
One Piece: Luffy's Redo.

When Luffy was 7 years old, his future self appeared before him, he said all his nakama died at the hands of Admiral Akainu right after he managed to defeat Kaidou one of the Yonkou. Follow the adventures of a stronger and smarter version of Luffy, repeating his journey from East blue to New World, hoping not to repeat the same mistakes and correcting the mistakes he made.

Mitsuyakun · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

Chapter 5 Pirate Alvida

The noise woke him up. He still wanted to sleep for a while longer. He yawned and listened to the talk of the voices around him.

"You didn't see anything. OK?" said a man in a gruff voice.

"H-hai!" answered a frightened sounding voice.

'Cobby!' thought Luffy with a smile on his lips. 'You made all this happen. I have to make you a great marine again! '

"All right," said the gruff-voiced man. "I'm going to bang this barrel open and we're going to drink to our heart's content!"

'Seriously, who punched a sake barrel to open it.' thought Luffy. He then heard the man approaching. 'Yosh!'

Luffy stretched out his hand and punched the barrel cover until it broke from the inside, punching the pirate who had been making a loud noise. The man instantly flew across the hull and into the distance.


The two remaining pirates and Coby fell to the floor, staring at the man who had just stepped out of the sake vat. Luffy turned to Coby and asked casually if he had anything to eat.

"Stop messing with us brats! Who are you?" asked the two pirates, while Coby just stared at Luffy.

The man they were yelling waved his hand in Coby's face, ignoring the two pirates screaming behind him and ask: "Coby, do you sleep with your eyes open?"

Coby's eyes widened. Luffy in his mind slapped himself. 'We haven't even introduced ourselves, you prawn brain!'

"Who are you? How do you know my name?" he asked.

"Oh, that's a secret, I can't tell you... My name is Monkey D. Luffy." said Luffy. Then the two pirates attacked them with swords. Coby closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again there were three human-shaped holes in the hull and no pirates to be seen. Coby was shocked.

"So, where's food?" he asked. Coby could only nod and lead him to the food storage room.

Luffy eats and Coby compliments Luffy on his strength.

"The future pirate king must be strong, Coby!" Luffy said, hearing that Coby's mouth dropped wide.

"Pirate King?" he asked. Luffy nodded. "Pirate King?" Luffy nodded again. "THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!. ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE!!. The pirate king has everything in the world, he is the strongest pirate of all!"

Luffy just nodded again.

"You will go to the Grand Line to find One Piece!" Luffy nodded once again.

"Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible-"


"Ow!! why did you hit me?!" asked Coby, touching the large bump on his head.

"Because you're annoying." said Luffy in a low tone. "It doesn't matter if it's impossible. It's my dream and I will still do it."

Coby was amazed. Never before had he heard words possessed such determination.

"You have dreams too, don't you, Coby? I can see it in your eyes!" said Luffy.

Coby stood up, now looking excited too.

"I want to be a marine! I want to be a man who can catch criminals like Alvida!"

Luffy smiled brightly.

"Are you ready to run it, Coby?" asked Luffy seriously. "Are you ready to bet your life on your dream?"

Coby, hearing Luffy's words made a feeling of enthusiasm burn in Coby's body, he nodded enthusiastically.

"Then let's beat up the fat pirate above!" said Luffy.

Coby paled slightly, but nodded anyway. They walked together up the ladder and onto the deck of the ship.

"Who are you going to beat up, Coby?" asked a very fat female pirate. Coby was now completely white with fright when the pirate appeared before them. Luffy knew exactly what to say at this point.

"Hey Cobby!" asked Luffy for everyone to hear. "Is this ugly whale Alvida?"

Everyone's mouth dropped and their bodies turned pale at those words.

"HOW DARE YOU INSULT ME SNOW BOY! EVERYONE, KILL HIM!" shouted Alvida and then Alvida's crew started attacking them. Coby could only close his eyes in fear.

Luffy moved at incredible speed, punching the pirates left and right flying them off into the distance and into the ship, creating a large hole in it.

"It's a relief to be fighting again." he said with satisfaction. He made sure Coby wasn't hurt.

After that fight, there were now only three people standing on the ship. Coby, Alvida and Luffy. Then Luffy started laughing.

