
One Piece - Rise of the King

Ryo wakes up on a Shore in Wano. Watch as his story unfolds and he is becoming the strongest Pirate in the word. On his journey He builds a crew that is going to dominate the seas. This story takes place in the world of One Piece. There are things that are different from the official work. So it's like an alternate Universe. This is my first time writing, so be warned that it is not perfect. English is not my first language. This is not the original One Piece Universe, there could be characters that are portrait different than in the original series.

Torpedo18 · アニメ·コミックス
34 Chs

Chapter 8: Revelations in the Darkness

The vast expanse of an open plain stretched out before Ryo, engulfed in an eerie darkness that seemed to swallow everything in its path. The only source of illumination came from the twinkling stars scattered across the night sky, casting a faint glow over the desolate landscape. Despite the emptiness of the surroundings, Ryo couldn't shake the feeling that he was not alone.

A faint, ethereal voice echoed through the darkness, calling out his name with a sense of urgency that sent shivers down his spine. Ryo turned around, searching for the source of the voice, but found nothing but the endless expanse of darkness stretching out before him.

Then, a slender hand touched his shoulder. As he turned someone stood before him. A beautiful woman cloaked in darkness, her presence both mysterious and mesmerizing. She was draped in a flowing black gown that seemed to blend seamlessly with the shadows, her long black hair cascading down her back like a waterfall of ink. Her lips were painted a deep shade of black, matching the darkness that surrounded them, while her eyes shone with an otherworldly glow, a mesmerizing shade of purple that seemed to pierce through the darkness itself.

For a moment, Ryo could do nothing but stare, captivated by the enigmatic beauty of the woman before him. She spoke again, her voice soft and melodious, yet tinged with an undercurrent of darkness.

"Do you know where you are?" she asked, her words hanging in the air like a lingering echo.

Ryo hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond. "I... I believe I am dead," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

The woman regarded him with a knowing look, her eyes glinting with a mixture of curiosity and something else – something Ryo couldn't quite place. "Yes, you are," she confirmed, her voice carrying a weight that seemed to settle over them like a heavy shroud.

As Ryo grappled with the implications of her words, the woman continued to speak, her voice taking on a solemn tone as she delved into the depths of his past.

"What brings you here this early my dear?", she asked. As he told her, that all he tried to do was to reason with Kaido. His sole intent was to save them from more suffering. She looked at him in sympathy and began to speak.

"Are you aware of your purpose?" Confusion started to spread on his face. "Ryo my dear, would you like me to tell you a little story?"

"There was once a family that lived in the land now known as Wano," she began, her words hanging in the darkness. "They were part of a secret clan, bound by blood and duty to protect the land and its people. For generations, they fought alongside the illustrious Kozuki Clan, sworn allies in a world of chaos and strife."

Ryo listened intently, hanging on her every word as she painted a vivid picture of the family's history. He could almost imagine the sprawling landscapes of ancient Wano, the clash of swords echoing through the air as warriors fought to defend their homeland.

But then, the woman's voice grew somber, her words tinged with sorrow as she recounted the events of 20 years ago – the tragic downfall of the Kozuki Clan at the hands of a ruthless tyrant.

"Kaido," Ryo whispered, the name sending a chill down his spine as memories of pain and loss flooded his mind. He remembered the chaos and devastation that had swept through Wano, the cries of anguish and despair that had echoed through the streets as Kaido's forces laid waste to everything in their path.

The woman nodded, her expression grave. "Yes, Kaido," she confirmed. "He sought to eradicate the Kozuki Clan, to seize control of Wano for his own twisted ambitions. And in doing so, he unleashed a wave of destruction that threatened to consume everything in its path."

"But... why?" Ryo asked, his voice filled with confusion and grief. "Why would he do such a thing?"

The woman's eyes darkened, a shadow passing over her features. "Power," she replied simply. "Kaido craves power above all else. He saw the Kozuki Clan as a threat to his dominance, and he sought to eliminate them by any means necessary."

As Ryo absorbed her words, a sense of anger and indignation welled up inside him. He clenched his fists, his nails digging into his palms as he struggled to contain his emotions. "It's not right," he muttered, his voice tinged with bitterness. "No one should have the right to wield such unchecked power, to destroy lives with impunity."

The woman regarded him with a solemn look, her eyes shimmering with understanding. "Indeed," she agreed. "But alas, such is the nature of the world we inhabit – a world where the strong prey upon the weak, where justice is but a fleeting illusion in the face of overwhelming tyranny."

As Ryo contemplated her words, the woman continued to speak, her voice taking on a mournful tone as she revealed the fate of the second family – the family that had once stood alongside the Kozuki Clan as their sworn allies.

"They too were hunted down by Kaido," she explained, her voice heavy with sorrow. "For he knew that as long as a member of the second family remained, there would always be hope for Wano to rise against him. And so, he sought to eliminate them all, to erase any trace of resistance from the land."

Ryo listened in stunned silence, his heart heavy with grief for the second family and the countless lives lost to Kaido's tyranny. He couldn't fathom the depths of the suffering inflicted upon Wano by the ruthless warlord, nor the magnitude of the sacrifices made by those who dared to oppose him.

But as the woman spoke, her voice filled with a sense of solemn determination, Ryo felt a flicker of hope ignite within him. Despite the darkness that threatened to engulf them, there was still a glimmer of light – a spark of defiance that refused to be extinguished.

"And yet," the woman continued, her words ringing out with quiet strength, "amidst the darkness, there remains a beacon of hope – a lone survivor who carries the legacy of the second family within him."

Ryo felt a surge of emotion well up inside him as he realized the weight of her words. He was that survivor – the last remnants of a once-proud lineage, standing alone against the forces of oppression and despair.

"But why me?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "Why was I spared when so many others perished?"

The woman regarded him with a knowing look, her eyes shimmering with a mixture of sadness and resolve. "Because," she replied, her voice soft yet resolute, "you are the key to unlocking the truth – the truth of your own past, and the truth of the world you inhabit."

As Ryo absorbed her words, a sense of clarity washed over him. He may not have known the full extent of his destiny, but he understood now that he held the power to shape the course of history – to stand against the forces of darkness and reclaim the light that had been lost.

"But how?" he asked, his voice filled with uncertainty. "How can I possibly hope to make a difference in a world consumed by chaos and despair?"

The woman smiled gently, her eyes sparkling with quiet reassurance. "By embracing who you are," she replied, her words carrying the weight of truth. "By embracing the legacy of your ancestors and the strength that lies within you. Only then can you hope to overcome the challenges that lie ahead."

With a sense of determination coursing through his veins, Ryo nodded, his resolve hardened by the knowledge that he carried within him the hopes and dreams of those who had come before him.

"And what of you?" he asked, his voice tinged with curiosity. "Who are you, and why have you chosen to reveal these truths to me?"

The woman's smile widened, a glimmer of mischief dancing in her eyes. "Ah, that is something only time would tell you my dear," she replied cryptically, her hand brushing his face. "For now, know only that I am here to guide you on your journey, to illuminate the path that lies before you."

"But who are you exactly? How should I call you?" As her gaze layer upon him she came ever so slowly closer. As she was right next to his face she whispered into his ear. "I am the Lady everyone meets once their life is over. I ... am Lady Death."

Ryo eyes widened in surprise. He hadn't thought that Death would be looking so stunning. Then she added something in a sweet but flirty tone.

"But I give you something only you are allowed to do." She smiled softly and whispered again in his ear.

"Call me Zoe." And with that she gave him a small Kiss on his cheek and began to giggle.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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