
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

OneMoreScore · アニメ·コミックス
151 Chs

New Problems

After leaving Las Camp we began to take the same path we took to get here back to the grand line.

In the mean time I got to get to know more about the girls that joined my crew.

Robin seemed to be the more calm and collected type who would be either found in her study or relaxing up on deck trying to get a tan.

Perona….. well was Perona as she was either always sleeping in her room or begging me to make her sweets, but I dealt with it like any older brother would when having a spoiled little sister and well spoiled her, obviously or else she'd either cry or have a fit and make me and the crew all depressed with her abilities.

As for Zala, well she is very mild mannered, which surprised me as I thought she was gonna try and constantly get my attention which would have had the opposite effect on me actually, and after getting attacked by another pirate crew up reverse mountain and showing her skills by cutting down most of the enemy crew with her spike abilities and getting us all their loot I decided to promote her to a main crew member.

I was gonna do that in the near future anyway but I wanted to see her work for it to be apart of the main crew, which she did so she finally got her own room after getting approved by the rest of the main crew.

She would either be off drinking coffee on deck or spending some time in the spa that sometimes I'd open up for the girls to help beautify them a bit which the girls seemed to enjoy.

After about a week later we finally arrived near Amazon Lily we decided to bring the ship ashore near a small uninhabited island off the coast of Amazon lily (not rusukaina) that I was given permission from my wives to leave my crew at so we're technically not breaking the rules of the tribe as it's not an area that the tribe watches over or cares for.

After leaving most of the crew back on the island as me and the ladies with Yuda pulling our small ship over to the docks.

When we docked with me, Robin, Perona and even Zala getting off our little boat tugged by Yuda, we were quickly met by the 3 sisters.

"Honey your home!" Hancock quickly went up to me and hugged me and buried my head between her huge boobs, which isn't hard since she's about 6'6" in her heels, almost a foot taller than me since I'm about 5'9".

But she was holding me in a death grip while she's death glaring at the other girls with her sisters backing her up, Robin didn't really care about there jealousy as she has no feelings for me in that way so she ignored them, Perona and Zala though was a bit different, Perona was getting upset since he was being held like that and his wives who, since she sees him as an older brother, would like to consider them older sisters but she was feeling unwelcome by the looks they were giving them.

Zala was the only one that was genuinely interested in me in that sort of way, even though she could tell that those 3 could thrash her easily she still stared back causing sparks to fly between them all.

I rapidly began to tap her back as I am losing my breath and starting to suffocate, it wasn't till she realized I was almost knocked out she pulled me away leaving me gasping for air.

After catching my breath I could feel the tension in the air so I needed to break it and fast before a fight breaks out.

"Well since I'm back we need to celebrate right? I'll do all the cooking and make the sweets you 3 enjoy so much…" even with that it wasn't breaking the tension I'm gonna have to pull out all the stops.

"I'll even open up my super spa for everyone here to enjoy doing everything for all of you, onsen, hot stone massage, acupuncture, hot mud baths, and everything else that I only do once in awhile okay? So can we just get along alright?" This was my best shot if this doesn't work I got nothing else to offer.

They stared at each other before they all looked away from each other in a huff, all I could do is sigh in relief as it was finally over while Robin was chuckling at my misery off to the side, though she was genuinely interested in this super spa of his that he has set up here for his wives personal use.

After placating to all the girls we go to the palace to get dinner all ready for them.

I pulled out all the stops making everyone's favorite foods, which for my wives was mostly meat, the main diet of Amazon Lily after all since there's no natural vegetables growing here, same for the others unfortunately but they enjoy some good cooked steak and prime ribs for there meals, after that I made them all there favorite drinks for them which I could basically call as tropical alcohol drinks, margaritas, blue Hawaiian, Bahama Mama, etc. but only juice for Perona since she's to young for alcohol after all.

But I have her plenty of sweets to make up for it, after all the meals and drinks the hostilities between them all faded and more happy moods could be felt in the air.

After they finished and rested for a bit I ushered them off towards the super spa.

