
One Piece: Lost Monarch

After many trials, Jin-Woo has finally found some semblance of hope in the form of a system that helps him get stronger. Jin-woo tests his newfound resolve by challenging a dungeon. He clears it but finds himself in an unknown world. Here, Pirates dominate the sea, The Marines preach their Absolute Justice and The Revolutionaries aim for a better world! The world is fraught with dangers but are things more than what they seem? What is the secret behind Jin-Woo's arrival to this unknown world? What forces are lurking in the dark? And most importantly, What about Jin Woo's family that has been left behind? Follow Jin Woo's struggles as he seeks a way home amidst this chaos filled sea! ---

always_tired_ · アニメ·コミックス
17 Chs

Captain Smoker (2)

"Go on ahead. I will hold them back here!"

Jin Woo could hear the worried voices of the Straw hats telling him to be careful to which he could only nod internally. He didn't have the leeway to respond due to Smoker's ferocious assault.

"Do you think this is a joke?" Smoke growled and turned into smoke to surround Jin Woo.

"No…I am still trying to figure out my enemies and allies in this world." Jin Woo's attacks phased through Smoker's incorporeal body.

Aren't devil fruit abilities broken?!' Jin Woo cursed inwardly as he dodged a punch from the back side. He was surrounded by white smoke and an attack could come from anywhere around him.

"Smoker-San, I told you we cannot trust this man. Such a fiendish man…! I'm sure he is in friends with those pirates!" Tashigi arrived behind Jin Woo and swung her katana at Jin Woo's back.

'Great. More trouble…' Just handling Smoker alone proved to be very challenging for him.

"Friends, huh? I guess you can say that."

Jin Woo blocked Tashigi's strike with his Dagger but that gave enough time for Smoker to land a hit. Jin Woo crashed into a wall as the result of the intense melee between the trio.

"You are standing against the World Government by doing this. I take it that you are aware of that?" Smoker's gruff voice sounded in his ears.

Jin Woo needed to stall for more time so he welcomed such small talk. "If I have a choice to pick one side between an organization that turns a blind eye to tyranny and a group of pirates that helped overthrow it. I think the choice is pretty obvious."

"What are you trying to imply? That the World Government purposely let Arlong do as he pleases and cause havoc everywhere?" Tashigi's eyes slightly widened as a look of disbelief appeared on her face.

'For someone so dumb, you are pretty smart…'

"I don't know. After all, I am maybe even more clueless than you."

"Enough. There is no need to talk anymore. I hope you are prepared, Jin Woo."

Smoker who had been listening silently interjected. He wielded his jitte and rushed towards Jin Woo. Tashigi followed by doing the same with her katana.

Jin Woo wasn't just stalling for time alone but also trying to restore as much stamina as possible. Moreover, Jin-Woo had allocated the additional stat points.



Name: Sung Jin-Woo

Level: 23

Class: None

Title: The One Who Judges

HP: 2310

MP: 370

Fatigue: 48


Strength: 60

Agility: 52

Sense: 32

Vitality: 46

Intelligence: 32


Remaining points: 0]

Jin Woo swiftly dodged Smoker's frontal assault and kicked Tashigi away, who was trying to get behind Jin Woo. Tashigi rolled for a few meters before coming to a halt.

"Tashigi, chase after the Strawhats. I will take care of this."

"But-" Tashigi tried to complain but Smoker cut her off.

"No buts. You are my subordinate. I order and you follow my orders. No questions asked, Got it?"

"Got it." Tashigi ran off towards the harbor and Jin-Woo didn't try to stop her. The Going Merry would have set sail by now and by sending Tashigi away, Smoker was only reducing the burden on Jin Woo. And even if the Strawhats hadn't set sail yet, Tashigi alone won't be enough to stop them.

"You are too kind."

"No, I could say the same to you. You are too naive. Even if you manage to survive today, you won't be able to last long like this."

A wry smile appeared on Jin Woo's face. "…Yeah. You might be right…but no one can tell how long I can last."

[Skill 'Sprint' has been activated!]

[All movement speeds will be increased by 30% and 1 mana will be consumed per 1 second.]

Both of them charged at each other. Smoker's attacks rained down like a never-ending downpour. From the left, from the right, from above. They were nothing like before. Smoker decided to go all out.

Jin Woo managed to dodge them with his heightened agility thanks to his skill. But the situation hadn't improved. All of Jin Woo's attacks proved to be futile as they passed through Smoker's incorporeal body.

The intense melee continued with neither side gaining an advantage. Then, Smoker suddenly pulled back his right hand and punched forward from a distance. "White Blow!"

The smoke gathered and turned into a big fist made of white smoke and headed towards Jin Woo.

'Damn, this will be trouble!' Cursing inwardly, Jin-Woo prepared to withstand the impact but.

Suddenly a figure appeared between Jin Woo and Smoker. The figure donned a long green cloak hiding its features. Before anyone could react, the large fist of smoke dispersed with a wave of the figure's hand.

At some point in time, a heavy downpour had started. With a thunderous sound, a bolt of lightning tore through the sky, illuminating the face of the hooded mysterious figure.

The face belonged to a man. The man had stubble on his chin and the left side had a red tattoo.

"You…" Smoker had a stern look on his face as he asked. "What is the most wanted man in the world doing here?"

Jin Woo had also recognized the mysterious figure. It was none other than—The Revolutionary, Monkey D. Dragon!


Meanwhile, on the Going Merry which had left the perimeter of Louge Town, Nami's voice reverberated through the entire ship.

"What?! How could you leave him there like that?! Smoker is a monster, you hear me?!"

"Shut up, you damn witch. You are being noisy!" Zoro voiced his irritation. "You aren't even trying to hide your interest now."

"W-What are you saying, you damn drunkard?! Die! Die! Die!" Nami's face turned bright red and thrashing beating up Zoro.

"What the hell are you doing, you woman?! Don't make me cut you up!"

"I-I…" Sanji's body was literally lit on fire. "I am so damn jealous!!!"

"Shishishi, don't worry. Jin Woo is strong." Luffy had his usual cheerfulness on his face. "We can't afford to fall behind. Let's go! To Grand Line!"


The sky was bright, and sunlight glittered on the surface of the sea, unlike the gloomy rain in Lougetown.