
One Piece: King of the World

The mortal kings did not dare meet my gaze, and the Admiral would bow his body in my presence. Why, you ask? Because I was born noble, standing above all living beings. Luffy wants to become the Pirate King? That is a fantasy. Send him straight to Impel Down. Dragon wants to challenge Mariejois? Impossible. Send him for ideological reformation. For 800 years, the world has been beneath our feet, and it will remain so for a thousand more. I am a god walking among mortals. If this world must change, then it is god who will lead that change. Everything under the sun is trampled beneath the hooves of the Celestial Dragons! "I am the King of the World!" — Donquixote Claudius. ______________________________________ This is a TL Raw: 海贼:世界之王 Support me on patreon for 30+ Advanced chapters: patreon.com/Blownleaves

Junkdog · アニメ·コミックス
54 Chs

Chapter 53: Stop it, He's Still a Child!

After two days of drifting through the vast expanse of the White Sea, the Marine warship finally arrived at a Sky Island known as Birka.

"This wasn't our original first stop, but we made an exception to accommodate you, Your Highness," Tsuru said with a smile as she stood on the deck beside Claudius.

Back in her youth, Tsuru had been known as one of the most beautiful women in the Marines. Claudius figured even now, old man Sengoku probably still harbored a soft spot for her.

But time spares no one, and the beauty of youth had given way to the marks of age. Tsuru's face was now lined with wrinkles, yet her aura of wisdom remained undiminished. If anything, it had only deepened with time, making her presence feel like that of a wise elder.

"Hahaha, I really appreciate it, Sister Tsuru," Claudius replied with a grin.

Despite the age difference, Gion and Tsuru had a close relationship, often referring to each other as sisters. Claudius, not wanting to be left behind in terms of seniority, had shamelessly adopted the same habit, calling Tsuru "Sister" as well.

Though it might have seemed cheeky, Tsuru appeared pleased with the title, her gaze toward Claudius becoming softer and more affectionate.

"If you're really thankful, Your Highness, how about sharing the secret of the Thunder Fruit with me?" Tsuru teased, her eyes twinkling.

Claudius laughed and shook his head. "Ah, I'm afraid not. I'm quite the miser when it comes to that. The Thunder Fruit is crucial to CP-X's future, so I can't just hand that secret over, even to you, Sister Tsuru. Besides, doesn't the Marine already have enough on its plate? Why steal this from me?"

Tsuru chuckled at his response, shaking her head. "Sengoku and Zephyr always say how generous you are, but it turns out you're quite stingy."

"Well, if you're interested, I do have a Marsh-Marsh Fruit on hand. It's a Logia fruit too. How about I offer that to you?" Claudius offered playfully, a mischievous glint in his eye.

Tsuru waved him off with a laugh. "No thanks, that fruit's a bit too… unsightly. Besides, I was just joking. No one here would dare compete with a Celestial Dragon for anything."

With the conversation drifting to lighter banter, Claudius and the rest of the group disembarked from the warship.

Birka's port wasn't anything special, a rather ordinary and quiet place. It was clear that the island wasn't particularly prosperous, and the locals weren't exactly rolling out the red carpet for the Marines. In fact, they seemed indifferent to their arrival, perhaps because they'd seen the Marines before or had long been aware of their existence.

Tsuru mentioned she was going to meet the island's leader, known here as the "god." Unlike the rest of the world, where leaders were called kings or rulers, on Sky Island, the title "god" was reserved for those in charge.

"God? If they don't change that title, I doubt they'll be joining the World Government anytime soon," Claudius muttered. "While I couldn't care less, my people the Celestial Dragons are very particular about that name. In this world, only a Celestial Dragon can be called a god."

Tsuru sighed, clearly sharing the sentiment. "Yes, that's been a major sticking point in our negotiations. The path to Sky Island is dangerous, and the World Government has considered wiping out these self-proclaimed gods more than once."

Claudius nodded. "Still, we're here now. Let's hope they're a bit more reasonable this time around."

The conversation turned to lighter matters, but Claudius remained focused on his primary goal: finding the Thunder Fruit. He knew it was somewhere on Birka, but he didn't have any concrete leads.

"Could it be that Enel has already eaten it?" Claudius mused to himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

In his memories, Enel destroyed Birka around 1504 and went on to rule Angel Island. Given the timing, it seemed likely that Enel had already acquired the Thunder Fruit before his conquest of Birka. After all, how else would he have had the strength to wipe out an entire island?

As these thoughts swirled in Claudius's mind, the group ventured deeper into Birka. Both Crocodile and Gion, who were visiting Sky Island for the first time, were fascinated by the people with wings, asking questions about the locals' origins and customs.

Claudius, however, wasn't interested in providing a history lesson. He knew most Sky Islanders were descendants of the Lunarians, but that wasn't what concerned him. His thoughts were still preoccupied with how to locate the Thunder Fruit.