I pulled out all the stops for them giving them the best spa day for all the girls in a long while as I like to say to myself, *Even if it is girly, making your women happy will make you happy later on if you know what I mean.*

And soon after the hot stone massages, mud baths and saunas were used they all went to the onsens to wash off and relax together,

And from what I could tell is that they were at least having a conversation together that sounded positive, at least they weren't shouting at each other at least.

After I wiped off my hands and exited the spa one of the palace guards came up to me, "Sir! One of the Den Den Mushi in the communications room is ringing."

I nod and head over to see who is calling me, when I see who is calling I just stop, grab some whisky and pour myself some, on the rocks of course, then pull out a box and take a cigar out of it and light it up before taking a puff from it.

I take my sweet time before I finally pickup.


".... You took your sweet time on purpose didn't you?"

"….. wouldn't you do the same if the Joker of the Underworld is planing to screw you over somehow?"

"Ahhh you hurt my feelings, I think less screw over and more a business deal."

"I'm gonna hang up now." I say as I go and do just that, seconds later it rings and I pick it up again.

"No deal, even if you have that info on me doesn't mean I'll go and do it."

"Ahh so I need to entice you with something to make it worth your time then?"

"You got nothing that would remotely interest me and you know it."

"Oh I believe I do, I know that you want women because you want a large family even if you already have some of your own already, your a Casanova of course you want more, your also greedy and opportunistic just like me."

"I'll take the complement but I have standards that I go by, even if I did use that ability to train anyone of yours they'd never be able to tell you how I did it, because the moment they start to break the contract I make on anyone I train in that form, their life is forfeit."


"Maybe it is, maybe it isn't question is are you willing to risk the life of a friend or ally just to see if I am lying?"


"Thats what I thought, now if you excuse me I have women that I need to entertain so if you'll excuse me." I say as I hang up once more.

On the other end of the line

"Hmmm…. I'll have to think this through a bit more before we speak again, Vargas…." The man says with a wide grin on his face as he leans back and relax.

"I will get what I want, or my name isn't Doflamingo."

After dealing with that unpleasant business I go back to my room and lay down with Kamala and relax.

"…. How troublesome…"



The next day I get up and stretch noticing my wives didn't come back all night.

"Hmmm maybe they just had a girls night or something." I say to myself as I go towards the veranda over looking the city down below.

I go out and grab a sunbathing chair, take off everything but my shorts and just relax under the sun.

About 10 minutes later all the girls start to come over to see me, some just came to work on their tans as well.

Hancock and Robin also pulled out chairs and were getting tans with me while Zala and Perona were sitting at a beach table under an umbrella while drinking juice and enjoying the sun.

"Well it seems that you guys have gotten to know each other and it seems you at least don't dislike each other."

"Well after realizing the relationships you have with them I decided to not worry about it, besides spiky girl over there I don't mind the rest." (Hancock)

"Ohh I feel hurt, I thought you had a better impression about me now, especially after the chat me, you and Robin had in the sauna about his-" Zala was about to go on but an arm pops up behind her and covers her mouth silencing her.

Robin takes off her shades and glares at her, "What is said in the spa, stays in the spa got it?"

Zala just nods hurriedly, she could have easily gotten Robin off her but that would have hurt her, and that would have likely pissed Vargas off and she doesn't want to do that.

I noticed that Hancock was blushing a bit and was looking at a certain place on me….

*they didn't seriously talk about THAT in there did they?* I think to myself.

Just as I was about to ask what exactly they talked about while I was away, I suddenly received my first ultimate quest.

Ultimate quest: Alabasta Saga

Objective: Send 3 of your crew to join the Baroque Works undercover .

Rewards: Start of Alabasta Saga Pt. 2 and 1 Billion Zel, Sword Skill: Judgment Cut and a special mystery reward.

"Hmmmm…." I furrow my brows deep in thought.

"What is it? You think of something?"

"Yeah change of plans girls, I was gonna take it slow and ease you girls into signing those contracts but it seems time isn't exactly on our side right now so I'm gonna need you to sign them now instead of later."

