
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

OneMoreScore · アニメ·コミックス
151 Chs

New Life & New Adventures

And so time moves forward, some things change, others stay the same, and new life is brought into the world.

It has been around 9 months since my 4 lovely wives had gotten pregnant and last night one after the other all went into labor as they were all staying around the Isle of Man in the mean time.

Currently I was pacing back and forth outside Theo and Florence's infirmary as I wait for the news.

"Calm down kid, everything will be fine after all those girls are strong so they'll be fine." Owen says with a smirk as he lays back and relaxes.

"I'm not worried about them, I'm more worried about my kids than anything else, what if something goes wrong, what if-" but before I can go on again with me constantly blurting out my fears, Owen just stands up and puts his hands on my shoulders.

"It. Will. Be. Fine. Ok?"

I just take a deep breath and nod, "Right everything will be fine-"

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I scream cuts out my focus as I turn and almost bolt in but Owen is just barely able to hold me back.

"HANCOCK! SONIA! MARIE! AMANDE!!!" I say as I begin to freak out and want to go in there to help but Owen is holding me back with all his might.

"DAMMIT KID SIT DOWN!!" He says as he trips me up as I'm freaking out and holds me down on the ground, "Let Theo do his job! If you go in there now you'll only complicate things!"

"DAMMIT OLD MAN! GET THE FUCK OFF ME!!!" I say as I begin to get pissed off at the old man as I throw him off and we struggle with each other until we're out in the courtyard having a brawl between the both of us.

Though this fight was a blessing in disguise because while we were fighting I wasn't getting in the way of Theo's work so by the time the brawl had come to and end with us both covered in bruises we came back to the sounds of babies crying.

Hearing that I bolted back to the infirmary bursting open the doors to see all 4 of them completely fine each holding our children.

The sisters were each holding a little girl in there arms while Amande was the only one to give birth to a boy.

I went over to see my beautiful and chubby baby's who were tired out from all the crying as they leaned up against there mothers.

"There so beautiful… we did it, we're parents now…" I say as I rub the tears out of my eyes as the girls cry a bit as well happy that they are parents as well.

Since the three sisters were Kuja they already knew that they would give birth to girls so we already had names ready for them.

"My little Rose." (Hancock)

"My beautiful Violet." (Sonia)

"My lovely Daisy." (Marie)

They all say as they look at our daughters, I just smile at the sight of them holding our daughters close.

I then turn to see Amande cradling my only son, as we wanted it to be a surprise which we were with finding out it was a boy as she handed him off to me so I could hold him close.

I then realize that he has a cross shaped birth mark over his the right side of his chest, and it gives me a name that suits him, "Cross… from now on that is what you shall be called my son…" I say with a smile while little Cross just yawns and falls asleep in my arms.

I just slowly rock him back and forth before giving him back to his mother so she can hold him close.

"They should stay here for a few days with there children before they can go anywhere with them." (Theo)

"Of course, though I'm gonna guess that Mama will be extremely happy when we show her Cross." Amande just smiles and nods as she holds little Cross close.

* I still can't believe it that I'm a father now…*



"MAMA MAMA!!! Oh what a happy day! My first grandchild is born! And a grandson no less!" Big Ma say with a most joyous of a laugh as she sees her daughter Amande carrying the little Cross in her arms as it has been a few days since then and it now fine for her to come home.

"This is great! I'm gonna call up all of my daughters and we're gonna have a baby shower party! I know we should have had this earlier but I just didn't want to put stress on you or the baby while you were pregnant, but now that he has been born all of us ladies can finally have the baby shower I wanted to have for you my dear!"

"Well that's fantastic then, I guess me and my brothers will have to have our own party for ourselves then, I think have a guy party on Liquor Island wouldn't be a bad idea as well, while you ladies make plans I'm gonna go round up the guys." I say before I gently rub Crosses cheek and the kiss his head before I take my leave to go gather all the available guys up to celebrate.

"Haaa you have a good husband there Amande…. Though I should still apologize to you even if it's been years now, I'm sorry for forcing some of your sisters to choose if they want to be with him as well without talking about it with you first…." Ma says with a somewhat regretful look on her face.

"…. It's okay mama….. I'm just happy that I'm the only one so far out of all my sisters that has had his kid first since I'm his official wife after all." She says with the most gentle and beautiful smile she has ever made in front of her mama while she looks down to the little bundle of joy in her arms.

