
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

OneMoreScore · アニメ·コミックス
151 Chs

The Battle of Three Blades Pt. 2

As the coin finally landed the battle instantly commenced, from an outside viewers point of view it looked as if we were attacking each other at break neck speeds making it near impossible for the eye to keep track of who was attacking who.

But since I was one of the three in that battle that day I can give you a live play by play as to what happened at normal speed so you can understand what the hell is going on.

So as soon as the coin touched the ground all three of us launched at each other with all of our swords colliding with one another before we pushed each other back a slight distance before we resumed our battle.

Shanks and Mihawk clashed with each other first as after all they were still old rivals of one another, but I wasn't gonna be left out so I jumped back into the fray forcing them to block both of my swords.

Seeing that they both decided to momentarily team up to attack me forcing me on the defensive before mustering my strength to push them back off of me.

(A/N now before anyone thinks about lambasting me about whatever in the comments, know this, this is not, I repeat NOT a serious sword fight to the death, no one is using any of there major skills that could easily rip an island in two, so whoever wins or loses is more based on sword skill alone alright? I was given crap the last time Vargas and Mihawk fought when clearly he had to play off that he was weaker and lose to Mihawk due to the fact that he couldn't use any of his skills that he can as Eagle at the time that would have made the match a bit more even for him…)

"Hmph, it seems you aren't that half bad with a sword after all…" Mihawk remarks about me as we all lock blades with one another.

"Whoa! Now that's a first! Mihawk you never complemented me for my sword skills back when we used to fight each other you know?" Shanks says with a slightly sad look on his face, though both Mihawk and I could tell he wasn't that sad about it.

"Please if he did it would have just inflated your ego." I say with a grin before I force us to separate once again before we go at one another once again.

Though after separating we all seem to come to an silent agreement to get a bit more serious as we went at one another much faster specifically going for decisive strikes with the sole aim to take the other out of the match.

Since we started to get a bit serious now, people who were watching our fight couldn't actually see are arms and swords as it more or less just looked like a blur to them with how fast we were going back and forth between attacking and defending against each other.

If I was to describe how it felt to fight them both it would be like this, Mihawk was no longer stronger than me like he was in the past but his skill with the blade was still a genuine threat where as Shanks was the opposite of him, he was stronger than me but my sword skill was better than him, but because of all of our strengths and weaknesses being pushed onto one another at the same time and being able to cover for our weaknesses we were basically dead even in a sword fight where we're not using our ultimate moves and the like.

But since we couldn't use moves that could easily destroy the island doesn't mean we couldn't use weaker versions of them, example being Mihawk jumping back and using his rapid air slash attack to keep us at bay so he can attack us at a distance, but clearly we were having none of that as we broke his air slashes as we got closer towards him before bringing him back into a standard sword fight.

Then I tried to use the Dance of Wrath since I didn't have the luxury to resheathe my blades and use my Judgment Strike on either of them since they didn't leave a large enough window for me to do so.

So as I began to attack I was now pushing them back and forcing them both to be on the defensive for a time, that is of course they got a feel for the rhythm and began to counter attack and thus bring ourselves to a stand still once again.

Now your thinking that Shanks would also unleash his skills on us right? Well no not really, see he doesn't have any skills, well any weaker skills that he could use to combat ours during this fight so unfortunately he only had strength and speed as the fight went on.

We had already been fighting for an hour already, if we truly wanted to we could go on for several days before either of us got exhausted to keep going on, but out of the three of us, Shanks was getting bored, "Alright you two, this will go on for days at this rate, so let's just finish this up with final decisive move alright? I want to go back to drinking and partying, though I do want us to fight again all three of us but next time let's have a more serious fight like the good old days Mihawk." Shanks said with a grin as he pointed his blade at both Mihawk and me.

"Like the good old days huh? Will have to find a deserted island to do that on, but I'm game." Mihawk says as he readies his blade once more.

