
One Piece - The Collector

Thrown into the world of One Piece. Follow the adventures of Telflaire Hunter. Watch him establish his family, power and how it affects the flow of events in the world of pirates. Just try it, First time writting a fanfic. People! Just don't be too harsh and btw English is not my first language.

TrumpetSoap · アニメ·コミックス
24 Chs

9 Training



Two days later.

Hunter was sent to training camp but was immediately sent to a different camp, due to the fact he easily beat all his fellow students, even one was almost killed.

He is now under the care of the former Admiral, and now Teacher Zephyr.

There are 30 trainees in their camp. They will be trained under Z and after 6 months they will be sent for a graduation test. Where they will hunt pirates on their own.

There he met a couple of familiar people with their future titles. Black Cage Hina, White Hunter Smoker, Shark Cutter Bastille, Ship Cutter T-Bone, Shuu, Cancer, and one monkey-looking man Gorilla. There are others too he is familiar with, but they are not noteworthy.




And now facing each other on the training field. Hunter and Smoker are having a one-on-one fight.

Hunter is also now practicing his sword skills on Smoker, who on the other hand is having a hard time fighting his opponent.

He thought if he could just use his devil fruit he could easily defeat Hunter. 'This damn snake! I didn't even hit him once. It's so hard fighting him and catching him when his movements have no presence and little to no noise.

Preparing for a final clash Smoker thought 'I'm low on stamina now I will pour all my strength on this last attack'.

They each ran forward to each other. Smoker swung his blunt weapon at Hunter but suddenly he disappeared causing him to miss.

Hunter then appeared behind Smoker and slashed his training sword hitting Smoker's back. Shooting him like a canon ball to the wall.

A loud boom was then heard, and dust filled the area.

All the students were amazed at how strong Hunter is. They can hardly see his movements, They can't even beat Smoker and now seeing at how he was being toyed around

Hina clenched her fist, and declared, 'I'll will be become strong too.'

Teacher Zephyr then declared "Hunter wins! Good job both of you".

Smoker slowly stood up and angrily shouted, "Hey! That's fighting dirty Hunter! Hitting me in the back!".

Then Hunter looked him into his eyes "When we are done training here Smoker-san, we will be fighting dishonorable Pirates, Criminals, and Killers, there is no right or wrong in fighting them there are only Winners and Losers."

Smoker then lowered his head and realized what he said was true, but then very determined promise to himself 'I will beat you next time, and pound you to the ground.'

'I can't believe he was this naive when he was younger. I actually kinda like his character from the show.'

Zephyr looked into Hunter and thought 'This kid is a good seed, he is strong, smart, decisive when fighting, and most of all, he is mature for his age.

Then Zephyr dismissed all of them.


2 weeks later.

Day after day Hunter felt his growing strength and was exhilarated. ' Having a teacher makes the effort worthwhile.

In his class, nobody was still able to hit him in their spars. The only time they saw him get hit was when they fought with their Teacher Z.

Since he was more physically gifted than his fellow students. Zephyr then gave him special training after their classes were over.

Z doesn't want to treat his other students any differently, but it was specifically requested by Sengoku. To move Hunter's training regimen faster.

Sengoku plans to use Hunter as a poster boy for new marines, and specially motivate them to work harder.

As the Marines currently at, after the rise of Sakasuki, Borsalino, and Kuzan which are now the strongest military weapon of the Marines, the three Admirals.

Since then, there is hardly anyone who has a potential close to those three. While the pirates have gained and ballooned to uncontrollable levels.

He also sent a weapons instructor to Hunter since that was the only thing he was clumsy at.

Two weeks in and his physical strength is starting to develop into the right condition to train the Rokushiki, which even others would take a whole year.

Also, the most notable things about Hunter are his exceptional senses, nonexistent presence, and little to undetectable life force.

Even Sengoku thought if his Observation Haki was not strong enough, he doubted he could detect Hunter. 'This monster, he would be the future of the marines'.

Also a few days ago the Cipher Pol sent a request letter to transfer Hunter to them as they saw him as a perfect Agent to be recruited in their department. Which Sengoku immediately rejected and said Hunter was off limits.

At his strength now he is probably as strong as Loguetown Smoker in the show.


Inside one of the trainee's rooms.

Hunter is writing in his journal. Listing some names who need to die, be saved, and recruited. '

One of his focuses is to increase his stamina even more because the only thing he could think of, in going to Sky Island is to use Geppo, he could use the method Luffy used but that would be troublesome.

One time, while thinking of ways to travel he tried to use his devil fruit ability in his room since he can't practice it in the open.

He tried to make his poison cloud as thin as a string which was inspired by Doflamingos string string devil fruit. In the hopes of copying how Doflamingo attached his string to the clouds (Skyway) to travel.

However he was unsuccessful at creating the technique, so he abruptly stopped using it, because he felt that someone was watching him, he also thought, If he could somehow detect the use of Observation haki.

"I really can't be complacent at this place."


In the training ground.

A teen was practicing, lifting weights, running, and hitting the dummies.

He is exhausted and sweat drips down to the ground.

He was Smoker who was still pissed for the times he and Hunter fought. Even after that training I still can't hit even the corner of his clothes.

The only good thing about this is how fast he improved during these two weeks. 'I guess having a target to chase helps me get motivated.'

Also, Hina keeps improving too, I think that if I slack off even a little bit she will easily surpass me.

'I know it's a good thing, but every time I remember that smug look on his face, I just want to pound it to the ground. That bastard is always good at hiding his emotions but somehow shows me that face. I think he is doing it on purpose just to piss me off.' Angrily thought he continued punching the dummy.

Smoker thought that if he could use his devil fruit he easily beat him, but he rejected that idea, but he wanted to fight him with only physical strength.

Smoker would never thought that this decision would one day save his life.
