
One Piece: It Bites!

[Not mine, I'm translating it] Cover not mine Original Author: Xomniac Sea Kings, seasickness, sunburn, 95% genocidal Marines and a million other ways to die. It's official: Being in an anime sucks... Noooo, I think it could be worse. I mean, where else could I sail with the future pirate king?

Joyboy2023 · アニメ·コミックス
21 Chs

Chapter 4.2

- WOOH! THEY'RE JUST MAD! - Luffy chuckled energetically.

I laughed at the sheer insanity of the situation before giving Bartolomeo a parting salute. "Bon voyage, colleague!" I laughed. And with that, I set off down the road with my teammates, doing my best to keep up with them.

"Who were you talking to?" Zoro asked.

Before I could respond, Soundbite suddenly started shouting words in Bartolomeo's voice. -Hey! Wait! Boy! Wait!

"I hear you, buddy, my snail wasn't just for show," I assured him.

- Y-you're with your captain, right? Straw Hat Luffy? Can I talk to him?

I blinked in surprise, then shrugged and handed my snail to the captain. -It's for you.

Luffy looked at Soundbite in surprise. -Hello? Who is asking?

- M-m-my name is Bartolomeo! S-Straw Hat Luffy! The r-reason you're so amazing, the reason you can smile in the face of death... is it because you're a pirate?!

Luffy looked at the crying transponder snail for a moment and then smiled widely. -Well, of course! After all, pirates are the freest people on the sea! This means you can go on incredible adventures and keep smiling no matter what! We're super cool!

Soundbite sniffled and gasped in awe for a second before finally speaking. -S-so... if... if I become a p-p-pirate... S-can I become as amazing as you!?

Luffy's smile widened as he nodded enthusiastically. - Definitely!

Bartolomeo hesitated for a second, just a second, before impatiently exclaiming: "T-Then I'll do it!" I'm going to buy a ship! I'm going to recruit a team! I'll go to sea! To the Grand Line! I'm going to become a pirate! As great and amazing as you! I, BARTOLOMEO OF LOGETOWN, ARE GOING TO BECOME A PIRATE!

"Shishishi!" Luffy laughed. -Sounds amazing!

"Not for fun, do you hear?" I hastily intervened. -Find a real crew, find a real ship! When you go to sea, you do so with the full intention of being the best pirate you can be! Can you hear me, Bartolomeo?

- Y-Yes, yes, I hear you! I will do it! I will do everything right! Wait for me, okay, Straw Hat Luffy? Wait for me! We'll meet Again! We will meet again... ON THE GRAND LINE!

- Shishishi! Fine! I'm looking forward to it! Good luck, Barty! - Luffy chuckled animatedly.

"See you, buddy!" I agreed. And with that, Soundbite cut the connection, his tears disappearing in favor of his usual smirk.

"Hey, Luffy, looks like you have a fan!" Sanji laughed.

- Can you imagine? This is so cool!" Luffy chuckled in agreement.

"What the hell did you tell him?" Zoro asked me.

I shrugged helplessly with a smirk, placing Soundbite back on my shoulder and pulling the hood of my jacket up as I finally noticed the rain beginning to pour down on us. -Damn me if I know! I was just sure that Luffy would get out of there! It must have been contagious, hmm?

Sanji tsked, looking at Luffy with a grin. -Yeah, his craziness is a little contagious, isn't it?

"Well, we've been hopelessly ill for a long time!" I agreed. -Let's get back to the ship before this storm destroys us!

"STOP TALKING!" Luffy chuckled and somehow sped up. -STEP WIDER!

"That's right, captain!" I agreed.

We continued to run forward, with little sense of direction as the Marines were hot on our heels...

Until we noticed a girl standing in our way, forcing us to stop.

"Who is this beauty?" Sanji asked impatiently, hearts appearing in his eyes.

"Roronoa Zoro..." the girl growled darkly, casting fierce glances at us. -You never told me you were a pirate! You lied to me, bastard!

Sanji's mood instantly turned sour as he growled at Zoro, seconds away from punching him. -What the hell did you do to that girl, you hairy-headed bastard!?

"Looks like someone was busy while on shore vacation!" I giggled. Soundbite laughed and whistled like a wolf in agreement.

Zoro, not paying attention to us, stepped forward and looked decisively at Tashigi. -You never asked me what my name is, so I never lied to you. It's simple.

Judging by the enraged expression on the sergeant's face, she didn't even remotely accept this answer, growling and drawing her sword. "I'm going to take Wado Ichimonji away from you and make sure he never falls into the hands of a pirate again!" And with these words she jumped forward at us...

And she was met by the blade of Zoro, who coldly looked down at her. "Go ahead," he muttered.

