the wall that surrounded the roof and swung his legs off the edge.

Spandam came out and Robin said "Where's my Thirteen?!" Nightmare grimaced and one of his eyes turned blue as Thirteen said "Here. Why did you say that to me?" Nightmare said "She used us, we should kill her." Thirteen said "One jump and I'll die." Nightmare shut up and Robin said "I didn't. I meant everything I said to you." she had tears in her eyes as she explained what happened to her when she was a child, about how a Buster Call wiped Ohara off the map. She finished "I don't want you all to die too! A Buster Call will kill everyone, you can't stop it!"

Nightmare licked his lips and said "More people to kill!" Thirteen said "Shut up." he looked up and said "Why didn't you just say that before?" Robin chuckled hopelessly and said "Would you have let me go?" The crew shook their heads and Robin said "I just want to sacrifice myself! Find someone else! I want to die!" Spandam sneered and said "You should! A demon like you shouldn't live in this world!" Thirteen and Nightmare growled at the same time, making a weird sound and Spandam, who got the courage from who knows where, pointed to the World Government flag and said "That's her enemy! There's 170 affiliated Nations under that flag!"

Luffy nodded and said "So that's her enemy? Sogeking, shoot down the flag." Sogeking said "Roger." and shot a firebird star at the flag, burning it to ashes. Everyone was shocked and Spandam said "You declared war on the World Government?! You think you can take on the whole World?!" Luffy screamed "Bring it on!" and Nightmare laughing like a psychopath and said "So many people to kill!" the crew grimaced and Zoro said "Thirteen try and take control soon." Thirteen said "Trying. He's really strong." NIghtmare sneered and said "When I get full control I'll kill everyone don't worry about that." as his eyes flashed blue briefly before turning red again.

Franky pulled papers out of his body and said "Oi Spanda! Looking for these?" Spandam said "My blueprints!" Franky sneered and burned the papers to ashes and said "I'll make a bet on that lunatic and the Straw Hats winning, if they lose the world is over." as he jumped off the balcony, Nightmare grinned and jumped into the air, he kicked and flew through the sky up to the balcony as the rest of the crew jumped off the roof and landed on Rocketman, Franky landed on Rocketman too and the train smashed into the Tower of Justice.

Nighmare landed on the balcony and perched on the side as he licked his lips and said "The hunt begins.." before disappearing. He scoured the rooms and frowned after not finding anybody, he found a random marine and grabbed him saying "Where's that idiot chief and the woman!?" th marine paled and said "The underground tunnel!" Nightmare grinned and said "Thanks pal!" and ripped his head right off before running through the building towards the underground tunnel.

Nightmare reached the bottom and saw Luffy fighting against Lucci. He ran forward and Luffy snapped "Thirteen! Go after Robin!" Nightmare cackled and said "We don't listen to you." one eye turned blue and said "You better win." as he forced his body to run towards the door but Lucci stood in his way and said "You're not going anywhere." Nightmare grinned and said "I didn't want to." as he threw a haki fist and punched Lucci in the face sending him flying, Luffy snapped "THIRTEEN!" Thirteen said "Sorry. He still has most control." as he forced his body to go threw the door and disappear.

Nightmare snapped "You're annoying! We can kill him easily!" Thirteen said "It's Luffy's fight." Nightmare said "We don't care!" Thirteen said "I do. You'll never have control again, I promise you that." Nightmare sneered and said "If you can even get it back now." Thirteen said "I will." as he ran through the staircase.

He came across Spandam and Robin, he smiled slightly and Robin yelled over the snail "Everyone run! The Buster Call is coming!" Spandam's eyes widened and he shut off the snail and slapped Robin as he said "Shut up whore!" Thirteen's eyes widened and turned completely red as Nightmare cackled "You made us really mad." the duo turned around and Spandam paled and said "I didn't touch her I swear!" Nightmare walked towards him and said "We saw the whole thing." Spadam paled and fell backwards as Nightmare got closer to him.

Spandam said "Stay back freak! The Celestial Dragons will come after you if you touch me! You'll go back to slavery!" Nightmare spat and said "We won't touch you." he cackled "We'll rip you in half." as he plunged his hands in Spandam's chest and said "Bye bye~" before ripping Spandam in two, Robin paled and Nightmare turned around and stared at her as he said "You used us!" Robin said "I didn't!" Nightmare snapped "You manipulated our feelings!" Robin cried as she said "I didn't.." one of his eyes turned blue and Nightmare said "We're going to kill you!" Thirteen said "NO!" Nightmare growled and said "We.." his eyes flashed before turning red as he finished "WILL!" and threw a fist at her.

