

This is a story about a man who gets reincarnated into Luffy's body in One Piece World. Now, he has to navigate his way to becoming Pirate King. But, this journey is not only to be easy. But, he doesn't have to worry. Not only his own talent and devil fruits are awesome but he also awakened a system that makes him stronger after he defeats each opponent. So, how different his journey will be?

Evil_Paragon · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs

New Addition in System

Coby reached in front of Luffy and Zoro. For a moment, he had a lot of thoughts that he wanted to share with Luffy.

Because he considered Luffy his benefactor. But, at the same time, he also knew the consequences of striking up a conversation with Luffy who is the pirate.

He controlled his thoughts and finally put on a tough attitude.

He pushed those swords forward and said.

"Pirates, now that these swords have been returned to you, please leave our base!"

At this moment, a lot of other fodder marines were slowly standing up.

When they heard Coby speaking to Luffy, they were nervous.

If Luffy doesn't leave, then it would be a big trouble for them. At the same time, they couldn't help but admire the young man.

After all, none of them had the courage to say anything to Luffy.

Luffy stared at Coby for a moment showing off his strong demeanor. He pulled the swords from Coby's hand and passed them to Zoro who puts one in his mouth and cut the robe.

"Although you aren't powerful, I admit you have a lot of courage."

"Let's go, Zoro!"

Luffy turned around and left with Zoro.

He walked in front of the wall from where he came inside. But, his forehead twitched when he saw the empty place in front of the wall.

Because he knew that he was going for a battle, he put all of the treasure in this place since he was sure that no one would take away his treasure.

But, he forgot about one person.


It seems like she took all the treasure he got from Alvida.

"What happened?" Zoro asked when he saw Luffy just standing there.

"Someone stole my treasure. Well, we will meet soon. Let's go!"

Luffy didn't explain much and directly jumped over the walls.

Zoro didn't do that instead he walked out from the wall. Seeing this, Luffy rubbed the back of his head embarrassedly.

They went to the restaurant where they found the little girl.


When she saw Zoro, she ran toward him with joy all over her face.

Zoro and Luffy joined her restaurant and started eating. After all, they were both hungry so they ate a lot.

After filling up their stomach, they decided to leave.

Just as they were about to leave, they saw a lot of marines rushing toward the shore. In the middle was none other than Coby.

Coby raised his hand and saluted in front of Luffy.

"Monkey D Luffy, thank you for freeing this town!"

He didn't dare to reveal his friendship with Luffy so he simply just thanked him.


The man behind him gave the order and everyone saluted.

"It's my first time seeing marines saluting to a pirate." Zoro smirked and said.

Luffy smiled and waved his hand. Just when he was about to leave, he remembered something.

He turned around and said.

"Coby, when Marine Vice Admiral Garp arrives here to take down Morgan, tell him that the captain of 16th Branch of East Blue is corrupted and evil. You can find more information from Cocoyashi Village. Just tell him my name."

Saying so, he finally jumped into the boat and two of them sailed away.


Coby was stunned after hearing his words. He just encountered one corrupted marine, now he didn't expect to hear about another.

Of course, he didn't doubt Luffy anymore. And, this made him even angrier.

"Damn! Is it true?"

The marines behind him immediately suspected his words. After all, they have been living under Morgan's rule which made them easier to believe in corrupt marines.

"We don't know if this is true. We can only verify it. Find me all the information about Cocoyashi Village and contact the Marine HQ about Morgan's deed. I believe they will send Vice Admiral Garp just like he said."

The Marine standing next to Coby put down his hand and solemnly spoke.

"I won't forgive a marine like that."

He turned around and saluted once again.

"Captain, please train me harder. I want to get stronger."

Hearing his words, the captain smiled and nodded his head.

Coby looked at the boat drifting toward the sunset and thought.

'Mister Luffy, I know we will be on the opposite side next time we meet. But, I will never forget our friendship and I will definitely get stronger just like you.'


