
One Piece: Pirate Of Darkness

"hahaha! I've waited for this moment for so long, and they arrived." Teach gazed in awe at the colossal pirate ship emerging on the coastline, resembling a majestic whale. He raised his telescope to his eye, capturing a glimpse of the flying pirate flag in the distance. It was none other than the legendary Whitebeard Pirate Ship, renowned as one of the most formidable pirate crews in the world. ….. Yo there, editing from MTL cuz why not, rip my brain cells. Cover not mine, got it from Pinterest.

Shadoudia · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

Chapter 9: What to expect from the Sea 101

Early the next morning, Teach was prepared to embark on his journey. He held a map of the New World, familiar with the names and locations of the islands and their respective powers. Clutching the chart of the New World, he knew that after leaving Whitebeard's territory, he would have to navigate through 16 islands, including 4 countries, to reach Wano Country. Of course, unexpected accidents or uncharted islands could alter his course.

Based on Teach's calculations, he estimated that the voyage would take at least three months. Equipped with a small boat and his reliable compass, he quietly set off without bidding farewell to his comrades.

The weather that day was exceptionally pleasant, with the sun shining brightly—a perfect day for sailing. As Teach gazed into the vast expanse of the sea, a sense of anticipation stirred within him. It had been a while since he embarked on a solo adventure, and he couldn't help but feel a mixture of nervousness and excitement. This journey held the promise of new experiences and discoveries. Lost in his thoughts, Teach instinctively touched the Den Den Mushi tucked away in his chest pocket. As a precaution, Whitebeard had provided him with this device to seek assistance from the Whitebeard Pirates if the need arose or to relay updates during his voyage.

The New World was notorious for its ever-changing and treacherous weather. Without a skilled navigator, one could easily fall victim to the destructive forces of nature, risking the loss of both ship and crew.

No sooner had Teach set sail than he encountered a sudden rainstorm. The once clear sky swiftly gave way to dark clouds, rapidly amassing as raindrops, each the size of a bean, began to fall. Teach recognized the signs—torrential rain was imminent. Having spent considerable time aboard the Whitebeard Pirate ship, he had gained a fair understanding of climate patterns.

The small boat bobbed in the choppy sea, its wooden planks creaking in protest. Teach maintained his steady composure, though his vessel was a mere fishing boat ill-suited to withstand the downpour.

Fortunately, the ships constructed in the New World were built to endure such unpredictable weather. Heavy rain was commonplace, and the ships were designed to withstand its onslaught.

Teach couldn't help but chuckle amidst the rain. "Hahaha! The rain keeps pouring, but my boat remains unyielding." His optimism shone through as he used a scoop to bail out the water accumulating on the boat, ensuring it wouldn't sink. Swimming was not something he wished to endure.

Firmly gripping the paddle with both hands, Teach skillfully maneuvered the boat through the tumultuous waves, maintaining a steady course.

Three hours into the tempestuous downpour, the rain suddenly ceased. However, Teach remained vigilant, his expression changing as he leaped to his feet. His hands clenched into fists, he attacked the sky above. Above into the sky hailstones had started to descend—a formidable sight in the New World. Weaker pirates unfortunate enough to be struck by these icy projectiles would be gravely injured or even killed, as the hailstones in the one piece world, or the new world more exactly weren't normal. Their destructive power was something else. Without intervention, Teach's boat would be obliterated within minutes.

But as the giant hailstones approached, they inexplicably split in two, melting into harmless droplets before dissipating into the air.

Teach's mastery of fist skills was gradually taking shape, leveling up seamlessly with his Kendo technique. This was the goal he had set from the beginning, using his body as a weapon, Teach employed his fingers as razor-sharp blades, capable of slicing.

Upon closer inspection, his hands were transforming, resembling claws more than hands. His fingers grew longer and sharper, while his palms appeared wider. With the addition of flames, thunder, and lightning, coupled with the Armament Haki, his hands were becoming akin to demonic claws.

This was the manifestation of his Rokushiki technique, specifically the Rokushiki's Life Return. In less than a month, his progress with Life Return was astonishing. He had already acquired the basic understanding and could manipulate certain parts of his body. This ability allowed him to instantly sharpen his fingers and enhance his offensive capabilities, much like the assassination techniques used by the Zoldyck family from the world of HunterXHunter.

His heightened sense of observation and hearing enabled Teach to perceive the essence of things, granting him precise control over power and his own body.

