
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

OneMoreScore · アニメ·コミックス
151 Chs



As soon as we got inside my cabin we began to make out with each other and start to strip off our clothes until we both were standing eye to eye with one another looking at each other's bodies

(A/N I may have mentioned this before but Vargas is 6'6" and Alvida is the same height as well so no one gets confused.)

She sees the scars all across my body and the tattoo with the Kuja Symbol on my chest that tells the world that I am from the Kuja Tribe, and she drags her soft and smooth fingers all across every scar on my body while I feel her curves and every inch of her beautifully smooth body.

"You already know that I have other women and that I'm married right, and your fine being a part of all that?"

"Mmmmm, I don't mind it one bit so long as I get your love and affection whenever we see each other is good enough for me." She says before bringing me in and making out with me while she jerks my member.

I also help her by playing with her pussy and helping it get wet, and by the time we're both ready she pulls me over to the bed before laying down with me on top as she helps me get in her and slip right in, there's no resistance or pain on her end it's as if her pussy was made to be a perfect fit for my size as it could take all 12 inches of length, though the last few inches were able to easily slip right into her womb that made her wrap her legs around my waist holding me as deep as possible inside her as she kept on coming from the constant pleasure.

Though the downside of it all is that I had to hold her tightly without actually holding her by wrapping my arms around her and holding only my arms specifically just so I can keep her close and keep myself in her as I kept deep fucking her.

Though she was lost in the pleasure she did notice I was having issues with trying to hold her close so she turned us over with her on top and letting her do all the work as she was getting used to it and having better control now.

"Now let this lady do all the work love." She says before taking my lips again and hoping her hips up and down on my member as I go in and out of her over and over as I feel her pussy take on the perfect shape for me making it extremely pleasurable for the two of us.

We both went faster and faster until I slammed her hips down hilting her and filling her completely full of my cum as her cervix tightened around my tip letting me completely fill her up till she looked bloated a bit with cum as it had a perfect seal that unless I pulled out none of it would spill out.

After we both came down a bit from our sex high she looked down and saw how she looked like, "MMMMMmmmm!!! Your such a stud! It's almost like you want to get me pregnant." She says with a smile as she feels her belly.

"Not unless we get married, until then all I shoot is to hot to get a woman pregnant." I say as we grind into each other.

"Mmmmm… we're going until I drain you dry." She says before popping me out of her pussy and easily sliding it into her her ass as she begins to ride me hard.

She was gripping me like a vice with her ass as I went in and out of her ass-pussy before she grinded into me and making me cum again and filling her other hole.

"Ahhh… I feel so full…" she says before popping off me again and then took a wet towel nearby to wipe me down.

When I was sufficiently cleaned off she then began to take my cock deep down her throat, when she said she was gonna milk me dry she meant it as she squeezed my balls.

And because of how sensitive I was getting and her trying her best I quickly filled her throat up with my cum before she pulled up and sucked the tip while stroking me off to get the rest out of me before I decided that I should be done for the night, if I kept going this entire cabin would be covered in fluids.

After she had gotten her fill everything that went into her seemed to have just vanished as if it just slipped off her body and she cuddled up to me as we spent the rest of the trip in each other's arms.

(R-18 End)


After that night of fun between us had passed we had to say our goodbyes but with her having access to a portable gate she can come to my island and see me whenever she wants though if I'm away she'll have to wait until I come back home.

So after saying our goodbyes I took my Yuda straight southward to cut through the Calm Belt and bring us back home.



A few days later I finally got home to see the rest of my crew, though as soon as I came back both Nami and Nojiko came up to me.

"Vargas! When are we going on a new adventure? We haven't gone on any really cool destination since about a year ago."

"Hmmm…. Are you guys intrested in going to FishMan Island? That place is a very beautiful sight to see after all, and there are plenty of wrecked ships down there that might have treasure in them."

"Ooooo!!!! That sounds like a great idea! Especially the part about finding treasure!" Nami says all excited like.

"And maybe I can find new foods there to use as dishes as well." Nojiko says thinking about the fine cuisine that can be bought down on Fish Man Island.

