
One Piece : Journey For Adventure

Follow Axel Black on his journey through the hard work, Through the Blood, Sweat and Tears that he and the Straw Hat's endure, Witness as he follows his Dream and his Promise to someone dear to him, To have the Greatest Adventure known to man kind, No matter what!. *Warning : I will update when i feel like it and Also please do not judge my writing too badly as i sometimes strugle to put ideas into words in general. *Disclaimer : I do not own One Piece or The Characters and Their Stories that belongs to it i only own the Characters i make and their Stories The Owner of One Piece Is Eiichiro Oda.

BlazingImmortal · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

Chapter 14 : Gardens End

"Thanks for that! Any longer and I would have cut my feet off" Zoro stated casually not noticing the shocked looks from both Nami and Vivi who did not doubt his words but still found them ridiculous.

"Good plan! I would have done the same although without a blade it would be quite difficult but you get the point" Axel stated smiling at Zoro who returned the gesture with a smirk as the two were talking all that was going through the two girls minds, Was that both of them are crazy idiots.

Any further conversation was cut short as from the forest came a hulking figure of what looked like a robot made entirely of wax with Mr.3's head sticking out near the top, The candle atop his head burning more fiercely than before as he shouted with anger "CANDLE CHAMPION!" As he slammed his Boxing glove clad wax hand down on Luffy who was caught by surprise making him spit out a little blood but otherwise emerge fine.

"You're Gonna pay for what you did to the giants!" Luffy said as he jumped forward and threw his leg way back behind him and shout "GOMU GOMU STAMP!" As his foot shot forward and slammed into Mr.3's face that was left unguarded behind his arms, Rocketing him back into the forest crashing against a few trees as his hair lit the forest around him on fire, Making his armour weaker when Luffy appeared in front of him yet again with his arm thrown back in preparation to attack.

"You're finished!" Luffy said as his fist shot forward easily breaking through the softened wax armour and smashing into Mr.3's stomach causing him to spit out a large amount of blood where he seemingly passed out due to the pain as luffy walked back into the clearing.

Zoro noticing the fire, Ran towards the slowly growing growing inferno, As he was running he held all three swords parallel to the ground at different height to his side and swung with great force as he shouted "THREE SWORD STYLE, DRAGON TWISTER!" His swords creating a massive updraft that formed into a vortex, pulling the flames along with the vortex completely snuffing out the inferno.

"I really want to slice them to bits" zoro said calmly as he looked at the last remaining Baroque Works agent Miss Valentine giving her an ice cold glare that made her flinch.

His gaze was broken when he saw Nami and Vivi strike the back of Miss Valentine's head as hard as they could at the same time, Immediately knock the girl unconscious.

"So how do we get this last remaining wax off of our bodies?" Nami asked looking at the layer of wax covering parts of her body causing the other two who were previously trapped to do the same.

"With fire, I think" Usopp said as he walked over ready to the group freezing when he noticed a previously thought unconscious and heavily injured Mr.3 about to sneak attack Luffy, Forcing Usopp to act fast as he shouted "EXPLOSIVE BULLET!" while launching a pellet that exploded upon contact with Mr.3's face finally knocking him out cold.

"Good shot Usopp!" Axel exclaimed as he witnessed the attack along with noticing Luffy's smiling face who was was heading towards the rest of the group with Carue quickly following from behind.

"Let's help get the wax off of the giants" Luffy said as he and Ussop lit a fire that they used to help melt the wax off the ones affected by it only for Axel to be surprised.

"Wait Giants!? They're real?" Axel asked baffled at having seen what he had only heard rumours and stories of in his lifetime but excited about the knowledge none the less as they were his favourite stories.

"Of Course We're Real!" A voice bellowed so loud that it would be near impossible to miss causing Axel to turn to what he had previously thought as a large carcass of an animal taken out by Mr.3 only to be astonished at the sight of a giant human talking while staring directly at him.

"Ehhh so cool!" Axel exclaimed with stars in his eyes causing Brogy to be taken aback at the enthusiastic red eyed male before him who had shown incredible strength for a normal human which had caused him genuine surprise.

After calming down though he had looked back remembering his friend who would never do battle with him again lying cold on the floor of the clearing causing Brogy to burst into tears and ear splitting wails at his fallen friend.

"Seems I've passed out for a bit" A loud voice emanated causing all the current crowd to snap their attention to the supposedly dead giant who sat up seemingly fine causing their eyes to bulge out of their head in surprise.

After they had calmed down from the surprise they continued their chat theorising that their weapons were too dull to actually kill either one of them while Axel walked over to Zoro to converse with him.

"Hey Zoro, I hope you didn't forget our contest but you better have gotten something to beat Sanji's catch or that would be embarrassing" Axel rhetorically asked in a smug tone, Sure of his victory in the competition over the other two monstrous combatants causing Zoro's eye to twitch in annoyance.

"Are you implying that your catch is better than mine?" Zoro asked a slight tone of light hearted anger in his tone as he stared down the smug Axel who had been grinning the entire length of their conversation so far.

"Of course I've won, I doubt you could have found something bigger than my catch on this island" Axel stated confidence rolling off him in waves only causing more annoyance for Zoro as he grew more agitated.

"No my catch is definitely the biggest, I will undoubtedly be the victor" Zoro said a tone of finality in his voice as he looked back to the rest when Sanji arrived from the forest.

"Helloo~ Nami and Viv! And the rest, Thank God you're all safe" Sanji yelled upon arriving in the clearing with the rest of the straw hats with hearts in his eyes at the sight of the two females barely looking at the males only to be caught off guard by the Giants making his eyes bulge out at the sight of them.

