
One Piece: Biggest Scum in Marine History

At the Marine internal hearing, Marine executives conducted serious questioning on Marine's "scum" and North Blue Admiral Darren. "You have inappropriate relationships with royal princesses and noble ladies from many countries in the North Blue?" "I care about the people." Marine senior management:...... "Then how do you explain the ridiculously high pay for soldiers in the North Blue Marine you lead?" "Otherwise, relying on the salary from the headquarters, you will let others work for you?" Marine senior management: (ーー゛) "Why does the North Blue fleet possess Germa technology?" "Military-civilian cooperation, Germa 66 was inspired by my justice." Marine senior management: ( ̄o ̄) "How do you explain the unnatural deaths of Celestial Dragons in North Blue?" "Oh, it was a shipwreck... It's so unfortunate and I'm personally deeply sorry." Marine senior management: (‧_‧?) "Last question, how would you describe yourself?" Hearing this, Darren, who was the highest officer of Marine North Blue at the time, bit his cigar and smiled calmly: "I smoke, I drink, I'm greedy, I'm lustful, I fight for power, I cheat, I do everything, but I'm a good Marine." Marine senior executive:? ? ? Garp: The fucking old man can't take it anymore, Sengoku, don't stop me, I'm going to beat this kid up! ! Well, this is the story of a rebellious, depraved Marine scum.

FFAddict · アニメ·コミックス
135 Chs

Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: I Come to End This War

In the Kingdom of Yadis, near the border waters, the sky was gloomy. The sea roared and gusty winds set off colossal waves. Along the border, tens of thousands of Yadis soldiers gripped their swords and spears with fear in their eyes and pallor on their faces. They watched in terror as huge ships emerged from the distant sea. Their hands shook uncontrollably as they held their weapons.

One by one, warships approached, cutting through the windy and rough sea. Each battleship, like a military fortress, sailed towards the Kingdom of Yadis with a force of iron and blood. Flags marked with "66" waved atop every vessel. The battleships, composed of rock and metal, were towed by giant snails. The largest of these, resembling a small town, carried a tall tower from which the menacing "Cross Falcon" flag of Saint-Germain fluttered. This was the main battleship of the dreaded "Army of Evil," Germa 66.

"Damn! Has the Marine arrived yet?" King Yadis III, a rotund middle-aged man with a golden crown and a mustache, asked in dread. He was clothed in luxurious fabrics that barely contained his girth. At the sight of the Germa 66 army approaching like a steel torrent on the distant sea, anxiety caused cold sweat to bead on his face.

Vinsmoke Judge, the madman, had threatened to behead him and demanded the surrender of Yadis—if they resisted, Germa 66 would raze the kingdom to the ground. Yadis III sensed the uneasy glances from his soldiers and felt as distressed as an ant on a hot surface.

"Your Majesty, Lord Darren has been informed. The 321st branch has dispatched troops and will arrive shortly," reported Tyrell, the handsome and slightly effeminate governor and minister of Yadis, whose luxurious clothing was scented with a delicate perfume.

King Yadis III, now somewhat relieved by his minister's report, still wore an anxious look. Germa had been the powerhouse of North Blue for 300 years, fielding a fearsome and formidable army that glorified strength. The populace, primarily adult men, were all brave soldiers. Despite having more soldiers, Yadis III knew his army would likely be routed in less than ten minutes against such might.

Aboard the Saint-Germain, a tall and stout blonde stood at the bow like a tower. Clad in a metal helmet, with hair resembling a lion's mane, he bore an earnest expression. His pointed black beard angled upwards, matching the small beard on his chin.

Vinsmoke Judge wore an orange cloak over a light gray uniform with the Germa "66" logo, black combat boots, and gripped a silver-white metal spear. He was the head of the Vinsmoke family, the commander of Germa 66, and the reigning king of the Germa Kingdom.

"These poor souls... It's disgraceful that such a feeble country has lasted in North Blue for so long," he scoffed, staring at the distant coast.

"Master, are we sure we want to proceed? What about the new North Blue admiral at the Marine?" a man dressed as a butler inquired respectfully behind Vinsmoke Judge.

"Hm?" Vinsmoke Judge raised an eyebrow, prompting the butler's pupils to constrict in fear.

With a laugh, blood spurted as the spear pierced the butler's heart. The bright red fluid flowed, and his eyes dimmed in shock. Kneeling weakly and looking up at his master in betrayal, the man collapsed.

"North Blue Admiral? Just a Naval Headquarters colonel... What right does he have to warn me?" Vinsmoke Judge coldly remarked, withdrawing the spear and carelessly splashing blood on the deck. He ignored his dying subordinate.

