
One Piece: Cursed and From Another World

Imagine going to bed only to thrown into your favorite Anime World. Well, this is what happened to this unfortunate young man. He was tasked to help a certain someone become the Pirate King if he wanted to return home.

Drive_Night326 · アニメ·コミックス
69 Chs

The Beehive(Part 3)

(Starrk's PoV)

"W-What are you doing here!?" I exclaimed at the girl

She turned to look at me with a glare, "You!" She growled, "I knew we should've arrested you when we had the chance!!"

She then aimed her guns at me and opened fire. Instinctively, I blocked the bullets with my sword. I felt as they bounced off.

I then felt a presence behind me and immediately dodged a kick from above.

I jumped away and as I landed a couple of feet away, I saw a familiar face.

"Ho! If it isn't Starrk!" Ricky said

He was wearing what seemed like an officer cloak atop of his casual clothes.

"Ricky?" I said aloud

I knew they went and joined the marines but to think they'd be here in the Beehive.

Ricky straightened up and cracked his knuckles as he gave me a smirk.

"Look man, don't take this personal, but I'm going to beat you up." He said, "To make a good impression on the Vice-Admiral."

I narrowed my eyes and readied my blade as Ricky suddenly lunged at me with great speed.

I managed to block his kick with my sword as the impact caused a shockwave.

"What the!" I exclaimed

His kick felt heavier than I was used to. I guess fighting mountain bandits isn't much compared to fighting Marines. I can't underestimate them.

"You did good in blocking that." Ricky said, "But this next one will get you…."


He suddenly disappeared.

I blinked in confusion. Did he just use a Rokushiki technique?

I then felt something slam my temple really hard. I couldn't react in time, He had kicked me in the head.

The force of the kick was strong enough to send me flying a few feet away.

I crashed onto the ground and skidded next to Cregan who was merely watching.

"Oi, get up. You're embarrassing yourself." He grumbled

I immediately got up as I saw Anne walk up to Ricky who stood where I was.

"You idiot! What the hell is your problem?!" She yelled, "I couldn't follow through with my gunfire because you got in the way!"

Ricky smirked, "Heh!" He said, "Sorry."

"Don't just 'Sorry' me, Ricky!" She growled, "He's mine!!"

"Oho?" Ricky said as he sneered, "Well you can have him then~"

Anne then glared at him even more, "You son of a-"

I then saw as Cregan sent a flying slice at them.

Ricky and Anne then dodged the attack as it passed through between them.

"What the!!" Anne exclaimed as she landed a couple feet away.

"Tch, seems we're being underestimated here, Starrk." Cregan said, "You okay there? Don't tell me the kick actually harmed you."

I scoffed, "Give me a break." I said shaking my head, "I barely felt that. I'm just surprised to see them here."

"Friends of yours?" He asked

"Not exactly." I said

I then readied my blade as I looked at the two. Despite having a somewhat brief history with them, I had to get it together. We're on opposite sides of a conflict here. Hate to admit it, but I am kinda getting dragged along to some weird ass plotline here…

Nevertheless, these guys are marines. And I'm an unofficial pirate, I guess.

I then lunged at Ricky and swung my blade at him who was barely able to dodge.

"Whoa!!" He exclaimed as he tried to jump away to my right

I released my right grip from the sword and immediately grasped Ricky's shirt with my hand. Before he could even make an expression, I quickly pulled him in to a knee to the stomach.

"Aghh!!!" He yelled out

Still grabbing him, I then pushed him away with the one arm. As he was staggering back, I followed with a left roundhouse kick which hit him in the head and sent him flying.

Look, don't be telling shit about what I just did. I just figured that it would take him by surprise if I baited him with a sword swing and did a little hand to hand combat. Sometimes I will pull something out of my ass here.

As he landed on the ground with a thud, I raised my sword in the air with both hands and prepared to send a slice his way.

Then, Anne appeared in front of my with both her guns aimed at my head.

"Bastard!!" She growled before she attempted to pull the triggers

I had actually anticipated this and used a little special trick up my sleeve.

I smirked slightly, "Soru…"

Using the Rokushiki technique, I appeared behind Anne who didn't know what just happened.

"Nothing personal, kid." I said

I then slammed the bottom of my swords's handle on the small of her back. The hit was strong enough to buckle her and force her to her knees.

Remember how I said I can pull stuff out of my ass? Yea. Turns out Rokushiki techniques can be easy to learn if you know the basics of them.

"Agh!" She yelled out in pain

I then sighed as I pointed my blade at her.

"I don't know what I expected here." I said, "For a slight moment there, I was a bit worried. But I guess you ended up being weak."

She looked back up at me and glared, "Y-You-"

"STARRK GET OUTTA THERE!!!!" I heard Cregan bellow at me

I then noticed a large shadow casted on me. I looked up to see a massive figure barreling towards me. I just couldn't make out what it was.

"Shit!" I heard Ricky say as I saw him speed past me and grabbed Anne and jumped outta there

I was caught in the moment, I had every chance to move out the way, but like a deer caught in the headlights, I froze.

My instincts, however, moved my sword up in a defensive position. I then saw as a man drive his massive fist onto me, only for it to be blocked by the blunt of my sword.

Oh man. Let me tell you. If Ricky's kick was a bit heavy earlier, this punch made it look like a fucking feather.

The impact made my knees buckle hard as it caused a massive shockwave. I felt the ground beneath me shatter as the force of this man's fist made me question how the fuck am I still intact.

"Aghh!!!" I yelled out as the shockwave of the punch rattled my entire body, "What the fuck?!"

I then felt as the fist was pulled back. My whole body felt relieved as I staggered back and stumbled. My brain felt like it rattled against my skull a lot. Hell, i think that I got a concussion probably. I tried to focus my eyes on the man in front of me but my eyesight was a bit blurry.

"Bahahaha!!!!" I heard the large burly man laugh

As my eyes focused, I heard Cregan call out for me.

"Are you okay, Starrk!!" I heard him ask as my eyesight started to clear

I then widened my eyes as I saw the man in front of me.

"Oh fuck…" I said,

"Its Garp…"

(A/N: Alright people. I am going to speed things up a little. I have seen many people talk about their dislikes of the story.

One thing I took is that you don't like Starrk's passiveness and him being "Moved around like a chess-piece." That will be worked on and touched upon the story.

Another thing I noticed is that people want me to focus on the main plot of the story. You guys don't like the subplots I'm trying to add? That's fair. Understandable.

I am down for criticism. I don't get mad. I just don't address them in the comments for the most part.

In the beginning, I saw people claim it was too fast-paced, so I slowed it down. I was willing to get to the craziness from the get-go but now that I slowed it down, I see some comments saying they wish to focus on the main plot.


I was planning to extend the Beehive chapters by a lot. Try to get some exposition in there. Was planning to do a little world building, but I'll work around it. Expect two more chapters about the Beehive. I will then put the story onto where its supposed to be. The Pirate King plot.

Thanks for all the patience and constructive criticism.)