
One Piece: Ace The Emperor of Flames

In the tumultuous world of pirates and marines, a legend is born from the very flames that seek to consume the seas. Portgas D. Ace, son of the infamous Pirate King Gol D. Roger, is destined for greatness before he even takes his first breath. Within the protective womb of his mother, Ace’s consciousness awakens, and with it, an unparalleled talent for understanding—the ability to visualize and manifest abilities that defy the heavens. [Overpowered Ace]

NikaTheHonoredOne · アニメ·コミックス
181 Chs

Chapter 99: Victory!

Kaido turned his head, and above the cavity, black lightning and flames roared and burned, converging into black thunder flames. Within this chaotic inferno, the bodies of the Five Elders gradually solidified.

"Um?" Ace's eyes flashed with curiosity. The speed of their recovery was slower than before. Could it be that the characteristic of immortality had a limit?

"Stop talking nonsense, Kaido," Saint Warcury's violent voice emerged from the black flames. "The immortal body is also part of our strength. You used your body to resist the attack, even the dragon's body was seriously injured, right?" Saint Mar's calm voice followed.

"Boom! Bang!" Countless black flames exploded, and five monstrous figures reappeared on the battlefield.

"Hmph, do you know the pleasure of fighting? Immortality is power? I think it's a curse. How many years has your strength not increased? I was no match for you in the Valley of the Gods. Now, I can kill you both by myself!" Kaido laughed loudly.

"Don't try to get information from us. What, you came here to defeat the Flame Emperor, and now you have to obey his words?" Saint Peter, transformed into a sandworm, said calmly.

"The old Celestial Dragons guy who only knows how to talk," Kaido sneered.

"DIA! DIA!" A round of applause attracted everyone's attention. Shanks stepped to Ace's side, looking at the Five Elders. "How many of the Marine fleet here can survive such an attack? Are you still unwilling to cease the war?" His sharp eyes and solemn tone emphasized the gravity of the situation.

The power of Ace's attack had exceeded everyone's expectations. It was shocking that a simple Devil Fruit could emit such terrifying power. Conqueror's Haki - Entanglement increased the damage of a single target, condensing it into a violent power of ultimate destruction. With a full blow, it could instantly defeat anyone not at the Admiral threshold. However, for large-scale destruction, Conqueror's Haki was less effective. Ace's power, with the Mera-Mera Fruit, could not cause tsunamis or earthquakes like Whitebeard's Shock Fruit, but within its range, the damage was even greater.

Under the terrifying power that erupted like a solar wave, even senior Vice Admirals participating in Buster Call would not survive. The Marine fleet could be completely annihilated. Ace's power proved that he alone could destroy hundreds of Marine fleets, giving him significant negotiating leverage.

Shanks's sharp gaze bore into the Five Elders. Facing his words, the Five Elders fell silent, their expressions darkening. They couldn't comprehend how Ace's Devil Fruit could exert such immense power. The Mera-Mera Fruit, in Ace's hands, had evolved beyond the power of fire, towards the power of the sun. Ace could absorb countless natural elements, transforming them into flames and replenishing his physical strength, making him an almost unstoppable force.

The Five Elders were troubled. Ace's mastery of the Mera-Mera Fruit allowed him to use its powers far beyond their expectations. Even in a prolonged battle, he could maintain his strength and release the terrifying power repeatedly. This meant he could annihilate the Marine fleet and bury the Vice Admirals and below in the sea.

Now, the Five Elders faced a dilemma. The Naval Headquarters fleet, which they intended to use for their advantage, had become a burden. They had underestimated Ace's power, leading to a critical misjudgment.

"Wait a minute, besides the truce, I have one more request," Ace said calmly, extending his hand.

"What? Flame Emperor! Don't think you can make demands of the World Government just because you have the upper hand now," Saint Warcury spat, his voice filled with hatred.

"If you don't agree to this request, then continue to fight! If you five old guys don't die, will those Celestial Dragons in the Holy Land?" Ace looked at the Five Elders, his tone unwavering.

"Oh? You dare to go to the Holy Land? Do you know what kind of power the Holy Land has? Once you go, don't even think about coming back!" Saint Saturn's voice was deep and threatening.

"Have you forgotten that I have the Gate Fruit ability?" Ace raised the corner of his mouth and waved his right hand violently. A point of light shone in the atmosphere. "Crack!" An air door opened quickly.

