
One Piece: Becoming the strongest pirate (COMPLETED)

An ordinary person from earth gets transmigrated into One Piece world. He wakes up in an uninhabited unknown island in east blue. Follow his struggle as he tries to survive in this cruel world and become the strongest pirate. (MC is not Ace) Disclaimer: I do not own one piece or any of its characters and I also do not own the cover image.

Captain_Erebus · アニメ·コミックス
145 Chs

Goro Goro no Mi

When Ashen the gave order, everybody went charging at the enemy.

"Wraaa!...Time to break some bones bitches!" Ian screamed in excitement as he was the first one to engage. Using Hasshoken martial art he sent shockwaves through his feet while kicking the first enemy he made contact with.

The monk was pushed back a bit while holding his stomach in pain before he threw up some blood.

"Be careful! They are strong!" Yama declared as he stood back without interfering.

After that Ian was immediately surrounded with three more enemies. Since they outnumber us each member of the crew must fight at least three people at same time.

While Ian was standing in the middle with a wicked smile, two of the three people surrounding him attack at the same time with their spears from both sides. The former leaped back swiftly before he launched himself at the right one and grabbed him by the collar with both his hands and proceeded to butthead him while emitting shockwaves from his forehead.

"Aghhh!!!" The enemy groaned in pain as he held his bleeding forehead before he fell unconscious. When the other two enemies saw that, they came charging at once from behind and thrusted their spears at Ian who managed to react quickly and grabbed one of them with his left hand but the other one managed to hit him in his right abdomen.

Ian didn't mind the pain and clenched his fist harder and dragged the spear towards him while dragging the one holding it at the same time and kicked him in the stomach, before he took his spear after that and thrusted it at the other one who was trying to attack at the same time.

"D-Damn it!" The man looks at Ian with horrified look before he tried to pull out the spear that pierced his stomach.

"Have fun in hell!" Ian said before he quickly pulled out the spear and stabbed the man in his throat again. After that he turned to the other guy who looked at him in fear.

"W-Wait I-" Before he could finish his sentence, Ian threw the spear in his direction at high a speed that it sent him flying back a few meters when it pierced his chest.

"Don't chicken out after trying to kill me a few seconds ago!...Let's see if I find can someone else who could entertain me"

On the same battlefield Ken and Yamamoto were fighting together, they were holding off around three people.

"Ken-san, I'll deal with the two people on the left you take care of the one in the right" Yamamoto said, Ken nodded in understanding.

"Be careful!" Ken said, and then proceeded to walk towards the man in the far right. He was a young man, average height and slender build, he was the perfect opponent to Ken. As for Yamamoto once he stepped in front of the enemy, he quickly brought out a few stones from his pocket and proceeded to throw them at the enemy and increased their size half the way, turning them into huge rocks.

*BAAM*-*BAAM*-*BAAM* The two monks were shocked as one of them was crushed by one of the rocks before the other one regained his composure and backed away.

"What the hell!" he looked at Yamamoto in surprise, before he rushed at him and tried to slash the later in the chest. But Yamamoto quickly brought his huge club and blocked his attack.

"How the hell is a kid like you have this much force?!" The monk warrior asked while he was trying to overpower Yamamoto.

When Yamamoto saw that he quickly touched the man's sword and made it grow larger, which increased its weight and made it very heavy for him to swing.

"*CRASH*…Aghht!! What the fuck?!" The sword crashed on the ground and it became impossible to be used by a normal person like him.

Yamamoto took advantage of the situation and swung his huge club sideways targeting the monk's head. But the later managed to avoid it and leaped backwards at the last second, but unexpectedly for him, Yamamoto didn't stop there and proceeded to thrust his club at him while enlarging it at the same time. He managed to crush his frontal side body parts and left him unconscious on the ground.

"Huff…Huff…I won" Yamamoto sat on the ground to catch his breath since using his devil fruit power costs a lot of his stamina. Next to him Ken who was struggling against his opponent, they were both badly injured and fighting on equal ground.

"I will use the moves that Calvin taught me to defeat you" Ken stated.

"You're so persistent, just die old geezer!" The young man shouted as he rushed at Ken with his sword.

'Calvin always said breathing is so important during the fight. You should breathe calmly' Ken started recalling the things Calvin taught him 'Always keep eye contact with the enemy, the weapon is just a distraction' Ken kept breathing slowly while he waited for the enemy to get closer.

'Let the enemy attack first and use their momentum' When the enemy got close, he thrusted his sword at Ken's chest, which the later countered by sidestepping to the right, grabbing the enemy's arm and collar, lifting him in the air and smashing him in the ground. After that he quickly picked the enemy sword and put it on his neck.

"Don't move!"

On the other side of the battlefield Calvin and Dianna weren't having much trouble against the enemy, but unexpectedly someone joined their side. He was one of the monks, he was calmly waiting for an opportunity to interfere.

When he saw the other monks occupied in the fight, he took the chance and went charging at one of them from behind and smashed his head on the ground and proceeded to pin him down with his knees while locking both his arms together.

