
One Piece: I Am Kaido And Luffy is Coming!

WARNING: THE SELF-INSERT HERE IS INCREDIBLY RUTHLESS. Upon awakening, I realized I was actually Kaido. Shockingly, nearly two years had passed since the Summit War. Luffy is near! I refused to simply await my fate; My plan? First annihilate Kozuki, then torment Luffy. By amassing power, the world's throne seemed within reach. Momanosuke: "Grandpa...Sister...Kinemon...No!!!" Blackbeard: "Am I just a tool in Kaido's eyes?" Akainu: "We have Kaido's spy in our army!! Find me someone!" Marine Special Science Unit SSG: "Kaido, the new Pacifistas are ready!" Rayleigh, Shanks, Garp, Revolutionary Army: "I will avenge Luffy!" Im silently put a cross on the map's Wanokuni.

FFAddict · アニメ·コミックス
109 Chs

Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Onishima Banquet, Traitor Drake!

On the night of the execution, Onigashima was the scene of a lavish banquet. In the square, groups of different statuses gathered: "Gifters" who had consumed the artificial Devil Fruit, "Pleasures" who suffered the consequences of failed varieties, and "Waiters" longing for a taste. They intermingled, shared drinks, formed bonds, and proudly proclaimed themselves as brothers, all while still buzzing with excitement over Kaido's display of Haki earlier that day.

"Wuhu! Drink!" shouted one.

"Drink! I'm ahead of you!" another retorted.

"Aha~ This is truly enjoyable!" someone remarked.

"Are you talking about the wine or today's events?" a voice questioned playfully.

"It's all delightful! Happiness doubled! Hahahaha!" the joyous banter continued.

Amidst their revelry, a sharp-eyed individual suddenly hushed the crowd.


"Quiet everyone, the Tobiroppo is approaching!"

Silence swiftly descended upon the crowd as they turned their attention towards the six figures confidently navigating through the throng. One stood out, a tall and slender figure dressed in a striking red suit, his upper face concealed by a red, double-horned helmet that left only his piercing, flashlight-like eyes visible. With hands languidly tucked in his pockets and a smug smile curling his lips, he clearly enjoyed the reverence he commanded. 

The remaining five maintained a similar air of nonchalance, indifferent to the petty concerns of underlings. Their presence was focused on a single goal: to reach where the formidable Kaido awaited. As the six personas sBig Momered off, the square soon erupted into animated life once again.

"All of them act so mighty," one person scoffed. 

"Well, they are high-ranking officers, and we've yet to really prove ourselves in battle," another reasoned.

"I long for the position of the Tobiroppo... to compete for such power," someone else yearned aloud.

"Don't bother dreaming. Those are users of ancient Zoan types and masters of Haki; how can we even begin to compare..." the voices trailed off.

Standing apart from the group, a tall but unremarkable figure nursed a drink in solitude, choosing not to join the chatter. Tobiroppo... The very thought that such combat prowess laid within reach yet commanded such fear within the Beasts Pirates. They reacted as if he, too, was once regarded with similar respect. 

Power! That was the key to gaining everything, something the widow had previously failed to grasp. This pensive individual was none other than the Kurozumi Serpent, Jack's follower. His heart had been shattered by Kozuki Hiyori's affair, and although resigned to serve under Kaido, he still clung to the hope of one day ruling over Wano. 

Contemplatively rotating his wine bowl, he pondered the earlier discussions. Ancient Devil Fruit species and the enigmatic "Haki" – were these the secrets of the Tobiroppo's strength? Possessing a rarer mythical Zoan type, along with the Emission Technique stored within, could these assets elevate him to their ranks?


In the banquet hall awaiting Kaido's arrival, tension hung in the air. Jack sat in a sweat, not daring to speak, while the plague and the epidemic bickered endlessly.

"You went into Hiyori's room and did nothing? What's the matter with you?" one chided.