"Nokigao cannot freely travel through the Holy Land using the Gate Fruit ability. But what if it was me, using the ability of the Gate Fruit? How many Celestial Dragons do you have, enough for me to kill? Maybe, it would be more interesting to hold a public live broadcast," Ace said calmly.

"How dare you! If you do this, even if you ignore the balance of the sea, the World Government and you will fight to the death!" Saint Nusjuro, part human and part horse bone, was completely furious.

"We have already fought to the death! Idiots!" Ace's lips curved into a confident smile, and he laughed out loud.

Ace's laughter made the Five Elders' faces darken further. They had forgotten that Ace could freely use other Devil Fruit abilities. This ability to utilize multiple Devil Fruits' powers made him a formidable threat.

In that moment, the Five Elders realized they were dealing with a man who could disrupt the balance of power in the world. Ace's ability to use all Devil Fruits' powers without weaknesses made him an unparalleled force. And this man was willing to do whatever it took to achieve his goals, even if it meant slaughtering the Celestial Dragons in the Holy Land.

This time, the Five Elders had no choice but to reconsider their strategy. The stakes had never been higher, and they were faced with an opponent who was not only powerful but also unpredictable and relentless.

"The power of the Gate Fruit..."

Shanks looked at the ugly faces of the Five Elders and the atmospheric door that appeared out of thin air, his eyes filled with shock. He found it incredible, recalling the previous public execution. The ability to pop out the memories of Celestial Dragons was clearly the Paw Fruit ability of Bartholomew Kuma from the Shichibukai! There was also the former Shichibukai Crocodile who died at Ace's hands, the suspected former Thunder Fruit user Enel, and the Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral with abilities reminiscent of the Underworld Fruit. It was much like the Underworld Fruit from the Paramecia class, but this was an advanced version. After all, the Underworld Fruit ability, as introduced in the Devil Fruit illustrated book, allows the user to be resurrected once and control soul-related powers. But it couldn't summon other souls from the underworld to control such terrifying abilities. Otherwise, it would have been collected by the World Government like the Paw Fruit and Kaido's Fish-Fish Fruit.

Ace's mastery of multiple abilities, including merging the Mera-mera Fruit, signaled an evolution towards the power of the sun. It meant Ace had somehow accessed an advanced version of the Underworld Fruit's powers. Coupled with the current Gate Fruit ability, along with the Sand-Sand Fruit and Thunder Fruit abilities given to Crocodile and Enel summoned from the underworld, Ace demonstrated a total of six Devil Fruit abilities during the public execution. Remarkably, these abilities persisted even if their original users were still alive. This suggested Ace wasn't just capable of hunting Devil Fruits; he could use all their abilities as well.

The former Gate Fruit user was CP9's Blueno. However, due to his insufficient strength, Ace didn't employ his soul. The true possessor of the Underworld Fruit remained unknown, preventing confirmation of Ace's ability to hunt it. Yet, despite the Paw Fruit still being with Kuma, Ace could use its power. Originally, Shanks crossed the New World to the Grand Line's first half to meet Ace. He was curious about Ace's ability to hunt Devil Fruits and why a Mera-mera Fruit user like Ace could possess such an ability, typically associated with the Dark Fruit. Ace's unprecedented ability turned the balance of power among the Four Emperors, Shichibukai, and the Naval Headquarters upside down.

Marine evaluations compared Ace's Conqueror's Haki to that of the Four Emperors. Although exaggerated, Ace's Conqueror's Haki rivaled even the red-haired Shanks himself. Shanks relied on his Conqueror's Haki and swordsmanship to reach the pinnacle of the Four Emperors, unlike the other three who depended on top Devil Fruits. Despite his dominant left hand being pressed against Luffy's body, he was still a formidable swordsman. Ace's ambitions and impact on the sea intrigued Shanks, but before meeting Ace, Ace launched the shocking Sabaody Archipelago attack and public execution of the Celestial Dragons, triggering a war with the Naval Headquarters and World Government.

Everything that happened next shocked Shanks. Ace's Conqueror's Haki, after the public execution, reached the level of the Pirate King Gol D. Roger, whom Shanks admired as a trainee. Ace's power, evolving his Conqueror's Haki and Mera-mera Fruit abilities, surpassed the limits of the Four Emperors, moving towards a higher power level, a true overlord-level power. Using up to six Devil Fruit abilities in a public execution, Ace demonstrated a combination of unmatched destructive power and tactical versatility, making him a walking legion of superpowers. Unlike Kaido's man-made Demon Fruit army, Ace wielded top-tier Devil Fruit abilities, each surpassing their original limits, transforming him into a terrifying force of nature.