And during the fierce battle in the sea against the navy, he stumbled upon one of the vice admiral's hidden treasures—two Devil Fruits: the Zoan-type Worm-Worm Fruit and the Ancient Zoan-type Crocodile Fruit.

Remarkably, both Devil Fruits were animal-based abilities—the Worm-Worm Fruit and the Crocodile Fruit. One possessed microscopic predatory abilities, while the other reigned as an ancient amphibious overlord. Teach realized that, if not for his intervention, these potent abilities would have remained submerged in the depths of the sea, their reappearance uncertain.

Although these treasures, worth hundreds of millions, held little immediate value for Tech, they were nonetheless precious. What very was precious for him, was the complete Navy Six Powers Notebook he also got, which contained valuable experiences and insights, that had inspire Teach's impressive improvements, particularly the Life Return technique he aspired to master.

Teach's perceptive eyes locked onto every hailstone descending upon the boat. He couldn't have asked for a better opportunity to hone his combat skills. After twenty minutes of relentless onslaught, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. For over twenty minutes, he had countered and shattered the deluge of hailstones, which fell at an astonishing rate of dozens per second.

However, the respite was short-lived. The clouds dispersed, and the sun reemerged, only to be swiftly replaced by a rapidly deteriorating weather. The sun vanished, the sky darkened, and the winds grew fiercer, causing the boat to sway along with the turbulent waves.

Thunder roared, and lightning danced across the sky. Teach's expression turned grim as he found himself plunged into darkness. On his very first day at sea, he had already encountered three extreme weather conditions—a rarity during his time aboard the pirate ship. The significance of a skilled navigator became evident in the ever-changing and localized extreme climates of the New World. In this perilous region, the navigator held a status no lower than that of a core member within a pirate crew.

Nevertheless, Teach remained undaunted, cutting through the wind and waves as he forged ahead, alone amidst the storm and rain. The strain of his efforts caused his arms to change its color, their blue veins pulsating beneath his drenched clothing.

Teach marveled at the immense power of nature but refused to yield. In his mind. Solitude held no terror for him, as he had spent countless days and nights honing his skills alone. The whistling sound from the sea resonated between the sky and the earth, prompting Teach to instinctively lower his gaze. A smile spread across his face as he made a discovery.

From an aerial perspective, a colossal shadow circled beneath Teach's boat. It swam back and forth, maintaining a watchful eye on its prey.

Teach recognized it as a Sea King and taunted, "Hahaha! fishy, let's see what you're made of." His laughter echoed as a massive figure emerged from the water, blotting out the sky in front of his boat. Compared to the sea king, Teach appeared minuscule. At first glance, the creature's exposed body spanned an astounding three hundred meters.

It was a sea serpent, a king of the sea. Lowering its head, the creature revealed a mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth, its long tongue snaking out from within—a gaping maw akin to an abyss. The fis- serpent inclined its head, seemingly intent on devouring Teach.

"F*ck you!" Teach's eyes narrowed, his Haki spreading as he focused on the sea king-class creature.

Time appeared to freeze as Teach's domineering gaze bore into the sea king's eyes. Gradually, the creature's eyes spun in circles, losing consciousness and slipping into a coma. The colossal figure halted in mid-air before descending into the sea, gradually sinking beneath the surface. This marked the first time Teach had employed his Conquer Haki against a living being properly since awakening it. The surge of courage he felt was palpable, especially after enduring today's challenges which further fortified himself. He could sense his growth.

The storm raged on for an unusually long time, yet Teach's condition remained relatively unscathed. Endurance was a trait he had honed through countless days of intense training. A mere storm could hardly affect him.

Glancing at the eternal pose, Teach aligned the boat's heading with the device, allowing the waves to propel him forward. With the eternal pose in the New World, he would never lose his way. Standing firmly alone on the boat, he commenced his personal practice. The wristbands on his hands and feet had been replaced, each weighing a ton. This meant that his body now bore a weight of six tons. While the wristbands remained concealed beneath his clothes and pants, they would reveal themselves during action.

Alone on the boat, he silently performed push-ups, strengthening his arm muscles and willpower. With no one to converse with, he dedicated himself wholeheartedly to his training. The passage of time became indiscernible. Eventually, the storm subsided, giving way to a bright sky. The sun cast its radiant glow upon the sea, creating a dazzling spectacle. In that moment, the deep blue expanse of the sea appeared breathtakingly beautiful and majestic.

The sea itself was nature's greatest miracle.

Teach couldn't help but raise his head, pausing his movements, his eyes shining with excitement.

In the distance, the outline of an island emerged.