
On Our Wedding Night, His Highness Can’t Continue His Acting After Reading My Mind!

# 1V1 # PRETENDTOBEAFOOL Yun Ran, the Pavilion Master, was proficient in medicine, poison, and martial arts. She lived her days like a divine deity, but when she was struck by lightning, her soul transmigrated into the body of the eldest lady of the Shangshu Mansion, who was often bullied. From then on, her days were no better than a dog’s…Trying to avoid a marriage she didn’t want, Yun Ran’s stepsister had someone knock Yun Ran unconscious and threw her into the sedan to take her place. She married a man who was rumored to suffer from various conditions from head to toe. On their wedding night, Nangong Mo told her, “I’m blind, and I’ll have a short life. I don’t want a beautiful woman like you to make a mistake. You may divorce me and find someone else.”Yun Ran affectionately replied, “People often say that when a couple marries, there would be no doubt about their love. Since we’re married, we should stay together. I’ll accompany you till the last moment of your life.” However, Nangong Mo could hear her inner thoughts. Divorce? Why would I do that? I’ll stay at your house and spend your money. When you kick the bucket, I’ll dig a hole and bury you, then I’ll inherit the rest of your wealth and land. Isn’t that wonderful? Nangong Mo gritted his teeth and slowly said, “Heh… Very wonderful!”

Wind Dance Susu · 一般的
40 Chs

Dark Moon, High Wind

翻訳者: Atlas Studios 編集者: Atlas Studios

The moon was dark. The two guards and a tiger walked through the windy purple bamboo forest.

The two men were handsome and tall. They were dressed in black and looked exceptionally chivalrous. The white tiger walked beside them with an arrogant aura.

"Old Feng, are we really going to do this? Isn't this a little inappropriate?"

Ye Xiao looked at the white tiger beside him and muttered. Feng Xuan glanced at him.

"Why don't you tell me?"

"No! I haven't married yet! I refuse to die young!"

"Then shut your mouth."


However, Ye Xiao could not stay quiet for long before he started nagging again.

"Speaking of which, how did that girl offend the prince for him to want to scare her?"

"What do you think we should do if this delicate and weak woman gets frightened?"

"Sigh, His Highness really doesn't know how to be gentle to women! What if no girl likes him in the future?"

Feng Xuan pretended not to hear.

As they spoke, the two of them and the tiger had already approached Windy Court.

Feng Xuan patted the white tiger. "Go. Be careful not to hurt anyone."

The white tiger roared at the sky and shot towards Windy Court like an arrow, colliding with Yun Ran, who was about to go out to hunt.

The girl and the beast looked at each other.


The white tiger raised its claws and stood on its hind legs. It bared its teeth at the petite woman in front of it and flaunted its might.

Yun Ran was speechless.

They might as well change the name of Prince Qin's mansion to Beast Manor.

And could this thing have been sent by Nangong Mo to silence him?


Perhaps it was her calm appearance that made the white tiger feel that its dignity had been hurt. It bared its mouth and revealed its dense canine teeth. Its master had ordered it to scare the human in front of it, but this human did not seem to be afraid!

"Roar! Howl!"

"Shut up! You're so noisy!"

In the corner of the courtyard, Ye Xiao tried to press his ear against the wall. "Eh? Why isn't there any movement? Should I go up and take a look?"

Before he could finish, he jumped onto the wall.

Feng Xuan reached out to stop him, but he only managed to grab one of his feet…

Looking at the shoe in his hand, Feng Xuan had a look of disdain and helplessness. "Come down quickly!"

"Oh my God! Come and see!"

"Cut the crap and get down."

"It's true. Big White has betrayed us!"

Feng Xuan frowned and flew up to take a look. His eyes were also filled with surprise.

Big White, which was still fierce and arrogant just now, was now lying on the ground obediently like a docile big cat.

It even wagged its tail at the girl in front of her, its posture flattering and humble!

As for the girl, she was poking at Big White's head again and again with her slender fingers, like she was lecturing a puppy…


The two of them looked at each other in surprise and disbelief.

Then, they saw Big White stand up from the ground. The girl jumped onto Big White's back and left, leaving them dumbfounded.

Feng Xuan was the first to come back to his senses.

"I'll follow and take a look. You go report this to His Highness."

… .

In the study, Nangong Mo sat lazily in front of the table with one hand supporting his chin. He tilted his head slightly and listened casually to the female secret guard reporting information about Lin Wanyue. His side profile was as perfect as that of a god.

The night pearl emitted an orchid-colored light, plating his body with a hazy glow that was blurry and dangerous.

"Although Lin Yanran conspired with Madam Qin to push Lin Wanyue to marry in her place, Lin Qianqiu knew about this."

"Lin Wanyue refused at first as she had a sweetheart, but she was forced to drink the Soft Tendon Powder and knocked out before being sent to the bridal sedan."

"Lin Wanyue is timid by nature and has a weak personality. She has always been submissive in the residence and has been bullied, but she has never resisted."

The man's lips slowly curved in an amused smile. He lowered his eyes to the portrait on the table.