Robin cried and said "Thirteen! I do love you! I never lied about that.. Goodbye.." Nightmare stopped right in front of her face and face backwards grabbing his head as he said "NO! I haven't killed enough! STOP!" his eyes flashed blue and red, Robin held his face and said "Thirteen! Take control! I know you can!" his eyes flashed from blue to red quickly and Robin kissed him, causing his eyes to turn blue. She broke off and held his face and said "Are you okay?" Thirteen smiled and nodded.

Robin smiled brightly and hugged him as she cried and said "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" Thirteen hugged her and kissed her forehead, she looked up with puffy red eyes, he wiped her tears and kissed her again before picking her up and leaving the staircase.

Thirteen and Robin got outside and got on a small bridge. Thirteen looked around and saw a bunch of marine warships, he said "Well, that's a lot." Robin chuckled and hugged him as she said "Yeah, usually they don't hold back. Maybe we'll all be blown to pieces." Thirteen frowned and said "Would the pieces float?" Robin giggled and Thirteen looked at all the ships before lifting his arms and saying "Grab on to me." Robin wrapped her arms around his neck from the front and stared into his eyes before kissing him.

Thirteen kissed her before taking a deep breath, as a shooting star rotated over his two hands, getting bigger. The star burned bright blue and spun in all directions as it grew, it caught fire as it grew bigger than him.

Thirteen was standing on the bridge with a giant rock of flames and he threw the star towards the marine ships.

"Slaughter Star!"

The giant star shot forwards at the marine ships, leaving a trail of dust behind it as it shined brightly. It landed in the middle of all the ships and exploded, vaporizing the ships close to it along with everyone who was on it. The farther ships turned to dust as well, as marines swam to the ships that were still in tact.

Robin blinked and said "Well there goes that." Thirteen nodded and Franky ran up behind him just in time to see the after math, he was shocked and said "I missed a giant explosion?!" the duo turned around to look at him and Franky said "Hey there Lunatic! I got your girlfriend's key, although there is more than one.." Robin blushed and Thirteen said "Thanks." Franky walked over and the duo separated, he tried the key but it didn't work. Franky sighed and said "That wasn't very super." Robin giggled and said "Don't worry about it."

Franky looked at Thirteen and said "So you have another person inside you?" Thirteen grimaced and said "I guess you can put it that way. He is me, but I'm not him." Franky said "Good. That guy is crazy. I thought for sure Nico Robin would've been a corpse." Robin choked on her own saliva and Thirteen scratched the back of his head.

A shiny thing flew at them and Franky caught it, it was the rest of the keys, the trio looked over and saw Sogeking giving them a thumbs up. Thirteen said "Usopp knows he's not part of the crew anymore right?" Robin smacked him and said "He's trying his best okay?" Thirteen said "Then he shouldn't have left in the first place." he shook his head and Franky finally got the right keys and took the cuffs off.

Robin stretched out her hands and said "That's better! Thanks Franky!" Franky did a pose and said "Yow! Of course I'm SUUUUUPERRRR!" Robin giggled and Thirteen titled his head and mimicked him "Super." Franky snapped "OI HAVE MORE ENTHUSIASM!" Thirteen sighed and said "I can't. I don't even know what that is." Franky choked and Robin said "It's when you feel excited about something." Thirteen nodded and said "Oh." as his tail waved behind him, Franky shook his head and said "Anyways we gotta go!" as he started running to the Docks on Enies Lobby.

Thirteen picked up Robin and flashed next to Franky and picked him up too, he jumped in the air and kicked as he flew towards the island. Robin said "You can do that now?" Thirteen said "I saw one of the CP9 guys do it, I haven't seen the rest." Robin said "I saw this one guy kick the ground 10 times in a second and disappear." Thirteen nodded and said "I'll try that then.

He kicked the ground 10 times and disappeared, he reappeared and frowned "There's no control." he sighed and disappeared again. He reappeared in front of the crew and put down Robin and Franky before saying "Why are we on a marine ship?" Nami said "Kokoro brought us here." Thirteen turned and saw Kokoro, Chimney, and Gonbe, he walked over and put Gonbe on his head saying "Rabbit." Chimney snapped "He's a cat!" Thirteen said "Rabbit." Chimney said "CAT!" the duo went back and forth as the rest of the crew sweat dropped, Robin sighed and said "Why do I love this guy?" Franky said "I don't know. He's a lunatic. It's obviously a cat." the crew were stunned and turned to Franky.

