
One piece: Path finder

Waking up Rei realized he was in One Piece, a world where everything can happen. Under the guidance of strict parents, Rei was protected from the evil of the world. He followed his parents' path as he had nothing to do. While doing his thing, he encountered a life-changing event one after another. *** Mc is marine but he is not like a loyal dog. He is just staying at the marine because it is more suited to his personality. There will be a lot of original characters, groups and pirates. No harem. Mc will be sort of overpowered given the fact that he had resources and past life experiences.

Finn3 · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Training to survive

Amidst the vast expanse of the sea, a sense of desperation gripped Rei's heart as he struggled against the suffocating weight of the water. Panic coursed through his veins, his limbs heavy with exhaustion and stress.

Rei's body, once strong and agile, now felt like an anchor, dragging him deeper into the unforgiving depths.

With each futile attempt to swim towards the surface, his limbs grew weaker, unresponsive to the commands of his panicked mind. His lungs burned with the desperate need for air, his vision blurring as oxygen deprivation took hold.

' Fuck. Fuck. '

' I am going to die again. '

As his body convulsed with the desperate instinct for survival, a brief flicker of fear passed through Rei's eyes.

Fear of losing something more than just his life, his effort.

He had become a mere speck in the vastness, his struggle obscured by the ever-shifting waves.

Yet, amid despair, a glimmer of determination sparked within Rei's fading consciousness.

' I am going to survive and kick that old man. '

Through sheer force of will, Rei managed to break the surface, gasping for precious air as he fought against the merciless waves. The sea raged around him, but a newfound resolve had taken hold.

He smiled. Looking at Reagan who was staring down at him, Rei punched at the air. But he retained himself from showing the middle finger.


Inside the tree house, Rei and Reagan were talking. It was mostly Reagan but Rei sometimes asked about a few things he didn't understand.

They were talking about swords and their form. Rei knew basic sword skills but it was trash compared to actual skill. His training as an agent consists of training swords but they are not effective on the battlefield among the raining bullets.

He only trained a sword for balance.

Now Reagan was talking about it as the main weapon.

" When can I hold the sword? I mean the actual sword training. " Rei asked. His physical strength improved over a short period.

Reagan shook his head, " Your foundation lacks balance. Having brute strength doesn't mean anything in the actual battle. "

" I see the training camp always started with the sword. "

"That is a problem. They are not genius. So the navy taught them basic skills from there they can change into their style. And their situation is much different from yours. You have the style to learn. They don't have a style. "

Rei nodded. " So how many days I am going to train my body? "

" About four years. You're going to learn close combat for the time being. " Reagan lifted his hand and made a fist.

" By controlling the body to the maximum, you can move the sword with ease. My style used all the muscles of the body to perform the move sets. " Reagan said.

Rei nodded. " Kind of made sense. "

But he had an answer left.

Reagan dropped the spoon and sighed. " Well, time to leave. "


Three years later, Rei now at the age of 10.

Outside the tree house, the two men were now sparing using only fists.

The crashing waves of the sea below mirrored the intensity of their confrontation, the vast expanse serving as a breathtaking backdrop for their clash.

With a swift motion, Rei lunged forward, his fists poised to strike. His movements were swift and agile, a testament to his years of training and discipline.

Each punch was delivered with precision and intent, the force behind them echoing through the air like the crashing waves against the rocks.

For a moment, it mirrored thunder.

With lightning-like speed, Reagan launched into action, his strikes imbued with power and precision. His movements were a masterclass in combat, each punch and kick delivered with a fluidity that surpassed human limitations.

" Shit! " Rei cursed.

But he managed to dodge the first attack which was a good thing.

Reagan's strikes were like thunderbolts, seemingly born from the very heavens, while Rei, his skill rapidly developing, aimed to emulate his mentor's lightning-fast reflexes and devastating blows.

Throughout their spar, Reagan guided Rei, offering subtle corrections.

" Don't just use the strength from your foot. Use the whole body. " Reagan kicked at Rei's face without holding back.

For a brief second, he used his real strength, and Rei was again thrown out at the sea. But he didn't yell or curse.

Rei attempted to kick the air but failed. He smiled. ' Damn, I am not strong enough. '

He fell into the water.

He came out of the sea climbing the mountain cliff. It had become a natural movement to him. He even thought Reagan wanted to kill him from the start but slowly the fruit of training become visible.

He had become more agile.

Reagan threw a paper at Rei. It was hard and sharp resembling steel than paper.

Rei caught it but his hand spilt from the rock he was relying on.

From a last attempt, he kicked at the air. Feeling the solid ground, Rei backflipped and landed softly on the ground.

" Oh. " Reagan's eyes widened but were soon replaced by the same old look.

Rei read through the paper quickly. It was a letter about the navy ceremony.

" What is this? " He asked.

" There will be a ceremony event on this island. And all the admirals around the sea will come here. I won't be here though. "

Rei tilted his head. " Why? Aren't you an important person here? "

Reagan laughed. " I am going to oversee the new world. Someone needs to check while we are celebrating the beautiful event. "

" I see. I got a rest day. " Rei smiled.

" No, you don't. There will be fighting competition for young adults. They will be the future of the Navy. I want you to precipitate in that competition. "

Rei lay flat on the ground. He thought of a possible rest day. Just one day.

His head raised, eyes followed the back of Reagan. " I don't need to win right? Right? They are adults. "

Reagan smiled. It was a chilling smile, he only see it when he make a mistake. Shiver run through Rei's body.

" I got it. "