He tossed the letter from the so-called Admiral Darren into the trash can without a second thought. On every Germa 66 battleship, muscular soldiers stood in rows wearing sunglasses, their expressions emotionless and unfazed at the prospect of imminent war.

Vinsmoke Judge admired his "loyal" replica soldiers, smiling contentedly. Thanks to his collaboration with Vegapunk, he had acquired a portion of the bloodline factor technology.

After altering the baby's blood factor, he perfected cloning technology and created replica soldiers for Germa 66.

The clone soldiers possess a robust physique and an unwavering obedience to orders, with the principles of "no fear of death, no betrayal" ingrained in their lineage.

Vinsmoke Judge proclaimed this to be the strongest and most formidable army in the world!

To him, a mere Marine is defenseless against his war army that knows neither pain nor death.

Most critically, with the technology at my disposal, it only takes five years to produce a soldier with the physical age of twenty.

This means that with sufficient funds, I can endlessly replicate soldiers and forge the world's largest army!

Once he subdues the four nations of the North Blue including Yadis, and seizes the entire region, the resources of North Blue will allow him to have an infinite number of troops, potentially ruling the world!

Imagining this, Vinsmoke Judge smirked and gestured with his hand.

Following his motion, the once scattered battleship formation swiftly regrouped.

Propelled by gigantic snails,

dozens of warships converged rapidly and orderly, connecting side by side.

Before the astonished gaze of tens of thousands of Yadis Kingdom's soldiers,

Germa 66's individual ships merged into one massive sea-born fortress!

A towering military presence,

enormous black cannons,

and tens of thousands of cloned soldiers armed with blades and firearms,

From a distance,

the entire Germa 66 flotilla transformed into a fearsome war creature, fully equipped and ominous.

This is the Kingdom of Germa!

"For the glory of Germa! Dominate the North Blue!"

Vinsmoke Judge laughed and thrust his spear into the air, bellowing his command.

As his voice faded,

tens of thousands of cloned soldiers lifted their weapons in unison, their voices resonating mightily.

"For the glory of Germa! Dominate the North Blue!"

Their thunderous cries seemed to become tangible sound waves, rolling towards the Yadis Kingdom's coastal army.

Their overpowering murderous intent nearly suffocated them, causing many young soldiers to collapse while their weapons clattered to the ground.

Yadis III himself, shaking uncontrollably with fear, relied on the support from his aides to remain upright.

"It's over... it's over," he murmured, his face pale.

Aboard the Saint-Germain,

Vinsmoke Judge's laughter echoed as he observed the Yadis Kingdom's army's distress.

"Kneel and surrender!"

"Germa is the overlord of North Blue!"

He raised his metal spear, with blue lightning crackling around it.

With his command, the fortified military fortress of Germa marched towards the shore at full speed.

The massive volume churned up several-meter-high waves.

Vinsmoke Judge inhaled deeply and sneered:

"Prepare to attack—"

Before he could finish, a pitch-black cannonball plummeted from the sky, landing with a thud beside him.

Vinsmoke Judge's pupils narrowed.


A fierce explosion erupted, sending rising flames and dark smoke billowing.

The abrupt event halted the charge of the clone soldiers.

On the coastline,

Yadis Kingdom's nobility and army were stunned, staring blankly at this turn of events.

"Damn it! Who is it!?"

The strong wind dispersed the thick smoke, revealing Vinsmoke Judge climbing out of a crater, his face ashen and teeth clenched in fury.

Sensing something, he looked in a specific direction.

Simultaneously, Yadis Kingdom's ministers and soldiers also turned their gaze that way.

The roaring wind and towering waves gave way,

as a colossal warship emerged.

The word "justice" in black was emblazoned on its tall mast, flying proudly.

A tall, dignified young man stood on the ship's bow, his white cloak billowing in the wind, a rustling sound accompanying it.

"It's Darren!"

"The Marines are here! We're saved!"

Yadis III wept with joy, his face beaming with excitement.

In stark contrast, Vinsmoke Judge's complexion had turned ghastly.

As the populations of Yadis Kingdom and Germa watched,

the warship glided through the contentious waters with steady speed.

Like an impregnable barrier, it divided the armies of the two nations.

Suddenly, the sea was engulfed in a tense and deathly silence.

All eyes were drawn to the figure on the bow of the warship.

Short black hair, arched eyebrows framing sharp eyes, his facial features grave and serious.

The Rear Admiral of the Marines slowly formed a smile.

Looking up with fierce eyes,

he fixed his gaze on the pale Vinsmoke Judge in the distance.

"In the name of justice...",

his voice echoed over the silent sea,

"I'm here to end this war."