Thirteen looked at him and said "Rabbit." Chimney and Franky snapped "CAT!" The crew grimaced and Nami rubbed her temples in frustration. Suddenly a building exploded and Lucci flew out of it unconscious. Luffy stood triumphantly before collapsing, Thirteen disappeared and reappeared with Luffy in his arms. He threw Luffy and Gonbe to the crew and jumped into the air, kicking a man that had just appeared there and sent him flying. Sogeking heard a voice telling the crew to jump off the ship into the sea, he immediately jumped and landed on the Merry, the rest of the group followed him and turned around to see Thirteen surrounded by 5 men.

Thirteen dodged all their attacks and did a handstand before shooting his legs out and spinning, whipping his chains around, hitting the marines surrounding him. He pushed off and punched a man in the face before wrapping his chains around another one and throwing him into the rest, on of the marines slashed at him and Thirteen jumped up holding his hands together as a sphere of rainbow light appeared.

Thirteen dodged the marines and attacked them with his legs before jumping towards the Merry, the 5 men followed him. He turned around and faced his back to the crew as he opened his hands and said "Star Stream!" the sphere shot out a pillar of stardust at the five men causing them to dodge as Thirteen smashing into the Merry's deck, two books and a box popped out of his clothes and landed on the ground at Robin's feet. Nami made a bunch of thunder clouds and rained lightning down on the marines as the crew escaped and the Merry sailed away.

Robin picked up the books and the box and said "What's this?" Thirteen said "I stole them from that idiot chief's office." Robin flipped over the book and said "The 6 skills. Isn't that what CP9 used?" Thirteen nodded and said "I figured we could use it." Robin and the rest of the crew smiled, she turned over the other book and deadpanned "How to keep several woman happy." she grit her teeth and threw the book as hard as she could as she snapped "HOW MANY BOOKS DID THIS GUY MAKE!?!" the book flew off the ship and disappeared, Usopp watched it go and the book hit him in the back of the head causing him to face plant into the deck.

He picked up the book and said "THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DO?!" before he stuffed the book into his overalls, Thirteen opened his mouth and closed it before sighing. Robin opened the box and said "A devil fruit?!" the rest of the crew looked and Robin read the note that was inside aloud "Dear Spandam, this is the Tattoo-Tattoo fruit. It makes Tattoo's come to life and fight for you. Don't forget to eat it after you capture that damn Cutty Flam bastard! -Spandam" Franky said "He wrote a note to himself?!" Robin said "Why did you take this?" Thirteen took the box and threw away the idiotic note before closing the box and wincing slightly as he said "It's for Carla."

Nami was stunned and Robin said "Oh." before she walked away. Thirteen sighed and went after her. Franky said "Who's Carla?" Nami said "His other woman." Franky was shocked and said "He has another woman?!" Nami grimaced and said "She's my friend and Robin already knew." Franky snapped "AND SHE AGREED?!" Nami nodded and said "Yeah." Franky sat down and said "That Lunatic is amazing!" Sanji crushed his cigarette and grabbed the 6 skills booth before walking away grumbling "Damn Tiger bastard.. I'm gonna beat the shit out of him.." Zoro followed after him, interested in the skills as well.

Thirteen walked into Robin's room and said "Are you mad?" Robin said "You didn't get anything for me when you were running around." Thirteen said "I didn't think you cared about that stuff." Robin snapped "Of course I care! Why wouldn't I care?! You think it's easy for me to accept this?!" Thirteen sat down next to her and stayed silent, she continued "Just because I love you doesn't mean I will let you do whatever you want! I have feelings too! You think i'll just stand by and accept every new woman that comes along?!" Thirteen grimaced and said "I'm sorry." Robin only got angrier as she said "If sorry worked then why would there be fights in the world?! Leave me alone!" Thirteen said "But you're mad why would I leave?"

Robin snapped "It's your fault!" Thirteen said "But I came to get you, I killed thousands of marines, and chased after you, bringing you back." Robin said "If you're upset that you should've just left me there." Thirteen shook his head and said "I'm not upset. When you chained me to the bed and left me there..." he looked at his hands and clenched them as he continued "The only thing I wanted to do was slaughter all of Water 7 and sink it to the bottom of the sea. I should've realized that you were scared and were trying to protect me. I'm sorry." Robin was silent and Thirteen said "I found you and you apologized. I'm very decisive. If you lied about loving me, I would've killed you."