"Hey Sanji!" Luffy greeted with his usual level of enthusiasm waving in excitement while Sanji was walking over to them.

"He shows up now!?" Usopp shouted with sharp teeth while gazing heatedly at their ships resident cook and his convenient timing and nonchalant attitude.


"So then... Just a moment ago, You were talking to Mr.0...?" Vivi asked in surprise after listening to a recount of Sanji's encounter with the Unluckies and his chat with Mr.0.

"Yeah I guess... It seems he mistook me for Mr.3" Sanji informed while reclining on a rock and smoking a cigarette completely relaxed while talking to the rest of the crew.

"And now he thinks we're all dead?" Vivi continued still dumbfounded at their current predicament but nevertheless thankful for the small break they managed to catch.

"Yeah, Or at least that's what I told him" Sanji stated trying to ease the nerves of Vivi who looked either worried or excited either or she was sure she could relax if only slightly.

"Just when we finally throw off our pursuers, We can't step a foot off this island!" Usopp exclaimed in suppressed anger at the thought of being stuck on the island despite their clear path ahead.

"What? Do we have unfinished business here or something? I mean I managed to get this from them and all" Sanji inquired as he held up what appeared to be an Eternal Pose to show the rest of the crew who's jaws had dropped open due to the surprise.

"Lead with that you Dumbass!" Axel shouted with sharp teeth as he smacked up side the back of the head causing Sanji to hold the rapidly forming bump in his head clear indignation at the assault.

"What did I do wrong!?" Sanji asked feeling wronged in some way from the sudden abuse as he looked to Axel to get his answer.

"You just deserved it!" Axel said as he turned away having felt like he may have jumped the gun with that hit but did not admit so aloud out of stubbornness.

"Anyway, If we have an Eternal Pose to Alabasta then we should get moving as quickly as possible!" Nami stated wanting to get a move on to the next island to help their new friend with her current problems as Vivi hugged the blissful Sanji and thanked him dearly for the Eternal Pose.

"Alright then Mr Round, Mr Giant, We'll be taking off now!" Luffy said to the two giant Warrior's as the crew got ready to leave while saying their goodbyes Sanji walked over to Axel and Zoro who were gearing up to argue further about who would win their hunting competition none of them noticing the looks the Giants were giving them.

"You two haven't forgot the competition right?" Sanji asked as he started to walk back to the ship with the other two combatants who he had posed the competition to.

"Of course we haven't, I was just about to explain to Zoro how I have definitely won" Axel stated with excitement as he riled the other two up who took the bait and instantly started against him.

"No way, I'm the one who won, I caught a big rhino, it will definitely be bigger than yours Axel" Zoro stated as he stared down Axel while they continued to walk to their ship to leave the island.

"What about mine?" Sanji asked confused as he clued in on the words he had said to Axel.

"What do you mean yours? Theirs no way you won" Axel answered with a smug look like, The look setting Sanji off as he he grew frustrated with the two smug bastard's in front of him.

"Huh what did you say bastard! Mine will definitely be the biggest!" Sanji exclaimed in anger as they arrived in front of the ship were Sanji and Zoro sat their prey down next to each other's.

"See my catch is just bigger!" Zoro stated as he looked at the results of their game, Zoro's words setting Sanji off.

"No my catch is bigger!" Sanji stated as he crashed his forehead against Zoro's out of annoyance both of them pushing each others as they argued about the winner only to notice Axel drag his Prey over.

"Ha looks like I win" Axel informed as he dropped his down next to theirs immediately noticing that his was intact larger only by a small amount but noticeable nonetheless causing the two to turn and walk away in annoyance to avoid the gloating from their red eyed crew mate.

"Told you I would win, I grew up in a forest!" Axel said in exciting finding himself in a good mood not noticing the sore loosers staring at him as Sanji stored parts of all their catches on the ship as Zoro readied it to set sail.


As they started to drift out into open waters the straw hat crew noticed the Giants standing on either side of the channel on the shore brandishing their weapons.

"You all risked your lives so that our pride can remain untarnished, Thus in turn no matter the foe...!" Both giants stated as they appeared to be readying themselves for a battle with their weapons primed.

"We must not let your flag of pride be tarnished either!" Dorry said while standing at the ready for whatever is to come.

"Trust in us and sail straight ahead! No matter what happens, sail only straight ahead!" Brogy said confidence in his voice as he spoke to the crew who were confused at their words until Luffy spoke.

"Got it, Sail straight ahead!" Luffy ordered the crew with no room for argument due to the finality in his voice.

"Farewell!" Both giants yelled to the advancing pirates ahead of them.

As the giants had finished their words a monumentally large Gold Fish appeared from below the water opening it's mouth to swallow their ship whole.

As Nami and Vivi were panicking at the sight before them asking the others to quickly help change course only to be interrupted by Usopp who spoke with rare bravery.

"We'll trust the giants and go straight ahead, Right Luffy" Usopp asked as he stared forward at the behemoth before them.

"You bet!" Luffy stated with a smile on his face as he ordered to stay their course even after the complaints from Nami and Vivi they remained true and content forth receiving a small smile from Axel, Zoro and Sanji.

As they were sailing forward they heard the giants voices one last time as they shouted "SUPREME KINGDOM!" the shout accompanied by an incomparable force that brushed past the ship on all sides as it tore a clean hole straight through the fish that was larger than islands nearly splitting the sea completely as they were flung forward through the air from the wind pressure.

"....One day, I will be stronger than them!" Axel affirmed to himself as he witnessed the monumental feat the giants had displayed while clenching his hands in determination while the others looked on in wonder at the scene before them.