
One Piece: I Am Kaido And Luffy is Coming!

WARNING: THE SELF-INSERT HERE IS INCREDIBLY RUTHLESS. Upon awakening, I realized I was actually Kaido. Shockingly, nearly two years had passed since the Summit War. Luffy is near! I refused to simply await my fate; My plan? First annihilate Kozuki, then torment Luffy. By amassing power, the world's throne seemed within reach. Momanosuke: "Grandpa...Sister...Kinemon...No!!!" Blackbeard: "Am I just a tool in Kaido's eyes?" Akainu: "We have Kaido's spy in our army!! Find me someone!" Marine Special Science Unit SSG: "Kaido, the new Pacifistas are ready!" Rayleigh, Shanks, Garp, Revolutionary Army: "I will avenge Luffy!" Im silently put a cross on the map's Wanokuni.

FFAddict · アニメ·コミックス
109 Chs

Chapter 80

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Chapter 80: The Auction Ends! Who Dares to Snatch the Mera-Mera Fruit?


"The target is really ours!"


"Damn! There's even the Marine here!"

Several members of the Straw Hat crew were terrified. They screamed on the spot, their hearts plummeting with fear. Knowing they were exposed in front of the Marine, they imagined countless Pacifistas hunting them on the outside. Their tongues quivered, and tears were on the brink of forming.

The other bidders also looked in shock at the crew behind them.

"Isn't this the Straw Hat Crew that caused such a commotion two years ago?!"

"They disappeared for two full years after the Summit War!"

"They've actually appeared at Don Quixote's auction!"

"And Kaido seems to be here for them!"

Everyone gasped, taking in the chilling revelation. However, this was good news for them; their safety was marginally better than before.

Kaido looked at them, sneered, and loudly declared, "The auction is over! All unrelated riff-raff, get lost!"

The faces of the hundreds present lit up with joy. They hadn't expected Kaido to let them off so easily! Thanks to the Straw Hat Crew distracting Kaido, the guests quickly got up and fled, causing chaos for a moment.

"Get out of the way!"

"Let me go first!"

"Don't block the way!"

People pushed and shoved to get through the limited exits, desperately trying to escape without a care for dignity, fearing any delay could be fatal.

Meanwhile, Kaido's gaze kept the Straw Hat crew from daring to move. They sat petrified amidst the frenzy, unable to muster the will to stand.

After clearing the room of unwanted persons, Kaido turned to the elderly auctioneer behind him and asked, "Who placed the highest bid just now?"

The old man, frightened by Kaido's imposing presence, stood up straighter and with a quivering voice, replied, "It was Gilde Tesoro, with a bid of four billion, three hundred million..."

"Four point three billion?" Kaido looked down at Tesoro, whose appearance was dripping with wealth and the unmistakable scent of money.

The richest man before him responded to Kaido's attention with great excitement, sensing an opportunity.

"Governor Kaido! Doflamingo has asked me to assist!"

Understanding the implication, Kaido realized that Tesoro was offering his services quite willingly. It seemed that there would be no need for robbery and that sufficient funds to support Queen's technology were assured.

Kaido nodded slightly, content.

"In that case, you'll keep the Mera-Mera Fruit safe for now, ensuring that no one else takes it. Can you handle that, Tesoro?"

"No problem, Governor Kaido! I'll make sure to keep it secure!" Tesoro stated, eager to please. This was his first task from Kaido, and he knew its successful execution was crucial for his standing in Kaido's estimation.

His future was at stake—whether he could maintain the vast wealth he had amassed. As the crowd dispersed, a stout man with a dull face, long golden braids, and a crescent white beard asked the short old woman on his shoulder, "Mom? Should we still try to grab it?" His words revealed that he, known as Whitebeard II of the Shichibukai, had aimed to snatch the Mera-mera Fruit!

The old woman, his mother, clung to his shoulder and whispered into his ear, "Of course not, Kaido is not someone we can afford to provoke, Weevil. But we can wait for an opportunity on the island." "Let's get out first, Weevil, and find a place to hide," she instructed.

"Oh, Mom," Weevil replied with a blank expression. He'd do anything his mother told him.

On the other hand, another Shichibukai—Buggy—sat relaxed in his seat, his followers from Impel Down admiring him with bright eyes. "Captain Buggy! You look so cool and composed!" "You're deserving of a One Piece crew member!" "Even Kaido's words fall on deaf ears in front of you!" The compliments flowed endlessly.

Buggy hugged his chest, crossed his legs, and smirked, "Of course, my little ones! I'm Uncle Buggy! But let's not say such things... I wouldn't want to hurt Kaido's pride. Are we clear?" "Yes! Captain Buggy!" his crew replied enthusiastically.

Yet inside, Buggy was panicking, sweat pouring, heart pounding; his pants were stuck to the broken chair, and he couldn't escape. Desperately, he thought, 'Do you fools think I don't want to run? I can't! Someone with sharp eyes, help me! How come there's no one? I'm just here for the Mera-mera Fruit! So many big shots are here—why am I so unlucky?'

Amidst the turmoil, his crew remained oblivious to his inner turmoil, continuously praising him.

Soon, the venue cleared out, leaving only Tesoro guarding the fruit, Morgans deciding to stay after consulting Kaido, and the Straw Hat crew of nine. They stood up, tense and ready for a fight, determined to not let this reunion after two years be destroyed by a Four Emperor. This journey was destined to pit them against the Emperors—it was simply happening sooner than expected.

"Luffy... It seems he's the only one left," Zoro said, removing his mask and crouching, hand on his sword, ready to act.

"We've just reunited and already we're up against someone so formidable," Sanji remarked, lighting a cigarette.

"Yo-ho-ho! To defeat a Four Emperor upon our first encounter—it could make a fine tale," Brook laughed, his skeleton hand resting on his staff sword.

"Be careful, this is Kaido of the Beasts," Law warned, his arms crossed, voice grave.

"Let's run~~~" Usopp wailed, pulling Chopper behind him, as they all faced the looming threat.