Ma just smiles at seeing her daughters happiness at having a child of her own, she genuinely was but she could also feel the void inside her that candy and sweets can't fill up, but with the sight of her first grandchild that void has lessened to manageable levels from seeing that he family will still grow even without her working on it….

*After the party….. maybe I'll convince Amande to let her sisters officially marry him as well….*

A bit later, on Liqueur Island, me and as many of my brothers that could show up decided to party here in celebration while all the women were back on Whole Cake Island to have the baby shower.

All the guys who could show up were enjoying themselves, even Cracker was in a good mood as well, we all began to drink and party in celebration for the first time in years that a new member of the family had been born, especially that they were all uncles now.

Then everyone began to have a drinking contest to see who could handle there drink the best, and not wanting to be out done at my own party I got serious and began to drink and drink to my hearts content while keeping my body hot to circulate it through my system quickly, I could always make it so I never got drunk but I like feeling drunk plus I've been getting more and more of a natural alcohol tolerance as well.

Soon it was just me and Oven were still drinking, everyone else is out cold, besides Katakuri who decided to quit early because he knew he wouldn't win.

"Cmon *hic* Trident head! *hic* you can do better than that!" I say as I finish my keg of alcohol.

"I'm not gonna *hic hic* lose!" He says as he try's to down his keg but can't keep himself steady and drops most of it on the floor before losing consciousness.

"Whoooo!!!! I *hic* win!" I say in triumph before I also fall back and fall unconscious as well.

"*Sigh* what a mess." Katakuri says before looking at his watch and going off to enjoy his personal meal break.

Back on Whole Cake Island Amande, Big Ma and the rest of the older girls in the family were all enjoying themselves and looking at there new family member for the first time in roughly 5 years now, especially all the girls as they were now aunts with there first nephew of there's.

Especially Amande's full blooded sisters Mondee, Hachee, and Efilee were happy to see there true blooded sister having a child. "Aww sis he has your eyes." Mondee says seeing that he has sky blue eyes just like her.

She just gently smiles as she cradles our son in her arms before he scrunch's up his face and sneezes unintentionally spitting out flames in the process which surprise everyone there.

"My my, I guess he got some of his fathers skills as well!" Big Ma says all happy like to see that her grandson is going to become something amazing some day.

And the party proceeded like normal with sweets and gifts all around, it was a wonderful time, the first time in a long time that Ma couldn't stop smiling as she held Cross in her arms, "Ohh how I have missed this feeling…" she says as she looks down with love in her eyes at her first grandchild, "Whatever you want when you grow up all you have to do is ask grandma and I'll get it for you." She says as she gentle pokes his little nose, and he looks up at her and smiles, well the best I newborn baby can smile and laughs a little as well before getting sleepy and falling asleep in his grandmothers arms.

"Awwww…." *Thats so cute* all the girls think and say looking at there little nephew as he goes to sleep.

Ma jus smiles gently before handing him back to his mother who cradles him in her arms, "….. I made a promise that unless he wants to when he grows up….. I don't want him to become like us…. I don't want to ever see my son get in danger because of what we do…. So unless he wants to we can't force him… this is a decision both me and his father decided on…. Do you understand?" She says to everyone in attendance.

All the other girls were fine with it but the one who has the final say in the matter is Ma after all so they all turned to look at her, "He's your child first and my grandchild second, whatever you think is best for him is yours and yours husbands decision alone." She says with a nod after all she is a mother who has shaped and helped decide the future of her children as well.

"Let's hope that he will live a happy life with all of us here as a family." (Big Ma)



The next day after getting over my hangover, Big Ma's throne room.

"Ma I haven't ever really asked but, why do you want to have gigantification be made possible anyway?"

"Oh kiddo, you see how tall I am right? I don't want to be constantly forced to always be looking down all the time at my kids… one day I want to have all of my children sitting at the same table as me and looking at each other all at eye level… I really want that to happen."

"Well I guess that makes sense? But wouldn't it be easier just for you and all of the rather tall children of yours to be shrunk down to my height?"

"Well that is an option but if we did that we would lose mass and a bit of strength as well, plus giants are strong for a reason after all, it doesn't also make one taller but will make you stronger as well, so that's why I'd want that to happen rather than us shrinking down instead."

