
One Piece: Pirate Killers

A slightly different Luffy, met his first mate a little earlier, which is why the whole story took a slightly different course. Straw Hat Pirates - Everything in front is crying, and behind everything is burning, broken, bleeding and robbed. This is translation from russian, and I am not good at english, so there will be a lot of mistakes link to original https://ficbook.net/readfic/3357775#part_content

Moctopus_Octopus · アニメ·コミックス
116 Chs

Part 10 - Who ordered sushi? 5/??

Surprised to realize that someone had been behind their house all this time, Nojiko got up from her chair and turned to the door. And then, as the "boys" invited to dinner began to enter the house, one by one, the girl found herself retreating further and further until she buried her back against the wall opposite from the "boys". Two of the three, who entered, in their size, were not so much smaller than the fish-men whom Nojiko had known since childhood. Just no one of fishman she knew did have so many muscles. Half the size of the guys was their muscles. The third of the "boys" also had impressive muscles, but not the same as the first two, and was noticeably inferior to them in height. At the same time, he caused Nojiko the greatest fear, almost horror. If the first two guys made the girl swallow noisily, then from the sight of the latter, her legs began to shake in the most natural way. It's like she's a little girl again, and in front of her is a huge monster, Arlong, who had just killed her mother.

- Nojiko, calm down, - Nami said, walking up to her sister and putting her hand on her shoulder. - Maybe they look like Hell's missionaries on earth ...

- Hey! - there was a friendly, indignant exclamation from Johnny and Yosaku.

- … But they're actually pretty good guys… even Zoro… somewhere deep, deep inside… At least that's what Luffy always says, and he, as I told you, is always right.

- You know, in my opinion, you need to stop to communicate so closely to our captain - was Zoro's response to Nami's words. - It all sounded suspiciously close to what Luffy himself would have said, - the guy added as he sat down at the table.

- So, meet, - Nami said to Nojiko, completely ignoring Zoro's words ... which only confirmed his words, because that's what Luffy would have done. - This monster in a white and with red bandage on his forehead is Ryu, nicknamed Johnny...

- It's too late to save this girl, - said Ryu in response, just as Zoro sat down at the table. - She has gone further along the path of Luffizing than any of us. In addition, she also refuses to admit this fact. There is no longer any salvation for her.

- … The blonde monster in red is Yosaku.

- Don't worry about it, we will all get there, - the introduced Yosaku "reassured" his friend, sitting down at the table opposite Zoro.

- … And finally, Zoro is the last. He is our captain's first mate, and I sincerely advise you to stay as far away from him as possible. Maybe deep inside, he is a good guy, but outside Zoro is a born killer. If he does not kill at least twenty people a week, then, by his standards, this week will be considered a wasted week.

After such a presentation of the green-haired swordsman, Nojiko turned pale even more, which seemed impossible a few seconds earlier - she was already whiter than chalk by that moment.

- And guys, this is my sister Nojiko, - standing behind her sister's back and putting her hands on her shoulders, she introduced her to Nami. - And immediately I warn you that I love her very much, so you'd better stay away from her. She is a normal girl and I want her to stay that way even after we leave.

- I don't understand, are you just trying to calm your sister down or intimidate her even more? - Johnny asked back. - If the former, then you clearly need to limit your communication with Luffy, and if the latter, then even more you need to limit your communication with Luffy.

- Better let's eat - before Nami could answer, made his proposal to Yosaku. - We haven't eaten anything since yesterday, - the guy added, and his stomach, as a sign of confirmation, rumbled loudly.

- You only want to eat, - Nami responded, but, contrary to her words, she immediately fussed, taking out deep plates and pouring soup over them. Along the way, the girl stirred up her sister, forcing her to help.

After setting the table, Nami sat down to eat herself, at the same time seating Nojiko next to her. While they ate, they tried not to raise any serious topics, so the table conversation was mainly about what they might need on the Grand Line and what awaits them in general in this mysterious sea. Taking into account everything they have already experienced, it must be admitted that the bar of expectations was set unusually high.

- Nami, are you going to the Grand Line? - excitement or not, but such a topic Nojiko could not miss.

- Not me, but all of us, - the girl corrected her sister. - Our whole family. When we deal with Arlong and his gang, we just have nothing to do in East Blue.

- Speaking of Arlong, - Zoro tilted his head slightly, as if listening to something, - he seems to have swallowed the bait.

- A fish is a fish, what did you expect ? - Johnny thought.

- Did you hear something? - asked the swordsman Nami.

- That's right, my captain, - Zoro chuckled in response, making the girl pout in resentment.

Although the guys obeyed Nami implicitly, none of them wanted to get beaten by Luffy - almost never missed the opportunity to poke her in some way. In other words, they found it rather amusing that they needed to obey Nami, and did not even try to hide it.

- And what did you hear? - the girl pressed, demanding details.

- A ship has docked at the pier, near your village, and judging by the number of voices on it and their movements, I am almost one hundred percent sure that they are marines.

- It seems like Luffy was right again, - Yosaku voiced the already obvious thing.

- And I'm more interested in how much dumb you need to be, to decide to accept such an order? Johnny said, holding out his empty plate to Nojiko and gesturing for more.

- We never touched the Marines and everyone knows it, so he probably thought he would get nothing for it, - Yosaku suggested, also holding out his empty plate to Nojiko.

- Marines are yours, but Arlong is mine! - Immediately tried to stake out Johnny the most promising battle.

- And why is that?! - Yosaku was indignant.

- You got Craig.

- And you got the Fake Zombie.

- You got the fake Zombie!

- Doesn't count! You already beat him before my arrival, and I just finished it off!

- Better fight together this time, - Zoro said unexpectedly. - Arlong may not be particularly famous, apart from his bounty on the head, but, most likely, he has always been and remains the strongest pirate of the East Blue, so he may have some unpleasant surprises for you. Besides, do not forget that he sailed from the Grand Line, and this is a completely different level. You will hardly surprise him with the power of your devil fruits.

Nami, Johnny, and Yosaku stared at Zoro with looks like they couldn't believe what they were hearing.


Thanks for reading, check my other works and have fun,

I'm not sure what will be in future, will I continue, or will I drop. I had some time for this this summer, but now I need to study, and work at 2 places to pay for everything.

If you are interested, I can open a patreon account, or just do this when I have time and desire