
One Piece: I am Imu

Transmigrate to the world of One Piece, reincarnate as Saint Imu; Control the world government and sit on the throne of the void. He obtains the star map of the omniverse and contemplates the sea of dimensions. Gather all individual combat power, military power, financial resources and all material resources to open the star gate, conquer all dimensions, and break the limit of individual power! Unite or be destroyed, how to choose? --- This is a translation of a Chinese Novel, with minor changes in some parts of the original story. I don't own the picture in the novel cover.

TitoVillar · アニメ·コミックス
197 Chs

Chapter 133: A Mysterious Time Travel

As Toki said goodbye to her children, an enormous shadow descended on the nearby balcony, instantly causing the ground and surrounding walls to shake.

"Oden's wife and children? Don't worry, I won't kill you for now..."

"Let us go fast!" Toki panicked and immediately activated the Time-Time Fruit's ability.

"Mother!!!" The next moment, Momonosuke, Hiyori, Raizo, Nekomamushi, and Inuarashi were enveloped in a ball of colorful flashes. In the blink of an eye, they turned into white rays of light, which flew into the sky and disappeared without a trace.

"Damn..." Kaido was stunned by this scene, but immediately an angry expression appeared on his face, he instantly appeared in front of Toki and grabbed her with his huge hand. "Where did you take the ninja and those two animals?"

"Uh..." Toki felt pain from Kaido's grip but showed a relieved smile on his face. "The bloodline of the Kozuki family cannot be cut by you."

"I'm asking you about the damn ninja, the cat, and the dog. Understand, stupid woman, I'm not interested in the two useless things of your children!" Kaido was even more angry because of her incorrect answer.

But his words also made Toki, who was enduring pain, open her eyes wide and ask incomprehensibly: "Why do you care more about them?"

"Stop talking nonsense and answer my question!"

For Kaido, Raizo, Nekomamushi and Inuarashi are important targets that the Heavenly Dragon child specifically asked to be captured alive. Although he doesn't know why, he has decided to join the World Government and doesn't want to find himself unable to complete even this small thing.

Of course, the one who was interested in them was Imu, so he specifically asked Mihawk to catch them alive.

"Hehe." Although Toki found it difficult to understand Kaido's contempt for her children, she could not tell him any information no matter what.

"You..." Kaido now wanted to crush this woman to death, but he also thought that it would be too boring to kill her just like that. It would be better to wait for Oden to come and then kill her in front of him.


"They're the Beast Pirates!"

"Kill them!"

Suddenly, beyond the balcony, massive flames rose, and the sounds of battle became deafening.

Hundreds of Beast Pirates crew members fought with the samurai defending the city with smiles on their faces.

The entire Oden Castle was completely enveloped in killings and flames of war.

About two hours later, nearly three thousand samurai who were left guarding Oden Castle were slaughtered by the Beast Pirates!


Several white light pillars mixed with colorful floating lights fell from the sky. The whole process can only be described as fleeting.

"What...what's going on?"

"Where we are?"

As soon as Raizo, Nekomamushi, Inuarashi and others opened their eyes they realized that they were lying on the ground. Raizo quickly walked over and helped the two children up.

"Your Highness, are you okay?"

Momonosuke hugged his sister in fear. "It's... we're fine."

"I didn't expect Madam to really have such an ability. I thought it was just a legend!" Nekomamushi exclaimed as he looked at the surrounding environment.

"This seems to be Oden Castle, but..." Inuarashi looked at the old ruins above with a complicated expression.

At the same time, Raizo along with the two children, walked to the edge of the mountain. When the three of them saw the scene at Okobore Town, they were stunned.

"What's wrong?"

Nekomamushi and Inuarashi walked over curiously. The next moment, they were instantly petrified and looked dumbfounded at the huge Okobore Town at the foot of the mountain.

In front of them were rows of black-tiled penthouses that are no less impressive than 'Oden Castle', and streets full of people coming and going fill the entire field of vision.

From their perspective, they could not see the plain, as if the entire Kuri region had been transformed into a large ancient-style Japanese city.

"Is this really Okobore Town?" Nekomamushi opened his mouth and murmured in disbelief.

"What's that? They're flying!" At this time, Momonosuke noticed something unusual in the sky above his head. He saw flying objects rushing out of the clouds and swooping away at high speed in the distance.

"How could the Kuri region become like this?"

Raizo looked away and focused on the castle in the center of the city. He no longer had the emblems of the Kozuki family or other great families, but the flag of the World Government.

Suddenly, flashing shadows moved quickly towards them. This caused Raizo to be on high alert, regretting that he had been distracted.

