
One Piece: King of the World

The mortal kings did not dare meet my gaze, and the Admiral would bow his body in my presence. Why, you ask? Because I was born noble, standing above all living beings. Luffy wants to become the Pirate King? That is a fantasy. Send him straight to Impel Down. Dragon wants to challenge Mariejois? Impossible. Send him for ideological reformation. For 800 years, the world has been beneath our feet, and it will remain so for a thousand more. I am a god walking among mortals. If this world must change, then it is god who will lead that change. Everything under the sun is trampled beneath the hooves of the Celestial Dragons! "I am the King of the World!" — Donquixote Claudius. ______________________________________ This is a TL Raw: 海贼:世界之王 Support me on patreon for 30+ Advanced chapters: patreon.com/Blownleaves

Junkdog · アニメ·コミックス
54 Chs

Chapter 51: Famous Swordsman

After chatting for a short while, food was ready, and Claudius invited Zephyr Admiral to join him for dinner. Zephyr didn't hesitate to accept the offer.

Typically, Claudius dined with Nia. At first, Nia had found it difficult to relax during these meals, but over time she had grown accustomed to the routine. However, when guests were present, she reverted to her more formal duties, standing behind Claudius and assisting him as needed pouring drinks or attending to minor tasks.

Claudius didn't pay much attention to Nia's formalities, instead continuing his conversation with Zephyr.

"From what I see, the situation on the seas will only worsen over the next couple of years. Zephyr, is it really a good time for you to step down? The Marines will be down two Admirals. Doesn't that leave the Navy vulnerable?" Claudius asked casually between bites of food.

Zephyr didn't hold back. He knew Claudius well by now, and their relationship was close enough that formalities were unnecessary.

After swallowing a mouthful of food, Zephyr chuckled. "As expected, the food here is top-notch."

He paused for a moment before continuing. "You're right, Your Highness. The situation is definitely growing worse, especially with the pirates in the New World becoming more restless. Once they start moving, it stirs up every scoundrel across the seas. Take that attack on Marineford, for example. I've been in the Marines for decades, and it was the first time I'd ever seen pirates dare to attack our base directly."

Claudius laughed quietly. It was something he could never have predicted either, despite his knowledge of the future.

Zephyr then added, "But while things are deteriorating, my stepping down doesn't necessarily affect me. As for the Admiral vacancies, I was anxious about it at first, but the more I think about it, the less it matters. There's always Garp, even if he refuses the Admiral title no one would dare look down on him. And just because I'm no longer an Admiral doesn't mean I can't still fight when Marine needs me. It's just a title."

Claudius understood that, despite Zephyr's nonchalant attitude, losing an Admiral would still affect the Navy's presence on the seas, particularly during the coming Great Pirate Era. The Marines at full strength might have deterred some of the rising pirate captains. But then again, the truly dangerous ones wouldn't be stopped by mere titles.

Claudius shrugged inwardly. If Zephyr wanted to step down, it wasn't his place to argue.

"Since you're stepping down, it won't be proper to call you Admiral anymore. From now on, how about I call you Teacher Zephyr?" Claudius said with a smile.

Zephyr smiled warmly in return. "It would be an honor to be called Teacher by someone as remarkable as you, Your Highness."

"Haha, then I offer my congratulations, Teacher Zephyr. May you enjoy your retirement from the frontlines, and may you continue to shape the next generation of Marines," Claudius said, raising his glass in a toast.

The two clinked glasses and drank, their conversation shifting to lighter topics about the state of the sea and its ever-shifting tides.

"Oh, right," Zephyr suddenly remembered. "You once asked me to keep an eye out for some up-and-coming figures on the seas, didn't you? Well, I've recently come across one of them."

Claudius leaned in, intrigued. "Who?"

"A young swordsman by the name of Dracule Mihawk. I believe that's one of the names you mentioned?"

Claudius's eyes lit up with interest. "That's the one. Where is he now?"

Zephyr shook his head with a wry smile. "That, I don't know. His movements are hard to track. He's taken up the pirate mantle, but oddly enough, he roams alone."

