
One Piece: King of the World

The mortal kings did not dare meet my gaze, and the Admiral would bow his body in my presence. Why, you ask? Because I was born noble, standing above all living beings. Luffy wants to become the Pirate King? That is a fantasy. Send him straight to Impel Down. Dragon wants to challenge Mariejois? Impossible. Send him for ideological reformation. For 800 years, the world has been beneath our feet, and it will remain so for a thousand more. I am a god walking among mortals. If this world must change, then it is god who will lead that change. Everything under the sun is trampled beneath the hooves of the Celestial Dragons! "I am the King of the World!" — Donquixote Claudius. ______________________________________ This is a TL Raw: 海贼:世界之王 Support me on patreon for 30+ Advanced chapters: patreon.com/Blownleaves

Junkdog · アニメ·コミックス
54 Chs

Chapter 32: Meeting Dragon

In a hot spring hotel on Cornillo Island, Claudius and Dragon were soaking in the hot spring, steam rising around them as they relaxed.

Claudius had a feeling Dragon was planning something big, so to avoid unwanted attention, he had instructed his butler Nia to book the entire hotel for them. With no one else around, they could speak freely without fear of being overheard.

Dragon leaned back in the hot water, his expression much more relaxed than before. With a sigh of relief, he said, "It's been years since we've seen each other, Mr. Crowe. You've changed so much, I almost didn't recognize you. If it weren't for Miss Nia by your side, I would've walked right past you."

Claudius smiled and replied, "You've changed a lot too. And that tattoo on your face... what's the story behind it?" He gestured toward the lines now etched across Dragon's face.

When Claudius had met him at Naval Headquarters a few years ago, Dragon hadn't had that tattoo. Now, it seemed like a permanent fixture, sparking Claudius's curiosity.

"This?" Dragon touched his cheek lightly, then smiled. "A mark of my resolve, I suppose."

Seeing that Dragon didn't want to go into more detail, Claudius didn't push him further. After all, what if it was the result of a smack from Garp? That would be a bit awkward to explain.

Changing the subject, Claudius asked, "I heard you resigned from your position as Vice Admiral earlier this year. That caught me by surprise. From what I remember, you were on track for promotion to Admiral. Why give up such a promising career? With your skills and reputation, even the position of Fleet Admiral wasn't out of reach for you. So, why leave?"

Dragon leaned his head back against the stones of the hot spring, smiling softly. "Paths diverge, and sometimes, they can't be reconciled. After all these years, I realized I could never fully align myself with Marine's sense of justice. There was an insurmountable gap between us…"

"What do you mean by that?" Claudius asked, sinking deeper into the soothing waters.

"The justice Marine fights for isn't the justice I believe in," Dragon said, his voice calm but tinged with regret. "If I had stayed, it would have only led to more conflict and bitterness. So, I chose to leave while I still could."

Claudius nodded slowly. He had half-expected this, knowing Dragon's nature.

Dragon waited a moment, clearly expecting Claudius to ask more, but when the latter simply sat back and enjoyed the hot spring, saying nothing, Dragon's patience began to wane.

"Mr. Crowe, aren't you going to ask me what I'm planning next?" Dragon said with a sigh, sounding both amused and exasperated.

Claudius blinked as if suddenly realizing what Dragon wanted and asked, "Oh right, Dragon, what's your plan?"

"Can you be a little more sincere?" Dragon replied, shaking his head with a wry smile.

The truth was that, over the years, Dragon had come to view Claudius as a close friend, someone who might share his vision for the world. He had hoped Claudius would be more invested in this conversation, given their similar ideals. But for now, it seemed like he'd have to be the one to push the topic forward.

Claudius chuckled and leaned in slightly, giving Dragon his full attention. "Alright, Dragon. So, what's your plan now that you've left Marine? And why did you want to meet me here?"

Dragon's expression grew serious as he replied, "I'm going to strike out on my own. I've thought it over for a long time, and now I'm ready to make my move. That's why I invited you here… I'd like you to join me."

"Join you?" Claudius raised an eyebrow, his expression a mixture of curiosity and amusement. He was starting to understand where this was going.

It's like Roger back on Sabaody. He hardly knew me, yet he invited me to join his crew. And now here's Dragon, doing the same thing, assuming I'll say yes without even considering the possibility of me turning him down.