"Though it will have to be in a few days though I have somethings I need to deal with, especially the Tea Party Big Ma is holding, she told me at the last one that she has something important to discuss with everyone in the family."

"Ok Captain after that is all done will go have fun on FishMan island!" Nami says all excited like before heading off to do her own things along with her sister.

"Hmmm… probably should go check up on the Kibi region and see how things are going there." I say to myself before I head off into my base and take a gate to Kibi in Wano.

And when I get there I can see from the outskirts that Daki and Gyutaro are fighting against Alice and someone I haven't seen in a very long time.

I may not have mentioned this but Alice has evolved several times since I summoned her, she has roughly the same potential as me for increasing her strength over time.

Alice -> Hell Keep Alice

Though she's this strong now both Gyutaro and Daki have gotten stronger as well, they have at least reached there max level now but haven't evolved yet making there strengths relatively even but the person who caught my attention most of all was…

"Kagura!" I shouted out seeing the flying Wind Demon as she attacked Daki, I don't know why there fighting, though I know why Alice and Gyutaro are fighting, there the only people that use scythes/sickles so they train together often, and I have a hunch that Gyutaro is interested in Alice so he try's to show off to her as well as train with her so he can be around her as much as he can.

"Daki! Kagura! ENOUGH!!!" I shout releasing my conquers haki at them both forcing them both back to the ground on there knees.

"Kagura, it's good to see you again, but why are you attacking my crew?"

"Hmph! So your running around with even more demons Captain? I can smell the stench of how many humans they have devoured, and your completely fine with them in your crew?" Kagura says somewhat irritated.

"That was back in there original world, they don't do that anymore unless they want me to kill them permanently, right Daki?" I say while looking at the struggling black haired beauty.

"Tch, I don't have those cravings anymore and I can eat normal foods, plus I won't get any beauty treatments from the Captain if I make him mad and all I know is that he's better than anyone who has ever done a beauty treatment on me before…." She says as she strokes her silky black hair while looking at Kagura hatefully.

"Alright both of you enough, I don't care who or what you were, so long as you work for me and not cross my bottom line then everything else you do I could care less, I didn't care that I brought you to this world, saving your life and letting you do what you want to do most and travel all around the world, you can't judge me for the company that I keep."

Hearing the validity of my statement and that she doesn't really have any say in how I do things since I let her travel the world without consequence she just puts her fan away before bowing her head to me.

"I was wrong and I do apologize for what I did, what you do and the company that you keep are of no consequence of mine, and I feel that I have out stayed my welcome for the day, I'll come back here sometime to talk to you on more better circumstances, so until we next meet." She says before summoning her magic leaf and flew off into the distance.

"Hmph! Next time I see her I'm gonna tear her to shreds!"

"If you still want me to give you beauty treatments you won't even think about it."

"Hmph! Then I better get a nice beauty treatment today!"

"Fine but only after I see how everything is going on around here in the farm lands, then you'll get my full attention." I say as I drag my hand through her silky black hair.

She then sees an eerie resemblance between me and her previous master Muzan with how he was treating her, this caused her to blush hard before she slapped my hand away before walking back to her personal living quarters.

I look back and see both Gyutaro and Alice go at it with each other so I just shake my head before leaving them to themselves as I go and check the fields.

And with the help of Alenu and the Wood Totems the land was extremely fertile and that it grew crops at a much more faster rate that we can harvest more than 6 times a year meaning it only takes 2 months from planting till there completely ready for harvest.

"Seems everything is coming along fine and the farmers all seem happy with there lot in life, it's sad that they have closed the borders around Kibi so that no more slaves that somehow escape can come here and work for me instead, though I am helping them keep fed I still hate what Kaido is doing, but it's not time yet to save them, all I can do is help them survive so they can live on until the time comes for there freedom."

*Then why don't we just go to Onigashima and slaughter the lot of them! You and I know we don't need them! There just a means to an end!* a guttural voice filled with anger and hatred shouts out at me in my head.