Ace, now possessing Mera-mera Fruit abilities evolved towards solar power and other auxiliary Devil Fruits, became an unstoppable force, a walking, humanoid Ancient Weapon. His destructive power rivaled the three legendary Ancient Weapons, Uranus, Poseidon, and Pluton. With the ability to potentially use all Devil Fruit powers and increased mobility from the Door Fruit, Ace became a threat no one could contain. Logia Devil Fruit users could naturally replenish physical strength after awakening, increasing their combat endurance. But Ace turned this into a force as terrifying as an Ancient Weapon.

Exhausting Ace's physical strength would result in countless islands and cities being wiped off the map. Such a deterrent explained even the Five Elders' fear. Thankfully, Ace was Luffy's brother and a man with noble intentions. Shanks and Beckman exchanged relieved glances, recognizing the fearsome potential Ace held. If Ace desired to destroy the world, the resulting impact would surpass anything in history.

The Five Elders looked at Ace with extremely grim expressions. The man before them was more intimidating than the three Ancient Weapons combined. His formidable power and even his planning surpassed that of the Resourceful General Sengoku. This wisdom put the Five Elders at a significant disadvantage, and the various abilities of his Devil Fruits made Ace's movements unpredictable.

"Damn it!" they cursed inwardly. The Gate Fruit, despite its rarity, hadn't initially attracted much attention from the World Government because it didn't directly enhance combat power. Yet, it became the straw that broke the camel's back. Who could have anticipated a monster like Portgas D. Ace, capable of using all Devil Fruit abilities, would emerge?

To the world, the Five Elders were indomitable, wielding the highest authority within the World Government. Yet, even they viewed Ace as a true monster, a one-man army with super Devil Fruit powers. His Mera-mera Fruit ability, evolved towards the power of the sun, transformed him into a humanoid Ancient Weapon walking the seas. This made him a deterrent so fearsome that the Five Elders were at a loss on how to deal with him.

Contemplating an all-out fight with Ace seemed ludicrous. Their Conqueror's Haki might disable the Gate Fruit ability in 'Black Rose' Nokigao of the Entei Pirates, but it wouldn't stop Ace. If they possessed such power, the Valley of the Gods incident wouldn't have occurred. Even now, they were in negotiations, with Ace using the Celestial Dragons of Mariejois as leverage.

If they truly angered Ace, the World Government would face terrifying retribution from this humanoid Ancient Weapon, capable of traveling to any corner of the world using the Gate Fruit. Even if they laid a trap for him in Mariejois, they were only in the negotiation stage. Ace had already proven his madness and unpredictability, suggesting he could bring about widespread destruction far beyond just the Holy Land.

The Five Elders considered their options. Should they move the royal families of the 170 member countries to Mariejois for protection? This would be seen as a retreat, making a mockery of the Celestial Dragons who had resided in the Holy Land for 800 years. Furthermore, the revolutionary forces, ever vigilant, would seize this opportunity to strike the World Government while it was vulnerable.

Their vast network of Marine branches and member countries worldwide couldn't withstand the attacks of Ace, who could use the Gate Fruit to bypass their defenses. The Five Elders realized that an armistice and compromise with Ace were their only options. The alternative—endless conflict with an unpredictable and immensely powerful adversary—was a risk they couldn't afford.

"Can you promise not to use the power of the Gate Fruit to destroy the Holy Land and the external power of our World Government?" Saint Nusjuro asked, his black sword now sheathed. His eyes, shadowed by his glasses, looked at Ace with a mixture of gloom and desperation.

"Destroy the Holy Land and the forces of the World Government? I am a peace-loving person, why would I do such a crazy thing?" Ace replied, a slight smile curling at the corners of his mouth.

Nusjuro's gesture of sheathing his sword and his question indicated that the Five Elders had decided to compromise. Ace wasn't surprised. The World Government, with its vast power, Marine branches across the globe, and over 170 franchised countries, had too many vulnerabilities. The Five Elders' decision to compromise was inevitable.

Ace's mastery over the Devil Fruit abilities was unparalleled. Through his field of understanding, he could utilize the powers of other Devil Fruits, thanks to the Bear's Meat Ball Fruit, which could eject some of the demonic factors within a Devil Fruit. These factors, once ejected and absorbed by Ace's field of understanding, became part of his power without diminishing the original user's abilities.

