
ONE PIECE I Am a Merchant

I don't want to become a Marine I don't want to become a Pirate I don't want to become a Pirate Hunter I just want to be a Merchant. Don't you heard me? I AM A MERCHANT! This is the story of Dante who was on his journey to travel the world as a Merchant.

Cute_Melon · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

19 Money


"Puekk!!" Sitting on the deck, Dante puke to the sea.

"This stupid motion sickness. It's killing me. Phuekkk. Hkk hkk.hh hhh hh..." Monta laid on the deck.

Daiki, who was watching, was dumbfounded. Gummy and his whole crew was annihilated in minutes. He knew Monta was strong, but the action of Dante was suddenly killing a hundred of his crew in just a few minutes terrified him.

But, Dante's sudden change made him dumbfounded by what was going on.

Before he could process what had happened, the fight between Monta and Gummy begin.

In the end, Monta won his fight and killed Gummy.

Seeing this bizarre event in front of him, Daiki was shocked to the core of this merchant duo.

The strength of this single merchant ship was stronger than the average pirates in South Blue.

That day, Daiki saw the strength of this merchant ship. And him, was a part of the crew.

Dante went to Gummy's corpse and slashed out his head. He put it on the table and poured liquid on it.

"What are you doing?" Daiki asked.

"To preserve this head from rotting away. We need to go to a marine base to collect the bounty. This liquid can preserve it for at least 3 month." Monta instead of Dante.

"You are not going to clean them off?" Dante turned and asked Daiki as he pointed toward the corpses.

"Okay okay.. I'll go." Daiki answered and walked to the corpses.

He threw out all the bodies to sea and started to clean off the bloods.

Meanwhile, Dante was having a bad time in Gummy's ship. He wobbled around Gummy ship as he opened all the doors and chests he found like a drunk man. He collected all the valuable item he found.

When he was looting Gummy's room, he found a small chest under his bed. Dante opened the chest and found a small black cherry fruit. It was a ping pong ball size.

"Is this a devil fruit?" Dante took out the fruit and saw a spiral pattern on it.

He put it back in the chest and piled it up with other items he found.

Dante went back to his ship with a bundle of items on his back before puking again.

Daiki saw him and shook his head. When Dante was about to pass him, Daiki asked, "Boss, are you really sure we're not pirates?"

"You know nothing. I have many pirate clients at my homeland. Unless they aren't idiots like this boar, our trade were always great. Uhuk hk hk" Dante turned to Daiki and answered him before walking towards his room.

Not long after that, Monta also jumped onto Akatsuki with another bundle on his shoulder.

A few minutes later, Akatsuki left the scene with a burning ship behind her.

After some quick thinking, Dante understood that his motion sickness don't affect him only on Akatsuki.

"Damn it. I need to synchronise them. Those two sense. But how." Dante laid on his chair as he sat.


<PAWN STORE> 5million Berry



After confirming his purchase, Dante immediately open the counter beside his room.

After a new door appeared, Dante entered and saw a huge table inside.

There was only one function of this store. Pawn anything valuable.

Before pawning anything, Dante set up a few rules to enter the room for his subordinates. Afte he had done with the rules, he put down the bundle that he had.




- Item 1

- Item 2

- Item 3






A long list of items with small pictures besides him.

After choosing some of he didn't want to pawn such the ping pong ball size devil fruit and some other item, Dante confirmed to pawn the rest of the items.




"So little?" Even though he wasn't satisfied with the price, Dante was still confirming it. After all he didn't have much use for them and he didn't think that they had much value. It's just, for a big bundle of items he thought they can fetch him a better price.

Finished with his business, Dante told Monta about the pawn shop.

Hearing he can fetch fast money, Monta immediately left Dante and entered pawn store.

A few minutes later, Monta came out with huge smile on his face.

"Oh you get a good price." Dante asked when seeing Monta happy face.

"One of my item was priced at 20million. Hehe." Dante grinned.

"Single item? 20million? You don't think it is strange? Why didn't you brought it out first to see what it was?"Dante asked dumbfoundedly.

"It was strange looking pouche. Why would I care what it was. As long it can fetch me a good money, I don't care if it is useful or not." Monta left Dante and went to the gym.

"Ahh, I forgot. This dude is crazy about money nowadays. Hmmm, strange looking pouche. It's not storage pouche right? Whatever. That pawnshop didn't have the reselling function. There's no use to think about thing that had gone." Dante scratched his head and left too.


"Are you sure about this?" Looking at the contract in front of him, Daiki was shocked.

"What? You want more? I'm telling you, I won't increase a single berry more for you."

"So, you will be paying me, 2.1million berry per month? Why am I worth that much?" Daiki was surprised that Dante wanted to pay him that much.

"Why are you worth that much? Because I found you are worth that much. The offer now is only 2million berry. Take it or ask more questions. It only costs you 100,000 berry." Dante crumpled out the old contract offers and took out a new one before putting it on the table.

Seeing Dante directly crossed out the old offer, Monta sat quietly looking at his new offer.

After a deep breath, he signed the contract.

"Good. Your first two months will directly be deducted for your debt. Your first salary will be paid after the third month.

If you ever need any money, you are welcome to request for a loan as Permanent Crew privilege. The interest will always be 300% per loan." Dante sat up and walked to leave the office.

"Third month? Aren't I owed you only 2.1 million?" Monta was shocked knowing that he would only get his salary after the third month.

"You lose. Double payment. That was our agreement." Dante answered

(A/N: currency in one piece world is assumed 100:1 to dollar. Some might say it was like Yen nowadays, which is 130:1 to dollar. Your choice 😅😅😅)