
One Piece: A Truly Broken person

The_Wild_Trill · アニメ·コミックス
35 Chs

Meeting Nami's sister + ????????

The ship was pointed towards totto land but flare had other ideas. He would use his super speed to run through the grandline and over reverse mountain to make it into the east blue. It would only take at least 15 minutes but he could immediately teleport back to the ship.

Flare: "I'm gonna run to the east blue and back. It should take about 20 minutes, maybe 30 if things take a bit longer."

Hancock: "We will be waiting, I want to meet this girl you wanted to see."

Flare: "She's not a bad person, she's weaker than the others but that can be fixed."

Hancock: "Maybe I will personally train her to ensure she doesn't slow us down."

Flare: "You can decide that after I come back with her. I'm off, see you in a bit."

Flare used his super speed to run on the water and disappear beyond the horizon in a matter of seconds. He was going roughly 80% the true speed of light so he was way faster than even lightning bolts. In a matter of minutes he was already by the reverse mountains where he easily ran by. Using his map he successfully ran into the east blue as he continued speeding through the water. Soon he arrived to Cocoyasi Village where he ran past everyone and went to the house at the outer regions. As he arrived at his destination he stopped using super speed and knocked on the door.

A young woman with blue hair and dark eyes opened the door, she was quite beautiful. She looked at the stranger who was knocking on her door, she didn't know who he was so she was a bit careful.

Nojiko: "Who are you?"

Flare: "My name is Flare; Sorry to bother you, are you nojiko?"

Nojiko: "Yes I am."

Flare: "So you're nami's sister."

Nojiko: "H-How do you know nami?"

Flare: "Well I don't personally know her as yet but I'm close to her captain, luffy."

Nojiko: "Ahh yes I remember luffy, he freed us from arlong and his goones."

Flare: "Well you can call me luffy's brother in a way. He told me about you so I wanted to invite you to my crew. I know you have no reason to accept but I still want you to join."

Nojiko: "I'll join."

Flare: "Please joi- wait what?"

Nojiko: "I said I'll join."

Flare: "Huh.... that was easier than I expected."

Nojiko: "I live alone with my younger sister at sea, it gets really lonely here so I'd honestly go with you out of sheer boredom. Maybe I can even get to see nami again."

Flare: "You believe me?"

Nojiko: "I do for some reason."

Flare: "Well would you like to pack anything before you leave?"

Nojiko: "Just some clothes and shoes along with some girl stuff, also my family picture. I'll go down to the town and tell everyone I'm leaving."

Flare: "Well take your time, I'll be waiting under this tangerine tree."

Nojiko went down to the town and told genzo and the others that she would be leaving. Genzo followed her back to the house as she went inside to pack. He saw flare under a tree so he approached him.

Genzo: "So you're the one that nojiko is leaving with, I don't care who you are but if you ever hurt her then I will kill you."

Flare: "No worries old man, she's in good hands. We will meet up with nami and luffy in about a year from now so she will get to see her sister as well."

Genzo: "I'm glad that nami is safe and doing alright."

Flare: "I heard about their mother, can you take me to her grave to pay my respects?"

Genzo nodded as he told flare to follow him. They walked into the woods until the arrived at a stone surrounded by flowers. Genzo then turned around and left, returning to the village as he already told flare everything he had to say. Flare turned to the grave as he took something from his inventory and whispered a name under his breath. Soon the item glowed then vanished in thin air, a glowing light suddenly appeared as a woman with brown hair and eyes appeared from the light.

Flare grinned when he realized that the amulet of life worked. Bellmere was now brought back from the dead in the same clothes she was buried in. She looked around confused as she remembered arlong putting the gun to her head then it went dark, she looked around even more where she saw a young man looking at her.

Bellmere: "W-Who are you? where's arlong?"

Flare: "Bellmere correct? arlong has been beaten and put in prison. It's been a long time since you died."

Bellmere: "I-I died? but I'm here alive."

Flare: "I brought you back to life, you died unfairly so I brought you back but I have a request for you."

Bellmere: "What might that be?"

Flare: "Join my pirate crew, your daughter nojiko joined my crew and your other daughter is a part of my brother's crew."

Bellmere: "M-My daughters are pirates! How could they become pirates?"

Flare: "Not all pirates go around killing you know I literally brought you back to life for you to enjoy life once more and to also meet your daughters again. I won't ask you to kill innocents or anything like that, all I ask is to fight for what we believe in and to help others."

Bellmere: "W-Well you did somehow bring me back to life so I owe you."

Flare: "Great, nojiko should be here soon with her bags. You hide under those trees while I tell her that I have a present for her."

Bellmere smiled as he hid behind some trees. Soon afterwards nojiko came out with 3 bags packed and ready to go. She saw flare near bellmere's grave so she walked over to him.

Nojiko: "So you found this spot, do you know whose grave this is?"

