
ONE PIECE I Am a Merchant

I don't want to become a Marine I don't want to become a Pirate I don't want to become a Pirate Hunter I just want to be a Merchant. Don't you heard me? I AM A MERCHANT! This is the story of Dante who was on his journey to travel the world as a Merchant.

Cute_Melon · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

01 Mustang Dante

A celebration was held in a mansion on an island.

After 20 years of marriage, Mustang family finally produced an heir. The lady of the house had given birth to a healthy young baby.

The Mustang family head, Michael held a big banquet to celebrate this special occasion.

People are partying, dancing and singing all over the night.

However the situation changed three days later.

The baby started to cry nonstop since the morning. Even after being fed, he still cried as if something was happening to him.

The baby will cry until he has no longer energy to and will sleep right after he stops.

The similar behaviours were repeated many times after that day.

The baby will cry as if something was hurting him again and again.

Mitsui and his wife Jenny worried about their son's condition. They called out many doctors and even Shamans to treat their son.

They spent a huge amount of money to find a good solution for the problem.

They also offer tons of money to anyone who can successfully treat their son.

In the end, nothing works. The baby continue to cry again and again. Michael was worried sick if the baby would die in exhaustion. They were at their wits end. They didn't know what they should do anymore. Days change to weeks. Weeks changed to months.

After the fourth month, the baby still didn't stop his cries.

One day, a shocking event happened. After five months, the baby finally stopped.

The event surprised many people because the baby was suddenly quiet when he was unintentionally held by an old farmer in the house.

It happened on a day when lady Jenny slipped to the ground. The maid who was helping her holding the baby, gave him to the old farmer so she could help her lady master.

When the boy was held by the farmer, he suddenly stopped crying. At first, they thought he was finally tired and fell to sleep.

But the baby suddenly chuckled while holding to the farmer's long beards. The baby was laughing happily as he played with the beards.

His mother, Lady Jenny gaped seeing her son finally laugh after months of crying. She was crying in happiness after hearing her son's laugh.

A few days later, it was confirmed the was really miraculously cured as he didn't cry anymore.

The old farmer was made to be the boy's personal butler right after the event. After the fifth month of his birth, the baby finally was given a name as Dante.

It was only after that day, his parents could finally have a silent night.

Their daily life finally could be continued peacefully. On the other hand, the baby, Dante was seen to be so happy when he was held by the old man.

The farmer, Bunta was straight rank up to be the personal butler for his young master.

* *

Four years later,

Dante sat on a chair looking toward his parents who were sick. They were infected by a strange disease causing their body to be weakened until they were no longer able to move.

Dante understood they were in their last days. He didn't shed any tears and just kept on smiling laughing when wiping and treating his parents.

As a dutiful son, Dante didn't want his parents to pass away seeing him in sadness. He didn't want them to worry about his future.

A year before the sad event, when Dante was three years old, all his old memories came to him. He understood who he was.

However, the memories didn't stop Dante from being the son to his parents. He was born here, he received all the love his parents gave to him and he was happy with it.

Unfortunately, his happy moment didn't last for long as his parents were suddenly caught by a strange illness and suddenly facing death.

It happened so fast as their bodies were weakened in a short span of two months until they could no longer walk. A month later they were paralysed and cannot get up from the bed.

The best doctors that they called, only gave answers by shaking their heads with no solution. The event made Dante very sad but he was determined to never show it to them.

He took care of them everyday and even showed them his talent which he can already read and did math at 4 years old. He read to them not a fairytale book but a story book that his mother or father love very much.

He tried his best to show them his intelligence, so they can be assured of his future.

A month later, Micheal and Jenny suddenly pulled up some strength and rose to sit up on the bed. They weakly pulled and hugged Dante.

"My son... Mom and Dad.. think we ... can... No longer.. accompany you... We.. uhkk uhkk. always... Grateful to... Have.. you.. in our life... We hope .. you... Always... Be happy..." Jenny spoke slowly.

"Mm mm." Dante nodded repeatedly.

"We.... are... very.... sorry.." Micheal spoke too.

Suddenly both of them sat quietly. After a few seconds Dante raised up his head and saw his parents had closed their eyes. They had gone for eternal sleep.

On the 3 Mei 1499 of Kaienreki calendar, both Master and Lady of Mustang family died. All the sad feelings that he held for a long time finally exploded. Dante cried hard at his parents funeral until he was carried back to his mansion.

A few weeks later, he sat in front of the window and looked at the outside of his mansion.

"What's gone, is gone. I should start my training. Living in this world is dangerous without strength." Dante spoke alone.

After that day, Dante started his training. Except for the wealth that was left by his parents, Dante didn't have anything else to help him get stronger. His only choice was to train his body to become stronger.