"Then how about next year, on my next party I'll invite you both to an island where we can go all out no problems whatsoever, now then…" I say as I begin to fill my blades with even more Haki making them appear to be leaking out of the blade as I have filled them to there max capacity, "… Let's end this."

And with that said we all smiled as they filled there blades to there max as well before we launched at each other to the point of where our blades connecting caused a blinding flash of light and shock wave that sent everyone else back aways.

As the dust settled and the rest of our crews came back to look and see, what they saw shocked them, the fight ended in a three way tie between us.

And it was definitely a tie as due to all of us wanting to win we all gave off defense for pure offense for our final attacks, though clearly due to our skills neither of us got hurt but our clothes did finally recieve a cut of there own, and clothes getting cut means that you lost.

So here's how it went, currently I had slashed through Shanks white shirt under his black cloak that he wears on his shoulders, where Shanks attacked Mihawk and cut a little off his beard, but was still mostly blocked by Mihawks guard handle, I had used my other sword and had pierced through Mihawks shirt right to where his heart was but stopped at the skin where as Mihawks blade was currently forcing my chin up and being stopped by my bodies armament haki.

After seeing the outcome of our fight all three of us just grinned before we pulled our blades back and put them back in there sheathes.

"Looks like we will really need to have that battle to see if Ol Mihawk here can keep his title as the Worlds Strongest Swordsman after all!" Shanks says before slapping Mihawk on the back before heading back to enjoy the party some more.

"Hmph, I wasn't even getting serious yet, I'm not handing my title over that easily…" Mihawk just shakes his head before he goes back to join the rest of us for the remainder of the party.

I just shake my head as well while I go off and enjoy the rest of the party, though the thought of fighting them for real next time gets my blood pumping at the thought of a good fight.

With that the party resumes as we party all night long all the way till the morning to the point that everyone, except Mihawk, is absolutely wasted and sprawled out everywhere with both me and Shanks holding onto a barrel of beer and using it like a hug pillow.

The since Mihawk was the only one that didn't get straight up wasted last night he had the unfortunate job of waking me and Shanks up, though in all seriousness he just kicked us a bit trying to wake us up, and when that didn't work he ripped the barrels of beer from us before cutting them open and having our heads washed in beer.

"Ugh *Cough Cough* couldn't you have done something different?…. Ugh my head, go away sun…." Shanks says before pulling his cloak over his head to block the sun out of his eyes.

"Neither of you two were getting up, so I had to do something, but I think it's time I head off, I'll see you around Shanks, Eagle.." He says to both of us before he heads off to his small ship and sets sail for home.

"Ugh…. We'll he has a point Shanks… I think we have had our fill of fun for today…. It's about time I head off too…" I say as I wobbly get up before dunking my head in a barrel of water to wake myself up.

"Heh…. I think I'll stay here for awhile…. Get some more sleep….. I'll see you around Eagle…." Shanks says with a sleepy grin before he pulls his cloak over his eyes once again.

I just shake my head then stretch a bit before I go over and pick up my drunk crew and haul them onto my ship, and when everyone is on I take the wheel and lead us out to sea.

And when I can't see Beehive Island anymore, I open a large gate to bring our ship through so we can easily get back home to Haven once again.

I decide to let my crew sleep it off on the ship while I go back inland to wash myself up and have it help me wake myself up before I take another gate back to Amazon Lily to see my beautiful little girls and my lovely wives.

They were all happy typ see me even my little girls as well as all three of them crawled over to see me, which just made me happy as I picked them up and held them in my arms as they snuggled up close to me.

"You really are a good father after all." Vivi says as she has come back with juice for all the girls and sits down with the three Boa sisters.

Hancock, Sonia and Marie just smile at that as they nod there heads, "He sure is." They say together.

"Though I think they just like to be around me because of how naturally warm I am after all." I say as I look down a chuckle a little at the sight of my daughters already asleep and drooling a little on my shirt.

