
one piece new life

it is my first time sorry if you dont like it and please enjoy the story . it is about a boy that got reincarnated in one piece with ban power and system in the family of monkey d as garp older brother

Saimanwrites · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

Smooth Battle

rocks"so you're here huh"

gojo"of course I have to come don't i afterall i have to save my brother. he is not strong enough to battle you yet rocks"

rocks"and how will you save your brother undead gojo even though you're strong that doesn't mean you can defeat me right?"

gojo"i think you are thinking too much of yourself aren't you?"

rocks"oh let's start then see about then"

after that we both jumped from our respective place and moved toward each other for the battle and we both prepared for a move as i powered up my fist and i use the magnificent move Galaxy impact and he directly used his fruit ability black hole to absorb the impact of the attack.

and as time went on battle continued and more than 6 days had passed and our battle was continuing and in the mean time marshal kong with reinforcement also came to the island to help in battle but i knew that this is not going to destroy the rocks pirate afterall god valley incident is yet to happen and this is just a normal battle and with thinking so the battle continued after after the total of 8 days the battle ended and the rocks pirate had to flee from their own island.

it has been two days since the battle and the newspaper has not missed the chance to take the opportunity to write about it add some spices in the story and i have been dubbed as the marine hero by the world now and all the pirates fear me as i was able to fight with rocks and just after my battle with roger and the other two and i. these two days i haven't doing anything only sitting in my office seeing the statics of the battle.

in this battle we lost 3000 solider and the we killed about 7000 pirates which is more than double but more than 3000 family lost their backbone and the navy is going to give them money for their family for rest of the life. and now i have just been called for a meeting by the marshal kong for some important meeting and in my guess it is about the time god valley incident happen so i have decided to live a offspring for myself if something were to happen to me as i have some bad felling about the incident.

but i haven't found anyone of my type to marry you know it is hard to find a girl even if you're handsome

.it has been two hours and i am in the meeting room currently everyone is in the room and marshal is going to start the meeting soon.

kong"as you all know die to the recent battle with rock we lost about 3000 of our soldiers in the battle but we also weakened them a lot as they lost more than 7000 of their people which has weakened them a lot but i got a information from over spies that the rock is soon going to attack the god valley and we need to prepare for the upcoming battle.this much for the meeting and it ends here.