
One Piece: King of the World

The mortal kings did not dare meet my gaze, and the Admiral would bow his body in my presence. Why, you ask? Because I was born noble, standing above all living beings. Luffy wants to become the Pirate King? That is a fantasy. Send him straight to Impel Down. Dragon wants to challenge Mariejois? Impossible. Send him for ideological reformation. For 800 years, the world has been beneath our feet, and it will remain so for a thousand more. I am a god walking among mortals. If this world must change, then it is god who will lead that change. Everything under the sun is trampled beneath the hooves of the Celestial Dragons! "I am the King of the World!" — Donquixote Claudius. ______________________________________ This is a TL Raw: 海贼:世界之王 Support me on patreon for 30+ Advanced chapters: patreon.com/Blownleaves

Junkdog · アニメ·コミックス
54 Chs

Chapter 50: Retirement

In the middle of the Sea Circle Calendar year 1497, largely unnoticed by the world, a new organization called Happy Street began to emerge and expand within the underworld. Meanwhile, Umit had essentially taken control of the shipping business in Mariejois.

This small ripple, like a butterfly flapping its wings, might seem insignificant now, but could lead to major changes in the future.

Inside the grand palace of Mariejois, Claudius sat leisurely in a rocking chair, engrossed in a book. His butler, Nia, entered the study holding an account ledger.

Hearing the door open, Claudius glanced up and smiled at Nia.

Nia returned the smile and said, "I saw Crocodile storming out earlier. Did he upset you again, Your Highness?"

"Me? No, not at all. I'm far too generous for that. It's just that he lost to me again during our morning training, and instead of closing the gap between us, it seems to have widened. He's been sulking all day."

Claudius chuckled softly.

Nia, clearly not surprised, shrugged. "Crocodile might be skilled, but how could he compare to you, Your Highness? Of course he lost."

"Working for free, is he? He should be ashamed," Nia continued with a snicker. "You've fed him, given him drink, even let him study Zephyr's teachings without charge, and he still dares to challenge you. If he loses, it's only what he deserves."

Claudius smiled again. "Young talents need proper nurturing. Let him struggle now. One day, he might grow into someone worth my attention."

Changing the topic, Nia placed the ledger on Claudius' desk. "Your Highness, this is Umit's account book for the year. As per our agreement, he's given us 30% of his profits. That's about four billion Berries."

"Not bad," Claudius nodded, though he didn't bother looking at the ledger. He trusted Nia completely when it came to finances.

Though Umit had aligned himself with Claudius, Claudius never fully trusted the man. Umit was ambitious, and Claudius sensed that deep down. So, he didn't bring Umit into CP-X or any of his inner circles. Instead, he just demanded 30% of Umit's business profits annually no negotiation.

Claudius had noticed Umit's reluctance, but as a powerful Celestial Dragon, and with the backing of the Five Elders, Claudius could shut down Umit's business with a mere word. Umit had no choice but to comply.

"Any issues with the account?" Claudius asked.

"No discrepancies. The numbers check out," Nia replied.

"Good. Split it in half. Send one half to Stussy, and keep the rest for emergencies. Umit might be obedient now, but we can't be too sure about the future."

Nia then asked, "Would you prefer to replace him? After all, someone like him can be swapped out any time."

Claudius shook his head. "Not yet. He's competent enough for now. Once his business grows large enough, and I find someone more reliable, I'll take both him and his empire in one stroke."

Seeing that Claudius had no further plans for Umit at the moment, Nia moved on. "There's news from the Sabaody Archipelago Roger's crew has been spotted there again."

"Roger, huh?" Claudius mused, a smile playing on his lips. "This might be the last time they enter the New World."

By mid-1497, Claudius knew that in about a year and a half, Roger would find the final island, Raftel, and become the Pirate King a title that would threaten the World Government. Afterward, Roger would disband his crew, marry in South Blue, and then, with his health failing, surrender to the Marines. His execution in East Blue's Loguetown would mark the start of the Great Pirate Era.

"Did Garp catch them?" Claudius asked.

"No, unfortunately. Garp Vice Admiral is currently in the New World. Roger's crew has been spotted in a tavern in the lawless area," Nia replied.

"A tavern? Could it be Shakky's Rip-off Bar?" Claudius asked, raising an eyebrow.

Nia was surprised. "How did you know, Your Highness?"

Claudius chuckled. "That place is a little famous for more than just its drinks. Some people fall in love there, you know?"

If memory served, that tavern was where Silvers Rayleigh and Shakky started their romance. Rayleigh would later retire in Sabaody and live there with Shakky.

Nia smiled, though a bit confused. "I get the feeling you're always particularly interested in news about Roger's crew, Your Highness. Why is that?"

Claudius laughed heartily. "Roger was the first pirate bold enough to invite me aboard his ship. Besides, I've got a feeling that they'll do something truly world-shaking soon."

"Regardless, Your Highness, you should prepare. Zephyr will be arriving shortly to see you," Nia informed him.

"See me? Why?"

"I heard there was an attack on Marineford's residential area by a group of pirates. Zephyr's family was caught up in it."

Marineford, the headquarters of the Navy, housed not only Marine officers but also their families. Recently, a group of pirates had the audacity to attack the living quarters, causing a huge scandal and embarrassing the Navy.

Zephyr's family was one of the targets, but Claudius had made arrangements years ago to station CP-0 operatives in Marineford. Thanks to their protection, Zephyr's family was unharmed.

Zephyr, having discovered that Claudius had secretly protected his family, was now coming to thank him personally.

After putting the pieces together, Claudius nodded thoughtfully. "Zephyr's visit is timely. I had something I wanted to ask him anyway, particularly about the Marine Science Unit."

"The Science Unit? Why are you interested in them, Your Highness?" Nia asked, curious.

Claudius smirked. "Well, as head of CP-X, I rank the same as the leaders of the CP organizations, the Fleet Admiral of the Marines, and others. I'm not directly under any military command, but cooperation is only natural. Marine's science division might have some interesting projects, don't you think? At the very least, I'm curious to see if there's anything that could enhance the power of the Marsh-Marsh Fruit."

Not long after, Zephyr arrived at the gates of the palace. Nia went out to greet him, and soon he was escorted to Claudius.

Claudius hadn't seen Zephyr in some time, but upon seeing him, he smiled warmly. "Zephyr, it's been a while."

Zephyr strode over quickly and grabbed Claudius by the arm, his expression sincere. "Your Highness, thank you. If it weren't for you, I don't know what might have happened to my family."

Claudius waved him off casually. "No need for thanks, Zephyr. I barely remember making those arrangements."

"Even so, Your Highness, you saved their lives. I owe you a great debt," Zephyr said, his tone serious.

After exchanging more pleasantries, the two sat down. Claudius, always quick with a jest, said, "Zephyr, I must say, you've been a bit negligent this time. Isn't today rather important?"

Zephyr blinked, confused. "Important? Is today a special day?"

Claudius stared at him. "You don't know? Roger's crew is in Sabaody Archipelago right now. Aren't you planning to capture them?"

Zephyr chuckled, shaking his head. "Ah, Your Highness, you're not aware. I've already resigned from my position in the Marines."

"Resigned?" Claudius was genuinely surprised. "You're leaving the Navy?"

"Not entirely. I'm stepping down from the position of Admiral. Recent events have made me reflect deeply. I'm no longer suited for the responsibilities of an Admiral, especially in these turbulent times. I think it's better for me to retire from active duty and focus on training the next generation of Marines," Zephyr explained with a calm smile.

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