Robin chuckled and said "That's reassuring." Thirteen said "I should've know, that you meant it because people like us don't say those words carelessly. When you told me you loved me I.. I didn't know what to do, I only felt happiness. When you said to go to sleep and knocked me out, I was consumed with rage. I-" Robin held his hands and said "I'm sorry.. I.. I didn't have a choice. I really do love you, with everything I have. I don't want you to leave."

Thirteen held her hands and said "Robin, I.. I'm sorry I didn't realize that you were in trouble sooner. I should've helped you. I.." he looked into her eyes and said "I love you." Robin was stunned and tackled him to the bed as she said "I love you too!" and she kissed him, Thirteen hugged her and said "The devil fruit is for Carla. I like her too and I feel bad because I'm always with you and she hasn't seen me for months. I'm going to write her a letter telling her how I feel and send it along with the box."

Robin laid on his chest and said "What if she doesn't accept it?" Thirteen's eyes flashed with pain briefly before he closed them and said "I'm not going to force her." Robin smiled and secretly hoped she wouldn't accept it, she was with him too and if she didn't have to share, she definitely wouldn't. Thirteen kissed her forehead, unaware of Robin's plots as he grabbed the box and left the room with her.

He took a shower and went back to his room, he changed into his Rabbit hawaiian shirt and black '13' shorts before grabbing Carla's letter off the wall and sitting down at the desk. He started writing her a letter as the ship sailed back to Water 7.

A while later

Thirteen walked to the deck with the box, which now had a letter in it. He saw Luffy pleading to Iceberg to fix the ship but Iceberg said he couldn't and that she was running on willpower alone. As if on cue the ship split in half, Thirteen was shocked and stuck his chains into both sides and held the ship together by himself, stunning everyone watching. Iceberg shouted "GET A PLATFORM DOWN THERE NOW!" the Franky family ran on the Galley-La ship and lowered and platform to the sea before moving under the Merry, so it wouldn't sink.

Luffy said "Thirteen." Thirteen turned his head and Luffy closed his eyes and said "That's enough. She's not gonna make it." Thirteen was silent before letting go and jumping on the raft the rest of the crew was on. Iceberg said "We're gonna have to do a burial at sea" Luffy nodded and Thirteen waved his hand, sending stardust towards the Merry, they formed stardust chains, attaching the two parts.

Luffy got a torch and set the Merry a blaze, the fire spread to the chains and donned a rainbow hue as the fire spread to the rest of the ship. Merry appeared and said "Thank you for taking care of me everyone! I'm sorry I couldn't carry you till the end." everybody was shocked and Luffy said "We're sorry Merry! We didn't take care of you properly!" Merry shook her head and said "That's not true. You were the best crew a ship could ask for! I love you all and enjoyed every single second of sailing with you all." The crew cried, and Merry turned to Thirteen, she smiled and said "Thank you Thirteen, Skypeia is one of my happiest memories." Thirteen teared up and smiled as he said "I'm glad."

Merry smiled and shed some tears as she said "Thank you for everything.. I'll never forget you all.. Goodbye.." she cried and disappeared into a light and floated into the sky. Thirteen looked up and said "This won't be your last adventure.." everyone looked at him as he raised his hands, his eyes shined with rainbow colors and his hands twinkled brightly.

Thirteen drew Merry in the air and pushed it through the ball of light, the drawing glowed as printed itself in the sky. Thirteen twisted his hands and moved Merry to an empty spot in the sky without any constellations and said "Star God's Constellation Creation!" he clapped his hands and slammed them forward, Merry glowed in the sky and shined brightly.

Everyone looked up at the sky and saw the Merry turned into a constellation, shining brightly in the sky. It was clear and extremely detailed, you could tell what it was for first glance. Thirteen threw up a mouthful of blood and collapsed as a star mark imprinted itself on the side of his neck, Robin caught him and said "Are you okay?!" Thirteen nodded and said "I'm fine." Chopper said "You just threw up blood!" Thirteen pointed to the sky and said "It was worth it." as he looked at the Merry in the sky and smiled.

The crew smiled as they looked at the new constellation and boarded the Galley-La ship. Iceberg was absolutely gobsmacked, he was 1000% sure he didn't think that was possible, until now. The crew had a moment of silence for the Merry and the Galley-La ship sailed towards Water 7.

