
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

OneMoreScore · アニメ·コミックス
151 Chs

Events before the Wedding

After that we headed our separate ways, Pudding stayed with Katakuri and Brûlée to get to know them better where as I decided to go home with Amande to spend some alone time before the wedding in a few days.

When we got back to her place and took off our shoes and put away her blade and my mask I decided to carry her princess style to the couch before laying her down on top of my lap just to tilt her head towards me so we could make out properly.

Just as we were getting right into it there was a knock at the door.

"We're you expecting visitors? She shakes her head no, so slightly pissed that our fun was interrupted I go and put on my mask and change my looks before answering the door.

"Who is it?" I say as I open the door to see two women, Smoothie and one girl that was around my height, roughly 6ft tall.

"Hiya I'm Myukuru!" She said as she decided to introduce herself, she is an average sized woman with tanned skin. She has periwinkle hair and iris eyes. She wears a blue shirt with the number "100" in pink written on her chest, with white round padding on her elbows, a pair of white gloves and thick grey bracelets with a pink line. She also wears a short pink leaf skirt and high pink sandal boots.

"You mind if we come in? We have something to discuss." (Smoothie)

*sigh* "fine come in I guess." I say as I let them pass into Amande's place, luckily all the places that anyone in the family live in are meant to accommodate the large sizes of the other family members, except Ma of course she's a bit to tall and large to fit in normal places.

I go over and sit down while I wrap my arm around Amande's waist, "So what do we owe the pleasure of your visit ladies?"

"Well the main reason is-"

"We want to make a contract!" Myukuru says as she cuts off Smoothie.

"…. So Ma told you about that Huh? Anyone else I should know for future reference?"

"Uhh… Cinnamon, Custard, Galette and Broye."

*Literally all the beautiful women that I have met in this family so far… Oh mama…*

"Haaa, so you know who I am as well?"

"Yep, and I got to say I'm a big fan of yours!" Myukuru says all excited like at meeting one of her idols in person.

I just shake my head as I take off my mask and change my face back to normal as I look at the two of them, "Well? Do you prefer my normal look instead of my disguise?"

"It's ok I guess…"

"Well I like it, your my type after all."

"… wait what?"

Hearing that Amande looked at Myukuru hard with a glare in her eyes, if looks could kill she'd be dead.

"Hey don't look at me like that, you can blame mama, she wants the ones she called to her throne room to start a relationship with him if they want, and out of all of us me and Smoothie were willing to do it, me because well knowing who you are, as Firebrand and the possibility of becoming yours because your my type as well." She says as she sits to the right of me with her arms crossed behind her back.

"…. And I'm doing this because you need to take responsibility for what you did, and now knowing who you are, and knowing you want to rival our family in size one day, your gonna help me scratch this itch I have deep inside ever since you used that technique on me that put me in that heightened state of arousal with no release until you helped me release it."

Hearing all that I just look to Amande, she was barely ok with me having wives already, and now suddenly 2 more women want to be with me for there own reasons, even though I'd like to get to know them better first, I wouldn't mind being with them as well, but only if she's alright with it.

"...… I'm main wife for any of the girls from our family who decide to want to be with him, got it?" She says with a stern voice, not taking no for an answer.

They both look at each other and then back at her before nodding, "Your the first to get married big sis, and I don't know if Mama will want to hold weddings for all of us in the future or not so what ever you say will listen."

She then nods before going back to the same position she was in before so we could continue making out, just with some watchers now.

"….. And that contract?"

I then pull Amande away a bit while she snuggles up to me even more, "oh right well just except the contract and then I'll tell you everything you need to know." and so they did, and then I gave them the whole spiel about the frontier and all of it s benefits.

"And that's everything you need to know, and yes all of us will go there tonight to see what it's all about and hopefully get you guys a bit stronger that you could at least feel the difference."

"But until then…" I then return to making out with Amande while the two watch.

"Hey! Your not gonna invite us?" Myukuru asks with a pout.

I look over to Amande and she just nods at letting them join in on the fun, so I oblige them by letting her get off me and having Myukuru sit in my lap facing me so we could make out easier.

*Am I just a man whore who will just do it with any woman?…. No I have standards at least, I won't go after anyone who doesn't tickle my fancy at all, Smoothie because I actually was hoping to get her in the future, as for Myu here, well I can't disappoint an actual fan can I?* I thought to myself trying to justify my actions to myself…..

Soon the make out session went on for awhile as we alternated between each other and even them making out with each other, but we all agreed to wait till after the wedding to have some real fun together.

Soon night began to fall and all of us went to bed in the same extremely large bed that could hold all of us plus a few more from its size, with me using Smoothies boobs as pillows and Amande and Myu to my left and right holding one arm each we all soon drifted off to sleep, just to awaken in a new and strange land.

"Ladies, welcome to the Frontier."

After they got used to their surroundings I led them around the small town that is the main base of operations here in the Frontier.

"So Kid you finally came back for once, it's been a few days, and let me guess one of these girls is your new wife to be?" (Owen)

"Yea Gramps, this here is Amande my next wife to be." I say as I wrap my arm around her waist, she bowed her head to Owen because she knows it's best to show respect to her new family.

"Hooo and she's respectful too, well take care of my grandkid for me will you? And these other 2, no wait let me guess, her sisters and there also interested in you?"

"Eheheh…" I awkwardly laugh and scratch the back of my head.