*Ifrit… get out of my head!* (Vargas)

*No I don't think I will! Not until you kill them all and take all of the beasts women for yourself will I willfully shut up!* (Ifrit)

*No! I'm not an animal!* (Vargas)

*Ohhh Yes, Yes you are, because me and you-*

*Are one and the same, yes yes yes, something you tell me every single time you come out of your cage! I think it's time you went to sleep!* I think to him before I inject myself with a serum that Theo made to help keep my emotions under control.

*Grrr… all that does…. Is quite the voices….. it never will get rid of me...* he says before finally falling silent.

"*Sigh* I know…." I say to myself before I let the serum run its course through my body.

"….. He will pay…. The time just isn't right….." I say one last time confirming my thoughts before heading back to my Kibi HQ to take my mind off things.

Though when I get back I see a rather impatient Daki waiting for me, "Yes I know, now let's get you into the spa to get your beauty treatment." She just nods with a rather haughty look before we both go over to the spa.

And so I begin my usual treatment on her to keep her happy, but more importantly tame, though back at the beginning she had no reaction to me seeing her naked body as I gave her the full spa treatment, but now she at least where's panties now and even blushes a bit whenever I massage her more sensitive areas around her waist and chest.


"What's so funny?" She says a bit pissed while I'm giving her a back massage.

"Oh nothing, it just seems that your starting to get your humanity back little by little, after all you never got embarrassed back when I first gave you these massages, and you never felt like wearing panties either." I say with a smirk as she began to blush even more.

"Quit your yapping and get back to your job!" She says all flustered like.

"Yes Princess your wish is my command." I say as I shut up and go back to giving her massage.

*Dammit! I'm a demon! A higher being! Why am I getting these feelings that are welling up inside me back when I was still under Muzans lead?* she thinks to herself as she denies the possibility of there ever being something more between a demon and a human like me.



A few days pass and it was time for another Tea Party, this one being a family only one though as I said before, Big Ma has something important to discuss.

Though when I arrived I was instantly tackled by a rather over excited Pudding.

"Big Bro! Your here!" She says as she holds me tight while burying her head in my chest.

I just smile and begin to rub her head, "Silly I always come, unless something drastic happens I'll always come." Though I wouldn't realize why till much later on why she would always tackle hug me when she would see me, she really enjoyed my smell so she would get into that position all the time so she could get a nice whiff of my scent.

I wanted to talk more with her but Big Ma came in while being escorted by Katakuri, Smoothie, Snacks and Cracker.

"Everyone! Welcome, Welcome! It's good everyone is here early! As some of you know this won't be a normal Tea Party like usual this will be a mix between a Tea Party and a rather serious meeting, so let's first get the meeting out of the way so we can enjoy ourselves!" Big Ma says as she takes her seat at the head of the table where a seat is available for all important members of the family while the rest will have to stand around to listen.

Those that had seats with Big Ma were, Katakuri, Smoothie, Cracker, Snacks, Me, Amande, Oven, Daifuku, Perospero and surprisingly Pudding if we don't include the picture at the end of the table of Mother Marble that Big Ma always needs to see at her table no matter what.

"Ma I get why everyone is at our table, except the brat here!" Cracker says as he points at Pudding, but then he suddenly gets a chill and feels me staring at him rather intensely.

"You got a problem with my favorite little sister being here Ahh?!" I say as get up and stare him down.

*SLAM* "ENOUGH! Both you sit your asses down before I make you sit down!" (Ma)

"Yes Ma." We both say together before we sit down but everyone else can see the invisible lightning bolts flying from our eyes as we stare each other down.

"Good, now then the reason why you all were selected to sit here at my table is obvious for most as you all are the strongest in my family, and there is a good reason why Pudding is here of course." Big Ma says, but I notice Katakuri flinch a bit and look over at Big Ma with a rather incredulous look.

I didn't have my observation haki activated at the time or I would have the same look as him at what she was about to say.

"That's because we, The Big Ma Pirates are gonna attack Impel Down! MAMA MAMA!!!" She says as she laughs to herself.

Everyone here is just stunned silent before all of us get up and everyone else here also joins us in our shock as we all collectively say.

"WAIT WHAT?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!"