
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

OneMoreScore · アニメ·コミックス
151 Chs

My Family Pt. 2- Lovers/Fiancées on The Isle of Man

"I should talk to my girls here before going to Alabasta to talk with Vivi and Zala about all of this." I say to myself as I head to a certain sleeping beauty's room.

When I entered sure enough Perona was sleeping as per usual, her schedule was mostly either sleeping, eating sweets or just lazing around while reading some books, though she did take her night training seriously since it kept her body in shape without needing to do anything at all.

Though seeing her like that just made me smile as I took off my shoes and decided to take her large stuffed teddy bears place as a hug pillow instead.

Though she is quickly able to tell the difference because unlike her soft teddy bear my body is rather hard which makes her frown in her sleep before waking up and seeing me take her teddies place.

"Good morning Perona." I say as I move my fingers through her rather long pink hair that she has let grow out over the years.

Though she frowned at first, after waking up a bit more and realizing it's me she snuggled up to me with a smile on her face, "Good Morning."

I roll us over so she's laying down on top of me as she snuggles up to me with a happy but sleepy grin on her face as I keep brushing my fingers through her hair.

"…. Perona."


"Do you want to spend more time with me from now on? We can sleep together in my room when I'm back here if you want."

"Mmm, that would be nice but I won't be able to hog you to myself."

"We can do that thing you always love when I do while your asleep."

"… Perv."

"And you love it…. Perona."


"Will you be more than a lover to me? Perona, will you marry me?"

She instantly sits up as her eyes comically bulge out from her head, "WHAT?!?!"

"Perona…. We've been together for well over 10 years now, I mean sure about more than half that time we weren't officially a thing, but I want something more with you than what we have…. And I think you deserve more since I have been leaving you to yourself most of the time for a very long time now."

She was still in a bit of shock at what I said before tears weld up in her eyes before she leaned back into my chest, "Why didn't you ask sooner dummy!" She said as tears fell from her eyes since she had been waiting a long time to ask her that.

"Because I didn't think you were ready for our relationship to go up to the next level at the time, but now I think your ready, though I have to ask this, do you want to be a mom?" I say as I keep running my fingers through her soft and silky pink hair.

"….. not now…. But I'll tell you when I'm ready…." She says as a heavy blush begins to cover her face in embarrassment.

I smile as I tilt her chin up at me before I kiss her as we start to make out with one another for awhile before I pull away.

"I have to go now Perona, but move your things to my room so from now on will be sleeping together always alright?" I say as I rub her back.

"Mmmm… okay… but let me sleep a bit more….." she says as she rolls off me and pulls the blanket over her once again.

I just shake my head before I decide to head out, next up is Nami and Nojiko who both weren't that hard to find since they were both relaxing while Nami was specifically counting up money, after all the last time we went to Grand Tesoro she won a lot of money for herself making her one of the richest members in my crew.

"Captain! I can't thank you enough for this crown you got me!" Nami says all happily as she got up and hugged me.

I just smiled and rubbed her back while Nojiko looked over at us with a grin on her face seeing her sister all happy like.

"That's good to hear, though I got ask both of you, do you guys feel like I have been ignoring you at all? Because I've come to realize that my work takes up a lot of my time and keeps me from spend more time with you guys."

They both look at each other before Nami pitches in, "Well I mean isn't your work kind of important? We get that you need to focus on other things but if you could cut back and spend more time with us and you know…." Nami says while blushing but her sister just grins while coming up behind her.

"Me and her are still waiting on you to take our virginity you know?"

"NOJIKO!!!" Nami shouts before chasing her sister around before finally getting her and pinching and her cheeks and stretching them out.

But Nojiko does the same thing back as they begin to roll around on the ground having there cat fight.

Though after they keep going past the 5 minute mark I just grab them both and pull them apart by there shirt collars, "Alright break it up you two!"

"SHE STARTED IT!!!" They both say in sync which just makes them both mad at each other making them want fight again.

But I was having none of that and just decided to shut these two rowdy sisters up by making out with the two of them, and after tongue wrestling them both they quieted down with a rather heavy blush on there faces.

I just grinned at them both, "Don't worry will do that soon enough, but for now you'll just have to wait a little while longer ok?"

