
One piece: Path finder

Waking up Rei realized he was in One Piece, a world where everything can happen. Under the guidance of strict parents, Rei was protected from the evil of the world. He followed his parents' path as he had nothing to do. While doing his thing, he encountered a life-changing event one after another. *** Mc is marine but he is not like a loyal dog. He is just staying at the marine because it is more suited to his personality. There will be a lot of original characters, groups and pirates. No harem. Mc will be sort of overpowered given the fact that he had resources and past life experiences.

Finn3 · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Old man

Walking toward his house, Rei thought about his future. It's not like he had not thought about that rather he can't pinpoint the path he would take.

' Yeah, being a marine is a good idea. I have protection better than pirates and lastly, I can build up my strength. ' Rei kicked a small rock.

It landed beside a house crushing a glass window.

" Shit. " He cursed and ran away.

He arrived at his house, and being a family member of the vice admiral was a good position in this fortress. The house was not too big but it is larger than many other houses in the vicinity.

He opened the door and a soft jizz sound hit his ears. ' Oh, they arrive. ' Rei noticed his parents.

He yelled. " Mom. "

" Yes, dear. " The voice came from the kitchen. " Well, are you supposed to study at school? "

Rei hung his bag on the wall, taking out the paper Instructor Fang gave him. He handed it over to his father who was reading a book in the kitchen.

His mother was making dishes.

" I passed the school with a flying mark. " Rei said proudly.

' It is easier to beat some kid-level math problems. ' He chuckled himself.

His father, Ron took off the glasses. " Wow. " He lifted an eyebrow.

" You even got a perfect score in physical combat. "

Rei smiled and sat on the chair. " What are you cooking, Mom? "

"Meatball." She replied, " I want you to do some errand for me. "

" Sure. " Rei said.

His mother pointed at a bag in front of him and said, " Bring the food to your grandfather. "

Rei tilted his head. " Grandfather? I never knew I have a grandpa. "

Hearing his confusion, his mother gazed turn towards Ron. " Ron, You said you will be the one that told him the news. "

His father coughed, lifting the glasses. " Sorry, I have been busy lately with pirates. "

Rei sighed. " So where is he live? "

" Do you know the mountain cliff? " His mother said.

Rei scratched his head, " Yeah. There is a small tree house, right? "

His mother nodded. " That is right. Go deliver. Don't forget to bring your coat. It's hot out there. "

Rei grabbed the bag and took his signature jacket. " Bye. "

The light shined upon his hair, the black hair reflected the light. Under the blue sky and white clouds, houses of marines stretched into the distance.

"Over there. " Rei noted to himself and began walking.

After 30 minutes, he arrived at the destination. The wind blew the spring spirit, carrying his hair. Rei absorbed the fresh air to the fullest. ' I have not seen such scenes since the trip. '

Being an Agent forced him to work in the dark, the air he breathed always carried blood scents.

" Beautiful scene right? "

Rei immediately turned around taking a fighting stance. He saw a flash of the black silhouette. Carried by instinct, he threw a punch.

" Hot-headed kid. "

Again, Rei kicked to the back. He expected his kick would be met with the air but this time something caught it.

Then he felt a kick, throwing the balance off, Rei fell flat to the ground.

Smelling fresh grass and dirt, he heard laughter coming above. Rei got up cursing every word he knew from his dictionary.

" Such a foul mouth. "

Rei looked up and saw an old man wearing a white kimono. The old man smirked. He lifted the bag and smiled.

" Don't tell my parents about that. " Rei said inwardly.

The old man chuckled and pointed at the tree house beside them. " Come. "

Rei nodded, rubbing the dust off his shirt and jacket. ' Scary. ' He can sense blood scents. The scents he got only from an old assassin.

Rei quickly followed the old man.

The interior of the tree house welcomed Rei with a cosy charm. Soft, warm sunlight filtered through the small windows, casting a gentle glow on the polished wooden floor. The walls, adorned with intricate carvings and illustrations, told stories of nature's beauty.

" Wow," he exclaimed out loud.

The twinkling lights were carefully embedded, creating an ethereal ambience that transported Rei to a world beyond the trees.

The old man saw Rei's expression and smiled. He placed the hot tea on the table.

" Peaceful right? I picked this place. Thank God, Sengoku allowed me on this packed island. "

' Sengoku? ' Rei thought. ' I just finished marine ford war so I don't know anything about him except being a fleet admiral. '

" I think so but why don't you just leave to another island? " Rei asked.

The old man sighed. " That is even more annoying. I have a lot of enemies and this place needs protection. "

Rei raised an eyebrow unable to understand the words of this old man. He slipped the tea and asked.

" Who are you? My mom said you are my grandpa but there is no way you are just some old head. "

The old man sighed. " I guess. Your mom hates me with a passion to this day. "

" I never sense her anger or hate when she is talking about you. " Rei replied. He could never see his mother would hate someone, she was the sweetest person he could ever meet.

Maybe because she was his mother, his eyes were blind.

The old man smiled. " That is great news. It seems I misunderstood again. Well, I am your mother's father. Called me Reagan, a former admiral. "

Rei coughed. " Admiral? "

Reagan nodded.

Rei's eyes turned cold absorbing all the information in front of him.

[ Reagan.]

[ The Thunderblade.]

[ world's strongest swordsman.]

" You must be strong. " Rei said.

Reagan nodded. " Not as strong as the current generation. "

' I need to grab this situation. ' Rei thought to himself. He didn't care why this former admiral didn't appear in the war.

" Teach me. " Rei said. " Train me. "

" That was fast. "

Rei smiled putting on a cute smile. ' My path will be more safe being a student of a former admiral. I don't want any unpredictable events. '

" Your father said you are a smart kid. "

Rei laughed. " They are just bragging. "

" That is what I think so but talking to you right now feels like an adult. " Reagan said. The wind flew in their direction.

Rei picked up the tea again. " haha. " Dry laugh echoed throughout the room.


Author's words.

I have a plotline for this novel so you can expect the finished novel.

And check my other novel as well.

Suggest me the idea. I am welcome to every word.