
One Piece: Fūjin

Shun a boy from East Blue, will embark on a journey of revenge, getting on the way a legendary fruit that was lost long ago, what will he do with this power? Will he become a hero or a demon? PS: The protagonist is not reincarnated or anything like that, he is a human who belongs to the world of One Piece, only created by me. As for the devil fruit, I will only say that it can control the air.

Redniro · アニメ·コミックス
40 Chs

Time Skip

It was a sunny day, you could hear the waves of the sea and the sounds of birds singing.

On the beach, a teenager was building a boat.

No doubt it was Shun, it had been a year and a half since he explored the new area of the island, met Po, and fought the kangaroos. Now Shun was 14 years old.

Shun had grown a few inches in this last year and a half, he was now about 178 cm, his hair was a bit longer than before, messy and spiky, and his clothes were black, with a sleeveless top and some bad pants.

"Now it is. This boat is perfect" Shun said as he looked at his creation.

"Or so I think..." He added hesitantly, as he put the finishing touches on the boat.

For the last month, he had been trying to build a boat so he could get off the island he had been training on for 2 years, but all of his boat attempts ended up sinking.

This did not discourage Shun and he kept trying. With the help of his air skill, it was not difficult to cut trees and shape the wood, but still, the boat kept sinking.

The problem that made the boat much more difficult to put together was Po, as he was heavy and wanted to follow Shun. This last time, they became friends. And being alone on an island for two years, it was not so bad to have a friend, even if it was an animal it was much more intelligent and reliable than humans.

For Po, he had to build a bigger and stronger boat so it wouldn't sink.

Today would be the day he would test this new boat so he could leave the island and seek revenge against Eldorrago and the Frauce Kingdom.

Shun wanted to leave the island as there was nothing more the island could offer him.

In the last year and a half, he defeated all the strongest wild beasts on the island and became the king of the island.

Besides, he didn't want to wait too long to take his revenge because he was afraid that someone would kill Eldorrago or he would disappear and he wouldn't find his trace.

As for the Kingdom of Frauce, he could not move so he did not worry about it. His nobility would continue to exist no matter how many years he disappeared.

*I wonder how strong Eldorrago will be after 2 years?* thought Shun. He had doubted if he would be able to beat Eldorrago, since he had no way to measure his strength, still, he wasn't afraid.

As he checked the boat, not far from him Po could be seen lying on a chair sunbathing, and next to him were 2 animals fanning him.

Since Shun became the strongest on the island, no animal would mess with him, and Po his friend of his, took advantage of that status.

"This vagabond..." Shun whispered with a strange expression as he thought at what point he befriended this duck.

After checking the boat and giving it some final touches it was time to test it. He created a wind current that carried the boat out to sea and from the first thing he saw it wasn't sinking and stayed afloat.

Shun controlled the boat with the air currents so there was no need for him to steer it manually. This saved him a lot of trouble because if it sank he would not drown.

He also didn't need a sail or anything like that.

"First step ready, let's see if it will hold Po's weight."

"Hey Po comes here" Shun said in a loud tone so he could hear him.

To make sure it was all right he would first test if the boat could support Po's weight.

Po approached with a lazy look. He knew what was in store for him, as it was not the first time Shun tested if a boat could hold his weight.

Because of this, he ended up getting wet several times.

"Come on don't make that face, this time it won't sink. I'm almost sure" Shun said hesitating at the last words.

Po had a little hope until he heard the final sentence.


Reluctantly climbing into the boat prepared to get wet to his surprise this time, he didn't get soaked and the boat was able to hold his weight.

"I told you it wouldn't fail this time" Shun said with a smug face, "Besides what kind of duck doesn't like water" he added.

After proving that the boat could support Po's weight, Shun grabbed his things which were only the black cauldron, knife, and compass, and climbed into the boat next to Po carefully.

As he climbed in he was ready to jump in case he sank, but luckily he managed to support both of them.

*Well, it's time to go* Shun thought as he looked at the island from the boat, remembering everything he had experienced in these 2 years.