*I think you'd still keep your strength and mass as just shrinking yourself would only just compact it all, but I shouldn't ruin her dream, if she wants us to all be giants who am I to judge? Though I should tell her the truth….*

"Ma…. I hate to break it to you but from what both Noel and Caesar have found out is that only children can be given the gigantfication serum to turn into giants, the down side is that there life spans are cut down to the point that they can only live for 5 years afterwards, though I won't say it's impossible as Noel has a theory that if he can get put in motion could make it happen but there's one problem that makes it rather difficult to make it possible for him to do it…"

The first part mad her extremely angry but before she could go off on a rampage in anger me saying there's a possibility that it could work if we try what Noel has a theory on, "And what is this idea of his and what is the problem that he can't work on it now?"

"The thing is, is that we need 3 devil fruits related to changing things size, we currently have the Size fruit and the Mini fruit, which we could easily make a shrink serum right now with what we got but if we get this last devil fruit the More More Fruit we can make a serum that will let you change you into a giant or shrink you down to my size at will, the issue is that the More More Fruit is owned by someone already but they are deep inside Impel Down, Brynndi World is the current user, if we can kill him and extract the power from his heart, or if I can kill him personally then I can get the fruit automatically but…."

"Hmmm yes…. Impel Down would be an issue to get too even for me… even with all of our strength right now it would be very difficult for us to get in, kill him, and get out without having the complete Navy breathing down are necks…. I'm gonna have to think this over for the time being, but thank you son for telling me this."

"It's nothing Ma, I just thought you should know, should you come up with any ideas I'll try to help the best of my abilities, well I should go and spend some time with my son and daughters, I'll see you later Ma." I say before I take my leave.

"….. Impel Down huh?….. This will take some thinking and planning before I have any real good ideas….."



A few days later in my office.

I was currently doing work and also spinning one of my random daily rolls that usually either go give me random units, evo units or maybe some gold or Metal units.

Though this time the gate I opened in my mind broke and turned into a rainbow door which is the second best door type in the game, *probably another metal crystal god unit…* I think to myself while drinking coffee.

When the door opens I hear a large howling sound which seeing what I summoned made me spit out my coffee.

Divine Wolf Summoned!

"What? I was able to get a real good unit just from a random roll? And a wolf too?" I say as I bring wolf into the world, and it was a magestic blue and white haired wolf with golden armor with a golden crown hovering over its head.

"You think you can take on a normal look?" It looks at me and nods before turning into a normal sized wolf and coming over to me, I just grin and begin to pet him, "Hmm…. How about I just call you King? I mean you have a crown so I think it fits."

It just looks at me and nods before I begin to pet its head before he lays down next to my chair.

System- Notice user should head to specified coordinates within the next few days to start this new Main World Quest.

"Ugh do I have too? Can't I just send someone under me to do this quest? I have kids I want to spend time with?"

System- …. Yes, but it will affect the overall rewards for completing the quest, so it's highly suggested that user does this quest himself.

"Hmmmm…. Wait I have the perfect person to do this instead! Cmon King let's go see the old man." I say as I get up and head off to see Owen.

At the kitchens there was smoke coming out of them, "Ugh dammit! This is why I don't cook anything complicated, just meat is good enough!" Owen says as he chucks out the meal he was trying to make since Nojiko was busy with other things at the moment.

Seeing this I head over, "Hey Owen! I got a favor to ask you…"



On some deserted island somewhere in the east blue, a man and his wolf/dog was sitting by a beach fishing for some food with his little makeshift shack.

"*Sigh* why do I have to do this? I just want to be at home relaxing with everyone and getting some drinks, but no instead I'm out here on this deserted island waiting for something to happen…. Right what was it again? They'll be some people who will get stranded here sometime soon so help them out when you find them…. I hope I get some notification that they have gotten stranded here…. Though I should come up with a new name for this mission so how about…" he says before he looks at his fishing poll.

"Hmm I think I'll just call myself Fisher for now… now all we need to do is wait I guess…"

He says as he looks down at the note saying the name of the man he is waiting to start his new adventure alongside with…

"Well I hope this will be fun to have this new journey alongside you." He says as he looks out at the sea.

"Portgas D. Ace…"

Brand New Start to a New Volume, so let’s start it off with a Bang

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