The next morning

Thirteen was sitting outside with a box, when a newsgull landed in front of him. Thirteen said "You have a collar?" the newsgull said "Yeah a guy made it for me! My names Rex!" Thirteen was shocked and said "Must be a smart guy then." Rex nodded and said "Yeah and his wife is beautiful too." a gust of wind blew Rex over, Thirteen ignored that and said "Can you do me a favor? I want you to take this package to Cocoyasi village in the east blue. It's addressed to Carla. I'll pay you however much you want." Rex rubbed his beak with his feathers and said "I sure am a lucky Newsgull! Sure!"

Thirteen smiled and bought a newspaper before stuffing his bag with a ton of bills, he tied the box to Rex's back and said "I put a million in there. Thank you Rex." Rex was shocked and said "Thank you! I really appreciate it! If you have anymore packages in the future let me know! See ya!" Thirteen waved and Rex flew off to deliver the package.

A few days later

The crew was eating when the wall exploded, revealing a marine in a dog mask. Thirteen frowned and shot forward, kicking at the man, who grabbed him and said "I didn't even say anything yet Brat!" Thirteen said "I'm supposed to wait for you to speak?" the man said "Yeah. It's called respecting your elders!" as he threw Thirteen into a wall and walked over to Luffy. The man snapped "Wake up!" as he punched Luffy in the head, sending him smashing into the ground and saying "Ouch!"

Thirteen got up and appeared behind the man like a ghost, he kicked at the man, who dodged and punched at him. Thirteen kicked the air and dodged before kicking again and wrapping his chains around the man's arm, he swung under and punched the man in the stomach but the man didn't move at all. Luffy shouted "Thirteen! Stop! He'll kill you!" Thirteen jumped back and the man punched him again, Thirteen dodged and uppercut him, hitting him in the chin and knocking his dog mask off. Luffy paled and said "It's over, he's finished! Gramps! Don't kill him!" the crew was shocked at that and Thirteen jumped back and got into a fighting stance.

The marines watching started shouting "What a joke! Does that slave think it beat the vice-admiral?!" "Vice-admiral! Kill that damn slave!" "That half-breed doesn't stand a chance!" "I hope I can get a piece of him when it's captured." "hahaha stupid half-breed!" they threw insults at Thirteen and the crew seethed, Luffy shot forwards and started fighting the marines along with the rest of the crew.

The man said "It doesn't bother you?" Thirteen said "I'm used to it." as he flashed in front of him and punched towards his face, the man caught his fist and said "You can't beat me. Why do you fight?" Thirteen kicked at his head and said "If the rest can run away and be safe, then i'll fight until I die." the man smiled and let him go before saying "Luffy! Come back here! Get the rest of them too." Luffy seethed and glared at the marines as he walked back with the rest.

The man said "Bogard! Get everyone of them who was shouting and lock them up. Obviously they can't handle marine life." Bogard nodded and carried out the order, when he was finished there was around 20 people left, the rest were all in chains. Thirteen looked at them and one of them soat on the ground and said "I'll be dancing on your grave you half-breed fuck." Luffy said "Gramps." Luffy's grandpa frowned and Thirteen said "Really?" another man sneered and said "You're right a slave like you won't even be buried, you'd ruin the dirt."

One of Thirteen's eyes turned red and Nightmare said "We should slaughter them all!" Thirteen said "They're not worth it. Go back." as his eye flashed blue and went back to normal. Thirteen looked at the marines and said "Can I ask you why you hate me? I'm curious." some of them said "Because you're a freak!" "Slaves don't deserve to live." "You're a pet." Thirteen nodded and said "Maybe you should get more insults. I've those millions of times." as he walked back into the building, everyone watched him go and Luffy's grandpa followed him saying "I don't care what you do with them." Bogard nodded, he was disgusted by them as well.

The crew went into the building and heard gun shots outside, they looked and saw Thirteen eating at the table. Thirteen looked up with his cheeks bulging out, Robin looked at him and giggled, Thirteen swallowed and said "You remind me of Smoker." Luffy's grandpa laughed and said "That brat wishes he was me! I'm Garp!" Thirteen nodded and went back to eating, Luffy sat down and started eating too as the rest of the crew gasped and said "Garp the Hero!?!"

Garp nodded and snapped "Oi you little bastards! Why are you eating when i'm talking to you!" he punched them both in the head, sending them head first into the ground. Luffy got up and said "Ouch! Gramps that hurt!" Thirteen rubbed his head and saw a book in Garp's jacket, he was going to take it. The crew said "Haki?" Garp said "It's the fist of love! Nobody can dodge it! Bwahahahahah" Thirteen eyed the book and was waiting for the chance to steal it.