Ace had integrated the Devil Fruit abilities of Nami, Vivi, and Nokigao for his own use. However, offensive abilities, even those as powerful as the Shock Fruit, were redundant for Ace. The Mera-mera Fruit, which had evolved towards the power of the sun, was already the most destructive ability in the world. What Ace needed were auxiliary abilities like the Gate Fruit, which offered strategic advantages rather than mere destructive power.

The Gate Fruit's ability to traverse any corner of the world, combined with the devastating power of the sun-evolved Mera-mera Fruit, made Ace a force akin to a nuclear deterrent. This was the crux of the Five Elders' fear and their subsequent compromise. They knew they couldn't prevent Ace from leaving or exacting revenge.

Ace's ambition was to become the king of the world. He viewed all existing power as his own. Those who opposed him would be dealt with once he ascended to ultimate authority. There was no need to destroy any countries like a lunatic.

The comparison to nuclear deterrence from Ace's previous life was apt. The threat of the Gate Fruit combined with the Mera-mera Fruit acted as a powerful deterrent, ensuring compliance without actual conflict. Engaging in open war with the World Government would mean a bloody and uncertain battle, especially with unknown factors like Im's true capabilities.

The strongest deterrent is one that isn't used. Acting against the World Government's member countries would mean an all-out war, something Ace wasn't ready for as his strength continued to grow. Yet, if pushed, Ace wouldn't hesitate to respond with full force. This calculated approach and immense power led the Five Elders to their compromise.

Ace's words silenced everyone present.


The man who publicly executed the Celestial Dragons at the Sabaody Archipelago and waged an all-out war against the Naval Headquarters and even the World Government claimed he wasn't crazy and loved peace. It was simply the most hellish joke the sea had ever heard. However, despite the absurdity, the Five Elders had no choice but to compromise at this moment.


Following a burst of distortion, the monstrous figures of the Five Elders quickly shrank, transforming into five old men in suits. Their de-monsterization signified a return to their human forms.

The actions of the Five Elders made Sengoku and the other Marine executives tense, their hands shaking with complex emotions. There was relief, unwillingness, shame, and anger. Such behavior foreshadowed the outcome of this war. The Five Elders, who held the highest power in the world, had capitulated before Emperor Yan.

Flame Emperor, Portgas D. Ace, had won the war.

The Five Elders and the World Government's compromise with Ace marked a defeat for the Naval Headquarters. This war's conclusion brought the most painful defeat in the history of the Naval Headquarters, causing many senior executives to shed bitter, cold, and desperate tears. Sengoku looked up at the sky with tears in his eyes. As Marshal of the Naval Headquarters, he felt the agony of defeat but knew he couldn't afford to show his tears. The feeling of being a loser was overwhelming.

You win, Flame Emperor.

Sengoku looked at the distant figure and smiled bitterly. Shanks and others also smiled, recognizing the war was over. Ace, as the victor, would now make his demands to the World Government. Shanks was filled with emotion, acknowledging Ace's terrifying deterrence, which surpassed even the Ancient Weapons. Ace could appear in any corner of the world at will, a capability far beyond the Ancient Weapons, compelling the Five Elders to compromise.

"We won!"

The Entei Pirates were elated. This all-out war against the Naval Headquarters and the World Government had ended with Ace and the Entei Pirates as the victors.

"Mr. Ace..." Fujitora smiled, knowing the war had ended and more casualties could be avoided. However, he wondered what Ace would demand from the World Government. As he pondered, a strong palm patted his shoulder.

"Don't worry, Fujitora. Ace won't disappoint," Rayleigh reassured him, a slight smile on his lips. Ace was an incredible man. Rayleigh sensed that Ace's mind and capacity even surpassed Roger's. He predicted Ace's request would ensure Fujitora, who joined the Entei Pirates during the war, would be completely loyal to their cause.

"Alright," Fujitora nodded, smiling at Ace's back, awaiting his next move with trust.

"Tell me, don't go too far with your request, Flame Emperor," Saint Saturn said in a deep voice. Even as Five Elders, they had to treat Ace with respect.

"Request or trade," Ace raised his right hand. Under the influence of his Conqueror's Haki, Kizaru, who was severely injured and tormented by the Ghost Fruit's power, was brought to Ace's feet.

"Admiral of Headquarters Kizaru, I'll make an exchange with you," Ace said calmly, looking directly at the Five Elders.