
One Piece: Pirate Of Darkness

"hahaha! I've waited for this moment for so long, and they arrived." Teach gazed in awe at the colossal pirate ship emerging on the coastline, resembling a majestic whale. He raised his telescope to his eye, capturing a glimpse of the flying pirate flag in the distance. It was none other than the legendary Whitebeard Pirate Ship, renowned as one of the most formidable pirate crews in the world. ….. Yo there, editing from MTL cuz why not, rip my brain cells. Cover not mine, got it from Pinterest.

Shadoudia · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

Chapter 20: (I can’t Think Idk)

The pirate slowly advanced, moving closer to Mobius.

He wore an evil smile, brandishing a knife with the tip directed menacingly toward Mobius' neck. With the slightest movement, the sharp blade could easily pierce Mobius' throat.

He glanced back at the terrified group of teenagers, relishing the fear in their eyes. "Haha, look at all of you, trembling with fear!"

"Don't do it!" They shouted, their eyes wide with horror.

The pirate gripped the knife's handle and prepared to strike.

A sudden metallic clash interrupted the tension. A new figure appeared by the pirate's side - Teach. He effortlessly blocked the knife with the back of his right foot.

"Who are you?" Fear gripped the pirate, a sensation he had only felt with Captain Patton.

"Who knows?"

"But you made my friend cry" Teach demeanor turned serious, and Annie couldn't help but whisper, "Teach," from afar.

Teach emanated an aura of dominance that seemed to seize control of everyone around him. The pirates froze as if time stood still, their consciousness slipping away. Their weapons dropped to the ground with resounding thuds, and they collapsed limply.

Only one pirate, a minor captain of the Pirate Group, resisted the effect. Trembling, he stared wide-eyed at Teach, attempting to speak but eventually succumbing to the numbing sensation and falling to the ground.

Teach disappeared in an instant and reappeared before the pirate. His right hand transformed into a claw, penetrating the pirate's chest effortlessly. The pirate gasped in shock and regret before his life faded away.

The onlookers stood in awe at the scene before them. Teach had easily dispatched the pirates, subduing all but one in an instant and swiftly dealing with the last one.

"He's unbelievably strong," they thought in amazement.

Even Annie was taken aback; she had anticipated some strength in the young pirate, but his true power surprised her.

"Wow such an display of true dominance!," Mobius exclaimed excitedly in his heart, pushing through the pain to rise from the ground. The pirate's attack had temporarily incapacitated him, but Mobius knew he could recover quickly, with no hindrance to ordinary movement.

Mobius also wanted that kind of strength. Due to his past weakness and constant bullying, Mobius yearned to grow stronger and become the very embodiment of power.

During his free time, he immersed himself in tales of powerful seafarers, reading newspapers and listening to pirates at the tavern recount their youth and sea adventures, particularly those related to Haki, Devil Fruits, and Swordsman. The concept of Haki's, Conqueror's Haki, in particular, intrigued him deeply.

Mobius recalled a time five years ago when he was just eight years old. He sat in the tavern sipping water while listening to Old Jack, a seasoned retired pirate with decades of experience. Old Jack had returned to his hometown, Seth, after retiring from a long life at sea. He often shared fascinating tales with the tavern regulars, who respected him deeply.

On that particular day, Old Jack spoke of Conqueror's Haki, piquing Mobius' curiosity. Unable to contain himself, he asked, "Old Jack, what exactly is Conqueror's Haki?"

Old Jack took a moment to listen, but he was clearly inebriated and somewhat confused. His face was flushed, and his beard stained with alcohol. His eyes were hazy, and he swayed as if he might topple over at any moment. However, everyone around him was accustomed to this sight, knowing that Old Jack often appeared like this.

"Do you say Conqueror's Haki??" Old Jack seemed to struggle to hear clearly, and he carefully gazed at Mobius for confirmation.

"Yes," Mobius replied earnestly.

Old Jack listened, shaking off some of his haziness. He slowly placed the rum glass down, raised his head slightly, and looked upward as if deep in thought, reminiscing.

Mobius refrained from interrupting and allowed Old Jack to think. Whenever Jack pondered something important, it piqued everyone's curiosity. In the New World, everyone had heard of Conqueror's Haki, but the concept of it remained unclear. They only knew it was a powerful ability, and they needed Old Jack to provide answers.

Old Jack pondered, taking a sip of rum to collect his thoughts. His eyes cleared up a bit as he said, "It's an innate ability that can't be taught or inherited; it solely depends on one's fate."

Seeing the perplexed expressions around him, Old Jack shook his head, "Perhaps 'fate' is too vague a term for you. Put differently, only one person in a million possesses it. Among the top pirates ruling the seas, many have this ability."

"It also has another name - 'King's Qualification,'" Old Jack added with a smile, causing the onlookers to gasp in awe at such a prestigious title.

Mobius widened his eyes at this revelation - the King's Qualification.

Old Jack continued, "Despite my many years at sea, I've only witnessed it a few times. I can't offer much detail."

"It seems like a invisible aura that affects others around the user," Old Jack said, taking another sip of rum before spreading his hands. Suddenly, he slammed the table, startling those around him. His eyes widened, "Wait! I think I remember experiencing it myself once. My eyes had widened, everyone around me lost consciousness simultaneously, as if I were a king."