"Yes, join me," Dragon repeated earnestly. "You and I, we share some differences in our views, but we also have many common ideals. I still remember what you said to me in Marineford, that question you posed 'What do you think justice is?' It resonated deeply with me. Since then, I've traveled the world, seen the suffering in countless nations, and realized what I need to do. So, I'm asking you, Mr. Crowe, to walk this path with me."

Claudius listened closely, but couldn't help but feel a bit wary. "Walk with you? Where exactly are you going?"

Dragon hesitated for a moment, weighing his next words carefully. Then, he sighed, deciding to reveal his true intentions. "I want to dedicate my life to changing this world. It's rotten, Claudius. The corruption has spread too deep. I believe it's time to give this world a brighter future."

Claudius stared at him for a moment before chuckling. "You still talk like that, huh? Dressing up rebellion with fancy words. Just call it what it is, Dragon. You want to start a revolution."

Dragon couldn't help but laugh as well. "You're right, Mr. Crowe. I am being a bit hypocritical with my words. Yes, I want to start a revolution."

"A revolution against who, exactly?" Claudius asked, though he had a feeling he already knew the answer.

"The biggest oppressors of all," Dragon said, his tone growing serious. "The Celestial Dragons. You should know better than anyone how corrupt and out of touch they are. They treat everyone like dirt, like slaves, while they sit on their thrones in Mariejois. For eight hundred years, they've ruled with cruelty and arrogance. I can't stand by and watch them destroy more lives. My mission is to take them down. I want to free the world from their chains."

Dragon's words hung in the air, heavy with purpose. Claudius sat quietly, absorbing it all. After a long silence, Claudius finally spoke.

"Dragon, you know I live in Mariejois, right? You know who I am… and you're still telling me this?" Claudius asked softly, his tone almost playful.

Dragon nodded, his confidence unwavering. "I know you work for CP-0. I know CP-0 is the shield of the Celestial Dragons, answering directly to them…"

"Then why are you so willing to tell me all of this?" Claudius asked, genuinely curious.

"I'll admit, I was hesitant at first," Dragon said, a small smile on his lips. "I've been wrestling with this decision for months. But in the end, I decided to trust you. Everything in life can be faked, except for one thing your convictions. I believe in your convictions, Claudius. I'm convinced you'll join me."

"You?" Claudius raised an eyebrow, now fully understanding what Dragon was implying.

"Yes, to show you that I'm serious about this, I've already started gathering like-minded individuals. Together, we've formed a force a 'Revolutionary Army.' We're united by the same goal: to overthrow the Celestial Dragons and reshape this world."

Claudius smiled slightly, impressed by Dragon's sincerity and the risks he had taken by revealing this much. "You've laid all your cards on the table… But I'm afraid I can't join you, Dragon."

Dragon blinked, caught off guard. He had expected some resistance, but not a flat-out refusal. "You haven't even heard my full plan. Why reject me so quickly?"

Claudius shook his head. "Dragon, it's not about the plan. It's about something much more fundamental. I can't join you because…"

"Because what?" Dragon frowned, sensing something off. A nagging feeling of dread crept over him.

Claudius paused, then smiled softly. "The reason I can't join you, Dragon, is because I'm not actually a member of CP-0."

"Huh?" Dragon stared at him, confused. "Isn't that better? If you're not CP-0, then—"

Claudius raised a hand to stop him. "Listen. While it's true I'm not part of CP-0, if you're really going to go down this path, then… the two of us are destined to be enemies."

"Enemies?" Dragon repeated, his voice dropping as realization dawned on him. His body, still submerged in the hot spring, tensed as he whispered, "You… you're…"

"That's right," Claudius said, his voice calm but filled with a strange weight. "I'm one of those 'corrupt, cruel' Celestial Dragons you're talking about."

Dragon's world seemed to stop. He froze, his mind racing. "You… you're a Celestial Dragon?"

Claudius nodded, smiling faintly. "That's right. My full name is Donquixote Claudius. I'm a member of the Donquixote family, one of the original 19 Celestial Dragon clans."

Dragon's jaw tightened, his mind reeling from the revelation. He'd come here, exposed his deepest secrets, and now he realized he'd been talking about revolution with a Celestial Dragon.


Check out the other fanfictions I'm working on;

* Ultimate Man [JJK X SOL]: Loading Golden Entries at The Start

* My Hero Academia: Thunder God

*Naruto: Reborn As Orochimaru

*Starting With Real Madrid

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