"Who the hell-?!"

"How does it feel being the one on the ground, Ape?" A deep voice holding resentment spoke.

"Enel?... crazy bastard, did you finally lose your mind?" The man named Ape said to him.

"You are the one who pushed me to this state, I'm just paying you back!" Enel spoke with bitterness while clenching his teeth.

"Ahh, I get it…Now that you saw those people, you felt like you could finally relate to someone" Enel squeezed Ape's arm when he heard that before he replied in anger.

"Stop bullshitting!...You know why I'm doing this!"

"Don't tell me you still holding grudge from that? Hahaha, man you know we were trying to help you, don't you?" Ape said, then added "I was only trying to make you look more symmetric…Since you can't grow another wing, I thought I should just cut the one you had" Ape said in a provocative while his face carried a twisted smile "Now you look more human".

"Bastard…" Enel became furious upon hearing his sentence and squeezed his arm even harder before he pulled to his direction while pushing his body down with his feet until he broke it.

"*CRACK*-AAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!" Ape screamed in pain and tried to move away, but Enel quickly took his other arm and proceeded to do the same. When the other monks heard the screams, they all became more alarmed and turned their attention to Enel.

"What do you think you're doing, Enel?"

"Bastard! Is this how you repay the elders for letting you in?!" The other monks looked furious, but they couldn't interfere since they were occupied by their fight against Calvin and Diana.

"What is he trying to do?" Calvin questioned Enel's actions.

"Looks like they have a traitor. Well, not that it matters, they were going to die anyway" Diana stated before she proceeded to shoot them.

"AAAPE?!! Why did you do it?!...Every fucking one of you kept tormenting me!" Enel shouted in anger while kicking Ape away.

"You're a one-winged freak. You're a bad omen, I doubt you are even one of our race, I just tried to help you-COUGH-COUGH!!" Ape said "Since no one said anything, I guess I did the right thing…Hehehe, it wasn't my idea only you know, all of us that day agreed to do it together"

"You are dead" Enel said before he took his staff and approached Ape.

"Are you serious?!...I told I wa-" Before Ape could finish his sentence Enel started smashing his head with his staff until the former was dead and unrecognizable.

"Fuck!…It doesn't feel good even after that" Enel looked at Ape's body in the disgust before he left.

(First Person POV),

The fight between me and that old man didn't take that long, I was able to quickly overpower him with my brute strength only and managed to knock him out eventually. After that I just kept observing the battlefield without interfering, until I stumbled upon something interesting.

'Enel? what is he trying to do?' I saw him taking down one of the monks and decided to approach him from a distance without him noticing.

When I got close enough, I was able to listen in on his conversation with the monk called Ape.


'Interesting, being born with one wing is that bad for Birkans, and that's why he was tormented, until he eventually got the Goro Goro no Mi and took his revenge' I kept thinking about for a bit 'He also doesn't seem to have developed his god complex yet'

They are two ways someone can develop a god's complex, its either through extreme insecurity meaning a person tells themselves they are a god in order to mask their hidden insecurity, or through never being told that you can do anything wrong meaning a person was never told they could do something wrong, everything they do or say is validated by someone, and they never have to compromise

In this case it's the former.

After killing Ape, Enel proceeded to attack the other monks one after the other and killing them without hesitation.

30 minutes later,

The battle has finished, and all the the enemy warriors were defeat except Enel who was practically on our side.

"What should we do with them now?" Calvin asked me. Some of them were still alive and unconscious.

"Just leave them, we'll be leaving after this"

"What about that guy?" Calvin pointed at Enel, who was seating on the stairs observing us.

"I might have some plans for him, for now let's just go in" We proceeded to enter the temple after that.

"Alright listen up boys!... I don't care if you turn this place upside down, find me a blue fruit that is shaped like a thunder!" I gave orders "And while you're at it find any worthy treasures we might take!"

"Ah, and Ken, nice fight out there. Keep up the good work" I complemented his fight.

"It wasn't really that much" He responded with a smile.

"No, I like the way you are improving, keep it up"

"Thanks Boss"

"You may go now!"

"Yes, Captain!"

"You can't do this. This is a sacred place!" A bunch of old dudes shouted while stopping our way.

"Get the fuck out of my way while I'm being nice!" I said glaring at them while releasing flames from my fist. When they saw that they couldn't resist anymore and just watched us robbed the place from the side.

15 minutes later,

I was chilling around before Yamamoto came running at me.

"Captain!...Captain!" Yamamoto shouted at my direction a few times before he reached me.

"What's going on?"

"Calvin-san found that thing you were looking for"

'No fucking way, it was actually here!' I thought, as I clenched my fist from excitement "Let's go"


Question: Who would you like to eat the Goro Goro no Mi if Ashen gets his hands on it? (I personally say anyone but Calvin, since I want him to have the same vibes as Zoro, Beckman, Rayeigh…etc. You know, the no devil fruit user vice-captain)