
One Piece: I Am Kaido And Luffy is Coming!

WARNING: THE SELF-INSERT HERE IS INCREDIBLY RUTHLESS. Upon awakening, I realized I was actually Kaido. Shockingly, nearly two years had passed since the Summit War. Luffy is near! I refused to simply await my fate; My plan? First annihilate Kozuki, then torment Luffy. By amassing power, the world's throne seemed within reach. Momanosuke: "Grandpa...Sister...Kinemon...No!!!" Blackbeard: "Am I just a tool in Kaido's eyes?" Akainu: "We have Kaido's spy in our army!! Find me someone!" Marine Special Science Unit SSG: "Kaido, the new Pacifistas are ready!" Rayleigh, Shanks, Garp, Revolutionary Army: "I will avenge Luffy!" Im silently put a cross on the map's Wanokuni.

FFAddict · アニメ·コミックス
109 Chs

Chapter 70

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Chapter 70: The Expectations of the Mermaids! In Exchange for What? Loyalty

The army approached slowly. The leader was huge, taller than Kaido, but he was bloated, fat, and covered with thick body hair, which was far less than Kaido's. He had orange fluffy hair and a curly beard, held an intricately carved trident in his hand, and wore a crown on his head to show his nobility. Impressively, this was the king of the fish and mermaids, Ni Pouton.

Seeing their own king arriving, most of the local mermaids steadied their minds and looked curiously into the distance.

Kaido slowly raised his head after hearing the voice, looked at the incoming army, and was surprised. "Oh? It seems you've come to pick me up."

"Looks like she's already told you," Kaido said, staring straight into Neptune's eyes.

"BIGMOM has indeed reminded us," Neptune replied, feeling a little scared as Kaido stared at him, and his palm clutching the trident began to sweat.

"Let's go to the Dragon Palace to talk," Kaido said flatly, bowing his head to signal Neptune to lead the way.

"Yes," Neptune responded, bowing his head, then turned around and waved his hand. Hundreds of mermaids behind him moved out of the way, opening a path.

Casting a glance at Kaido and Yamato, Neptune's eyes lingered on Yamato for a couple of seconds before he continued forward, leading them toward the Dragon Palace.

However, the expressions of the mermaids around were a bit off. Why was their king trembling? And the uneasy look in his eyes was too worrying. But they couldn't be blamed.

Fish-Man Island had a huge population of 5 million. Most of the fish-men had never been seen on land because they feared being caught by humans for the slave trade. This made most fish and fishmen prefer to live their lives on the island in peace. The island's special geographical location meant news was hard to deliver, leaving the ordinary people's intelligence gathering almost non-existent.

As the king, Neptune knew about the heinous crimes Kaido had committed outside. With his unparalleled strength and the horrific rumor that Kaido had recently wiped out an island every time he visited, Neptune had been worried from the moment he received the news from BIGMOM. He was concerned about the lives of millions, the future of Fish-Man Island, and the future of the mermaid race.

"No need to worry so much, Neptune. I'm a better talker than you think," Kaido said with a grin behind Neptune.

"Yes, Lord Kaido," Neptune replied, still trembling.

Seeing how nervous Neptune was, Kaido lost interest in talking to him in this state, deciding everything would wait until they reached the Dragon Palace.

Along the way, Yamato's naive curiosity took over. She always exclaimed and marveled at the beauty of the island, and Neptune, feeling somewhat relieved, proudly introduced her to his island.

When they arrived at the Dragon Palace, Kaido took his seat.

"Lord Kaido, may I ask why you have come to Fish-Man Island?" Neptune asked as soon as he sat down.

"You know that Fish-Man Island is my territory now, right?" Kaido asked lightly.

"Yes," Neptune replied with some embarrassment. As the king of a country, he found it difficult to accept that in front of pirates he had to acknowledge his own territory as someone else's and couldn't refute it, which made him hold back even more grievances.

He had seen so many pirates that their numbers nearly matched the population of Fish-Man Island, so naturally, he thought Kaido had also come for the riches and treasures of their island. He said, "Please rest assured that the treasure we originally handed over to BIGMOM every year will now be handed over to you."

Kaido disregards common sense and shows no interest in the so-called treasure.

He asks plainly, "Is your daughter still alive, Neptune?"

This question terrifies Neptune, who fears that Kaido intends to harm Shirahoshi. Neptune replies urgently, "Kaido-sama! My daughter has never left this island, and she's been locked in the tower for ten years!"

"Is there any misunderstanding here?"

"Neptune, I know exactly who she is."

Kaido's words leave several ministers around Neptune looking confused.

Yamato pays no mind to the world's finest desserts produced locally.

Neptune stands alone, rigid as a stone, his pupils shrinking instantly, not daring to breathe, his heart turning cold.

There's just one thought remaining in his mind,

"Kaido, the Poseidon, has come!!!"

Kaido's next words are: "Otohime's dream, I can help you achieve it."

Neptune's eyes quiver, and his body shakes with a mix of excitement and fear.

Otohime's dream...

It's the aspiration of nearly all peace-loving mermaids who long for the true sunshine.

A peaceful existence with humans, an end to the slave trade, allowing fish-people to live under the sun, on land.

It almost came to fruition,

Reaching the final moment, but it was shattered by a despicable villain in the shadows!

A villain shot Otohime in the crowd, halting their progress toward peaceful cohabitation with humans.

It is an ideal that Neptune, as king and husband, wishes to continue and realize successfully.


His daughter is this year's Poseidon,

Merely 16 years old!

After pondering deeply, he says with clenched teeth,

"But this has nothing to do with my little girl."

"It doesn't matter? From the moment she was born, she was thrust onto the world stage, Neptune, don't be naive," Kaido responds, frowning.

Neptune lowers his head, gripping his throne's armrest tightly until his knuckles show.

"Let me ask differently," Kaido continues, "What if I bring Fish-Man Island to the surface and put you under my protection? I'll prevent kidnappings, trafficking, and discrimination, so you can always experience the real sun. How would you thank me? This is one of the rare times I'm being reasonable, and you may want to answer before I change my mind, Neptune."

Neptune opens his mouth, speechless, unsure of how to respond.

After a moment of silence, he says, "Although your name could spare my race from suffering... discrimination will persist, even if..."

Kaido cuts him off, "The only way to eradicate ingrained discrimination is by waging a war to rebuild the world. If nothing changes, the discrimination that's been there for 800 years will remain for another 800. Change isn't as simple and beautiful as Otohime imagined. As a king, you should understand this."

Neptune falls silent again.

He understands.

He's always known.

He just doesn't want to be involved...

But now that Kaido has laid out the choice,

Even if he doesn't decide, Kaido will make the decision for him.

And as he reflects on Kaido's recent actions,

He can't shake the fear that the extermination of Zou and the Mink Tribe had a similar motive.

Refusing Kaido might get his own race exterminated.

With a sigh, feeling half-compelled and half-convinced by Kaido,

Torn with complexity, he finally speaks, "I will calm the unrest in my country and pledge to you the loyalty of all."