Meanwhile, Teach pulled his hand out of the pirate's abdomen with a motion, blood dripping down his fingers.

He turned to walk slowly in front of Mobius, wearing a smile, "You're quite courageous, kid." Mobius endured the pain, straightening his back, and gazed at Teach with a mix of respect and longing.

Teach found it a little peculiar but deduced that Mobius yearned for his own power to grow.

"Mobius, are you alright?" Annie hurried over, looking concerned.

"Haha, I'm fine, just need to rest a bit," Mobius laughed and reassured her. The post-battle fatigue had set in, but he felt a sense of growth and accomplishment, which he knew was shared by everyone else.

"Please don't do this again next time," Annie said uneasily, her eyes darting towards the port. There was considerable commotion over there - signs of an ongoing battle that they could sense from afar.

"I wonder how Dad is doing?" Annie worried for her father, he led the naval branch protecting Seth Island and must be confronting the Blood Blade Pirates head-on. Annie couldn't help but imagine her father's current state of affairs.

"Annie," Teach spoke with a serious tone. His words sparked an ominous premonition in Annie's heart.

"The situation with your father isn't promising. His aura is gradually weakening, and his opponent seems slightly stronger. If this continues, your father might..." Teach didn't finish the sentence, but Annie understood the implications well enough.

"How can this be?" Annie couldn't believe it. Losing her father, who loved her dearly, was something she couldn't bear. Despite Anthony's limited time with her, he always made an effort to be there during her important moments, caring for her and bringing happiness into her life.

Annie's mother couldn't hold back her tears. She was a gentle and fragile woman, ill-equipped to handle the shock of losing a husband who loved both her and their daughter deeply.

"Teach, you're so strong, you must help my father," Annie looked at Teach with a mix of excitement and hesitation. However, the fact remained that Teach was a pirate, while her father was in the navy. How could she reconcile asking for help from someone on the opposite side of the law?

In her state of distress, Annie was unsure of what to do.

"Annie, Annie."

"Huh?" Teach's voice brought Annie back to reality, and she looked at him.

He stared at her intently, "Anne, the Anne in my image is not indecisive. She's lively, cute, and decisive."

"Remember what I said earlier, today you are my queen, fulfilling any request you have. Just tell me what you want," Teach said gently.

Ahhh the cringe…

"Really?" Annie asked, tears welling up in her eyes. She wiped them away, as if reliving every moment she spent with Teach that day.

"Of course, my queen," Teach nodded with a smile, recognizing Annie's vulnerability at the moment.

"Thank you..," Annie said, wiping away her tears, raising her head with confidence. In that moment, she embraced her role as a confident and lively queen once more.

"Teach, please save my dad and don't let him die," Annie said, her voice trembling with emotion, but she held back her tears. "Yes, my-(ok that's enough no more cringe please) Anne," Teach replied, bowing his head, treating her like a knight would treat a queen. He smiled warmly, "Annie, can I consider this a request from the future mate of my pirate ship?"

"?" Annie's eyes lit up at the prospect.

"Absolutely!" Annie replied firmly, without any hesitation.

"Then await good news!" Teach's voice echoed as he disappeared in a flash.

Meanwhile, at the port of Seth Island...

"What a frcking opponent!" Anthony collapsed amidst the ruins, panting heavily, his appearance now showing signs of wear and tear. His justice coat was nowhere to be seen, and his clothes were tattered, with a cracked blue tie hanging over his shoulders.

The blood on his body was from Patton's blood sickle, an attack that even his Haki-imbued armor couldn't fully withstand.

However, as a seasoned fighter, at the prime of his life, only forty-five years old, Anthony's overall strength was only slightly weak to Patton's. Although Patton's abilities were troublesome, his situation wasn't much better, as the battle intensified.

Anthony retrieved a golden pocket watch from his pocket, opening it to reveal a picture of his wife with a gentle smile and their daughter. They were his motivation to keep fighting.

Anthony closed the pocket watch, slowly rising from the ruins. He felt a renewed surge of power within him. "I won't give up!"

With a resolute roar, Anthony charged towards Patton, who was approaching slowly.

Patton's condition didn't look good, but his aura remained exceptionally strong. Anthony had sustained three bloody wounds on his abdomen and a fierce punch to the head, along with other injuries, some large and some small. The severity of his wounds had already begun to take its toll.

I'll kill you and take your head!" Patton roared in response, swinging the blood sickle with ferocity. Though the sickle fruit's ability was relatively simple, Patton had developed its function of absorbing blood, allowing him to recover from his injuries. The blood-splattered sickle wasn't just a reflection of his fondness for violence; it also served as a source of sustenance due to its blood-absorbing properties.

"You're worth less than a 700-million-bounty," Anthony taunted, as the battle wore on, and the pressure on Anthony increased. He fought desperately, inflicting severe damage on Patton, but in the process, his own strength waned. Despite using life return to recover from injuries several times, Anthony's energy was nearly depleted. Finally, Patton seized an opportunity, and a deadly light flashed through the air.