"Shishishi! They're all so weak! Is this all you can give me, you fat granny?"

Coby looked up in disbelief. There is a hole in the ship. Some of the pirates were stuck with their upper bodies and some just lay there all unconscious. Alvida felt like she was going to explode hearing Luffy.

"Luffy-san, how did you beat them all?" he asked. Luffy looked at him and spoke quietly, but Alvida could hear too.

"This is the weakest part of the ocean, Coby. I'm much stronger than anyone in this ocean. Even the whale granny there, I can beat easily!" Luffy said, pointing at Alvida.

Hearing that Alvida's patience ran out. Alvida jumped at him and hit him on the head with her giant iron staff. Both Coby and Alvida were sure that Luffy had lost to Alvida's attack, and Alvida looked viciously at Coby with a look that said Coby would feel his wrath, but then….

"Hey guys I didn't want to interrupt..." Luffy said under Alvida's iron staff "But I'm still alive! And also, sorry about your iron staff, Alvida!"


Suddenly, the giant staff started to crack and after a few seconds it shattered into pieces.

Alvida looked at Luffy and took a few steps back. He's scared. He hit the man who insulted him with full force, but his staff shattered. He had never experienced anything as terrifying as this.

Coby's mind on the other hand completely collapsed. The 'Iron Mace' Pirate Alvida was the most powerful being he had ever met, but right now she was completely completely dominated by a man one quarter her size, the man not even doing anything.

The straw hat man takes a step towards Alvida and Alvida takes a few steps back and crashes into the mast.

"Like I said before you cut me off," he said, "I'm too strong for you." Luffy took a swing, and then punched Alvida in the stomach.

And with that, in an instant, Alvida flew over the sea.

Coby blinked a few times and looked between Luffy and the tiny dot in the distance. Before the boy could react, the Straw Hat grabbed his collar and jumped down towards the sea, only to find that they had landed in a small boat. Soon after, Marine appears and begins shelling the civilian ship Alvida and her ship are hijacking.

"IYAAAAAAA!" shouted Nami, much to her surprise when Luffy landed on her ship with Coby in his arms. "WHAT THE HELL ?!"


Flash back:

"I'm Nami. I like money and oranges."


Luffy stood up and smiled at her and put Coby on the boat.

"Hey," said Luffy cheerfully. "Do you perhaps also want to head to Shell City?"

Nami nodded quickly. She wanted to scream at this man, but she was not stupid. She saw how he handled Alvida pirates with ease. The man smiled at him.

"Then," he spoke again. "Can we come with you?"

"U-Ummm...." she said nervously, "S-Sure, why not!"

"Thank you!" he said, smiling brightly. Then suddenly he became serious. "Hey, is it possible you're part of the pirates?" He already knew the answer, but it seemed more natural to talk to Nami like this. That question instantly angered the feisty woman.


Luffy took his sword from its scabbard.

"Then I guess I should do this," he said calmly as he turned to the other side of the ship, where Nami was. Nami and Coby both come to the wrong conclusion. Nami was getting scared now. Coby jumped in front of Luffy.

"Coby, what the..." said Luffy quietly.

"L-Luffy-san, I heard what she said and I know you're a pirate" Coby said while blocking Luffy with his body. Nami was tensed at his words. "But you can't hurt her just because she hates pirates, you-"


Luffy punched Coby again and looked at him who was currently curled up in pain. Nami put her hand to her mouth in fright, thinking about what these pirate would do to Coby, but then Luffy spoke.

"I'm not going to hurt her, Coby." Luffy said in a low tone. "Only a coward hurts people over a small matter."

Nami wasn't sure what she thought of this man. But thankfully, he gave her more time to think about her opinion, as Luffy turned and faced Alvida's ship and the ship she was attacking. He readied his sword and then looked at the two passengers nearby.

"You two better hold on!" he warned.

"What will he do?" both thought.

Luffy slashed downwards with his sword, like he was slashing at an enemy. At that instant the two ships in front of him, the larger civilian ship and Alvida's smaller pirate ship behind it, both split in two. Two jaws hit the deck.

'No, this... THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!' thought Coby. Nami on the other hand felt she was on the verge of going mad at the sight in front of her.

Luffy looked at them and smiled. It's great to see their reactions like this.