
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

OneMoreScore · アニメ·コミックス
151 Chs

Shaking Hands while Holding a Knife Behind our Backs (Long Chapter)

"No what's happening in Punk Hazard that makes you so interested in it?"

"So you know that one of the best scientists, besides VegaPunk himself lives there, his name is Caesar Clown."

"I feel like his parents must have hated him to name Caesar Clown."

"I think he named himself that, as that's not his real name supposedly, but that's besides the point, he has figured out a way to mass produce Devil fruits, now that's a lucrative business there, selling large quantities of Devil fruits would net a hefty sum, and since we're family and all I thought you'd be interested, question is what do you think you can put on the table?"

"I also have a scientist of my own that can be of use to this Punk Hazard scientist, and possibly make mass producing Devil fruits a bit easier."

"Well anything that makes things more profitable for you and me makes this partnership worth it then, how about you come visit my Kingdom of Dressrosa, see the sights a bit and then we will both go to Punk Hazard together to meet with Caesar alright?"

"Sounds fine by me, I was meaning to see Dressrosa for once, Viola says it's a very beautiful place after all."

"Yes it is… you'll like it once you see it, so I'll be seeing you in a few days right?"

"But of course, though I'm gonna have to cut through the calm belt instead of taking FishMan Island, I honestly just don't like seeing those fish skinned freaks if I can help it so I'll take the reverse mountain route there."

"Sounds good to me, see you around Vargas." *Click* and with that we ended our conversation.

"Looks like I should talk with Viola about what I can do when I'm in Dressrosa and hopefully this makes me a lot of money…. Speaking of which…"

I then dial on the Den Den Mushi again to call up and congratulate an old friend of mine.

"Vargas! It's so glad to hear from you, and you just called me at the right time! I have finally finished making my personal palace of gold Grand Tesoro! And I want to invite you to the grand opening if your available when we open the front doors for everyone." (Gild)

"Sure Gild, I just got this thing I need to take care of with Doflamingo as we're going into a business deal together that will earn us a lot of money."

"Doflamingo huh? You do know that I'm not in the best of relationships with him right?"

"Because you stole the gold Devil fruit from him right?"

"Mhm, so don't be surprised if he gets pissed with you being a business partner with me, after all if it wasn't for you I'd never be able to achieve my dream of opening my own show town on the water that I always dreamt of."

"Of course but if he doesn't like it then it just tough luck for him then."

"Heh, yeah, though I have to thank him for so generously giving me my Devil fruit, tell you what let me send you an invitation card, it has a vivre card that will lead you to my 'moving city of dreams' that I like to call it."

"Sure you know that I'm based around Amazon Lily right? Send the card there and after I'm done with all this business with Doflamingo I'll head home and follow it to your location, since you have it constantly moving all around the seas right?"

"Yep I specifically had the bottom of my massive city sized ship covered in a thin layer of Sea Stone and since I can make gold I could afford it so I can go anywhere in the seas without threat of being attacked by sea kings, and hey I think I've found a nice girl who you can get acquainted with when you arrive here."

"Hehe Gild you are a good friend after all, I'll see you at the opening ceremony then."

"Alright see you then Vargas."

And with that my plans were set for awhile now, go to Dressrosa and see the sights, go along with Doflamingo to make a deal with this Caesar fellow, and after all that go off and find Gild's moving ship and start reaping in even more gold, and thank god as well because the gold hoard from Skypeia was starting to run out so Grand Tesoro and the Devil fruit deal will be great for me to get even more money that we constantly need if we all want to do our evolutions.



"So your heading off to Dressrosa to make a business deal with Doflamingo?" (Viola)

"Yep, and this might be one of the things that I can use against him to take him down for good, though we will need to let this business deal go on for awhile so I can reap some benefits before I take this information and anything else both Sugar and Monet have gotten out of the Donquixote pirates so we can take them out the legit way, or if the world government decides to just twiddle there thumbs, take him down the Blood Eagle way."

