
One Piece: King of the World

The mortal kings did not dare meet my gaze, and the Admiral would bow his body in my presence. Why, you ask? Because I was born noble, standing above all living beings. Luffy wants to become the Pirate King? That is a fantasy. Send him straight to Impel Down. Dragon wants to challenge Mariejois? Impossible. Send him for ideological reformation. For 800 years, the world has been beneath our feet, and it will remain so for a thousand more. I am a god walking among mortals. If this world must change, then it is god who will lead that change. Everything under the sun is trampled beneath the hooves of the Celestial Dragons! "I am the King of the World!" — Donquixote Claudius. ______________________________________ This is a TL Raw: 海贼:世界之王 Support me on patreon for 30+ Advanced chapters: patreon.com/Blownleaves

Junkdog · アニメ·コミックス
54 Chs

Chapter 52: One Of The Strongest Devil Fruit

In this world, there are three types of seas: the Blue Sea, the White Sea, and the White-White Sea.

The Blue Sea refers to the ocean most people are familiar with, which includes the Four Blues (East Blue, West Blue, North Blue, and South Blue), the Grand Line, and the Calm Belt. Above the Blue Sea, however, lie two more mysterious oceans: the White Sea and the White-White Sea.

The White Sea is located approximately 7,000 meters above the Blue Sea, while the White-White Sea is even higher, around 10,000 meters above sea level.

Sky Island, also known as Skypiea, is a well-known location within the White-White Sea, floating at an altitude of 10,000 meters. Though it is real, many people on the Blue Sea consider it to be just a legend or myth due to its inaccessibility.

Sky Island remains shrouded in mystery because the World Government rarely intervenes in matters concerning these high-altitude seas. While some of the more powerful pirates and seasoned adventurers in the New World are aware of its existence, the general populace tends to dismiss it as mere folklore.

Most ordinary folk and weaker pirates dismiss Sky Island as a mere fantasy, a tale spun by the sea's dreamers. Meanwhile, those who know the truth—the world's elites—are too disinterested to bother correcting them. As a result, the phrase "Sky Island is just a myth" has become the dominant belief among the masses.

Now, high above West Blue at 10,000 meters, Crocodile stood aboard a Marine warship, gazing at the vast, cloud-like expanse of the White-White Sea with awe. Despite having set foot on the sea of clouds, the experience still felt surreal to him.

"I've heard stories about the White-White Sea and Sky Island, but I always thought it was just a joke or a legend. I never expected there to be such a miraculous place above the sky," Crocodile muttered, his voice full of wonder.

Claudius, standing beside him, chuckled. "Hahahaha, people's dreams never end, Crocodile. This world is full of surprises. Your old captain didn't tell you that Sky Island is real?"

Crocodile shot him a glance, shaking his head. "No, I didn't spend long with the John Pirates. I was mostly in hiding, trying to avoid the Golden Lion. Didn't have time to ask about things like that."

"Is that so? Then you were running with the wrong crowd. But now that you're with me, your world is only going to get bigger," Claudius said confidently, smiling.

Under different circumstances, Crocodile might have snapped back with a sarcastic retort, but standing here, gazing out at the endless sea of clouds, he couldn't bring himself to argue. The sight was simply too overwhelming. After a moment, he nodded slightly, his eyes filled with complex emotions. "A bigger world... maybe."

"It's not a maybe. It's a certainty," Claudius said firmly. He paused before asking, "How are you feeling? Better?"

Crocodile took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. "Much better. At first, I was short of breath, but now I'm used to it."

"That means your body's adapted well. You're getting stronger, worthy of the man who costs me hundreds of millions of Berries a year," Claudius joked with a grin.

Crocodile scowled at him. "The investment you've made in me will be repaid twice over in the future."

"Good to hear, hahaha," Claudius laughed.

Because the White-White Sea sits at such a high altitude, the air is much thinner than at sea level. Most people suffer from altitude sickness when they first arrive, struggling to breathe. Crocodile had felt the effects earlier, but now seemed to have adjusted. Claudius, being a Logia user with control over gases, felt nothing out of the ordinary. In fact, it almost felt like his element was more in tune with this place.

Not long after discussing Sky Island with Zephyr, Claudius had decided to join Tsuru on her mission to Sky Island. Opportunities to visit the sky were rare, ships to the White-White Sea were dispatched only every few years, and relying on the chaotic upward currents was too risky to consider. So, when this chance came, Claudius didn't hesitate to seize it.