"Okay!" Luffy nodded, running past.

"Good luck!" I waved my hand, following the rubber man.

"FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!" Soundbite shouted.

"If you damage even one hair on her head, I'll kick your ass, mosshead!" Sanji raged, barely restraining the desire to stay and not follow us.

"Do you think he will be okay?" I asked Luffy when the swordsmen were out of sight.

"Of course!" Luffy grinned. -It's Zoro!

"Quite fair!" I conceded.

And with that we continued to run as hard as we could. The rain poured down on us like buckets, and the wind was almost like a dense wall, it was so strong, but, in any case, we continued to run. I soon felt my heart soar when I saw the harbor arch. Now I was sure: we will do it!

Then I felt like everything broke inside me when I saw who was standing under the arch. "Oh crap..." I moaned pitifully.

"Great, what's this time!?" Sanji asked.

"Straw Hat Luffy..." Captain Smoker growled, looking at the three of us and forcing us to stop. -I already told you that you won't be able to get to the Grand Line without beating me, right?

Luffy blinked in confusion before grinning his usual stupid smile. "Oh yes, I forgot!" he grinned.

Smoker narrowed his eyes at us and stepped forward menacingly. -You're really stupid, you know that?

I smiled mirthlessly and scratched the back of my head. -You don't have to tell me...

Luffy's smile darkened with brutal anticipation as he reached out and grabbed his hat. -Sanji, Cross, Soundbite. You guys go ahead. I'll deal with this guy!

However, before any of us could argue or agree, Smoker intervened. "What makes you think that I would let either of you get away!?" he demanded, his hands turning into columns of smoke and before Luffy could react, they grabbed him, leaving him floundering in the air.

"Damn it!" Sanji swore, rushed forward and kicked Smoker in the face. -Bastard!

Unfortunately, the blow went straight through Smoker's head, causing him to look arrogantly at the cook. "I don't have time for small fry." That was all the warning Sanji got before he was thrown into a building by a smoke fist. -White Fist!

- Grk! Sanji! - Luffy yelled, pulling his hand out and launching it at Smoker. -Get it! Gomu-Gomu no Pistol!

The smoke cleared from the impact, gathering behind Luffy, with a hand on his head a moment later. "Are you worth 30 million Belli?" He grinned. Before Luffy could react, he was thrown face first onto the pavement, with Smoker sitting cross-legged on his back.

"You can barely stand alone," the Captain growled, reaching for the jutte on his back. -Luck has turned away from you, kid.

- Well I do not know...

Smoker froze as I pressed the rod to his throat, giving him a trembling smile. -I think he's still one hell of a lucky asshole.

Smoker gave me a murderous look, causing me to almost drop my weapon. "Do you really think this will stop me?" he said gloomily.

I shrugged slightly and tilted my head towards Soundbite. -Depends on whether you consider yourself fast enough to dodge an explosion of pure sound that could even vaporize a stone?

Soundbite chuckled in agreement, baring his teeth in a menacing grin.

Of course, I was bluffing, but he didn't know that. Besides, there's no harm in dreaming!

Smoker instantly changed the subject. "You lied to me," he said. -You said that none of your team is wanted.

"In my defense, I've never seen his wanted poster," I retorted, looking down at Luffy. -They give you 30 million, captain? Pretty awesome!

"Spas'bo!" muttered Luffy, muffled by the stone.

"Shut up!" Smoker growled down before glaring at me. -This? So who did you bet on? Who did you put your hopes and dreams on... this boy?

"This "boy," I snapped. -As you called him, he was saved thanks to a real miracle. He's incredible, and I... I believe in his dream, I believe that with every step he takes, he will continue to go towards it and create awe-inspiring things... and I want to see it all, step by step with him. , every inch of the way! - Without hesitating for a second, he smiled as wide as he could. -Yes, I'll bet everything on him. Because I truly believe that Monkey D. Luffy will become the Pirate King. And neither you nor anyone else in the whole world will convince me otherwise.

"Oooh, thank you Cross!" muttered Luffy.

"Any time, captain!" I nodded decisively.

Smoker's response was more intimidating than touching as he narrowed his eyes and reached out to grab the handle of his jutte. -You made a bad bet, kid. This is the end. For both of you!

- As for me...

The world seemed to freeze when a hand appeared out of nowhere, also grabbing the handle.

I could literally hear my heart beating as I stared at the obviously massive cloaked figure that wasn't behind Smoker a moment ago, looking in awe at his familiar grin and tattoo. I idly noted the almost imperceptible "uhhh" sound that Soundbite made.

"So it has just begun," said Monkey D. Dragon with all the calm of an approaching storm.