"Uh Huh, well how are you gonna explain that to her?" He says as he looks behind us, that's when I suddenly get a feeling of foreboding

"Vargas….." (Hancock)

I turn around and before I could explain myself I was round house kicked to the head and sent flying into a tree.

(A/N yes he is stronger than Hancock but he would never raise his hand against his women if he can help it, also if he makes them mad then he is in a sleep on the couch situation)

But instantly Amande came at her with her blade, which Hancock was just barely able to block with her haki infused arms.

"... I don't appreciate you hurting my man!"

"Ahh so your Amande, well he probably already told you that we don't mind you becoming our sister, but based upon what I heard, there also after him as well, and he agreed!" Hancock said as she was getting furious at the situation.

"Hey! We both like him too, I because he is one of my idol, and Smoothie is after him because she wants him to take responsibility for his actions."

Even more incensed at the situation she was able to push Amande back before getting to me and pulling me up by my collar.

"What. Does. She. Mean. By. That?!"

"I….. might have…. Used that one technique to immobilize her and… put her into a heightened state of arousal… which she needed me to help get her off…." And right when I finish she infuses her forehead with haki before smashing my face with a head butt and knocking me out cold, and sending me out of the frontier back to the real world where I awoke with a start with phantom pains all over my body and especially my head.

Seeing as they were still in there it looks like there gonna have a long conversation tonight, so I just decide to get up and go get a cup of coffee and wait till morning to know the results.



After what felt like a really long night morning finally came, I was making breakfast for the three, luckily ToTo land has an abundance of every type of food possible so it was easy to get all the necessary ingredients, I did a classic tower of waffles with orange juice for there breakfasts for us all to share, and right as I got done they got up to come out and eat.

From there expressions it was a tiring experience for the 3 of them.

"So how did it go?"

".... We all had a long talk…."

"Of course after we fought each other us vs those snake sisters." (Myukuru)

"… they won because they were able to take out Myukuru while we could only hold them back by ourselves and couldn't gain any ground…"

"Hey! How was I supposed to know that they'd be that tough even though they live on the paradise side of the grand line." Since it was an assumed fact that the new world Pirates were much stronger than there paradise side counter parts.

"….. We had to explain to them that it was Ma's idea for us to also be with you after she learned of your power, and that since we lost we had to follow their demands if they would be alright with us or any future member of our family ending up with you." (Smoothie)

"And they were?"

"That should anything ever happen to the Kuja that, at least those that are in a relationship with you, will use their divisions of Big Ma's crew to help protect them, and that was basically it, then we had a long girl talk trying to get to know each other." (Smoothie)

"Even though she beat me up pretty bad I actually came to like Hancock as she has the certain charm about her that I couldn't keep hating her." (Myukuru)

"That was probably her devil fruits passive working on you if you are feeling that."

"Maybe, but even if that's the case I do genuinely respect her and I can see myself being another little sister to her."

"Well I guess all that ends well, but after we finish up here we should tell Ma about the demands of my other wives, if she says yes then if anymore of her daughters fall for me will have to help out the Kuja in case of emergency, but she'll get her family stronger in return."

They nod and soon begin to eat, and they realize that not only am I good with pleasing a woman, I'm also a pretty good cook as well.

After we were all finished we took the mirror world all the way to Whole Cake Chateau, after the guards let us in we saw Mama chewing away on some candy.

"Mama mama, well what do I owe the pleasured your visit my son?" She said with a smile on her face with a big sucker in her mouth.

"Mama…. They have met my other wives….."

"… in that place where everyone goes to get strong right?"

"Yes mama.."

"… and it sounds like it didn't end well?"

All three of them the knelt and did a full kowtow to Big Ma.

".... And you lost to them?" She was very surprised that Pirates on the paradise side of the grand line could even beat them, but then she thought about it and if I was trained with that ability of his for almost 10 years you could easily take on big shots in the New World with all of that training.

"We're sorry Mama!"

".... And I'm guessing they have some demands if your taking this kind of pose." All I did is nod at her as she motioned me to tell her what they want.

"In return for letting anymore of your daughters being with me that should anything happen to the Kuja that any of the division's under the women that wish to be with me will send their aid to them…"

"…. You know I don't take demands lightly…" she begins to release her haki drowning the room in her pressure, with only me standing firm enough not to kneel.

She just grins at seeing my tenacity before pulling it back into herself, "But lucky you that the benefits outweigh the cons in me taking this deal of there's, tell them that I accept there terms, after all were all family, and you three get up because mama forgives you." She says with a smile on her face.

"Thank you mama."

"Now go back and rest up because tomorrow is the wedding after all, though only for Amande for the time being, but when everyone starts to gain strength from this power of yours will have a grand wedding for all the girls who want to be with you now and those who decide to be with you later on!" She says all excitedly, more specifically thinking about all of the wedding cakes she'll be able to eat from all of the marriages.

I just look up at her and smile "Thanks, Mom."

"Oh you actually called me Mom instead of Ma! Oh I am glad to have a son like you…. *if only I was 40 years younger….*" she says quietly to herself.

"Now like I said, go get ready for your wedding, I'm expecting your best looks for my Amande here."

"Yes mama." We then bow to her and then leave her to eat her candy.

"….. if only I met you when I was still with the Rock Pirates..." she says quietly to herself as she continues to munch on her candy.