After pushing those thoughts away he began to control the air currents, moving farther and farther away from the island.

*Well, I must be going north, that was supposed to be my original destination before the shipwreck.

He didn't know where he was, so the only option he had was to go north, see if he was lucky and find the island where he originally had arrived two years ago.

This island was called "Cozia" from what Matsumoto told him it was a very large city with palm trees and a range of mountains behind the island.

Still, he did not know if he would find this island, as he did not even know its current position.

Because of this Shun's only option was to head north and try his luck.


On a pirate ship not far from Shun's position.

There was a pre-teen boy of about 12 years old sweeping the floor of the ship, he had a sad and helpless look on his face. He had a couple of bruises and wounds on his body, signs that he had been beaten.

*Why of all the towns, these pirates had to make their base in ours...? I hope everyone is well* He thought as he swept.

As he swept he was absorbed in his thoughts and inadvertently bumped his shoulder into a pirate.

"You damn brat watch where you're walking!" the pirate shouted angrily as he punched him in the face.


The boy fell backward, feeling great pain in his face and his nose began to bleed.

Before he could apologize this pirate grabbed him by the hair and started slapping him.

"You worthless brat I could kill you and throw you to the bottom of the sea!" shouted the pirate angrily as a lot of saliva came out of his mouth.

"S-sorry it won't happen again" Said the boy in a fearful tone and with difficulty hoping the pirate wouldn't hit him anymore.

"Hey don't hit the merchandise, if it's too damaged and they give a lower price Captain Gally will get angry" Said a pirate in a repressive tone.

The pirate noticing who was reprimanding him quickly stopped hitting the boy.

"O-oyag-sama it's the fault of this damn brat who doesn't watch where he's walking" He replied justifying himself with fear.

"It's okay, let it go you've already taught him a lesson" Oyag said calling it a day.

The pirate nodded and before leaving gave the boy an angry look.

"Keep cleaning up brat or I won't be so nice" Oyag told the boy sternly.

"Y-yes sir thank you" He replied fearfully as he got up and went back to sweeping.

*Why did I thank a pirate? If Silk-neesan saw me she would be disappointed, I'm so pathetic...* Thought the boy saddened by how weak he was.

The boy recognized this Oyag who reprimanded the other pirate, his name was Henna Oyag the vice-captain of the Gally pirates and he had a reward of 1,200,000 bellys, the second largest after the captain.

When they arrived in his village Oyag was the fiercest, he tortured some villagers so that they would not rebel and if it were not for his captain he would have killed several villagers. That is why he was so afraid of him.

Oyag did not help the boy with good intentions, he only cared about money, because if he was almost dead or missing some teeth he could not be sold at such a high price as a slave.

Captain Gally when he had the whole village under control selected 6 unfortunate people to sell as slaves, he chose people who could be sold at a good price such as young women, teenagers, and strong men.

"Man with the sale of these slaves we will make a fortune hahaha" Said a pirate to his companion while laughing.

"Yes Captain Gally is very smart, the people will now have to pay a tribute to be able to live, and besides we can now and then sell some slaves" Answered other the pirate with a big smile on his face.

"There are two beautiful young girls down there, we could try them before delivering them otherwise it would be a waste" Said the pirate with a lustful look.

"Idiot don't say it out loud if Oyag-sama hears you he will kill us, he doesn't want the goods damaged" He replied covering his companion's mouth.

"Oyag-sama doesn't have to find out, we still have to get to the island, we will have a chance at some point" He said trying to convince his friend.

This pirate stayed a while thinking and then answered:

"Okay, but we must be careful" Lust overcame him and he decided to accept.

The boy could hear the conversation of these 2 pirates and had a desperate look on his face.

*W-what can I do? I can't let them hurt Hana-san and Chihiro-san. Think, think* thought the young man as he racked his brain to save his two acquaintances.

Although they weren't that closely related, he had known them since he was little, as everyone in the village knew each other.

"BOTE IN SIGHT FUCKERS!" shouted a pirate startling the boy who was absorbed in his thoughts.