"…. When you go there find my father, try to do it without any of the Donqixote pirates see you getting in contact with him, tell him I'm ok, and that we're working on getting the kingdom back under the control, and if you can find my niece as well, tell her that I'm fine and if possible lead her to my father, her grandfather so she can have someone to move and take care of her so she won't grow up alone anymore, even though she has been watched over by the toy called Thunder Soldier this entire time, she still needs to be with her family... I know that my father has to hide as if anyone sees him he will be targeted by the citizens and the Doflamingo family alike…."

"….. I will try the best I can to tell them what has become of you and that we are working on taking him and his crew down for good."

She goes up to me and holds both sides of my face and pulls me in for a deep kiss before pulling away, "Now go find them and tell them what is being done."

"Alright it's time I head off then." I say as I head to the port and only take my small ship with only Me, Owen, Theo, Florence, Noel, Nami and Nojiko to come along with me on this journey to Dressrosa and towards Punk Hazard.



A few days later we finally reached the island of Dressrosa.

And it looks like we got the royal treatment as Doflamingo himself was waiting for us at the docks.

"Welcome to Dressrosa, my homeland is your homeland, your friends are free to explore the Dressrosa and see the sights, just make sure there back in the Villa I set up for guests to live in by midnight, that's one of the few rules I have people strictly follow, but besides that just see the sights and have fun, Vargas and this must be your scientist you mentioned here, you two come with me we have some business to discuss." He says as he turns to head back towards the main palace of Dressrosa.

"You heard him guys, go out and have fun, me and Noel will catch up with you later." I say as I and Noel follow after Doflamingo to his palace.

"Hmmm this is a very nice place, the view up here is amazing after all." I say as from the palace you can see all of Dressrosa.

"Mhm and it's all mine, all it took was saving this country from the tyranny of the previous Royal family."

"Uh huh, knowing you and your personality just off my gut I'm calling bullshit on that but not my people, not my problem so I don't give a shit what you do to your people here."

"Hmph, think whatever you will, but the people here do see me and my crew as hero's that saved this country…"

"Whatever you say, so onto business then, how are we gonna split the profits on this? I got a guy who will be most likely a great asset to the research of making more Devil fruit's farmable."

"Hmmm well I'm planing on building an area where the Devil fruits will grow, and provide the labor as well as getting in contact with those that would want to buy our products, so obviously I should make most of the profits since I'm putting so much work in how about 90/10"

"Looks like I'm gonna have to get my haggling on then, 75/25"

"No way I'm putting in a lot more work than that 85/15"

"Come on at least do me a favor here, we're brothers now, and I'll make the next business deal I come across more favorable for you, 80/20 final offer."

Doflamingo strokes his chin and thinks about it for a little bit before nodding and putting on his classic wide grin.

"Alright since we're brothers now I'll take you at that offer 80/20" he says as he holds out his hand and I grab it and shakes it.

"Pleasure doing business with you, partner."

"Hey, that's what partners are for." He says as we both pull away our hands.

"So I'm guessing we're heading off to Punk Hazard tomorrow right?"

"Mhm got to let you see the sights as well, so go out there and enjoy yourself."

"Alright see you tomorrow Doflamingo." I say as I decide to do a bit of flare to be dramatic as I jump off the plateau the palace is on to fall to the rest of Dressrosa below using my fire to let me fall gently down to the ground below.

After I leave Trebol shows up by Doflamingo, "Doffy…. Do you think it's a good idea to have him working with us on this? I don't know why but I just get a bad vibe coming off of him."

"Trebol your feelings haven't been reliable for the past while you know? You said that you didn't like him back when I made that deal with him to make our girls get stronger, sure we may have lost Baby 5 but at least she's not going around and making a mess of the place whenever I would go off and kill her boyfriends back in the past, but look at Monet and Sugar now, there both much stronger than they were before and he even cured Sugar of the curse of being stuck as a child since she now looks like a teenager instead of a child now, I'm sure everything will work out just fine and in the end everyone will be happy as we all make money together." Doflamingo says with a bit of confidence from everything he's seen Vargas do for the benefit of his Crew, all it cost him was Viola and Baby 5 and now he has a strong ally he can call a brother of his.

