
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

OneMoreScore · アニメ·コミックス
151 Chs

Saving an Old Friend pt. 1

After completing the first part for the next several months going into a year were used to gather as much info on Crocodiles plans as much as possible and after a year and a half I had just turned 19 when I got a call from an old friend.

"Hey little buddy I got some great news!" (Franky)

"Franky! It's good to hear from you! Let me guess you guys finally finished the train project?"

"Mhmm! It's finally done! Now finally old tom is a free man and we can focus on the thing we love, building ships!" Franky being all excited to finally work on something more interesting for once.

"Well we got to celebrate right? I'll head over to Water 7 and will all have a party together alright?"

"Sweet, we would be glad to have you here in celebration."

"Alright I'll get the preparations all set for me and my wives to come celebrate!" I said with a smile on my face

"Alright I'll see you in a few days."

"See ya then Franky." And with that I hang up, but right before I could get out to talk to my wives about the party I got another call from the most annoying guy ever as he has bugged me nonstop at least twice a month for the past year and a half now.

"What is it now Doflamingo? I have a celebration to prepare for an old friend of mine, are you gonna ask me to train your crew again? Because unless you can make me a extremely good offer that you seem to honestly be unable to make then I'm gonna hang up now."

Doflamingo (31) "Hey hey what's the rush I'm here to tell you some good news, well good news about me that is."

"I can feel you smiling more than usual on the other end, let me guess you did something extraordinary and you just have to brag about it to everyone."

"Of course, after all I have just reclaimed my family's old kingdom of Dressrosa back under my family's name."

"Legitimately or illegitimately?"

"Legitimately of course, the old royal family was very corrupt and taxing the citizens into the ground, so gaining public approval and showing them the facts that I am a descendant of the original rulers of Dressrosa the people approved my usurping the old family, now I'm the king of my own kingdom so of course I needed to brag about it."

"… besides the part about Dressrosa being your ancestors land the rest of what you said was bullshit wasn't it?"

"I dunno what you are talking about, I'm saying pure facts here."

"…. Whatever I don't honestly care if you took over the kingdom through shady means or not, I don't care, If that's it I'm gonna hang up."

"Now hang on, since I've just became a king and all that I've got a deal you can't refuse, I have here one beautiful lady here that I can offer you to be yours, in exchange for helping some of my valuable members of my family strengthen themselves since there well… a bit on the weaker side but I do wish to see them improve in strength… what do you think?"

"And who pray tell is this woman is that you'd be willing to give up to me?"

"The former crown princess of Dressrosa, Viola, she's even the same age as you as well...."

"*sigh* Okay you have peaked my interest it seems, but since I live on an isle of Amazon Lily the catch is they can only be women, and don't worry since this is a contractual obligation between you and me I promise to not touch any of the girls sent to me for training.... but if they pursue me that's a different story...."

"Of course, of course that's totally reasonable I won't do anything even if those girls decide to pursue you."

"Then what was that about those stories of you destroying a few towns because some men went after your little sisters hand in marriage?"

"Oh that? It's because those guys weren't worthy of her, and they were clearly taking advantage of her want to please everyone she meets, something I'm hoping you will be willing to iron out."

"But if she goes after me it's fine?"

"Even if she is my baby sister if she finds herself a man who's worthy of her love it would be fine by me, plus you and me, were different than all the rest, your the youngest of us all (Warlords) but that doesn't make you the weakest of us, hell the WG fear you in a sense since they can't hold you down even if they wanted to."

"Well thank you for the complement, now how many will you be sending my way?"

"Only 3, not including Viola, since unfortunately most of my crew is men, so I'll be sending all of my women to you to train, but so help me you do anything to the youngest of the 3.... Just know that its better to have me as an ally than your enemy."

"What is she a kid or something? Because I'm not interested in kids at most I'll treat her as a little sis of mine if she grows on me."

"Well then I don't have to worry about anything then."

"Alright send them to Shabody in lets say 2 weeks and I'll pick them up and bring them back, and when they feel like they've trained enough and want to go back, I'll bring them back to Dressrosa personally."

"Alright we have a deal then! I'll see you soon." and with that he hanged up.

*sigh* "He better not be planning to fuck me over, or else he's gonna lose some family members, one way or another." I say with a sneer on my face.


"Heh heh heh heh, I always get my way even if it does take forever for him to agree." After finishing the conversation with Firebrand he called Monet (20), Baby 5 (14), Sugar (10) and Viola (19) to his office.

"Alright ladies in a few weeks your gonna be meeting up with a..... 'friend' of mine who will help you train to your max potential, Though for Monet and Viola your special assignment is to find some dirt on him that I can use to my advantage in the future, though for this situation to even come to pass I needed to make some sacrifices.... So Viola I offered him you in exchange for this chance so use that to your advantage, but you'll need to get the Boa's sisters approval before you can get as close as you want to him, understand?"

"Yes, Young Master!"

"Good your dismissed." he says as he ushers them off.