"If worse comes to worst, I'll just turn this whole island upside down," Claudius thought to himself. Birka wasn't that large—it wouldn't take too long to search the entire place.

Just then, a sharp cry broke through the air. Claudius and his companions turned to see a priest or what passed for one on Sky Island whipping a small, frail figure in the distance. The boy, no older than seven or eight, was covered in bruises and blood, his bare feet slipping in the dirt as he struggled to stay upright.

"You worthless wingless brat!" the priest spat, cracking the whip again. "Weren't you acting all high and mighty before? Now look at you powerless! Filthy creatures like you should learn their place as slaves!"

"What's a wingless man?" Crocodile asked, glancing at Claudius. However, he quickly noticed that Claudius's gaze was locked onto the child, his eyes glowing with sudden intensity.

Tsuru, sensing the tension, answered, "Wingless men are those without the characteristic wings of Sky Islanders. They might be the descendants of outsiders who found their way here, or even people like us who came from Blue Sea. They're treated as inferiors, little more than slaves."

"So, they look down on us too, huh?" Crocodile frowned.

"Yes," Tsuru replied, her tone resigned. "I've visited Sky Island four times, and each time they made it clear how little they think of us."

"Then why bother negotiating with them? Doesn't seem like they'd ever agree to join the World Government," Crocodile remarked.

"You try diplomacy first," Tsuru said with a sigh. "And if that fails… well, there are always other methods."

Crocodile chuckled dryly. "Looks like even the Marines don't have it easy."

But before he could say more, Claudius suddenly shouted, his voice ringing out across the square.

"Stop! He's still a child!" Claudius roared.

Before anyone could react, Claudius raised his hand. The priest who had been whipping the boy suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest, as if something had struck him. With a loud thud, the priest was flung backward, crashing into the wall behind him.

Everyone froze in shock. Crocodile's jaw dropped. Even the Marines who had accompanied them were left speechless. Since when did a Celestial Dragon care so much about a random child? Weren't they the ones usually causing trouble, not stopping it?

But Claudius wasn't paying attention to their reactions. His heart was racing. He recognized that child. Those long earlobes, that wingless body—it was unmistakable. This kid was none other than Enel!

And from what the priest had said, "You can't use your power," Claudius realized something even more important. Enel was wearing seastone shackles around his ankles. That meant he had already eaten the Thunder Fruit but hadn't yet mastered its full potential.

"Enel's already eaten the Thunder Fruit… and he's just a kid?" Claudius thought, his mind racing. Enel was currently nothing more than a slave on Birka, but he would eventually break free and return with a vengeance, destroying the island. That act of destruction had seemed so out of character, but now Claudius understood. This kid had suffered immensely, and when he gained the power to fight back, he unleashed all his pent-up rage on those who had wronged him.

But now that Claudius had found Enel, he wasn't going to let him slip through his fingers. He had no intention of walking away from Sky Island empty-handed. If Enel already had the Thunder Fruit, then Claudius would just take the boy himself.

Yes, Enel had the potential to be a powerful ally. His natural Observation Haki was exceptional, and with the Thunder Fruit, he could monitor entire islands. His arrogance in the future would be his downfall, but Claudius could see how to mold him. Trained properly, with the right guidance, Enel could easily reach an Admiral-level of strength, perhaps even more.

Best of all, Enel was still young. There was plenty of time to shape him into something formidable. The Sky Islanders had no idea what a treasure they had in their midst, and that ignorance would be their undoing.

"I didn't expect to find you like this, but no matter.

Without wasting a moment, Claudius rushed forward, catching the stumbling Enel before he fell to the ground.

Gently, Claudius supported the young Enel, his voice soft and comforting as he spoke. "Are you alright? These bastards are truly despicable, treating a child like this. Don't worry, from now on, I'll take care of you. No one will ever lay a hand on you again."

Enel, still in shock, blinked up at Claudius, utterly confused by the sudden turn of events. He had no idea why this man, a complete stranger, was helping him, but for the first time in a long while, it felt like someone was on his side.

Just as Claudius finished speaking, the priest who had been whipping Enel managed to stagger to his feet. His face contorted with rage as he snarled, "Who the hell do you think you are? How dare you interfere in Birka's affairs? I serve directly under the god of this island! And you, a filthy wingless outsider, dare to strike me?"

Before he could finish his tirade, Claudius's expression darkened. His gaze sharpened, and his voice turned cold. "Strike you? No, I'll do more than that. And remember this well your executioner is none other than Donquixote Claudius, one of the most noble Celestial Dragons in the world. Don't forget that name as you descend into hell."

As Claudius spoke, a burst of white vapor erupted from his body, swiftly enveloping the priest. In an instant, the vapor solidified, encasing the man in a deadly frost. The priest, now frozen from head to toe, stood rigid, his body locked in a fatal embrace with death. With a light tap, his ice-covered form shattered into pieces, leaving nothing but frozen remnants behind.

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