"Nekomamushi, Inuarashi, each of you carry each Highness and run, find a way out of Wano Country!"

Raizo shouted, and in the next instant, eight shuriken appeared between his fingers. Nekomamushi and Inuarashi, without needing further explanation, picked up Momonosuke and Hiyori to flee.

But the speed of the newcomers far exceeded their expectations. In the blink of an eye, they were completely surrounded, however, they did not attack immediately, which made everyone puzzled.

Raizo noticed that the newcomers, both in their movement style and aura, exuded a strong ninja style.

"Let's move on!" Suddenly, Raizo threw the eight shuriken in his hand around, and then pulled out six more blue balls and smashed them on the ground.

"Ninpo: Enton no Jutsu!"

With a bang, a large amount of blue smoke enveloped the entire place.


Nekomamushi and Inuarashi saw the opportunity and quickly led the two children towards the nearby forest.

However, just as they began to move, a black shadow passed in front of them. The next instant, they felt a forceful blow to their abdomen and were thrown back at high speed.

Raizo was about to turn around to help Nekomamushi and Inuarashi escape quickly.

But the next second, his eyes suddenly opened to the limit, and he looked incredulously at the operation of a masked ninja in front of him.

That individual quickly performed seals in front of him, then inhaled deeply, and as he exhaled again, he created a tornado visible to the naked eye. The tornado expanded rapidly, easily dissipating all the blue smoke.

Elsewhere, Nekomamushi and Inuarashi stood up holding their stomachs, horrified to discover that the two children they were carrying were gone. Turning their heads, they saw that they had been tied with ropes by the enemy and were crying uncontrollably.

"Your Highness Momonosuke!"

"Princess Hiyori!"

"Raizo of the Mist, Nekomamushi, Inuarashi, and Momonosuke and Hiyori of the Kozuki family, we have been waiting for you for a long time. Welcome to the country of Wano twenty years later!"

Raizo and the other two looked towards the source of the voice, becoming captivated by the crimson eyes of the masked ninja.


Back to the present. Flower Capital.

A bustling street with bright lights and people coming and going.

"Phew... Today is over. There are still four years left before the five-year agreement. I must persist and rescue all the hostages!" Oden, dressed only in a white fundoshi, doesn't care about the looks of disappointment or disgust around him.

"Lord Oden!!!" Kin'emon's shout suddenly sounded behind him, and his voice was full of anxiety, panic and other emotions.

Oden turned around and was surprised to find that not only Kin'emon was coming, but also Denjiro, Kikunojo, Ashura Doji and others, and everyone's face was either angry or nervous.

"What's wrong?" As soon as Oden asked the question, Kin'emon shouted urgently: "I just received news from Oden Castle that Kaido led the Beast Pirates to attack there. Now we can't communicate with them anymore!"

"What?!" Oden was shocked and took a few steps back subconsciously, but immediately stopped and ran wildly towards the outside of the Flower Capital. "Nothing bad can happen, please, let them be safe!"

At the same time, Kin'emon and others followed desperately, shouting loudly: "My Lord Oden, Kuri is too far away, we can't just run there. Kawamatsu is already preparing the horses!"

"What should we do? We can't catch up with Oden-sama!"

As soon as he ran out of the Flower City, Denjiro stopped and looked at Oden's figure in the distance with a headache, who had already left them far away.

"Kawamatsu is here!"

"Ride a horse!"

At this time, Kin'emon was pleasantly surprised to see Kawamatsu bring six horses.

"Where is Oden-sama?"

"There's no time for explanations. Get on your horses and let's catch up!"

Kin'emon and the others hurriedly climbed onto their horses, whipping them frantically to head towards Kuri.

At the same time.

Everyone in Wano country received urgent news.

The Beast Pirates attack Oden Castle at night!

They are massacring the citizens of Okobore Town!

Kaido threatened to wipe out all daimyo families and rebels in Wano!

This high-impact news left everyone surprised., they didn't understand why Kaido suddenly went crazy?

For a time, the atmosphere in the entire Wano Country was extremely tense. Many people hurriedly hid in their homes. Even they felt that the storm was coming.

But they can only tremble and pray that bad luck will not befall them.


Above the sky of Onigashima. Five naval warships floated quietly above the black clouds.

Mihawk seemed completely indifferent to the chaotic situation in the distance. Although he would actually like to face those samurai with ancient sword skills, Imu's mission was the most important.

"It's a pity that the bloodline of Shimotsuki Ryuma is about to end here..." Mihawk sighed as Gion stood next to him.


I will post some extra Chapters in Patreon, you can check it out. >> patreon.com/TitoVillar