"Heh heh heh heh, everything is going according to plan, if this works I'll have a free way to make all of us stronger in the future, Heh heh heh heh."

(A/N And I know what some of you will say that there is no way in hell he'd let Sugar out of his sight for a second so that's why Baby 5 was sent to both be trained and to protect Sugar, and Monet will protect her as well since there sisters after all)


"He's gonna try to screw you over, you know that right? He is a smiling snake after all, and besides Salome you can't trust a smiling snake." (Hancock)

"I know that, but out of the 2 of us were even in strength but when it comes to brains I'm smarter than him if he believes I'll listen to my crotch when training potential allies/enemies."

"You think he'll always be an ally and not an enemy?"

"He believes in the mentality of 'Might makes right' so if I am valuable in one shape or form, and realizes its a bad idea to try to screw me over he honestly won't be that bad an ally."

"Well so long as you know what your doing."

"Of course, but anyway before talking with him Franky called to say they finally finished work on the Train so they invited us to celebrate back on Water 7 with all of us invited to join in the festivities."

"Oh that's fantastic I'll go get the girls and maybe Perona as well if she feels like getting up for once." She says as she goes to find her sisters, in the mean time I go to the docks to take a small boat off shore back to my ship that's docked on what the ladies of Amazon lily call the Isle of Men, it's the small uninhabited island that for the time being is used as a main base of my own for my crew to rest, build and live on when we're not off on adventures across the sea.

"Captain!" The crew all give me a salute, before Owen comes up to me and hands me an envelope.

"This is what info has been gathered from Robin. Zala and Kuda recently Captain."

I nod before I take it and look over more of the info the trio has gathered, some new members have joined baroque works, they're called Gem (16) and Mikita (14) or by there known code names, Mr. 5 and Miss. Valentine, who by Zala's opinion could also be additional spys, especially Mikita who doesn't have extreme loyalty to the Baroque works and wants to open a chocolate factory of her own as her main goal, only reason she's working for the organization is to earn enough money to build a chocolate factory and then with even more money build a chocolate empire all over the world with her factories in every major kingdom.

"She's an easy target I just need to get a bit…. Persuasive and will have another spy on our hands, but I'll need to think about Gem more as he only doing this for money, which is good and bad, good because it's easy to change sides when money is involved, bad because I feel like he'll demand a lot of money to spy on his former employer."

Also another tidbit of info, he's obviously gonna over throw the kingdom in the near future from what we have gathered over the past year, and that he's the main reason for the constant drought in Alabasta, but now we found even more damming evidence as he has mentioned to Robin and Kuda as they have gone up to be his Left and Right hands respectively that he has recently in the past month discovered that somewhere in Alabasta being protected by a the royal family is a polygylph that leads to the location of one of the ancient weapons Uranus and if Crocodile gets his hands on it, it'll lead the world to chaos as he uses an ancient super weapon of mass destruction to rule the world under his heel.

"All we need now is the Polygylph's location, and him on camera saying exactly his plans then with it all sent to Sengoku this part will be completed with flying colors." I say with a grin after putting away all the evidence safely in my inventory.

"But enough about that boys were heading for Water 7 to celebrate the completion of Toms Train because with it completed an old friend is now truly a free man!"

"YEAH!!!" They shouted in excitement because everyone has a bit of respect for the man who made Gol D. Rogers ship, and him finally being pardoned for helping Roger back then is something to be excited about.

"So pack you things ladies and gentlemen because we're off to party in Water 7!"




The next day, Water 7

We all arrived at the docks and were soon greeted by an old friend.

"Vargas! You guys finally made it! You made it just in time because the party was just about to start with or without you if you guys didn't show up in time." Franky says as he wraps his arm around my shoulder and leads me with the rest following from behind towards the party.

Luckily it had just started because it was huge, every shipwright in all of Water 7 were celebrating for Old Tom and his freedom.

And the man of honor was just sitting at the head table with a bright smile on his face as he was enjoying himself and drinking and laughing with everyone here.

After everyone was in a great mood Franky the stood up on one of the tables to get everyone's attention.

"As you all obviously know we finally completed the train project and that makes Old Tom here a free man so I like to say let's all toast to Tom and for everything he has done for us all these years, So TO TOM!"

"TO TOM!!!" Everyone says, us included as we all down our pints of beer.

"NOW LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!!!!" Franky shouts as he points to the sky as rainbow smoke explode behind him signaling the true start of this party.


From across the street from the party a nasally pink haired man was looking at the party in contempt.

"Enjoy it while it lasts because I will get what I want, Tom…" he says as he looks on at this party in disgust.

I could sense a look of hostility from somewhere so I looked over to see a pink haired man with a face only a mother could love looking at all of us in contempt so I just looked back at the brown noser with a death glare, which I saw him shiver and quickly run away.

"…. Smells like trouble is brewing." Even if something bad happens all I know is if it involves my friends or family I'll stop it permanently if need be.