Flare: "Bellmere, yours and nami's mother."

Nojiko: "She died many years ago protecting us, I still remember the events to this day. I wish I could see her again but she's gone and I've accepted that."

Flare: "Well I could bring her back to life."

Nojiko: "WHAT! Don't fuck with me flare. This is serious, I actually wish I could see her again but she's dead. She's gone forever so I can't ever see her again."

Flare: "Sigh, turn around."

Nojiko was confused but as she turned around her eyes widened as she dropped her bags. She saw her mother standing there in the same dress that she was buried in, the only difference being her side burns were completely filled with long brown hair. Tears began to spill down nojiko's eyes as she thought this was just a dream but it wasn't.

Bellmere: "My sweet little nojiko, you've grown up into such a beautiful young lady. Come let me hug you."

Nojiko ran towards bellmere as they met and hugged each other while crying. Flare looked at this as he walked away leaving the 2 to catch up after many years. He waited for about 30 minutes before they both came walking towards him with heir eyes red from crying.

Nojiko: "I-I thank you from the bottom of my heart, I don't know how you did it but thank you."

Flare: "Welcome, consider this as a welcome gift."

Nojiko's lips turned into a beautiful smile that made her look even more beautiful than normal. She looked at flare as her cheeks turned slightly pink but she didn't look away.

Bellmere: "I also thank you once more, this is more than a dream come true. A-Are you some sort of god?"

Flare: "No I'm not.....well at least not yet."

Nojiko: "I would honestly believe you if you said you were a god."

Flare: "Well the only thing that matters now is that bellmere's back. Nami will probably have a heart attack when she sees her."

Nojiko: "So when are we leaving?"

Flare: "Right now."

Flare created a gate portal that led straight to his ship and pulled the 2 women through. The gate appeared on the deck where every woman was relaxing or eating, they looked towards he gate as they saw flare come out with not one but two women.

Viola: "Didn't you say you were going for only one person in the east blue? how did you end up with two?"

Flare: "Well I brought back the older woman from the dead, she's nojiko's mother."

Everyone froze as they heard what flare just said. They knew that he had weird powers but this one was on a different level.

Hancock: "Y-You can bring back the dead?"

Flare: "Oh right I forgot to mention it....oops."

Akimeg: "Does it have a limit?"

Flare: "Well currently I can only use it 2 more times, otherwise there's no risks or downsides to it. I can basically revive anyone in perfect condition."

Fuyumeg: "That's got to be one of the scariest abilities I've ever seen. The power to completely revive someone, I've never heard about anything like this."

Flare: "Well now you know, anyways I brought her back to life and decided to invite her as well. I couldn't invite the daughter and not invite the mother as well, it would be rude if I didn't do it. They are now apart of the crew so we should have a feast to welcome them."

Everyone cheered as flare started taking out a lot of food and alcohol out of his system. Everyone ate food and drank wine while music played using giant speakers connected to a phone that he bought as well. He downloaded thousands of songs as he put it on speaker to make everyone enjoy the feast even more. Nojiko and bellmere felt that they would come to love this crew as they could feel the love. Even the cold azula and esdeath were smiling and having a good time, showing that happiness was in the air. Flare sat by himself as he took a drink, he was soon joined by nojiko.

Nojiko: "Hey flare?"

Flare: "Yea?"

Nojiko: "Do yo have a girlfriend?"

Flare: "Why'd you ask?"

Nojiko: "N-Nothing, just asking."

Flare: "Well I have 5 girlfriends."

Nojiko: "W-What? is it some of the girls back there?"

Flare: "Yea, hancock was my first girlfriend but she allowed me to get more."

Nojiko: "Oh, so they all share. Isn't it hard managing more than one girl?"

Flare: "Well not really, I treat them all fairly and I make them all feel special in their own way. I always make time to spend time together with them."

Nojiko: "Well isn't that sweet."

Flare: "Are you interested in joining?"

Nojiko: "W-What! y-you must be crazy, why would I ever like you."

Flare: "Calm down, it was just a joke."

Nojiko: "Don't joke about stuff like that."

Flare laughed as he looked at nojiko's blushing face, she was just too cute not to tease. He went closer and kissed her cheek, she jumped back as her entire face turned blood red.

Flare: "You are just way too cute not to tease."

Nojiko: "If you tease me too much then I might have to tease you as well."

Flare: "Try me."

Nojiko then leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. Soon she had her arms around his neck as she kissed him with passion. She wasn't drunk but she was feeling the after effects of alcohol, this was what made her so bold at this moment. Flare didn't back down as well as he felt her lips wrap around his, he made sure to grope her ass causing her to moan into the kiss. Soon they broke the kiss as nojiko realized that she just did. Her face became red as she ran away and went into the kitchen, flare smiled as this was what usually happened after drinking.