
One Piece: One Punch Man

Byakuya transmigrates to the world of One Piece with the One Punch Man System, but it takes 3 years of Saitama Training before the Saitama Templates and system are activated. As a Marine, he upholds Justice in his heart and is also a Hero. But while he has a Heart of Justice, as a Hero, he is a Hero with Interest. People live with a dream, and his dream is World Peace, Byakuya will use his power to achieve his dream. Disclaimer: This is Translation Update 5 Days a week (Monday - Friday) Please support me by joining my patr**on. Have 10 advanced Chapters for you guys. patr**n.com/saitamablast >OP:OPM NOVEL TIER

Saitama_Blast · アニメ·コミックス
130 Chs

Chapter 65: Calm Before Storm

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Zephyr brought the Marine training camp students out for hands-on experience, aiming to have them practice by capturing pirates in the first half of the Grand Line. 

Passing by Sabaody Archipelago, he decided to visit Byakuya. Walking ahead with Zephyr, Byakuya had the rest of the group following respectfully behind. 

Quake and Fergus were enthusiastically chatting with the trainees, given their former status as leaders of the Anti-Byakuya Club, which still held considerable respect.

Seeing the deserted streets and recalling the rumours he heard upon arrival, Zephyr asked suspiciously, "You didn't kill everyone on the island, did you?" 

Byakuya was exasperated, "Teacher, how could you say that? Am I that kind of person?" 

Zephyr shook his head, sighing, "It's hard to say what kind of person you are anymore."

Despite being at Marine Headquarters, Zephyr stayed well-informed about Byakuya, often hearing updates from Sengoku. 

He was initially shocked when he learned about Byakuya's live broadcast execution across the entire island. 

In the training camp, Byakuya had never shown such a ruthless side. If this in the past, Zephyr might have reprimanded him, but now he didn't see it as a problem. 

In lawless places like this, even if you kill a thousand people, it's unlikely that any would be innocent. Executing them all wasn't a big deal.

Zephyr didn't stay long, needing to take his trainees to practice by hunting pirate crews. The next day, they set out again. 

Byakuya escorted Zephyr back to the dock, and as they left the Marine base, the streets remained empty. 

Before leaving, Zephyr looked at Byakuya and asked, "Are you sure you don't want to spar with me?" 

Byakuya waved it off, awkwardly saying, "No need, you can go on your way!" Zephyr's curiosity was piqued by Byakuya's reluctance. 

In the training camp, Byakuya was always eager to spar, practically a battle maniac. 

Now, without equals on Sabaody, he was passing up a chance to spar with Zephyr.

This made Zephyr suspicious. 

Remembering what Sengoku had mentioned about Byakuya's recent activities, Zephyr guessed that Byakuya might have neglected his training, leading to no progress. 

Understanding this, Zephyr patted Byakuya's shoulder, concerned, "Byakuya, for us Marines, the most important thing is strength." 

"Your rules on Sabaody are helpful and solve many problems for the Marines, but they are not as crucial as improving your strength." 

"Only with strong personal power can you effectively implement your ideals. Don't lose sight of that."

Byakuya was touched yet amused by Zephyr's heartfelt advice. 

He was touched by Zephyr's concern but amused because the real reason he avoided sparring was that his strength had increased too dramatically. 

His current power had multiplied several times compared to when he left the training camp, thanks to a 10% integration of power within just a month. 

Byakuya feared that if he used his strength, he might defeat Zephyr with a single punch, which would be too much of a shock for the old man. 

Thus, he had been making every excuse to avoid a match. However, Zephyr completely misunderstood Byakuya's reluctance.

However, Byakuya couldn't bring himself to embarrass his teacher in front of so many people. It would be too cruel to do that to an elderly man. 

With a resigned smile, Byakuya said, "Don't worry, Teacher Zephyr. I promise I will intensify my training." 

Seeing Byakuya's sincere attitude, Zephyr didn't push further, mindful of maintaining Byakuya's dignity in front of his subordinates and students. 

Zephyr nodded and said, "Alright then, I'll be off. But when I return, you better not make excuses."

"I understand, Teacher!"

Byakuya stood at the dock, watching Zephyr leave, thinking to himself, "Teacher, you're asking for a beating. Don't blame me when the time comes." 

After Zephyr's departure, Byakuya began contemplating how to deal with Doflamingo. 

Although he was now powerful enough to utterly defeat Doflamingo and single-handedly crush the Donquixote Family, his position as a Marine meant he had to wait for orders from above. 

Glancing at his Marine uniform, Byakuya smiled wryly, "This identity is a double-edged sword."

In the following days, Byakuya frequently received updates about Zephyr. Leading the training camp soldiers, Zephyr had defeated numerous pirate crews. 

With his extensive experience in training soldiers, Zephyr started by finding weaker pirates for his trainees to fight, gradually increasing the difficulty of ensuring their growth. 

Byakuya and his peers had graduated quickly, finishing their training while others were still laying their foundations.

One day, Byakuya received a new report from Smoker: Zephyr had defeated the pirate supernova Donald, who had a bounty of 230 million berries. 

Byakuya couldn't help but chuckle, "Master Zephyr, you don't get tired, do you? Even at your age, you still get excited about fighting pirates." 

Putting down the newspaper, Byakuya suddenly realized something. 

Picking it up again, he scrutinized the photos of Zephyr in action, noticing his Haki-imbued fists. 

This was why he was known as "Black Arm" Zephyr. But something was off. 

Byakuya muttered to himself, "At this time, Master's right arm hasn't been cut off yet, and he hasn't replaced it with a Seastone arm."

According to the anime, Zephyr lost his arm while leading the training camp soldiers on a mission to hunt pirates. 

They encountered Weevil, and due to his age and asthma, Zephyr was defeated. 

Not only did he lose his arm, but almost all the training camp recruits were killed, except for Ain and Binz. 

A chilling thought flashed through Byakuya's mind, and he clenched his fists. "Damn it, could this be that mission?"


Meanwhile, on a small pirate ship far from Sabaody Archipelago, a large man who bore no resemblance to Whitebeard except for his moustache and large sword said naively, 

"Mother, we've taken care of all these pirates. When can we go find Dad?" 

From the ship's treasure room came a sharp voice, "My dear son, be patient. Once we accomplish something that makes us famous across the seas, we can reunite with your father, Whitebeard."

<End Chapter>

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