
One Piece: I Have a Billion Skill Points

At the beginning, there were billions of skill points available, and any skill Ron acquired could instantly be maxed out with the skill points. His swordsmanship, physical skills, sailing skills, culinary skills, medical skills, and even his Devil Fruit abilities were all upgraded to the maximum level. Three-color Haki? It too received a significant boost. All skills Ron learned could be instantly maxed out with these skill points, including life skills. Then, a message from the system appeared: "System upgraded! The host now has the ability to bestow skill points on others!!!" ... This Fanfic is pure Wish-Fulfillment Support can be given at - [patreon.com/chibi_mon_mon] Author: UNKNOWN (literally) Translator: Chibi_mon_mon Link for RAW: https://novelsemperor.com/series/one-million-skill-points-at-the-start-of-one-piece DISCLAIMER!!: This is not my original work as it is translated.

Chibaku_Monster · アニメ·コミックス
132 Chs

Chapter 24

Of course, Ron being the person he is, maintained his composure. He gently patted Kaya's head and said, "Don't worry. Now, please take me to your family's infirmary."

"Okay!" Kaya happily led Ron to the infirmary. After Ron checked the medical equipment and various medications in the infirmary, he nodded and smiled, saying, "No problem. The tools and medicines here are fully equipped, and for a skilled doctor like me, it's more than sufficient. Now please call your parents to come here."

"Alright, I'll go do that now!" The young girl went off to fetch her parents with a cheerful demeanor.

Once Kaya's parents arrived, Ron began the surgery. It took only a short while for him to become well-versed in the use of the various tools in the infirmary, thanks to his extensive medical expertise.

In just a few hours, the surgery on Kaya's parents was successfully completed. Ron had also provided some specially concocted medications to expedite their recovery.

"Is it really that simple?"

Kaya's parents felt a bit weak, but the sensation of weakness they experienced was directly associated with the surgery, not the ailment that had plagued them for most of their lives.

"Absolutely!" Ron smiled and assured them, "Though the genetic disease in your bodies was deeply entrenched, even in your bloodlines, I've removed the disease's source. Your family's genetic ailment will be completely eradicated in the future."

"Thank you, thank you so much little Brother Ron!" Kaya's parents were on the verge of tears. They had been battling this disease for most of their lives, and while they didn't want to die, they had resigned themselves to their fate, waiting for the inevitable. Now that they were healthy, their joy was immeasurable.

"Little Brother Ron... It's a genetic disease, and Kaya..." Kaya's Mother looked at her daughter with concern.

"Don't worry about Kaya. I can cure her, and Kaya will be fine!" Ron smiled and turned to Kaya. "Furthermore, I've noticed that Kaya has a deep interest in medical knowledge. If it's acceptable, I'd like to teach her my medical skills. What do you think?"

"What!?" Kaya's heart leaped with excitement upon hearing Ron's proposal. She had been fascinated with medicine, and now, having witnessed Ron's incredible medical talents, she was thrilled at the prospect of learning from him.

"May I?" Kaya's parents exchanged glances, both revealing surprise in their eyes. Ron's medical abilities were extraordinary. They had visited countless places in search of a cure without success, yet in just a few hours, Ron had successfully treated them. The prospect of learning such a potent medical skill was an opportunity they couldn't pass up.

"Of course you may!" Ron's expression was sincere and unwavering. In his heart, he looked forward to the chance to be close to Kaya, a charming young girl.

"Then Ron, Kaya will be in your care," Kaya's parents said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I'll teach her all I know about medicine," Ron assured them. He paused and added, "However, I may be leaving Syrup Village soon. So, when the time comes, Kaya will have to accompany me until she complete her studies."

"That's not a problem at all!" Kaya's parents replied with smiles. "As long as Ron can protect Kaya, we're perfectly fine with it."

"Rest assured," Ron said, smiling.

As a result, Ron temporarily resided in the mansion, teaching Kaya medical knowledge and finding tasks for Tashigi.

In the mansion's garden, Ron and Kaya sat at a table, going through a medical book. In the garden, they observed Tashigi practicing her kendo.

"Tashigi, your movements are too rigid. Relax, loosen up a bit!" Ron looked at Tashigi, who was diligently practicing. "Don't you want to surpass me? Progressing this slowly isn't acceptable. Just like I'm teaching Kaya, I've entrusted my swordsmanship skills to you, so don't slack off!"

"I understand!" Tashigi clenched her teeth and said, "I'll surpass you!"

Tashigi had asked Ron to teach her swordsmanship while he was instructing Kaya in medicine. She had initially thought that Ron would refuse, but to her surprise, he had agreed. She was now beginning her path to improvement, eager to become stronger and ultimately defeat Ron.

Ron smiled faintly. Can she really beat me?

With my current power on par with the Four Emperors, I doubt she'll ever get that chance. Well, I don't mind her staying with me forever.

At that moment, a thin, white-haired man, the family's gardener, Merry, approached. There was a palpable gratitude in his eyes. Ron had healed his Master and the masters wife, fulfilling Merry's greatest wish.

"Mr. Ron, the ship you requested is ready," Meili said respectfully.

"Alright, thank you, Mr. Merry!" Ron smiled and nodded. The ship that Kaya's parents had built according to his request was likely intended for the Straw Hat Pirates' early voyage, specifically the Going Merry.

"I'll take the Going Merry. As for Luffy, he'll have to find a new ship later," Ron mused, stroking his chin. With Klahadore dealt with prior to Luffy's arrival, Luffy could find his own ship.

"Brother Ron, are we about to set sail?" Kaya blinked her beautiful big eyes, full of enthusiasm for the adventure on the sea. Due to her weak health and her parents' poor condition, she had never had the chance to experience a sea adventure. Now, with Ron's help, her parents were in better health, and she was cured of her ailments. She finally had the opportunity to embark on an adventure. How could she not be excited?

"Yes!" Ron smiled and affirmed, "You're going to be a part of my crew from now on!"

"Wow, that's fantastic!" Kaya exclaimed with excitement. At just sixteen years old, she was three years younger than Ron, and she resembled a girl who had not yet grown up, far more innocent and less self-reliant than the Kaya she would become more than a year later, following her parents' death. Ron felt that the present Kaya was the most endearing, and he didn't want her to endure any pain or sorrow in the future.

"First, you'll need to learn!" Ron's expression became serious. He playfully flicked his finger on Kaya's forehead and said, "In the future, you'll be the ship's doctor. I'm the captain, and under normal circumstances, I won't be performing medical duties."

"Mmm-hmm, I'm already aiming to be the best doctor on captain Ron's ship!" Kaya touched her forehead, not feeling pain, but a sweet, indescribable feeling washing over her. The way she looked at Ron had also changed slightly.