"But didn't he help the marines take down Crocodile? What if he does the same to us?"

"Crocodile was trying to get a ancient weapon, and also genocide an entire country in the process, and he only got involved because of his connections to Blood Eagle who told him to do something about it, Blood Eagle might be someone we need to worry about but if we don't do anything stupid will be fine, and maybe we can have him help us get connections with Blood Eagle as well."

"Well if you say so Doffy…. I hope your right.." Trebol says before heading back into the palace while Doflamingo keeps looking over the lands he calls his own.

Down below after getting out of sight of the place I put on a hoodie and hide my face while using the Compass to leading me towards the former king, Riku Doldo the 3rd.

After going through many twists and turns and entering a more run down part of Dressrosa I come upon a small shack that doesn't look all that different from the rest but the compass was saying this is where he is.

There was no door just a curtain covering the front door, so I pushed it away only to have a sword drawn and pointed at my face from a man wearing some type of gladiator wear with a metal face mask covering his face.

"… I don't appreciate it that much when people randomly wander into my home… if you were homeless and hungry I'd give you something to eat, but you don't seem the type that's homeless, question is why have you entered my home." (Ricky)

"…. I'm here to find Riku Doldo, I have important information to tell him from his daughter Viola."

The masked man is slightly shaken by hearing that, he then slowly pulled off his mask revealing the face of a tired a weathered old man, "My daughter… is she ok? I heard she was sold off in a deal between Doflamingo and the Man known as Firebrand Vargas, damn that Doflamingo for doing that to my daughter…" he says with a sadden face thinking about the pain his daughter must have been going through and being forced to marry a man she doesn't love.

"Your daughter is fine, after all your son in law wanted to meet his father in law." I say as I pull off my hood and lower my face mask, though he then brings his sword to my throat again with a furious look in his eyes.

"YOU! What are you doing here?! Just come to mock me for taking my daughter and gloat about your achievement in having her for yourself aren't you!"

I just put my hands up as I gently push the blade away from my neck, "She did say that you deeply cared for her like a father should after all, then all the things she said about you being the best king this country ever had, and Doflamingo ruined it all… I'm not here to make fun of you pops, I'm here to tell you two things, that Viola is fine and happy, and no I'm not lying, sure at first she didn't like me but after she told me everything about what happened to her kingdom and what Doflamingo did to you and your family I sympathized with her and slowly we got to know each other and genuinely fell in love I genuinely started to put into action of taking down Doflamingo and getting you and Violas kingdom back."

After hearing that he started to calm down and then placing his blade back in his scabbard, "Go on, tell me what you plan to do."

I just smile and tell him everything that we have gotten so far, that I have made 2 of Doflamingo's crew members betray him and are now working as my spy's to get intel for me to use to get the marines to do something, and that if push comes to shove, Blood Eagle owes me a favor and so if they don't do anything I can have him show up and take Doflamingo down personally, he's even more inclined to do it as Doflamingo was a Celestial Dragon once before.

"….. This might actually work… but like you said your gonna have to wait a few more years before you can put your plan into action, but knowing that smiley faces Bastard losing everything like me brings a smile to this old man's face…. And your right Rebecca has been living alone for almost 6 years now, I know that she has a toy soldier to take care of her but I should look after her myself, please if you can, go find my granddaughter and bring her to me… she deserves to have a family once again… after what happened to her daughter…. And her deadbeat of a father that disappeared not long after her birth leaving her alone with only her mother growing up…. I never met the guy but if I ever see that bastard I'm gonna kill him personally." He says with a face full of fury thinking about that man that left his daughter and granddaughter to fend for themselves.

