
Chapter 172

"Sigh, I'm going to miss those guys," said Deuce.

"Yeah, it was never a quiet day with them around. But I guess silence is also a nice thing to have," said Robert.

"Now that the distractions are gone, let's stop playing and get serious," said Ken.

"So it's finally time, huh. Time to start an all-out war against the world," said Ace while looking out at the sea.


A bolt of lightning enveloped a marine ship in the distance, killing everyone on it.

"You need to learn how to keep your mouth shut, Ace. This is supposed to be a secret, and you're saying it in the open like this. Are you trying to be Eren Yeager talking out onto the sea like that?" said Deuce.

"Tsk, I just forgot. And it's not like it will be a surprise or anything. Everyone is expecting it to happen. So who will be first, Ken?"

"We will-"

"BE PREPARED TO DIE!" Ken got interrupted by a loud shout coming from a ship that is sailing towards them. Ken looked at the flag and couldn't help but sigh.

"I have no time to mess with a weakling like him. Someone, take care of him." Ken turned around and walked away from the docks.

"I need to stay by Captain's side, so good luck," said Mura as she disappeared.

"I have stuff to do," said Sabo.

"Me too," said Deuce.

"Me too."

"Me too."

"Me too."

"Me too."

One after another, everyone started leaving till there was just one person left.

"Sigh, why does it always have to be me," said Dobby Ibadonbo.

A couple of minutes later, as the ship with a giant dinosaur head on the front of the ship was about to dock, it suddenly froze in place. It didn't manage to move another inch.

"What do you brats want?"

"Who the hell are you? Where is Ken?"

"Sigh, did you really come here without doing any research, Kid?"

"I don't need to research weaklings. I suppose that you are an Azure Pirates lackey, so go and fetch Ken for me."


A small hurricane appeared on Dobby's hand. He threw it towards the ship, and it immediately expanded into a gigantic sand hurricane. It easily overshadowed the ship and started attacking everyone inside. But before it could do too much damage, the hurricane got blown away by an attack from Killer.

"So you aren't just some lackey. Who the hell are you?"

"What's the point of telling my name to a dead man?"

Kid smirked and held his hand up.

"Clang, clang, clang!"

Metal objects of all kinds started gathering around his arm till it turned into a giant metal arm. But before he could show off his new cool arm, it stopped moving. The smug look on Kid's face completely disappeared.

"Sand can be really powerful if used right. I knew about your ability beforehand and made sure to put sand in all the metal objects on the ship when I used that hurricane. So I attacked you from the place you least expected it."

"Clang, clang, clang!"

The metal arm collapsed into tiny pieces, and Kid was standing there with a bloodied arm and a face filled with rage.

"You bastard!"

"What are you getting mad at me for? You should have done your research. But if you thought that you could beat Captain with this weak shit, you truly are an idiot of the first degree."

"I'm going to kill you!"

"If you fuck off quickly, I'll spare your lives. I can see that you're strong and might be able to become someone noteworthy, but I have people backing me who can only be called monsters. And I'm also a strong guy, so If you step foot on this island, you will die."

Without hesitation, Kid jumped off his ship and landed right in front of Dobby. He stared him down with a smirk.

"Here I am. So are you going to kill? Argh!" Kid looked down at the fist in his gut. However, before Dobby landed the punch, Kid protected himself with Haki. Kid immediately swung his fist coated in Haki towards Dobby's face. But instead of backing off, Dobby closed in even more. He dodged the punch and headbutted Kid in the face.

"Argh, you bastard!"

Kid unconsciously lowered his head out of pain, and Dobby immediately kicked down on Kid's head. Kid's head got smashed into the ground.


Dobby suddenly fell beside Kid with shock on his face. He looked at Kid's leg, which is covered with metal objects. While Kid was falling, he kicked the back of Dobby's head, making both of them fall.

"It took a little bit, but I managed to get all of the sand out. Now die!" Kid jumped up and kicked down towards Dobby, but Dobby managed to dodge it at the last second. "Now, let's get serious." Kid aimed his hand behind Dobby at the city, but before he could do anything, he quickly retracted his hand.

"What the hell was that?" asked Kid as he started sweating.

"That is a fraction of Captain's powers. Something above the power of a monster."

"Hahaha! This is amazing!" screamed Kid as he turned around and jumped back on his ship. His crew looked at him weirdly, knowing that he isn't the type to back down. Even when they faced the Red Haired Pirates and he lost his arm, he wouldn't back down.

"Captain, why are we running away?" asked Killer.

"I'm not stupid. Not even Shanks managed to make me feel this kind of fear. This Ken guy is awesome. He truly is something beyond a monster. I wonder how the other three are like. I can't wait to fight them. We will retreat today and come back when we have killed our first Yonko. If we manage to kill Azure Ken, then the One Piece is as good as ours. No one will be able to stand in our way! Now let's get out of here!"

They immediately turned the ship around and fled.

"Tsk, what a bunch of pussies."

"You say that, but you would have lost against him if Captain didn't help out," said Shiryu, who appeared behind Dobby.

"If Captain didn't interrupt me, I would have killed him already. And besides, our score is 139-138. Which means that I'm stronger than you."

"What are you talking about? I'm the one with 139 wins. You're the loser here!"

"It was clearly my win! You'll never surpass me, you fucking dog!"

Shiryu unsheathed his sword. "Let's find out right now who is stronger."

"Fine by me. I'll just show you how big the difference between our levels are. Sand Vortex!"

"Flash Slash!"


[A indication of how strong Ken is. Post-time skip Kid is really strong. 1st or 2nd commander level. And Ken made him think twice about messing with them by releasing his Haoshoku Haki.]


- One species of jellyfish is immortal. It can revert back to its child state after having become sexually mature, and therefore never dies.

- There are 1 million ants for every human in the world.

- A pig's orgasm lasts 30 minutes. Lucky pigs.

- Sharks kill fewer than 10 people per year. Humans kill about 100 million sharks per year.

- Reindeer eyeballs turn blue in winter to help them see at lower light levels.