"Mhmm." They said with a nod as they both smiled at me.

"Good then I'll see you girls later alright?" I said as I waved them off and they waved back as they both went back to do there own things.

Next woman I wanted to see were some of the more newer additions to my ever expanding family, that being Sadi-Chan, and yes I know I met her as Eagle but the side of me she truly fell for was the real me, so she lives here on the aisle of man, but on the opposite side of the island from everyone else as she lived around the newly built Jail and was the only Jailer in my crew.

Though ever since she joined I have caught plenty of pirates and other criminals for her to have 'fun' with, including CP9 who were all locked up with reinforced Seastone cuffs for the most part so they couldn't do anything, I also made the jail sound proof as I don't want the other members of the crew to hear people screaming in pain throughout the day or night whenever she feels like having her 'fun' with her new 'toys'

Though luckily I came at the times when she is currently on her break, though she wears relatively the same outfit as before now on the upper back behind her long wavy hair is the emblem of the Firebrand Pirates Jolly Roger on her clothes telling anyone that she a part of my crew, though until I leave being a Warlord she's gonna be here for the time being which she's fine with.

She was currently wearing a bikini while sun tanning since she likes to do that from time to time, though when she noticed me she instantly grabbed her whip and sent it straight at me from her chair.

But I easily grabbed it before forcibly pulling her from her chair and straight to my side, "Is that any way to greet your lover?" I say before I pull her in close and kiss her.

We decide to have a tongue battle between the Theo of us as we go at each other as I throw her whip away as I grab her ass while she wraps both her arms and legs around me as our make out session got more intense until we finally stopped.

"That's how you should greet your lover." I say while I keep massaging her ass.

She just smirks at me before she drags her tongue down my neck before coming on to my shoulder and biting it hard enough to leave bloody teeth marks before licking it up.

"What are you marking me as yours?"

"Yes I am, plus this is more exciting this way isn't darling?" She says after she licks up all the blood before pulling back and licking all the blood off her lips.

"Mmmmph, if I wasn't busy right now I would just bend you over and have my way with you, but we can do that in a day or two, but I just wanted to see how your doing, if you missed me and if your happy about that hamster I got you?" I say as I keep massaging her ass.

"Mmm I would quite like that, but everything is fine here and I love how you made my own personal playpen for me to enjoy playing with my toys, and I love that you gave me Hammy he's such a wonderful hamster." She said rather happily with her situation right now.

"Well that's good, I just wanted to see how things were going with you here, so I'll leave you to your sunbathing as I have to talk with a few more people today." I say as I let her down before giving her one last kiss before parting ways.

"Oh don't worry darling I love what you have given me, I couldn't ask for a better husband, now go out there and have fun." She says before she heads back to her beach chair and relaxes.

I just shake my head before I go looking for the last two girls I need to talk to, which surprisingly Alvida and Honey Queen were both chatting with each other and from what I could tell they were enjoying each other's company.

Though when they both saw me they smiled while Alvida got up and hugged me, "How's your training been going Alvida? You getting stronger?"

"Mhm! That training method of yours is amazing, I can just feel my body brimming with power after every time I train!" She said rather excitedly as she snuggled up to me.

"What Training method do you have?" Honey Queen asks since she's still one of the newer addition to this island.

"I'll teach you all about it, but if I do your a part of my crew and my family from now on though." I say while looking at her.

"Well I've already thrown my lot with you anyway and I can see that my brothers aren't really gonna get anywhere with that plan of there so I'm your from now on, for real this time." She says with a smile before taking my other arm and wrapping around it, and having me sink into her nice soft jelly like body she has.

"Alright well I'll tell you how it's done later tonight alright? But I'm gonna have to head off now I have a few more things to do before I can call it a day."

"Mmmm, can we sleep with you tonight? My body would be the best hug pillow." Honey says with a grin.

I just smile before closing in and taking her lips and making out with her, and doing the same thing to Alvida, "Sure oh and Alvida I'll take you out on a date again to Bartie since the food there is amazing and you like that place to." Hearing that Alvida smiled widely as I heald them both close before leaving them and soon after taking the gate to my HQ on Alabasta.