"That was the enemy, you fool," came a defensive retort.

"That is the most stunning woman I've encountered! If it were me... Mhahahaha!~~"

"So, you spend your days pining over images of that woman," the exchange teased.

"I avoided stirring up trouble out of respect for Big Snake, that failure! Otherwise, she would have been swooning over my perfect physique!" the boisterous one declared.

"You've never even touched her hand, or spoken to her?" the baiting continued, causing an eruption of frustration.

A critical strike!

This provoked a heated response from Queen, his brows twitching and forehead crisscrossed with anger, resulting in a forceful slam of his hand upon the table.

"Inconsiderate leather-clad oaf!" he roared.

"Oh, what's wrong, fatty?" a mocking reply echoed.

"I maintain this figure to avoid becoming too irresistible!" Queen justified.

At that moment, the doors burst open, announcing the arrival of the Tobiroppo. The stand-off between the three officers was nothing new, yet on this day, they were surveyed by all six pairs of eyes, a scene both sides had grown accustomed to.

King and Queen continued to make noise as the Tobiroppo each took an empty seat at the long table. A few minutes passed before Kaido finally arrived. The commotion of King and Queen reached his ears from afar, and their burst of crude language jolted him alert. Upon seeing Kaido, the two immediately ceased their ruckus.

The nine subordinates rose to their feet and greeted him with respect and admiration:

"Big Brother Kaido,"


"Boss Kaido."

Kaido simply said, "Sit down." He then crossed the room, took his place at the head of the table, and surveyed the nine officers before him. This was the first time he had seen all of them together since contacting them through transponder snails to make arrests.

A poem came to mind, which included the line: "Three disasters are pure and false, six sons fight five scum." Indeed, all nine had proved disappointing in the big fight with Luffy, each with their shortcomings. 

It seemed necessary to schedule some time to educate them properly, to bear the name of Teacher Caesar without letting these few tarnish his reputation. However, the pressing matter was dealing with the Marine spy.

"Queen, did you bring the item?"

"Brought it!" Queen replied, slapping a moderately sized wooden box in front of him. "Do you want to give it to me?"

"No, I don't want you to destroy my castle."

The group, expecting a banquet, appeared confused when Kaido picked up his trusty mace.

Drake sensed danger as he caught Kaido's gaze -- the man grinned, and purple lightning crackled around the iron rod. Drake reacted instantly, transforming into his dinosaur form to avoid instant death and crashed into the wall behind him.

The others were baffled. 

Queen silently lit a cigar and opened the box. In the next moment, Kaido's hands flashed with the mace. Appearing as a blur before Drake, Kaido struck without warning. The sound of flesh meeting iron, accompanied by the sharp crack of bones, echoed in the room. Drake, bleeding profusely, rolled his eyes and fell to the ground. The dragon head rolled twice before reverting to its human form, lying unconscious and breathless.

"So fast!"

"Boss Kaido is really... incredibly strong!"

"Drake couldn't withstand a single blow, and I fear I'd fare no better..."

No one questioned Kaido's actions, choosing instead to trust him unconditionally.

Kaido hoisted the defeated man into Queen's arms. Despite Queen's grimace, Kaido explained, "This guy is a spy for the Marine's secret forces, King, he's now your responsibility."

King's expertise was well-known, and it wasn't swordplay, flames, physiognomy, or Haki. It was torture. Imprisoned and experimented on by the World Government since childhood, his mind had twisted. "Understand, I'll get what we need from him," King said, already aware of Kaido's prior briefing.

Queen removed seastone handcuffs from the box and secured them on Drake. As King stated his intent, he carelessly tossed the bloodied, limp Drake into King's arms. King's glare swept from the ruined leather suit to the man responsible.

"Why? This is what you wanted," Queen quipped.

Just as the argument was about to reignite, Kaido interrupted, "Don't argue, today is a day for celebration."

"Bring out the wine! Let the banquet begin!"