
One Piece: Biggest Scum in Marine History

At the Marine internal hearing, Marine executives conducted serious questioning on Marine's "scum" and North Blue Admiral Darren. "You have inappropriate relationships with royal princesses and noble ladies from many countries in the North Blue?" "I care about the people." Marine senior management:...... "Then how do you explain the ridiculously high pay for soldiers in the North Blue Marine you lead?" "Otherwise, relying on the salary from the headquarters, you will let others work for you?" Marine senior management: (ーー゛) "Why does the North Blue fleet possess Germa technology?" "Military-civilian cooperation, Germa 66 was inspired by my justice." Marine senior management: ( ̄o ̄) "How do you explain the unnatural deaths of Celestial Dragons in North Blue?" "Oh, it was a shipwreck... It's so unfortunate and I'm personally deeply sorry." Marine senior management: (‧_‧?) "Last question, how would you describe yourself?" Hearing this, Darren, who was the highest officer of Marine North Blue at the time, bit his cigar and smiled calmly: "I smoke, I drink, I'm greedy, I'm lustful, I fight for power, I cheat, I do everything, but I'm a good Marine." Marine senior executive:? ? ? Garp: The fucking old man can't take it anymore, Sengoku, don't stop me, I'm going to beat this kid up! ! Well, this is the story of a rebellious, depraved Marine scum.

FFAddict · アニメ·コミックス
102 Chs

Chapter 29

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Chapter 29: I Appreciate You Very Much

"North Blue Admiral, Supreme Commander of the Marine North Blue, Rear Admiral Darren of the Naval Headquarters, has met Lord Shields Saint."

Rear Admiral Marine's voice was loose, relaxed, and magnetic, gently falling and echoing in the quiet street.

The blood-stained man stared blankly at the tall, stalwart figure in front of him, motionless.

Gion, Kake, and the others were also shocked, exchanging glances with one another.

Darren had stopped the bullet. He had prevented the Celestial Dragons from firing their weapon.

Somehow, both Gion and Kake were relieved.

"North Blue... Admiral of North Blue?"

Shields Saint, stunned for a moment by the marine officer's profound aura, felt his back break out in a cold sweat. He asked fiercely and viciously,

"How dare you stop me?"

After a brief pause, he roared with madness,

"How dare you stop a Celestial Dragon!"

Darren laughed suddenly.

With his eyes half-closed and the corners of his mouth curled in a sly grin,

"No, Lord Shields Saint, I didn't intend to stop you."

"I simply thought..."

Then, Darren spun around and delivered a ferocious kick.

His shiny black military boots struck the man's abdomen with such force that the man could not even cry out. Like a kite with its string cut, he traced a bloody arc in the air and was sent flying backward for over ten meters. Whether he was alive or dead was uncertain.

Everyone present gasped.

Gion and Kake's eyes were bloodshot, and they could barely contain the anger rising within them. One reached for their sword handle and the other tensed, ready to strike.

To their surprise, Flying Squirrel stepped in front of them the next second, speaking in a cold tone,

"Do you want to get everyone on this island killed because of your foolishness?"

His icy expression and stern words doused the two with a chilling shock, like ice water being poured over their heads.

Their dilated pupils trembled and they struggled to breathe, but they forced themselves to relax their tense muscles.

They understood.

If they acted impulsively here and angered the Celestial Dragons, the entire Bhatia Island could be subjected to the Dragons' wrath.

The life of that civilian man would not be worth the potential disaster their actions might bring.

Everyone on the island might have to pay with their lives because of their impulsive recklessness.

They clenched their teeth so tightly they thought they might break.

Shields Saint, still processing Rear Admiral Marine's actions, wore a look of astonishment, seemingly lost in the unpredictable moment.

Then, Darren pulled back his foot and said with a smile,

"Surely there's no need for Sir Shields Saint to dirty his hands with such riffraff, right?"

For a moment, Shields Saint was caught off-guard, but then a smug smile crossed his face.

"Hahahaha!! Excellent!! You really are the Celestial Dragons' faithful watchdog. You're very astute..."

Darren replied with a forced smile,

"Serving the great Celestial Dragons and the revered World Government is the Marine's duty."

Gion and Kake saw sparks nearby, their eyes still red with anger and their chests heaving with pent-up emotion.

Darren took a step forward, drawing closer to Shields Saint, and whispered,

Master Shields Saint, with your identity and status, there is no need to concern yourself with these untouchables. It is a waste of your time.

It's a rare occasion for you to visit North Blue. I, North Blue Marine, have prepared a modest gift for you. Please accept it.

This is both a token of the people of North Blue's regard for the great and holy Mr. Shields Saint and a small gesture of my personal appreciation.

As he spoke, he clapped his hands. Within ten seconds, Mayor Hunter led a group of a dozen militiamen carrying large, hefty boxes. They approached quickly, smiles brightening their faces.

"Hello, Sir Shields Saint," greeted Mayor Hunter, nodding and bowing, his face lit with a sycophantic grin.

Shields Saint did not look at him but cast a sidelong glance at Darren before stepping forward and casually prying open a gap in one of the boxes. A brilliant cascade of multicolored light spilled out from inside, revealing a sizable cache of gold and silver treasures. A look of satisfaction blossomed on Shields Saint's face.


He closed the box, looked at Darren with a hint of respect, and chuckled.

"Your name is Darren, correct? Very good, I appreciate you. With your talents and abilities, the title of North Blue admiral is beneath you."

Even as Celestial Dragons, part of the world's nobility, and possessed of exceptional power, he was never free from the need for more money. The world government doled out enormous wealth to each noble, unfathomable to common folk. However, for the dissolute and extravagant Celestial Dragons, no sum was ever sufficient.

Darren smiled and shook his head.

"It's all for the service of the Marine and justice. No matter the position, you should harness your strengths—there is no real distinction. While North Blue might not offer the thrills of the Grand Line, it is where I grew up and to which I am deeply attached."

"Master Shields Saint, a World Government official arrived at the port two minutes ago. For your safety, I recommend we set sail and return to the Holy Land promptly."

Shields Saint nodded in agreement.

"It's true... The air in North Blue reeks of filth and depravity; it's quite repulsive." He looked disdainfully at the buildings adorned with blue roofs and white walls and expressed his displeasure. "And the architectural style here is nothing but a poor copy."

Beside him, Mayor Hunter, his forehead beaded with sweat, forced a conciliatory smile.

"Master Shields Saint has enlightened us. As soon as this humble one returns, I will order improvements!"

Without even bothering to wipe the sweat from his brow, he turned to the militiamen and urged them.

"Come on, move quickly! Transport all of Lord Shields Saint's gifts to the port!"

Darren then gestured politely.

"This way, please, Lord Shields Saint."

As Shields Saint began to move forward, he paused, seemingly recalling something.

"Almost forgot..."

Both Gion and Kake's expressions shifted at once. Shields Saint's eyes fixed greedily on the young girl Lia, her face a shade paler than paper, before returning to Darren with a smile laced with insidious mockery.

"Bring my betrothed to the Holy Land with me. Once we arrive, we shall wed," he announced.

As the words hung in the air, Darren's smile vanished.