Now the first girl and easiest one to find that I really need to apologize to is none other than Zala who has been watching over this place nonstop for a few years now and barely getting anytime to come back and spend time with me and the rest of us on the Isle of Man.

And when I came back she was already there waiting for me, drinking a margarita while going over some world news and news about Alabasta, as for the last few months nothing really major has happened here in Alabasta as far as I know of.

"Babe! You finally came to visit!" She said with a smile on her face, but I could see a hint of sadness in that smile of hers so I pulled her up from her chair and pulled her into my arms and held her close.

"Zala….. I've done you wrong, really I have, and I'm gonna make it up to you, from now on you don't have to stay cooped up here in my Alabasta HQ, I'll get someone else from the frontier to manage this place, all you need to do is stay by my side back in the Isle of Man as I don't want to leave you alone anymore." I say as I hold her close in my arms feeling bad for what I had done to her.

Hearing this she begins to shake in my arms and hold me closer as tears begin to well up in her eyes as the fall onto my shirt, "Why didn't you say that sooner dummy!!!" She yells at me before crying some more into my shoulder, "I thought you didn't care about me anymore…." She says weakly as I rock her back and forth in my arms.

Unlike Monet who has a job to do that she takes absolutely seriously, Zala isn't the same as she gets lonely and clearly misses spending time with me and the rest of us but being forced to work here most of the time and not being able to see us due to her work, but I'm changing that so she doesn't need to feel this loneliness that I have caused her after all.

After that we sat down and cuddled up to one another for awhile, luckily I had her perfect replacement in Weiss, after Pizarro stopped being the mob boss in West Blue and handed it off to Mariano he didn't exactly need Weiss's help with running a crime family so for the past month he hasn't had anything to do so handing him this job is my best solution for Zala's problem.

So after explaining everything and promising to make up with her and spend a whole lot of time with her, and maybe get married to her later, I sent her back home and summoned Weiss here, who was happy to have work todo and was willing to look after this place.

With that all settled I headed off to the royal palace to talk with Vivi about our relationship and more specifically getting confirmation that she really is okay with all of this.

And not long later I arrived and entered the Royal Palace, none of the guards stopped me as they knew that me and Vivi were engaged to one another, and after asking around I found Vivi out in the courtyard taking care of her pet spot billed duck Karoo.

Though when Karoo saw me it ran up to me and looked at me all excited like, I just smiled and pet Karoo since he liked that.

"Vargas! Why didn't you say you were coming over? I would be more well prepared for you." She says slightly embarrassed as she hasn't put on any make up.

"Heh, and make a beautiful woman even more beautiful than she is now? Well that's my bad, but I have come to talk about something important." I say after I stop petting Karoo and going to sit on a bench in the courtyard with Vivi sitting next to me.

"Is it about the marriage?"

"Yes, good news is I have a way of becoming an actual noble in the future and having my pirate status removed, but I have to ask you this, are you really alright with marrying me? I'm a scoundrel who has plenty of women by my side, and sure you got to meet them and they liked your company but because of what I do I don't have that much time to spend with my family, I'm slowly trying to fix that but still are you really alright with this?"

"…. At first no, I wanted my husband to only be for me and me alone, but every other person that I could have been paired with were unsuitable to look after my kingdom alongside me, so you were my only good option, when I went with you to Amazon Lily I was excited to see the world, and I originally wanted to put my foot down as head wife…"

"But from what I heard you didn't do anything like that?"

"No I didn't because when I met the three sisters I knew the gap between me and them was huge but I tried to get along with them which surprisingly wasn't that hard to do, and I enjoyed looking after the kids too, so I decided to not go ahead with that plan of mine, but from everything I had heard, they all really love you and that even if you weren't there for them all the time I knew you were both a good father and husband to them…"

"And your alright with sharing me with them."

"Yes…. I don't know what's to come of this world, but I have a gut feeling that having you by my side will save my family, my people and my kingdom from whatever is to come, so if I have to share you to do that I will, plus…. I've always had a crush on you anyways…." She says with a bit of blush on her face.

I just smile and wrap my arm around her waist pulling her in close, "Then I'm glad to call you my future wife after all." I say as I turn her head and kiss her as we spend our time together under the sun.