Most pirates gathered crews to bolster their influence, even if they didn't rely heavily on them. Even the legendary Roger Pirates had a small but elite crew. But Mihawk was different. He sailed the seas solo, rarely causing trouble or following any clear purpose. It was as if he was simply drifting wherever the wind carried him.

Because of this, Mihawk was notoriously difficult to locate.

"A lone wolf, huh? That makes it a real challenge to track him down," Claudius muttered, shaking his head. He had even sent people to search for Mihawk on Kuraigana Island but had come up empty-handed. The swordsman was elusive.

"Well, he's been challenging swordsmen wherever he goes. Don't be too surprised if he ends up challenging you one of these days," Zephyr said with a chuckle.

Claudius laughed at the thought. "Me? I'm no swordsman, Zephyr. I don't plan on relying on a blade for the rest of my life."

"That may be," Zephyr said with a knowing grin, "but word on the sea is that you've earned a reputation among swordsmen, whether you like it or not."

Claudius raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about, teacher?"

"You may not realize it, but after your fight with Shiki, you left quite an impression. Shiki may be a notorious pirate, but among swordsmen, he's also highly respected. The fact that you gave him that scar has spread. Now, many young swordsmen know of you, and they see you as a formidable opponent. If Mihawk's going around challenging the best swordsmen, don't be surprised if he shows up at your doorstep one day."

Claudius blinked in surprise. "All that from just a single strike? I never expected to be labeled as a swordsman after that."

He had only slashed Shiki in a moment of desperation, using whatever was available. He never thought it would earn him a place in the swordsmen's hall of fame. Then again, the truth of that battle wasn't widely known. Few had witnessed it, and those who did had little reason to broadcast the details. It wasn't as though Shiki would go around bragging about a loss.

"So now I'm a famous swordsman, huh? If Mihawk really does come looking for a fight, at least it'll save me the trouble of hunting him down," Claudius said with a laugh.

Zephyr nodded. "Just don't underestimate him. He's been taking down some well-known swordsmen lately."

"Hah! If someone like me can be mistaken for a swordsman, it's no wonder Mihawk's been able to carve his way through the ranks," Claudius joked, but there was a serious undertone to his words. "Don't worry, I won't underestimate him."

Satisfied with Claudius's understanding, Zephyr said no more on the subject. "As long as you're prepared."

The conversation drifted back to other topics. Zephyr eventually mentioned, "As for the other people you asked me to watch out for, I haven't heard any news yet. Maybe they haven't appeared yet, or maybe they're keeping a low profile."

Claudius shrugged. "No rush. We'll see them eventually."

Initially, Claudius had planned to ask Zephyr about the Navy's Science Division, but now that Zephyr was stepping down, he didn't want to burden him with work-related questions. He could always ask Sengoku or another high-ranking officer later.

After chatting for a while longer, Zephyr brought up another subject. "I heard you're quite interested in Sky Island, is that true?"

Claudius blinked in surprise. "Yes, I am. From what I've gathered, the World Government has a way to reach Sky Island, don't they?"

In his memories, Sky Island was typically reached by catching the unpredictable Knock-Up Stream, but Claudius knew there had to be other methods.

Zephyr nodded. "Yes, there's an upward weather current in the West Blue that leads to Sky Island. However, it's extremely dangerous. Out of a hundred people who try, maybe a handful make it. That's why we rarely use that route."

Claudius nodded in understanding. "So, there's still a way. But judging from your tone, it sounds like you have more to say?"

Zephyr smiled. "Indeed, there is more. Vice Admiral Tsuru will soon be leading a Marine warship to Sky Island. This would be her fourth trip. If you're truly determined to visit, I figured this might be a safer option for you than braving the soaring currents."

Claudius grinned. "Teacher, you really do know me well. If I had made up my mind, I'd go even if it meant riding the currents. But I appreciate the suggestion. I think I'll take you up on it."

Zephyr chuckled. "I thought as much."


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