The woman in the painting was beautiful, but her expression was wooden, her eyes were timid, and there was a hint of sadness between her eyebrows. Her every move was uneasy.

It matched what Xueluo had said, but it was incompatible with the woman he had seen tonight.

They looked identical, but they were completely different.

The Minister's Mansion had installed Lin Wanyue as a replacement. Could it be that even this Lin Wanyue was fake?

At this moment, Ye Xiao's ghostly howl came from outside the door.

"Master, bad news. Big White has betrayed us!"

After Ye Xiao's description, Nangong Mo frowned imperceptibly, and his eyes gradually darkened.

She actually knew how to tame beasts? Was it possible for a young lady who was not favored?

"Where is she now?"

… .

In the kitchen, Yun Ran, who had been hungry all day and had finally eaten her fill, stretched in satisfaction.

"Oh! I'm full and can't sleep. It's dark and the wind is strong. What should I do?"

The white tiger looked at Yun Ran with innocent eyes. It didn't feel like anything good was going to happen…

Yun Ran blew on her fingers and smiled warmly.

That black-hearted Nangong Mo had actually sent a dire beast to scare a weak woman! If this was the Host, wouldn't she cry from fear?

Since he didn't do humane things, he couldn't blame her for her next steps… Hmph!

After half an hour, Yun Ran, who had carefully prepared, reached out and stroked the white tiger's head.

"Xiaobai, which room is your master sleeping in? Let's give him a surprise."

Big White glared at Yun Ran with her beautiful amber eyes for a while. Although she was very resistant, she still carried her to the Snow Listening Pavilion where Nangong Mo lived.

The journey was surprisingly smooth. There was not even half a guard to stop her. Yun Ran sighed. She had arrived at his bedroom door so easily… It was really not challenging at all!

Glancing at the wooden bucket filled with ice water in her left hand, Yun Ran waved for Big White to retreat and crept into the bedroom.

She walked around the heavy curtains and finally sneaked toward Nangong Mo's bed in the dark.

The banana leaf in her right hand was stained with ice water as she fanned Nangong Mo's bed.

It had the effect of a gust of cold wind.

"Beauty… I'm here. Wake up quickly and welcome me…"

Yun Ran's voice sounded cold and sinister, like a wisp of a ghost in the middle of the night…

Nangong Mo slowly opened his eyes. When he saw the woman floating in front of the bed, the corners of his mouth twitched imperceptibly.

Moonlight fell through the half-closed window into the room and mixed with the shadows in a blur. The girl in the faint light was floating in midair in a wide white dress; her long sleeves were almost reaching the ground.

She held the bucket in her left hand and the banana leaf in her right. She fanned the cold wind at him like water.

Her black hair scattered like a waterfall, and a few strands of it brushed past his face with the wind, revealing a faint fragrance.

Nangong Mo raised his hand and gently brushed a strand of black hair by his ear, wrapping it around his fingertip.

Then he pulled.

Yun Ran was caught off guard and let out a low cry. She wanted to pounce on him and bite him to death!

"Damn you! Just you wait! I'll shave your hair off sooner or later! Since you're awake, smile at me first and make me happy."

At this moment, Yun Ran's voice was not only sinister but also murderous.

Nangong Mo's thin lips curled up into a faint smile.

"Who are you? Stop pretending."

Yun Ran fanned him with a cold wind. Her long, cold, and silky sleeves spun around his face.

"I'm a wisp of soul that has wandered the world for millions of years. I passed by here tonight and saw that you're peerlessly beautiful. I'm very satisfied and want to bring you back to be my husband."

"Heh! So it's a female ghost."

Yun Ran looked at the faint smile on his lips and was very depressed.

Is he not scared at all?

And he seemed to be laughing at her!

Knowing that he couldn't see, she even 'dressed' carefully. She was so dedicated to her act. What a waste!

"Wrong! I'm a lecherous ghost! We specifically target beautiful men like you!"

"So, you were beaten to death because you were lusting for someone else's beauty?"

Yun Ran was speechless.

Are you polite? Is that your concern?! Can't you have some awareness that you're about to be sexually harassed?

Nangong Mo looked at the girl dressed as a female ghost in the faint moonlight.

She had bright eyes and white teeth. Her features were exquisite and beautiful.

Especially those eyes. They were like stars that had fallen into the autumn water. They were bright, lively, and cunning.

It was that pair of eyes that lit up her entire face and made the surrounding scenery pale in comparison.

"Congratulations, I've decided not to proceed!"

"Oh? You're backing off?"

In response, Yun Ran sneered sinisterly. "No, I want to eat you! Bite by bite, raw."

Nangong Mo was speechless.

"Speaking of which, I haven't eaten anyone for a long time. Look at your beautiful face. It must be extremely delicious! Well, where should I start eating first?"

Nangong Mo was speechless.

Yun Ran really floated forward a little and leaned slightly closer to Nangong Mo.

One hand was on the bed beside him, and the other was wrapped in a special sleeve that was as smooth as water and as cold as ice as it reached towards his handsome face.