*I feel like this wasn't supposed to happen so early, I think my existence in this world has changed the overall story fundamentally now*

"Fine by me, at least I get to know more about my captain now right?" (Zala)

"So long as it can make me stronger while I sleep it's fine by me!" (Perona)

*sigh* "…. Alright I'll do it, I know you wouldn't put us through this if it wasn't a deep seated secret." (Robin)

"I'm glad you girls trust me, and don't worry this is quick and painless, you'll here a voice in your head and just say yes in your head and I'll be able to tell you one of my greatest secrets."

"Is this contract permanent?" (Zala)

"No I can remove the effects of the contract whenever I want, but for now it's an insurance policy for the time being."

"Alright after you hear the terms and accept it, you'll feel something go into your chest, and after it has gone in we're good to go."

Not long after I said that small orbs of light entered into, Robin, Zala and Perona meaning that they excepted the contract and all the downsides of breaking said contract.

"Alright now since you three are under contract now, now I can tell you everything."

And so I explained to them the full extent of my powers, the frontier, leveling, fusion, evolution, quests, and other miscellaneous things that they needed to know.

"With all that said the reason why I had to speed this up is because I just received a quest, an ultimate quest which based upon the info I've gathered these quests have extreme influence on the world as a whole, usually the downsides are heavy if we fail these so failure is not an option."

"What needs to be done exactly?" (Zala)

"I need 3 members of my crew to infiltrate an organization known as the Baroque Works that based on the naming of the quest is somewhere in Alabasta, but I only have 2 people who can infiltrate the organization currently, Zala and Robin."

"Hey! What about me?" (Perona)

"Your still a kid to most people you know? It's unlikely they would even consider you for joining them, so either we go search for someone to join our crew and infiltrate them, which is the cheaper but takes the longest to do, or I do a select summon and just recruit them from the frontier."

"….. I think just summoning someone to us is a better idea in the long run plus there instantly Loyal to you so you never have to worry about betrayal." Robin says after giving some thought and all the other girls nod in agreement, except Perona who is in a huff that she won't be in this mission.

"Well that settles it let set the parameters for the perfect person to do an undercover job." I say with a bleeding heart as I spend half of all my accumulated Zel to do a select summon and what we got was…

Assassin Kuda

He was the best man for the job that the system gave me, even though it was considered a unlucky roll as he's a 4 star but has a max potential of a 7 star when evolved to his max so I'll take it plus when they join said organization I'll make all the money back plus more from summoning them.

"Well we got our guy and you can meet him when we go into the frontier tonight to start your official training and when you guys are strong enough will set out for Alabasta."

The girls just grin at me seeing this exciting adventure they'll have, especially Robin who will definitely want to learn more about the true history of the frontier and what kind of world it's like.

"In the mean time your free to do whatever you want till tonight." I say as I get up and stretch as I go back inside.

"Where you going?"

"Off to relax in the onsen of course." I say with a grin as I head out.

Everyone looks at each other and both Perona and Robin continue to relax while Hancock follows after me to join me, with Zala trying to sneak off to join as well before tripping over a arm that Robin made.

"Let them have there alone time together, she is his wife after all, and from what I heard of you want a chance with him you need to make all 3 of them accept you before they'll let you do that." She says while still reading her book.

"Tch, your no fun." She says as she pats herself down and sits with Perona while drinking up her coffee.


"It's almost time gentlemen." Says a pink haired man with a nasally voice

"We know he has the blueprints and when he's done building the last 2 train tracks will demand it from him, after all with the increase in pirate activity we need real ships to battle any kind of pirates all the way up to the 4 Emperors themselves, and if he refuses then will just have to do dirtier tactics to do what has to be done…." He says with an evil grin as he cackles to himself.

*And after I build the ancient weapon Pluton for myself, then I'll use it to take over and rule the world myself!*

As he thinks those thoughts he cackles louder and louder at his own genius.

But there was one thing going through the mind of his men here, 'How annoying why doesn't he shut up already.'

Sorry it took so long for this one folks being tired and working all day and not getting a chance to finish it until I got off work pushed me behind on uploading much today that it’s already the next day before I upload this one. :/

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