Garp said "Luffy you were supposed to be a marine. Too bad you were corrupted by that damn Red hair" he sighed and Luffy snapped "Shanks saved my life!" as he attacked Garp, they started fighting but both fell asleep during. Thirteen perked up and flashed in front of Garp, grabbed the book and went back to his seat. The crew deadpanned and Garp woke up, he saw Luffy sleeping and said "YOU FELL ASLEEP WHEN I WAS LECTURING YOU?!" and punched Luffy, sending him flying.

Thirteen was reading the book that he stole from Garp, when Robin took it from his hands and said "How to lecture your grandson" she snapped "YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE KIDS YET!" she threw the book away, it flew through the window and disappeared.

On a random street in Water 7

Usopp was walking around wondering how to return to the crew, when the book flew through the air and hit him right in the face, he looked down and opened the book, he read it and screamed "YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO WHAT?!" he looked around and silently slipped the book into his overalls before running away.

Back at the Galley-La hotel

Garp snapped "You stole my book?!" as he punched Thirteen, sending him flying. Luffy got up and charged at Garp and got sent flying again, Thirteen did the same, and the duo were sent flying again and again. Robin grabbed him and said "Alright, that's enough." he stopped in mid-air, and sat down next to her as she scratched behind his ears, causing him to uncontrollably chuff. He froze and the rest looked at him, he looked down and started eating again while moving his tail under the table and up Robin's legs, she clenched her teeth and kicked him.

Garp said "Anyways Luffy, you know what Shanks is up to right now?" Luffy shook his head and Garp started explaining where Shanks was and what emperors were, he explained territories and the warlords and finished with "The emperors are the strongest pirates on the sea." suddenly sword clashing happened outside, the group looked outside and saw Zoro fighting against the marines. Garp said "You two go see if you can stop him." the two marines, who were quiet up until now, went to try and stop Zoro.

One of them took out two kukri's and Zoro slashed him and passed right by. Garp froze and Thirteen said "He's third strongest." Sanji snapped "You don't know that!" Thirteen said "Are you going to fight him?" Sanji said "Not until I use those skills in the book with your cuffs on, then I'll kick his ass and yours." Thirteen pointed at himself and looked at Robin, who shrugged.

The pink haired marine disappeared and reappeared in front of Luffy, who punched him in the face and sent him flying. Garp sighed and said "Forget it." Thirteen said "Nobody for me?" Robin smacked him and said "Why do you want to fight too?!" Garp laughed and said "I'll take you on brat." Thirteen used the same move as the pink haired marine and appeared in front of Garp's face, punching at him.

Garp caught his fist and said "Soru?" Thirteen kicked the air and flipped over Garp's head and kicked towards the back of it, Garp tilted his head and said "Moonwalk? What else do you know brat?" Thirteen twinkled his finger and pointed it at Garp and shot forward, Garp caught his wrist and said "Shigan?!" he said "Wanna join the marines?" Thirteen was stunned and said "Uhh, no." Garp threw him across the room and sighed "Nobody I want to join does."

The pink haired Marine got up and said "Luffy! You're so strong!" Luffy said "Who are you?" The pink haired marine said "Koby!" Luffy frowned and said "You don't look like Koby." Koby said "I got taller!" Luffy said "WOAH! YOU DID!" the blond haired marine said "Nice to see you both again!" Luffy and Zoro said "Who are you?" the man said "Helmeppo!" the two said "Who?" Helmeppo choked and said "HELMEPPO!" the duo shook their heads and Helmeppo snapped "Captain Morgan's son! I tied up Zoro! Remember?!" The duo said "Ohhh. Nope." Helmeppo broke down into tears.

Garp said "I didn't come here to arrest you because i'm your grandpa. I came to let these two see you!" Luffy smiled and said "Nice to see you again!" the 4 talked and Garp said "Alright let's go! I'm getting sick of sitting here." the marines left and Koby and Helmeppo said bye and promised they would meet in the New World. Luffy watched them leave and when they were gone he cheered and said "He's gone! Let's Party!" the group cheered and started preparations.

(Author's Note)

Hey guys! How did you like Nightmare?! I thought he could've been a bit more scary but he's basically a psychopath so he does what he wants.


Leave a comment/review if you liked it!

Hey guys! How did you like Nightmare?! I thought he could've been a bit more scary but he's basically a psychopath so he does what he wants.


Leave a comment/review if you liked it!

Monkey_Godkingcreators' thoughts