"So how was the party that you had at Eagles place?" Vivi asks me wondering a bit about my time with the infamous Eagle, I should point out that she still doesn't know that I am also Eagle, but when we're officially married I'll tell her, though that will have to wait until I take down Doflamingo, as I won't be accepted as a royal unless I do something just as drastic as taking down Crocodile, though I still haven't gotten him to say his reasons for what he did on a voice recorder, as even though I have all this evidence he will still get away with it scot free if I can't get him to say it personally since I have learned of his rather tight connections he still has with those Bastard Celestial Dragons.

"Oh everything was great, we partied and had fun, he even got Shanks and Mihawk to show up to the party."

"Oh! Did he fight both of them or something?"

"Well yes he did since he wanted to see Mihawks skills as well as Shanks skills as well so they had a three way sword fight with one another, though since it wasn't a fight to the death or anything they didn't go all out but the fight did end in a three way tie between them, though cause of that they all would fight again for real next year."

"Ohh? Well isn't that exciting? Well I hope they enjoy themselves when the time comes." Hancock says before she and her sisters take there daughters back from and hold them close.

"Oh and Vivi, it's gonna take probably until sometime after your 16th or 17th birthday before we can be married, the government says I have to do something rather drastic if I want to become a recognized royal noble so that should I lose my Warlord status that the government can no longer hunt me down, and I need to amass a large sum of money if I want to get rid of your bounty love." I say as I go over to Hancock and hold her close.

"It's fine love, we have plenty of time, I'm just happy you get to spend time with us and everyone around here especially with the kids." She says with a smile as she leans back into me.

I just smile as I go and enjoy myself along side my wives and family, and after that I head back to the Isle of Man, but as I got to my office I suddenly get a notification that genuinely shocks me.

Repeatable quest- Rise through the Ranks has been completed by your subordinate Tanya, who has gone from the rank of Commodore up to the Rank of Vice Admiral

Rewards- Faux Buster Call x1, Legendary item Locked specifically to Tanya Von Degurechaff.

Quest can no longer be completed for Tanya Von Degurechaff.

New mission specifically granted for Tanya has been Unlocked.

New Main Mission for Tanya Unlocked

Main Mission- I Am a Marine

Objective- Whether through retirement or through death Tanya must achieve the rank of Marine Admiral.

Rewards- Unknown

As I was reading this over Tanya's specific Legendary Rifle appeared in my hand, this one specifically looked like a lever action rifle.

Teufal Jaeger- otherwise known as The Devil Hunter Rifle, This Weapon alongside its true master will be an unstoppable force and if enough power is injected into through its master or one who is helping its master power it up, one shot could be equivalent to a Buster Call in power, and that is not this weapons max potential, but it will take time for the weapon to become even more powerful when bonded with its master.

Then suddenly another rainbow light appeared as well, "What!? A second legendary item just for her!?" I say in shock as I see the Cutlass fall into my hands

Bonus additional Legendary Item received.

Tollwutiger Hund- otherwise known as Mad Dog, is a Blackened Blade infused permanently with Armament Haki, this blade within itself is its own Meito of Great Grade making it one of 21 that currently exist in the world, but using this sword comes at a price, the longer you are in battle the easier it is to lose one's sanity should the weilder not be strong enough or calm enough within the heat of battle, but should it be tamed it could become one of the most deadliest blades in the world.

Owner- Tanya Von Degurechaff

"…. I better make a call and figure out how the hell is she already a Vice admiral and what did she need to do to achieve that rank so quickly…" I say to myself before I begin to make a call on her situation.

Item: Faux Buster Call- Allows you to call a Buster Call on one specific location in the world making it sound as if it came from Sengoku himself, if they try to call to confirm it they will hear the voice of a fake Sengoku on the other end giving confirmation on the use of the Buster Call, though if used blame will fall onto Blood Eagle since he can easily mimic peoples Voices after all.