"How do you know about that corrupt marine captain?" Zoro curiously asked.

"The navigator that ran away with my money comes from Cocoyashi Village. They are living under the rule of Arlong Pirates. She is desperately trying to save money to free her village from the rule of Arlong."


Just when Luffy said that Zoro continued.

"Arlong will not stay true to his words. He will definitely take advantage of her naivety and continue to crush her Will."

"That's right! Next, we are going to Shell's Town. Fortunately, I asked for the map from that bar."

Luffy took out a map and puts it on the ground. There were several islands recorded on the map.

He pointed his finger at a certain island on the map and said.

"This is Orange Town. It is currently ruled by Clown Pirates. Nami must have gone there since they have the chart of the Grandline."

"Once we find her, not only we will get the map but also a navigator and the treasure."

"But, do you think she will join us? Since Arlong has terrorized her village, she would definitely hate pirates." Zoro asked.

"She will join us because she is just like us." Luffy smiled and answered.

Hearing his words, Zoro was shocked for a moment but then, a smile appeared on his face.

"If that's the case, then I have no problem with your plan."

"As for the Buggy Pirates, let me take down the entire Buggy Pirates except for one of the main swordsmen of their crew which would be left to you." Luffy continued.

"Captain, why don't I slice down Buggy?" Zoro wasn't happy with his role in the battle so he immediately frowned and asked

"No, you can't. It's not that you don't have the strength. It's just that he is a devil fruit user. He can split his body parts so sword attacks won't work on him unless you use Haki."

"On the other hand, I use blunt attacks which is perfect for fighting him. As for the entire crew, we only have three members. Nami is too weak to fight. So, as a captain, I will destroy the enemy's crew."

Luffy proudly puts his hand on his chest and spoke.

"But, shouldn't captain face captain?" Zoro asked.

"Ehh! That is true but I also want to get stronger. So, I will fight them." Luffy answered.

"Alright, I don't want to argue with you about this." Zoro sighed and laid his back on the boat.

"By the way, your opponent might be just too weak for you. But, you mustn't injure yourself to bring your strength to his level to fight him."

"Even if you do want to have a fair fight, just use a kitchen knife or something. Or, you can simply just finish him in one attack."

Luffy reminded Zoro as he was afraid of Zoro getting injured just for the sake of his pride as a swordsman.

"Hey, I am not an idiot, okay?" Zoro on the other hand was speechless by his words. Although he could do such a thing, it didn't mean he will do it.

Luffy just smiled and turned around.

'System, put twenty EP on Devil Fruit, twenty on Strength, and ten on Speed.'

After thinking for a while, Luffy decided to improve his strength. In an instant, he poured all of his EP into devil fruit, strength, and speed.

And, the next moment, he felt a small change in his body. His cells were growing violently and he could feel his heartbeat getting bigger.

At the same time, he felt a strange power surging through his veins. He clenched his fist as he got intoxicated by this kind of power.

Finally, Luffy decided to open his status window and check his current status.

[Host- Monkey D Luffy

Combat Rank- D+

Body- D

DF- D (This ranking is based on the mastery of devil fruit)

Devil Fruit- Human-Human Fruit: Model Nika

Haki- None

Battle Style- Gomu-Gomu No Series

Evolution Points- 0

Awakening Points- 0

Awakened Skills- None]

'Oh, a new section of DF has been added. It must be devil fruit. So, my mastery over my devil fruit is only D Rank.'

'Come to think about it, I could only use basic moves until he left the Windmill Village. My fruit's growth depends upon my imagination.'

'But I think, I have a lot of imagination right now. So, it's not just imagination but also practicality that describes the mastery of the Devil Fruit.'

'For example, using the core function of the rubbery body to pump blood faster which is gear second, or inflating the bone with air to increase its power which is gear third.'

'All of this is related to Mastery which I must increase as soon as possible.'


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