"Holy shit..." I breathed out.

- Hey! What's going on?? - Luffy began to break free from Smoker's grip. -Who is this??

"You..." Smoker growled at the revolutionary, his cold sweat mixing with the rain. -The World Government is hunting for your head...

Dragon's grin only seemed to widen in response. -The world is still waiting for our answer...

Before anyone could respond, the world seemed to turn green and the wind went from a howl to a frantic and furious roar that tore the world around us and sent the world into chaos. I barely managed to recognize the scream I heard as my own.

When it finally died down, I was lying on my butt in the harbor, my head spinning as I tried to get to my feet. "Soundbite...?" I groaned, getting to my feet.

"Roller coasters SUCK!" he spat from his shell, which, fortunately, was still attached to my shoulder.

"Hey, Cross!" Usopp shouted, grabbing my other shoulder and shaking me slightly. -Are you okay?

I smiled uncertainly at the sniper. "Bruised and scratched, but it seems I'll survive." I frowned when a thought struck me. -But where is Merry?!

Usopp groaned, pointing out to sea where I could see a sail swinging halfway to the horizon. -There. I don't know how we can get there now...

"I know!" Luffy's voice rang out. -Get ready, guys! Gomu-Gomu but...!

I tensed up remembering what this would undoubtedly lead to. "This is going to suck…" I groaned.


I think I blacked out for a moment, because the next thing I know, I'm lying on the deck of the Merry with the rest of the male crew, groaning in pain. It felt like someone hit me with a baseball bat.

"Uuuuuuuu..." I whined.

"It was fun..." Zoro agreed, wheezing in pain.

"Hey, Cross..." Sanji managed to bite his tongue. -Did you manage to see who did all this?

Soundbite and I opened our mouths... then looked at each other and quickly closed them. "Sanji..." I breathed out. -You still won't believe it even if I tell you.

"Yeah!" Soundbite nodded in agreement.

"You're here!" Nami laughed with relief, helping us up. -Get up, we need to move! We have a tailwind, we need to get out of here before the patrol catches up with us!

And with these words we rushed to the ropes, furiously working the helm and sails to fight the elements and force them to work in our favor. It wasn't a fun time as we were just feet away from capsizing and falling to our death, but we eventually managed to stabilize the situation.

Finally, Nami called out to us all. -Hey, look! There's light!

Indeed, it was a stone tower with a light flickering at the top, defying the darkness of the storm.

"What is this, a lighthouse?!" Usopp asked confusedly, grabbing the mast.

Nami grinned and nodded. -Yes... a guiding star... This is one of the markers... beyond this light... the path to the Grand Line begins! So!" She smiled joyfully at us all, seemingly intoxicated by the moment. -We will do it?

Usopp whined pitifully, clinging to Merry for dear life. -Do we really have to do this in the middle of a storm!?

"Come on, Usopp!" I teased, my hands tightly gripping Merry's rigging. -Where is your sense of adventure!?

"I think it fell overboard and sank a mile from here!"



However, we all happily smiled at Nami and nodded, ready to take the next step in our journey.

- OK! I propose to celebrate this event! - Sanji nodded decisively, pulled out a barrel from Merry's storeroom and put it on the deck.

Usopp glanced nervously at the sky before swallowing his fear and nodding in agreement. -Th-that's right!

"I'm in!" Luffy exclaimed.

"Let's do it!" Nami agreed.

Zoro didn't say anything, but his smirk was answer enough.

"Yes, damn it!" I couldn't help laughing.

"WOOHOO!" Soundbite yelled.

So Sanji lifted his foot and placed it on the barrel. "I'm going to the Grand Line... to find All Blue!" he announced.

- Become the Pirate King!

- Become the greatest swordsman!

- To draw a map of the world!

- A... I... I will become... A BRAVE SEA WOLF!

I hesitated when it was my turn. At this moment... I thought. Do I really deserve to be here? In front of all these incredible people, in front of all their incredible dreams, I couldn't help but wonder... am I really worthy of this? Will I make it?

After all... I could only think of one appropriate answer.

Hell yes.

I raised my foot and firmly placed it on the barrel. "I'm going to travel the seas!" I stated firmly. -And see everything this cruel, crazy, beautiful world has to offer!

"I SUPPORT!" Soundbite roared in agreement.

For some time we all looked at the barrel, comprehending what was happening. Six people and one snail, each with their own dreams, their own capabilities... ready to conquer the whole world. In a word, that's what it was... awe-inspiring.

Finally, Luffy grinned and raised his leg high, inviting us to follow him. "And now!" he announced. -GO TO THE GRAND LINE!

We put our feet on the barrel in the midst of thunder.

And now... our journey has truly begun.