Now, here he was, sailing through the sky with Vice Admiral Tsuru and her crew.

Tsuru, a seasoned veteran of Sky Island expeditions, navigated the dangerous currents with practiced ease. Though they lost over a dozen Marine soldiers during the ascent, the majority of the crew made it safely to the White-White Sea.

Claudius had wisely left Nia, behind on this trip. Nia, while loyal, was completely defenseless and would have been more of a liability. Instead, he brought Crocodile along, hoping the experience would open the younger man's eyes and prepare him for the future.

Tsuru was here on an official mission for the World Government. With the upcoming World Summit in two and a half years, the government was looking to strengthen its alliances, particularly as the seas were growing more chaotic. They had already scoured the blue seas for potential allies, but there were limits to what they could find there. So, they had turned their gaze upward, toward Sky Island, hoping to recruit new member nations and harness the Sky Islanders' unique "shell technology."

Contrary to popular belief, Sky Island wasn't just one place. There were several islands in the White-White Sea, including Angel Island and Birka, the latter being the home of the infamous Enel. Even Kaido had once attempted suicide by jumping from one of the Sky Islands.

But Claudius wasn't interested in politics or alliances. He was here for something far more important: the Thunder Fruit.

Yes, Claudius knew how clichéd it sounded. But clichés aside, the Thunder Fruit was no joke. It was widely considered one of the strongest Devil Fruits in existence. Some even called it the most powerful Logia fruit, and possibly the strongest Devil Fruit of all.

When Claudius had first arrived in this world, one of his greatest regrets was that his predecessor had squandered the opportunity to gain a truly powerful ability. The Nitrogen-Nitrogen Fruit, while impressive, had been wasted due to the original Claudius's ignorance. If Claudius had the chance, he would have much preferred to seek out the Thunder Fruit, an ability capable of devastating entire islands.

As Claudius was lost in thought, Crocodile stood at the edge of the deck, captivated by the surreal sight of the sea of clouds. Claudius, meanwhile, had grown bored of the view and was about to head back to his cabin when a crisp voice called out from behind him.

"What are you staring at?"

Claudius turned, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. "Just admiring the view. Why?"

The speaker was a tall, strikingly beautiful woman. It was none other than Gion, the Marine swordswoman Claudius had crossed paths with back at Marineford.

Gion had matured since their last encounter. She now bore the rank of Vice Admiral and carried herself with a more refined presence.

"Back then, I really thought you were just a member of the CP organization. I never expected you to be a Celestial Dragon. This trip to the White-White Sea is dangerous why would someone of your status take such a risk?" Gion asked, a hint of curiosity in her voice.

Claudius smiled and shrugged. "I am part of the CP organization, don't forget. I'm the leader of CP-X, directly reporting to the Five Elders. In terms of administrative rank, I'm equal to the Fleet Admiral. As for being a Celestial Dragon, no one ever asked me if I wanted the title."

Gion raised an eyebrow. Claudius's behavior was certainly far removed from what anyone expected of a Celestial Dragon. Who had ever heard of a Celestial Dragon risking their life, let alone for something as trivial as adventure?

"Come on, we both know CP-X is just a figurehead organization. It might sound impressive, but it's all bark and no bite. You're using it as a cover, aren't you?" Gion said, a smirk tugging at her lips.

Claudius chuckled, not bothered by her words. "You're not entirely wrong. CP-X is still in its infancy. That's why I'm here to hunt for treasure."

"Treasure? On Sky Island? You mean the dials?" Gion asked, puzzled.

Claudius shook his head, his grin widening. "I'm here for something far more valuable. I'm after the Logia Thunder Fruit, the strongest Devil Fruit in existence. Rumor has it that the Thunder Fruit is here on Sky Island. Once I get my hands on it, I'll train someone who'll rival even you, Gion. That's why I'm willing to take the risk."

Gion's eyes widened in surprise. "The Thunder Fruit? How do you know it's here? Marine has been searching for that fruit for years, and there's been no sign of it. The last time it was seen was over two hundred years ago."

Marine had always prioritized finding powerful Logia fruits to strengthen their ranks, especially after the emergence of monsters like Kuzan, Sakazuki, and Borsalino. Yet, despite their best efforts, they had never been able to locate the elusive Thunder Fruit.

Claudius smirked. "Who do you think I am? I'm Don Quixote Claudius. This is a secret of my family, passed down for generations. Not many people know about it."

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