
One Piece: I Am Kaido And Luffy is Coming!

WARNING: THE SELF-INSERT HERE IS INCREDIBLY RUTHLESS. Upon awakening, I realized I was actually Kaido. Shockingly, nearly two years had passed since the Summit War. Luffy is near! I refused to simply await my fate; My plan? First annihilate Kozuki, then torment Luffy. By amassing power, the world's throne seemed within reach. Momanosuke: "Grandpa...Sister...Kinemon...No!!!" Blackbeard: "Am I just a tool in Kaido's eyes?" Akainu: "We have Kaido's spy in our army!! Find me someone!" Marine Special Science Unit SSG: "Kaido, the new Pacifistas are ready!" Rayleigh, Shanks, Garp, Revolutionary Army: "I will avenge Luffy!" Im silently put a cross on the map's Wanokuni.

FFAddict · アニメ·コミックス
143 Chs

Chapter 96

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Chapter 96: The Pirate Empress Joins The Battle! Destroy The Kuja Pirates!

"Descending III: Ragnarok!!!!" Kaido leapt above Rayleigh's head, raising his mace high, and slammed it down with all his strength.

The terrifying aura made Rayleigh's hair stand on end. His adrenaline surged as his brain and intuition screamed a single message: Run! Do not confront him directly!

Rayleigh's pupils trembled. He executed a Moonwalk and quickly stepped back, barely dodging the mace. Despite evading, he felt pain on his scalp as if cut by a sharp knife.


The sound reverberated, shaking the hearts of people worldwide. The mace shattered the ground, causing the Yarkiman mangrove trees at Sabaody Island's base to fall, tilting the entire island. A huge crater opened up to the sea, and the sea below sank. The previously calm sea erupted with wild waves.

Rayleigh was thrown by the impact, unable to control his actions in the air. He suffered shocks throughout his body, making him tingle.


Rayleigh's eyes widened as he equated the name with immense power. He suspected even peak Roger or Garp could not defeat Kaido! The island of Sabaody, which stood for thousands of years, was shattered by Kaido's single blow without even using a devil fruit ability! He had the physical strength of a phantom beast, akin to eating Whitebeard's Shock Fruit.

"Rayleigh!!" Suddenly, a pleasant voice filled with worry came from afar.

And who?

Kaido turned to see a ship pulled by two giant water snakes speeding towards them. The boat was full of women dressed in revealing clothes, wearing animal skins and leather armor, with each exuding a warrior's temperament. Leading them was a woman with white, tender skin, long hair, dark blue eyes, golden snake-shaped earrings, and a red patterned cheongsam, revealing extraordinary long legs. It was the Shichibukai, Empress Boa Hancock.

"Quick! Throw your sword over!" Hancock shouted anxiously.

"Yes!" A female warrior on the ship threw her long sword to Rayleigh.

Rayleigh's eyes lit up. He turned in the air, executed a Moonwalk, rushed towards the sword, caught it, and then jumped onto the Kujas' ship.

"Thanks, Hancock," Rayleigh said, smiling at her.

"I was just worried about Luffy," Hancock replied, sighing with relief and turning her head with a cold snort.

Then she looked at Kaido and asked, "Is he so strong?"

Hancock never bothered to watch the news. She always thought nothing under the sky could interest or threaten her. If difficulties arose, the enemy would be attracted by her beauty, and she could easily solve everything.

She was shocked by Kaido's move, and when she arrived, she saw Rayleigh flying backward as if he was running away. 

Even though she was usually arrogant, Hancock couldn't help but feel a sense of worry. She couldn't move like that. Could she really fight Kaido? For the first time, she felt uncertain.

"It's stronger than you can imagine. Don't underestimate the enemy, Hancock," Rayleigh said solemnly, looking at Kaido in the distance.

Hancock looked at Kaido twice, noticed he was also staring at her, and suddenly snorted, feeling confident of victory. As long as a being is attracted to her beauty, whether it is a person, an animal, or even a mosquito or a telephone bug, she can petrify it! This is the absolute rule!

However, Kaido was ready, with flames in his mouth and dragon scales appearing. His mouth opened, "Boro Breath!!"

The pillar of fire rushed directly towards the Kuja ship. Feeling the imminent destruction, Rayleigh hurriedly shouted, "Jump ship!" He pulled Hancock and jumped directly into the sea, ignoring the others.

Rumble! The Kuja ship suddenly exploded. A female scream sounded hysterically but stopped in a second or two. A spherical fireball exploded on the sea's surface, enveloping the entire ship and burning it to ashes. The Kujas warriors who stayed on the ship and didn't react melted instantly, and their self-righteous Haki couldn't block it.

The sea steamed, emitting white smoke.

Rayleigh emerged from the water, stepping on Moonwalk and holding Hancock, who kept coughing and spitting seawater. Rayleigh had pulled her so quickly that she couldn't react, causing her to choke on water.

When she saw the still-boiling sea, Hancock's face changed drastically. Her smooth forehead burst with blue veins, and her pupils dilated as she looked at the disappeared ship. She screamed, "Sandersonia! Marigold!" Her two sisters were still on that ship! 

In a moment, all her crew, relatives, and transportation were gone. Rayleigh also looked at the gradually calming sea with an embarrassed expression and clenched the hilt of his sword. He wasn't Jinbe and couldn't cut fire. Slashing the fire pillar in advance would cause an explosion, preventing the crew or Hancock from escaping.

Then his eyes turned, and he saw Kaido's huge figure rushing over. He hurriedly shouted, "Coming! Hancock!" He threw Hancock from his shoulder with one hand and held the sword hilt with both hands, closing his eyes to focus his power on the blade. He opened his eyes, swung the sword, and a blue Slash Wave tens of meters long flew from the blade.

However, Kaido's speed didn't decrease. His left arm dragonized, and he pressed the green dragon arm directly on the Slash Wave, crushing it instantly. Rayleigh's eyes trembled slightly, and his mouth twitched. He now understood why all three Admirals had lost to Kaido. Kaido had surpassed Roger!

Rayleigh used himself as a measure of Kaido's competence. Just as he stepped on Moonwalk and was about to rush up again, Hancock descended from the sky, spinning her long legs to the fullest. 

"Big Perfume Femur!" she shouted.