
One Piece: I Will Become The Pirate King!!

Monkey D Luffy has a dream. He wants to become the King of the Pirates. But he's just a normal kid, until one day he woke up and had a system. Follow Luffy as he conquers the whole world, find the legendary One Piece and maybe conquer women along the way. The Pirate King needs a Pirate Queen after all. (Current Arc: Amazon Lily Arc)

some_writer · アニメ·コミックス
213 Chs

Reverse Mountain

"This is it. At the end of the light, it is the entrance to the Grand Line." Nami explained while they were sailing in an extremely heavy rainstorm.

The large waves were rocking the Going Merry side to side but no one cared. Nami looked at Sanji who took out a barrel.

"Shall we start the ceremony for entering the ocean?" Sanji asked while putting the barrel down. Everyone gathered around it.

Sanji put his foot on it first. "I want to find All Blue!!" He declared with a grin on her face. Zoro put his foot on it next.

" I want to become the World's Strongest Swordsman!! " After his declaration, it was Nami's turn.

" I want to draw the map of the whole world!!" She declared with an excited grin plastered on her face. It was Usopp's turn to put his foot on the barrel.

"I want to become the world's greatest sniper, surpassing even my father!!" Usopp declared bravely. Kaya was next.

" I want to become the world's richest person!! "

Then it was Nojiko's turn.

" I want to become the world's greatest gunslinger that will never miss!!! "

Luffy grinned and put his right foot on the barrel. "I'm gonna become the Pirate King and find the One Piece!!!!" Luffy declared. He looked at his friends.

" Let's help each other accomplish our dreams!!? Yeah?! "

" Yeah!!!!"

Everyone shouted and raised their feet high up. They axe-kicked the barrel, shattering it into pieces.





Everyone was wearing raincoats. The rain was getting worse and Kaya warned them about getting a cold, so they wore the raincoats Nami brought for them.

It fit them perfectly too. Luffy was sitting on his favorite seat, which was the figurehead of the Going Merry until Nami tapped him on the shoulder.

Luffy looked at her. "Yes, Nami dear? What is it?" Luffy asked her. Nami blushed at him calling her 'dear' but quickly shook that feeling off as the things she wanted to say were serious.

"We're quickly approaching Reverse Mountain just as calculated. But we need to go upwards at the perfect angle. Do you think you can help us achieve that perfect angle? " Nami asked him. Luffy grinned and gave her a thumbs up.

" Okay! Sounds easy enough! When will we start? " Luffy asked while getting off his favorite seat and started walking on the deck.

" In about a few minutes. I have Usopp and Zoro controlling the rudder to assist you. " Nami explained.

" Tell them to stop doing that. That rudder is wooden, their strength could actually break it and we don't want that. I want the Merry to be as perfect as it can be when we upgrade it in Water 7." Luffy ordered. Nami nodded and immediately went to notify the two about Luffy's order.

A few minutes later, just like Nami said, they were quickly approaching Reverse Mountain. Nami was in awe. "That's the Red Line. It looks indestructible." She whispered.

" We can't see anything with this fog. " Zoro grumbled while lowering the binoculars he was holding.

"Well, we just need to trust in our instincts, just like we did when we trained in Kenbunshoku Haki." Luffy muttered. They were quickly being sucked in by the stream which was going up the mountain.

They were going off course very quickly. Luffy saw the ten square arcs at the entrance of the mountain. He stretched out his arms and grabbed the first arc.

He started controlling where the Merry was going with his own strength. Nami widened her eyes, the direction which they were currently sailing in couldn't be more perfect.

"WE DID IT!!!" Everyone cheered loudly. Luffy grinned as his arms retracted back into place. When the Merry reached the peak of the mountain, it flew up to the air and had some hang time before splashing dowm to the descending stream which would take them straight to the Grand Line.

"I see the Grand Line!!! Let's go!!!" Luffy shouted happily while everyone smiled and giggled at how excited he was.

Their captain acted like a kid sometimes, and they love it. Especially Nami, she loves it secretly but she just won't admit it because that's just who she is.

"Hey! Before we get all excited and all! Do you guys remember the thing Dragon-san was talking about?" Nami asked them. Everyone nodded.

" About something large waiting for us at the end of the stream. Don't tell me it's a Sea King." Usopp gulped. Zoro unsheathed Sandai Kitetsu.

" Whatever it is, Sandai Kitetsu and I will cut through it."

" Oi! Marimo! Save some hits for the rest of us! " Sanji shouted while stretching his legs. Zoro growled angrily at the nickname.

"Not the time guys." Luffy scolded while cracking his knuckles, waiting for whatever was waiting for them at the end of the stream.

"Tell that shit to pervert cook here and there won't be any problems..." Zoro grumbled while Sanji huffed childishly. Luffy chuckled.


"You guys heard that right?" Nojiko asked while loading up a cartridge of special bullets into the Wrist-Mounted Gun on her right wrist.

It was a cartridge of explosive bullets invented by Usopp. It had the explosive capabilities of a Buggy Ball.

"You're not the only one." Zoro assumed his Three Sword Style stance. Sanji got ready to kick while Usopp prepared to fire a cannonball at whatever it was that made the sound.


Luffy narrowed his eyes.

"Nami-swan, there's a mountain blocking our way!" Sanji shouted, surprising Nami.

"Impossible! If we get through this passage, there will only be sea. " Nami muttered. Luffy widened his eyes as they were sailing closer and closer towards the 'mountain'.

" That's a not a Mountain!!" Luffy shouted before stretching back his arms. Zoro widened his eyes as he saw the 'mountain' blocking their way.


"Is that a fucking whale?!" Usopp shouted in disbelief, everyone was to be honest but Luffy knew he had to act fast before they crash into it.

The whale's skin is black and white coupled with short fins and a fluked tail. Much of his head is crisscrossed with scars, and his eye alone is several times larger than the Going Merry.

His species is an Island Whale. They are the largest whale species in the One Piece world. They resemble the real world sperm whales and come from West Blue.

Their 'brain oil' (sperm oil) allows them to sense obstacles or search for prey, and apparently can also be used to recognize music.

The foremost part of their head (called hammer head) has spike-like protuberances, making them very resistant against physical damage.

His name is Laboon and he is classified as a Type A creature, 'Big Friendly', and at the top of both the size and friendliness scale.

"Gomu Gomu no..."


His stretched arms were hurled forward and it hit Laboon, sending the Island Whale flying back.

"BOOOOOOOOOOONNNN!!!!!!" Laboon wailed in pain. Luffy used Soru to appear in front of the Going Merry.

He slammed his hands into it and gritted his teeth as he was trying to push the Merry back

"Grrkkk!!!" Luffy grunted as the Merry started slowly down. His crew watched in shock as Luffy just singlehandedly stopped a rapidly sailing ship with his own hands.

Luffy started falling down to the sea, but he was caught by Zoro and Sanji who pulled him back up to the ship.

Luffy grinned at them. "Thanks you two!! I could always count on you!" Luffy complimented them. Zoro and Sanji grinned back at him.

Everyone except for Luffy gulped as Laboon stared straight at them with his large eye. Luffy narrowed his eyes and unsheathed his cutlass, preparing to use Divine Departure if needed.

Suddenly, Laboon opened his mouth and started sucking the Merry into it's mouth. Everyone deadpanned at their own fate and were quickly swallowed by the Island Whale.

Laboon then started diving down to the deep blue sea of the Grand Line.

Is this the end of the Straw Hat Pirates???

To be continued.....

(Viola pics pls)