
One Piece - I'm Whitebeard

The Man, the legend, The father. Whitbeard know by many name, respect by many people. Kings, Marine, and pirate show respect and fear when hear his name. And old legend from the previous era, a rival of pirate kings. But surprisingly someone takeover whitebeard soul before he go to Summit war to save his son, Ace. Meet new adventure of living legend, and discover what else world has to offer. ___________ This my first fic, and it’s not originally mine. I translate it from MTL and write it here, if you the original owner feel free to DM me for takeover. Realese schedule: 4ch a week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday), with some bonus chap in certain occasion. _________ You can read the original MTL right here : https://www.wuxiap.com/novel/pirate-im-whitebeard.html _________ I also need some support, if you want please drop here, patreon.com/MoonEater18

MoonEater8 · アニメ·コミックス
295 Chs

11 Terrified Byrnndi World

"Newgate, if I were younger, maybe I would go to Marineford and fight with you."

"But now…I am old!"

Redfield slowly raised his head, revealing an old face under the faint firelight.

The sharp and confident gaze back then was now clouded and muddied.

In addition to his rotten body, it made him look like an old and injured lone wolf.

As he said.

If his body is still young.

Even without Whitebeard invitation, he was determined to cause a ruckus at Marineford.

However, with his body aging and deteriorating, Red the Aloof, Patrick Redfield, was no longer the fearless figure of the past and has no courage to treat everything as nothing.


Whitebeard laughed, not disappointed.

He seemed to have known that the other party would say something like this: "What if I give you Bat-Bat Fruit!"

Before coming, he knew that some prisoners were not easy to subdue.

For example, the Red Count in front of him.

In the original story, after Redfield escaped from the underwater prison, he momentarily lost faith in his heart and became obsessed with regaining his lost youth, driving him to madness.

It would be extremely challenging to convince someone who has lost faith to go to Marineford.

But he was prepared.

Know that Redfield greatest obsession is to restore his youth.

And the Bat-Bat Fruit is the key!


"How did you know?!"

Redfield trembled and suddenly raised his head, fixing his gaze upon Whitebeard.

His face reflected sheer shock.

His turbid eyes narrowed into tiny needles.

Whitebeard's words had left him in a state of shock.

He couldn't comprehend how Whitebeard knew about his desire for the bat-bat fruit.

That's right!

After seeing Whitebeard's arrival, he had the idea of escape from Impel Down.

And made up his mind, once he left the underwater prison, he would look for the Bat-Bat Fruit which held the promise of restoring his youth.

But he never expected it!

Whitebeard explained his thoughts with a single word.

This revelation left him both suspicious and a hint of panic started to creep in.

"I know where the Bat-Bat Fruit is, and I have the ability to get the fruit!"

"Redfield …do you understand what I mean?"

Whitebeard's tone became low.


Redfield fell silent.

He is Red the aloof Redfield!

He hate to ally with people without any threats he hold.

Even in the face of death, he will not let go of his pride.


That's what happened when he was young.

Now he is old!

Having already lost his faith, the only obsession in his heart is to restore his youth.

So… he couldn't refuse Whitebeard's request!

Dang dang~

The sound of broken chains sounded.

Redfield stood up slowly, looking at Whitebeard with a complicated expression.

"You won…Newgate!"


Whitebeard burst out laughing when he heard this, then turned to look at a cell next to him: "World, how long are you going to pretend to be dead!"

When this word fell, everyone looked at it.

They saw a corpse lying in the cell next door.

On the front side of the corpse, there was a huge piece of ice, and a person was being frozen in the ice.


"World? Is this old guy still alive?"

Crocodile lit a cigar and sneered looking at the frozen Byrnndi World.

"He didn't die so easily!"

Whitebeard said.

Then he raised his fist violently and slammed it down into the air.


There was a loud roar.

A punch shattered the air, unleashing a powerful shockwave that reverberated and slammed into the icy block.

With a resounding click, the ice shattered.

The frozen Byrnndi World also fell heavily to the ground.

However, the other party remained motionless on the ground, lying still as if already dead.

"Father, is he really alive?"

Jinbei couldn't help asking.

Others also showed suspicion when they heard it, because no matter how they looked at it, as the person before them appeared undeniably dead, leaving little room for doubt.

"World, when will you stop pretending to be dead!"

Whitebeard didn't show mercy this time.

The muscles in the arms bulged as they forcefully collided with the air, generating a powerful impact.


A roar of terror!

The air was directly smashed to pieces.

The strong shock wave slammed into World lying on the ground like a raging wave.

"Whitebeard, are you trying to kill me!"

World, who was still pretending to be dead, suddenly jumped up in shock.

Without thinking, he raised his arms and crossed them in front of him.

At the same time, Armament Haki enveloped all over hisbody.


The two collided, producing a huge roar.

Then, under everyone's shocked gaze, the Armament Haki's World was covered with shock waves and flew out.

After hitting the iron bars of the cell, he made a loud noise, and then fell to the ground.


"White…Whitebeard, you bastard…"

World coughed violently.

But the gaze directed at Whitebeard was full of shock and confusion.

Because he can't figure it out.

Why does Whitebeard, who is about the same age as himself, still have this kind of strength?

Just like the punch just now, his Haki couldn't resist even his arms feeling numb

That powerful and terrifying vibration.

Let him have the feeling of facing Whitebeard in his prime!

"This old guy is in his seventies this year, right?"

"Speaking logically, like me, my body has declined to a certain extent, but so why did he possess such strength?"

A look of surprise appeared in World's eyes.

After pondering for a while, he, still unable to fully comprehend, suddenly felt an aura of mystery surrounding Whitebeard.

This feeling actually made him feel little scared!

"For now, refrain from provoking Whitebeard as my body has yet to fully recover!"

World made the decision to be honest.

If he provoke the other Whitebeard dissatisfaction, then come and punch himself again. With his current state, he's afraid will be beaten to death.