"…. Don't worry I'll find her and lead her to you, but if she doesn't want to come then you'll have to come to her and try to make amends as a family after all."

"I wasn't there for her when she needed me most, so if I need to see her personally to convince her to stay by my side than so be it…"

I then nod, "Well then I'm gonna go find her now, here take this encrypted baby den den mushi, if she says no then I'll tell you where she lives and leave the rest for you to deal with yourself." I say while placing the baby mushi in his hands before heading out on my way.

"Hmph… Maybe he's not so bad after all… I'll really call him my son when he completes his promise and saves my kingdom…"

A few hours later, close to dinner time I finally found the home of Rebecca which wasn't in any better shape than Riku's only thing that made it better is it's more well built and actually has a door, that I knocked on.

After a minute the door opened and a one legged toy soldier appeared, "Can I help you?" (Thunder Soldier)

"Is this little Rebecca's home?"

Thinking I'm a threat he pulls out his small sword and points it at me, "Who's asking? Are you just here to harm her or make fun of her like everyone else?"

"No, I come here with some good news that she needs to hear, from her grandpa specifically."

"F-from Riku?" He says before looking left and right making sure there's no one watching before pulling me inside.

"Toy Soldier? Who are you bringing inside?" Says a little girl as she comes out of the kitchen after she starts to cook up dinner for herself.

I pull down my hood and mask, "You must be Rebecca right?"

When she sees me she's shocked by my good looks as she blushes a bit, "Y-yes that's me, who is asking?"

"My name is Vargas, Leader of the Fire Brand Pirates, and the guy whose gonna help your family get your kingdom back from Doflamingo and avenge your mother." I say as I go on to explain everything that I said to Riku.

"I found your grandfather and he wants to try to be there for you since he couldn't be with you for the past several years because of him being in hiding from Doflamingo, he was only saved because your aunt Viola decided to work for him so they wouldn't hunt him down."

"…. Fine I do want to be together with family again, I do enjoy being with my Toy Soldier but being with someone from my family would be great since I won't feel lonely anymore."

As we're talking we both don't noice toy soldier shaking and gripping his hands hard *But you've never been alone… Daddy has always been there for you…. But till I get my body back I'll just be her little toy soldier and keep protecting her from all those that try to hurt my daughter…. I hope she's not getting a crush on Vargas here…* Thunder Soldier also known by his real name Kyros thought to himself.

"Good, then I'll tell him to come here and you can live together again, and don't worry after we gather enough evidence will let the marines handle it, and if they don't want to do anything about it I have other ways that we can do to deal with him and his crew." I say as I ruffle up her hair before departing her house and heading back towards the Villa that I'll be staying in for the night.

"*sigh* he's so handsome…" (Rebecca 11)

"…. Scarlet I'm worried about our daughter…." Thunder soldier whispers to himself while they wait for Riku to show up.

And for the rest of the day went uneventfully and we all got back together late at night before going to bed for the night.

And the next morning we all had breakfast prepared by Nojiko, and after several years of working for me at the age of 17 she has officially surpassed me in skill of making food making her the primary chef of the crew and as for Nami who is now 15 has officially come out on her own as a navigator for our crew, though she will only be the navigator for the Firebrand Pirates, but soon I'm gonna have to let her hold onto the compass for good, Seems like I'll need to get a new navigator specifically for my Blood Eagle crew soon enough, when the money starts to roll in I'll just buy a pull specifically for a navigator of the seas.

After getting are meal in we all headed towards the docks, seeing Doflamingo and his crew already on there ship, they took the lead and we followed after them to set sail towards Punk Hazard.

*Hmmm…. Maybe I should make some of the frontier women my wives as well… well only a few that is I'm mostly interested in the women of this world and some of the girls from the others worlds I summon here…. Also I need to give both Nami and Nojiko there own Devil fruits soon enough…* I think to myself as we slowly begin to approach Punk Hazard.